The Dragon's Reward

Story by Celeblu on SoFurry

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Here's a one-off, pure gay smut between a feral dragon and an anthro wolf! Yay sexy times!

The Dragon's Reward

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Falkor was an old dragon. Well, comparatively old compared to most of the two-legged races. By dragon standards, he was still in the prime of his life, his brilliant blue scales glimmering like sapphires, his body vibrant with the energy of youth.

Yet other dragons would believe whatever age he said he was, for dragons, traditionally, measured their lives by the size of their hoard. Falkor possessed one fitting of an ancient dragon, and his caverns flowed with golden coins, textured with glittering jewels and trinkets. He had gained his wealth somewhat through capitalism, the services of a dragon rather valued amongst the smaller races, but the vast majority of it had been obtained from the Great Calamity of Nin.

Falkor remembered that day very clearly, the day he became the richest dragon in his part of the world. There was a promising human mage that had tried to create a spell able to turn everything in his tower into gold, and Falkor had invested quite a bit of capital into his success. The dragon didn't believe the wizard could succeed, but the human's efforts amused him, and a satisfied smile was truly what he sought most in life.

As the mage's greatest supporter, he had naturally been invited to witness the culmination of the old wizard's life's work. At the very top of the black-stoned tower, he stood next to the little human and watched as he attempted to turn his spire into sparkling gold.

The spell was incredible, to say the least. Falkor had been impressed, in fact, he had even worried a bit for his own safety, a feat very difficult to perform. The wizard's spell had experienced some sort of cascading failure, and the sheer magnitude of the magic involved had resonated through his tower, shattering it, and caused an explosion of arcane influence throughout the entire realm of Nin.

The poor old wizard had died within seconds of casting the spell, all the energy in his body unintentionally used up to fuel the initial spell. Falkor had been at the epicenter of the blasting wave of magic, but he was a creature whose very body was sustained by magic. The air was filled with raw, malleable arcane energy, power that mages could harness, but dragons were that power naturally manifested. Falkor's body was a solidified, resilient form of magic, his very scales thrumming with vibrant energy, giving his flesh protection from nearly any sort of human-crafted spell or weapon. He was an island oasis in a sea of magic, a sea which had tried to throw a massive tsunami upon him, and he had actually feared for his life that day.

But the crashing waves passed, and he had endured. The force of the spell had merely knocked him unconscious, and when he awoke, he'd found himself lying in a pile of rubble, a thing which would have annoyed him if not for the fact that the wizard's final spell had evidently worked.

The old man's tower had actually been transmutated successfully before he died. Falkor had awakened lying in the middle of a stack of golden debris that was more than a mile in diameter. Everything inside--the mage's books, furniture, trash--had been transformed too, and he alone claimed all of the treasure.

While the dragon had scurried to arrange transport of the golden debris and made plans for what he'd do when he melted it, the rest of the realm was in turmoil. The wizard's spell had changed more than his tower, and it had knocked all of the humans in Nin, except for the ones living very far from the tower, unconscious, just as it had done to Falkor. But unlike Falkor's fate, when the men awoke, they were, well, some would have considered it auspicious, others not so much.

Over the course of a few hours, humanity in Nin had become quite diversified.

Falkor hadn't really noticed, having used drakeling couriers to transport his gold, but once he'd started searching for a metalsmith to craft his newfound wealth, he discovered the change.

Men had become beastmen. Wolves, deer, bear, boar--the change seemed to be random, and all humanity had turned into some sort of animal. Falkor wasn't bothered by the change, but he sure had difficulty discerning prey from beastmen for quite a while, and he was not like the uncivilized dragons from across the sea who were rumored to consume anything alive, sapient or not, so there were quite a few misunderstandings for a while.

At their heart, though, the beastmen were still human. They adapted after a few decades, but not before several wars which Falkor had taken very little interest in aside from learning all the new ways the little creatures created to kill each other more efficiently.

No, after he had all his gold minted into coins and statues, the dragon spent most of his time carving out his home. More to his enjoyment, he had devised the entrance to his wealth-ladened caverns to be a labyrinth of tricks and traps, and he had issued out a proclamation that anyone who successfully made it to his hoard would be allowed to take either one precious object or one bag of anything he or she could carry.

There were some who made it, and they became rich and famous. Most, however, died in his caverns, and he had to have them cleaned every once in a while by hired dragons less his mazes be clogged with the skeletons of the deceased. Over time, the way to his hoard became more and more complex and dangerous, but that did not trim the amount of people who tried to traverse it.

Falkor watched every poor soul who tried to enter with keen interest. It never failed to amuse him how foolhardy most of the treasure hunters were, and he enjoyed the occasional surprise showing of ingenuity few ever displayed.

Now, a few hundred years after the Great Calamity, Falkor watched one of his many viewing orbs with glee. There were two beings on their way to his hoard today, one who had been trying for nearly two weeks and another who had made it to his newest puzzle in just a day. In fact, the dragon was helping the latter reach his last puzzle faster after seeing the ease with which the wolf-man had survived the first three traps on his way in, even providing a few not-so-subtle trailing glowing hints in the maze the horse-man was about to expire in.

Like a child with a new toy, Falkor ignored the horse dying from dehydration, a relatively common cause of death in his maze that could easily be prevented with a spool of string, and watched the wolf step into the new hall he had installed, the last path before reaching his hoard. No one had reached this part yet this month, and the two who had made it the previous month died of thirst after finding themselves unable to find their way back out of the maze.

As soon as the dark grey wolf stepped into the hall, it lit up with sky blue light. The walls peeled away, transporting the two-legged beastman to another dimension, a place filled with mirrors, a million shards of reflection.

The wolf paused as he looked around the space which seemed to extend to infinity. He had tried to prepare and learned what he could from someone who had navigated through the dragon's caverns, paying much for the knowledge, but he had been warned that the maze was always evolving. Now he was not sure what to do with this new test.

An ominous, deep voice rumbled through from seemingly nowhere. "Only when you strike your true self shall you proceed."

And then the mirrors all showed him, depicting him in various shapes and sizes. Some seemed normal, but what he was doing did not match with what he was seeing, or something subtle about his face was mismatched. A hammer, topped with a hard rubber head, formed at his first step, and he picked it up.

Smashing all of them was not an option, clearly. There must've been--nay, there could actually be--an infinite amount of mirrors in this space. Maybe there was one that didn't move, or one that was always watching him, or...

Falkor watched the little wolf-man try to think through the riddle. His grin grew wider every time the canine shattered a mirror only to find no change in his predicament, and he savored how he slowly became more and more frustrated as time flew on by. The dragon was happy to see that this particular treasure hunter had at least been smart enough to lay down a string to find his way back out of his maze if he so desired, but a devilish part of him wanted to re-arrange the walls if the wolf should fail his last test.

Hours turned into days. The wolf had prepared with plenty of water flasks and packed foods, but his supplies were not indefinite. Falkor would chuckle every time the wolf went on a hammer rampage, the little grey creature's anger and confusion entertaining the dragon to no end.

On the fourth day, Falkor was a bit surprised at the wolf's cleverness. He'd taken off his clothes, simple adventuring gear that kept him a tad warmer than his fur did, and tried smashing a few more mirrors. The dragon had to admit that was an appropriately smart answer to his riddle, but he would not take it as the correct one, not yet, and he hoped the wolf-man would stay longer now that he was presenting his bare flesh to him.

Falkor knew there was something different about him. He always enjoyed staring at the young drakelings who did his chores around his home, all male, gazing at their muscles as they flexed and worked. Often times, his eyes would drift towards their loins when they weren't noticing, and he'd feel a stir in his own slit. But he kept himself at bay, believing what he was told from his youth that mating was between a male and a female, never knowing that his preferences were actually quite common amongst other male dragons.

The sapphire-tinted dragon could barely spend any time away from his sight orb now, and he ignored another fool who had entered his labyrinth. His gaze was fixed upon the male wolf's body, staring at his well-toned muscles and soft fur. He had the form of a hard worker, not overly buff, but enough to make the dragon's legs shiver. This was an even greater taboo for him, not just drooling over another male, but another male of a difference species at that, and yet he couldn't help that he liked what he saw.

Falkor loved watching him when he swung a hammer at one of the mirrors. He zoomed the sight orb towards the wolf's genitals, the little creature's external balls of great interest to him. He liked how heavy they looked, how far they swung when he turned his body to smash a mirror, how both precious and vulnerable they were, so unlike his own internal testicles. His sheath was interesting too, not hung out like a human's, and not entirely invisible like his own slit.

Falkor had to relieve himself that night, the dragon unused to seeing either man or beastman fully in the nude like this--they were always so conservative with their clothes, a strange phenomenon to dragons, especially considering most of the post-calamity races had grown fur, supplanting the need for clothing in all seasons but winter.

So seeing this canine's bare naked form was a rare treat, something he never had the opportunity to stare at for so long. It was enticing, imagining how the little two-legged creature mated, and it drove him to a rather quick release that night, his long tongue having been especially fervent in its work to stave off this new source of excitement.

The next day, Falkor had decided to give the wolf a hint. The beastman did, after all, please him to a much higher degree than others who had tried to win a prize from his hoard, and the dragon deemed him clever enough to be worthy of a tip.

So it was that Falkor grasped the sight orb containing the vision of the wolf and spoke, his voice booming from all directions inside the strange dimension.

"The farther you look for yourself, the farther away you will be from achieving your goal."

In retrospect, the dragon thought the clue was rather too obvious.

Aaron was absolutely flummoxed. He'd done everything he could to prepare for the dragon's puzzles, but this last one had him stumped and bewildered, the very magic fueling the mirrors disorienting him. He was absolutely sure the dragon was preying on his and all humanoid's modesties by forcing them to strip to answer his riddle, but then his hypothesis was not correct. Falkor was not a dragon known for lying or cheating, so he was sure he simply hadn't solved the puzzle right.

He'd packed a week's reserve of supplies, but it was wildly uncomfortable to feel his bag more than half as light as it was when he had entered.

And then the voice came again, making the wolf's head snap to attention.

He heard the hint and pondered. His head swiveled around to look at the mirrors closest to him, but his eyes were drawn to a new visage far away. He peered at the image, a pinkish skin color in the sea of grey furs, and furrowed his brows.

Was that the answer? His true self was him without his fur? It made sense, in a way, but it seemed to contradict the dragon's tip. The wolf had to mull the words over in his head, thinking about any possible wordplay or puns his clue might've possessed.

There was none Aaron could figure, so he figured he might as well try for a bit and sprinted towards the discolored mirror. An hour passed, however, and he appeared to have not gotten any closer to the naked reflection of himself.

He laid down for a break to rest his weary legs and took a drink out of one of his water flasks. Tired, he watched the ethereal ceiling flow with the manifestations of magic, and he thought harder about the clue.

After his flask was almost empty, he took another swig and spilled some over his chest after chugging too harshly. He wiped his fur with his paw, and then he had an epiphany from the water's cool touch.

He grabbed the hammer and shrugged.

No. It can't be that simple, can it? It kind of makes sense, though, with a rubber mallet? It wouldn't hurt to try, well, maybe a little, but not too badly!

He brought the hammer down and gave his stomach a good thwack. A wave of magic seemed to erupt from the strike, and all the mirrors in the space shattered as the wolf was pulled back into reality, back into the normal hall of stone.

In the deeper part of his hoard, Falkor smiled and went out to greet his first successful visitor in months.

Aaron tip-toed down the hall, wary of any further possible traps. He stalked his way along the walls, not daring to sprint forward even when the glint of gold flashed towards his eyes. As he slowly made his way towards the end, a bellowing voice sent him into an alarm.

"There are no more challenges to overcome," it said. "Dragon's honor."

The wolf sagged his shoulders and dropped his guard. He walked steadily, but he still remained cautious. Dragons did not go against their word, but their words often were instilled with some sort of trickery.

Still, Falkor's word was true, and the wolf made his way into the dragon's inner caverns without encountering anymore obstacles. Aaron had heard stories about the dragon's riches, but when he beheld them, they still nearly dazzled him to a state of paralysis. The place was filled with shining objects, the only relief being the massive pillars which held the mountain above from crashing down upon the dragon's abode.

But somewhere near the start of where the glimmering hoard began, like a swimmer who had just returned to the beach from swimming in the sea, was the treasure Aaron sought: Falkor, the blue dragon who owned the mountain and its surrounding land.

The wolf had always admired the creature. When he was young, he often stared at a painting of the dragon, one drawn by an artist who had returned from his hoard as a new member of the elite. The admiration for his beautiful form turned into lust as he hit his teenage years, the hormones in his body making him hot and bothered every time he saw the painting. He knew it was unnatural--he was supposed to feel that way towards females, at the very least towards only humans or humanoids, but he couldn't help what he felt. And for many years since puberty, he had long thought of a way to gain the dragon's flesh for himself.

Oh, he thought he was clever, and he wanted to see the look of surprise on the dragon's face.

For now, however, the handsome dragon was staring at Aaron with an air of curiosity. The wolf thought he was even more beautiful than the painting had attempted to render, and there was that irresistible heat flowing to the space between his legs again. He was also as large and grand as rumors had told, the dragon's size easily as large as a townhouse--he hoped certain other rumors were true as well. He was so captivated by the dragon's form and rushed to his prize that he'd completely forgotten to put his clothing back on, but the dragon's odd glances downward went unnoticed by the awestruck wolf.

Several odd seconds passed before Aaron thought the dragon was expecting something of him, so he squeaked out, "Umm, hi."

Falkor's eyes snapped to focus and gave the little wolf a toothy smile. "Welcome, treasure seeker. May I ask for your name?"

"Uhh, Aaron."

"Well, Aaron, congratulations on completing my trials. You almost disappointed me, going for that impossibly far mirror when I had explicitly told you not to."

The wolf had no words and hung his head slightly in shame.

The dragon waved a forepaw at the treasures behind him. "But you succeeded, in any case. As promised, you may choose to fill one bag with as many items as you can, or you may choose one item which I shall deliver to you if you cannot carry it, and guarantee of safe passage home."

Aaron glanced behind the dragon, taking a nonchalant look at all the gold and precious gems, and settled his eyes upon the most precious sapphire jewel in the hoard. He huffed, wondering what the dragon's reaction would be.

Falkor saw the little wolf's eyes wander and stop while his mouth formed a devious smile, and the dragon wondered what the lesser creature was smirking about. "Well?" the dragon asked.

"I choose," Aaron said, "the most splendid object in your hoard."

Falkor raised an eye ridge. "Oh? And what would that be, beastman?"

The wolf drew in a breath before answering. "You."

A low rumble emanated from within the large creature's throat, a rumble which slowly grew into a chuckle and blossomed into a deep laugh. Aaron was not sure what to make of his reaction, but his thoughts were shut down when all of the dragon's laughter ceased abruptly, all sound vacuumed away into oblivion. Instead, he saw the dragon's eyes glowering at him with an expression bearing a meaning he was quite sure of.

Falkor leered at the little wolf with barely a hint of friendliness. "You honor me and insult me at the same time, little one. An interesting act from an interesting creature."

Aaron gave him that quizzical look which was so common from others like him when they were stumped by the dragon's puzzles and riddles. "Err--"

"Tell me, do you consider other sapient beings objects? Do you consider yourself to be an object, a thing to be used and discarded?"

"Umm," the wolf stuttered, "no, I suppose not."

"Hmph. If not, then why do you consider me an object? Do you insult me, or is your attempt at wordplay more juvenile than you think?"

The wolf's legs were quaking now, the authority of the dragon's voice making his knees weak. "I--I beg your pardon, sir."

Falkor snorted with contempt. "Of course you do. Otherwise, you'd be going home with only my advice as your reward. Any other dragon would hunt you down after your guarantee of safety was over."

"Please," the wolf begged, "I apologize profusely--"

The dragon silenced him with a wave of his paw. "Yes, yes, apology accepted and what have you."

Relief washed over the canine's face, but then he realized there must have been some condition. "T-thank you," he stammered, "sir."

Falkor gave the little beastman a toothy grin. "Now then, I'm intrigued. What would make you risk such a foolish gamble? Did you desire to own me and thus all my wealth? Perhaps you wanted my strength as a weapon? Or perhaps you wanted to use me to ferry you across the world? No, don't answer me directly, no, let's do something else."

"Err," Aaron said, fidgeting, "what?"

"You have humored me, boy, in such a rare manner that I shall choose to humor you in return. I shall let you choose an aspect of me to take as your object of choice."

The canine looked upon the towering dragon with curiosity. "An aspect?"

"Yes. For example, if you choose my Aspect of Strength, you shall be able to summon me whenever you are in need of a dragon to help you fight, or move something heavy, or whatever else you might need my power for. Aspect of Wealth, and you shall never worry about being fiscally responsible again, though the rule then would be that you cannot use so much of my wealth that there'd no longer be any Aspect of Wealth to own. Aspect of Flight, for whenever you need to travel, and so on and so on. Understand?"

Aaron nodded and twitched his ears. If this was the dragon's offer, then he'd still be able to get away with the thing he wanted most. "Yes," he said, "I understand."

The dragon's grin never departed. "I shall give you some time to think about which aspect you desire, then."

Aaron mulled the idea over in his head, thinking about the other boons he'd be sacrificing for what he wanted. In the end, his loins won over his brain's counterarguments, and he declared his desire. "I want your Aspect of Sexuality," he said at last.

Falkor raised an eye ridge and brought his neck back a bit, the ruff on top of his head flaring slightly. Evidently, the wolf shared a similar desire with him! "Oh?" he said, "I revise my statement. You have humored me in a way no other being has before."

"That's a good thing," Aaron said, "I hope?"

"It is indeed," the dragon said, his smile turning absolutely wicked.

The wolf raised a paw. "Err, I have one question before we proceed."

"What is it?"

"Rumors say that you, uhh, dragons can change their size at will. Is this true?"

Falkor responded by lazily waving his right forepaw, and then he shrank to the size of an elephant. "To certain limits," he said.

The wolf licked his lips, his wanting overriding his modesty. "Could you go smaller?"

Falkor eyed him suspiciously, and then he twirled his paw again to shrink to the size of a larger man. "I could turn even smaller, but I will have to refuse any further downsizing. I will not turn myself smaller than you. It is a matter of pride."

"Okay," Aaron said, "I understand."

The dragon chuckled and turned around. His head craned behind to see the wolf with one eye, and he flicked his tail invitingly. "Come with me, then, and you shall have your reward. I can see your body is growing impatient."

Aaron was suddenly made very aware of the fact that he had forgotten to cover himself after departing the hall of mirrors, and his paws reflexively went over his loins to cover himself.

The dragon barked out a laugh at the beastman's reaction. "You want my Aspect of Sexuality, yet you cover yourself to try and hide your desire?"

Aaron felt flush in his cheeks and forced his paws onto his hips. "Uhh, right," he said, laughing awkwardly.

Falkor looked away from him and flicked his tongue. Oh, what a delicious twist in fate this was! He'd have his own little male to play with, and he wanted it too! He had to stop himself from jumping onto the wolf right there and fill him with his essence. The dragon would do that in time, yes, he promised to himself. He gestured with his tail and beckoned the canine to follow him deeper into his lair, through his hoard and into his inner sanctum.

Aaron was awestruck by what must have been the dragon's living space. Here, the sea of gold was replaced by velvet and silk, plush mattresses, and marvelously hand-crafted tapestries leaving not a single wall bare. Not even the high ceiling was left undecorated, the dark stone above melding with complimenting abstract paintings.

Falkor sat his haunches down onto one of the large maroon mattress pads and watched the wolf's stunned eyes scan around his space. "You didn't think I slept on piles of gold and gems, did you?"

"I thought, but, that's what the stories say," the wolf stammered out.

"You're a smarter critter than that," Falkor replied. "Neither gold nor jewels are soft and pleasant to lay upon, true?"

"Yes," Aaron replied, "but I'd assumed it was true because of your hard scales protecting you."

The dragon scoffed. "Hard things erode other hard things. I'd damage my own riches, and my scales would be eternally scuffed. Besides, some of the smaller objects like to find their way between my scales as well. It is not a comfortable idea."

The wolf's eyes moved from the ceiling down to meet the dragon's own. "I see the error in my assumption." His eyes glanced at something out of place, a piece of fleshy pink standing out amongst blue and darker red.

Falkor caught the glance and grinned. "Good. Now we are both comfortable, yes?"

Aaron nodded.

"My reward to you is presented, then, as you can plainly see." Falkor widened his sitting stance to accentuate his meaning. "What would you have me do with this?"

Aaron returned the dragon's grin with his own toothy one. At last, the moment had come, and the wolf could barely contain his excitement. "Lay on your back," he commanded.

The dragon raised a curious eye ridge but did as he was told, bound now by his word. Perhaps the beastman wished to ride upon his spear, he thought, but what was to come never passed as a possibility in the dragon's prideful mind.

Aaron approached the lying mass of blue scales, his throbbing erection growing ever more impatient. Oh, he wished he could've had the dragon turn even smaller, but he could settle with this. He approached the magnificent beast slowly, savoring the dragon's appearance. Falkor had his head held slightly up from his horns pressing against the pad, the material probably weaved with some magic to prevent being punctured by them or his claws, and Aaron couldn't wait to caress the ruff on top of his head, or the little frills by his ears.

The wolf had forgotten to put his clothes back on, but he hadn't forgotten to carry his pack with him. His bag hadn't been noticed until now, the weight of its straps suddenly bearing down on his shoulders. He needed something from it now, but watching the dragon exposed like this made him delay his search. Instead, he dropped his pack somewhere convenient and sauntered over onto the pad until he was very close to the beautiful beast.

Falkor felt the mattress be disturbed by the wolf's footsteps, and he briefly imagined how the beastman would set himself upon his rod. It was large, even in his diminished size, and he was unsure how painful it would be for the canine.

The dragon's thoughts were dispelled when he felt something very warm enter the vicinity of his snout, something which was filled with an incredible smell that seemed to fuel the heat flowing to his loins. His imagination flickered away and brought him to the reality of what he was facing: the wolf's hanging balls and rock hard shaft hovering right above his muzzle.

Falkor narrowed his eyes and let out a low roar. "What is this?"

"Suck," Aaron replied. "Suck my balls. Suck my cock. Make it wet and sloppy for me."

"How dare you! I should bite them off right now for your lack of deference!"

The wolf knew he was toying with fire now, but the dragon's words were in his favor. "No," he said quickly, "I own your Aspect of Sexuality, so I can command you in this way."

Falkor felt the power of his promise fold against his pride, bending it until it was drowned by his words and, strangely, his lust. Some part of him wanted this, and he found his long limber tongue flow out of his mouth and lap at the wolf's genitals without his consent.

The wolf had been cleverer than he thought.

Aaron let out a few gasps as he felt the dragon's tongue toy with his stuff, and then he knew he was in the clear. His legs had been ready to spring up and flee just in case the dragon did make any snapping attempt at his precious jewels, but now they relaxed. He lowered himself until he was smothering the dragon's snout with his sac, and Falkor took it all in and suckled gently.

Falkor was becoming mad with lust as the wolf's balls entered his maw, their taste and heavy musk driving his need. He involuntarily humped his hips forward, his rock hard cock finding no satisfaction in the caress of nothing but air. He tried to reach a forepaw to touch himself, but Aaron grabbed it and stopped him.

"No," the wolf said, "no touching yourself."

Falkor made a disappointed mewling sound that sounded far more adorable than it should have, coming from a dragon. Aaron lifted up slightly in response, eliciting another mewl from below, and then promptly replaced his balls with his large canine cock, the fleshy spire almost a match for the dragon's huge ridged tool but just a tad shorter.

The dragon was eager to suck on the new piece of flesh inside his mouth, his tongue washing the hard shaft with vigor. Aaron couldn't stop himself from thrusting into the dragon's maw, the creature's ribbed mouth and aggressive tongue making him moan with satisfaction.

Falkor felt the beastman's balls slam harder and harder against his snout, but it stopped before the wolf went full-on to face-fucking him. There was one hard slam which nearly choked the dragon, and then there suddenly nothing. The heat, the smell, and the taste had all disappeared.

"Wha?" the dragon asked.

"Have you ever been mounted?" the wolf said.

"Mounted? Like a female? No!"

"Really? You seemed like you have a preference for males, seeing how easily you got all hot and bothered."

Falkor did have a preference for males, but he had wanted to do things to the wolf, not have the beastman do things to him! But now things were out of his control, and the canine's greedy eyes told him that there would be no escape from being made a bitch. Still, the thought of mating with a male, despite being on the wrong end, enticed him to no end, and his cock never wavered.

"Oh," the wolf said. "I see. You wanted to be on top of me, didn't you? That's what you were imagining?"

The dragon was angered, curious, horny, and amused all at the same time. The wolf had won one over him, and his whole personality had changed as soon as he knew he was safe to use his scaly body however he wished. It was true that he wanted to be the one pounding the inferior beastman, but that was not an option now, and he wasn't sure if he was angry or content with it. "Yes," he uttered out.

Aaron crawled over the dragon's body, his soft grey fur brushing against lovely sapphire scales which seemed radiate a gentle glow. He felt the powerful creature shiver in delight, and then he leaned the tip of his muzzle towards one of the dragon's ear frills. "Perhaps in the future," he whispered. "But you will be mounted now. I take it that it's your first time taking a cock?"

Falkor nodded, his head still trying to wrap itself around the concept of being dominated like this.

The wolf responded by locking his muzzle around the dragon's, pulling them into a kiss. Falkor found the act pleasant, and he did not resist the wolf's sensual tongue, meeting it with his own.

After a minute of playing with his mouth, Aaron pulled away and massaged one of the dragon's ear frills, garnering little gasps from the giant lizard. "I'll be gentle," he said.

Falkor felt the wolf's fur retreat from his scales, and he lifted his head to see what he was doing. The canine was fumbling with his pack, searching for something within. "What are you doing?" the dragon asked. His tone was almost desperate, the last several minutes being the first time he'd ever had physical sexual contact with another male, and he wanted more regardless of his position.

Aaron pulled a clear bottle out of his pack. "Aha, found it!"

"What is it?"

"An oil to ease the passage of my shaft into you, my sexy friend."

Falkor remembered the one time he'd mounted a female and recalled her screaming in ecstasy, but he was unsure if a cock shoved up his tail hole would feel the same. "Will it hurt?"

Aaron had several men before, both on top and bottom, and he could genuinely say that, with the oil, it would not hurt. "No," he said. "In fact, I think you'll enjoy it very much."

"I've tried fiddling back there with my claw before. I don't understand what females find so gratifying, and I don't believe you."

"I'll try my best to change your mind," the wolf said, coating his cock with the oil.

"May I at least touch myself?" the dragon begged.

Aaron crawled over the beautiful beast again and shook his head. "No."

The dragon growled, but Aaron knew it was a harmless threat. Falkor almost begged to be able to rub his own needy shaft, now dripping slightly with pre, but he refrained. There were some things a dragon simply would not do.

The wolf started nuzzling his neck, breathing heavily near his ear. Warm, confident, furry, smart, exotic--the beastman was turning the dragon on like nothing ever before, and Falkor shivered as electricity spread from his tail hole when the canine cock started entering, the slippery oil making the penetration painless.

"Oh gods you're tight," Aaron muttered, pushing his hips forward. The wolf felt the massive slab of throbbing meat begging to be stimulated rubbing his belly fur as he tried to lean further to nuzzle the dragon's face, and he tried to arch his stomach away from it. He wasn't trying to be cruel, but he did want to see if he could pound the dragon to climax without touching his twitching shaft at all.

"You feel bigger than you look," Falkor said, wanting to grow to accommodate the intruding member but bound by his word against it.

Aaron chuckled at the compliment and burrowed further into the dragon. He felt a familiar nut rub against his cock head, the special male spot which made the dragon shudder with pleasure just as every other male he'd fucked before had. It was also different--the dragon's prostate seemed to be larger than other males he'd bred, almost as if he was designed to be mounted and fucked into bliss.

The wolf grunted and aimed for that nub, pulling out and jabbing at it mercilessly.

"Ah," Falkor panted, "feels so good, what is that, ah!"

Aaron thrust a few more times before grunting out an answer. "Your, mmph, special, ah, spot. Feels good, ah, doesn't it?"

"It feels divine," the dragon gasped, his cock jumping between their bodies and becoming ultra-sensitive to the little bits of furs Aaron couldn't keep away.

"Hah, just you wait for my knot."

With that, Aaron started breeding the dragon proper. His cock pumped all the way to the hilt, the oil making it easy to shove all the way inside.

Falkor could feel the scales in his erogenous zones become more sensitive to the point that he could feel the canine's warm breaths caress his neck. He noticed the wolf's paws massaging his sides, rubbing the soft spots where his wings met his back, the canine hands gentle despite the ever-increasing roughness of his thrusts. He could even feel the mammal's fuzzy balls slide along his tail and slam his scales beneath his hole, the heavy churning orbs getting ready to spill their contents into him.

And then there was a new sensation, something larger trying to pry its way into his tail hole. His ass alerted him of the thing, but Aaron never slowed his pounding. Regardless, Falkor didn't want him to stop, the blindingly pleasurable spot within his ass demanding more.

And more was what the wolf gave. He pounded his growing knot against the dragon's hole, knowing the creature was more than tough enough to handle it. What he didn't count on, however, was how sensitive the dragon was--without much warning, Falkor started roaring, and the dragon's ass started contracting and clenched around his cock.

Aaron felt streaks of wetness blotch against his belly fur, and he knew his time was running out. He pushed hard against the squeezing hole, trying his best to get his knot in before the dragon's orgasm tightened it to the point that it would be incredibly difficult to shove in.

Falkor, lost in prostate-induced ecstasy, didn't feel the pain as his hole was stretched harshly. There was a loud and wet pop, and the dragon nearly blacked out from the overloading pleasure bursting from his tail hole, the canine's knot pressing hard against the dragon's pleasure nut. The dragon's weakening flow of seed recharged from the pressure, and he shot out several more globs of cum to paint both the males' bellies white.

The tightness of the dragon's clenching ass against his knot was too much for Aaron, and he howled out at a level to match the dragon's initial roar as he flooded the newly deflowered beast.

Still, Falkor was a dragon and far more productive than Aaron could ever hope to be, and he kept on pumping out his virile seed even as the warmth flowing into his ass slowed to a trickle.

Minutes after the experience, Falkor's senses finally started returning to him, and he felt the wolf's body lying on top of his, the beastman clutching him sensually even as his knot stayed plugged within him. The flood of cum he produced lay squished between their bodies, drying and sticking to scale and fur. Oh, he enjoyed that very thoroughly, and he knew he had to keep the wolf for as long as the beastman could breed.

"What is that bump in my hole?" Falkor asked.

"Ah," Aaron said, panting, "that's my knot. It keeps us locked together, made to make sure women are bred thoroughly. It's a canine thing."


The dragon let himself lay in his wonderful afterglow until the wolf's knot naturally deflated and slipped out of his tail hole.

Now Falkor was ready to return the favor the beastman had so kindly done for him. "So are you satisfied?" he asked. "Are you finished with my Aspect of Sexuality for the moment?"

"Mmm," Aaron said, "I suppose so, yes."

The dragon grinned and suddenly flipped Aaron over, the wolf's afterglow crippling his resistance.

"W-what?" the wolf asked, struggling to push off the heavy creature above him.

The dragon leaned his head in towards Aaron's head and pressed a knee against the wolf's recently emptied balls, letting the little mammal know that if he tried to fight him, he would end up in a world of pain. "Listen," the dragon rumbled, "if I were any other dragon, I would have returned to my normal size and you'd be nothing but a smear beneath my paws. Do you understand?"

"Mmmffmhmm," the wolf said, his eyes bulging from the threat to his progeny.

Falkor released the pressure on the canine's vulnerable pouch. "But guess what? I like you. You have entertained me in many ways, some which I've never experienced before. So know this. I will not harm you."

Aaron let out a deep sigh of relief.

"But," the dragon continued, "you may experience some discomfort."

The wolf made a little whimper. "Hrmm?"

"Understand that you may call upon me to satisfy any sexual desire, little wolf, but once you are satisfied, I may wish to gift you more you did not necessarily want. You've made me your bitch by filling me with your seed, and that is unacceptable. I will return the favor and breed you, and though you own my Aspect, I will never be anything less than an equal with you."

Aaron flicked his eyes back and forth and nodded squeamishly. Though he had wanted to dominate the dragon, their deviant act had made him want more, and he really didn't mind if the magnificent beast above him wanted to cram his ridged cock up his hole.

"C-could you at least use the oil?" Aaron asked.

Falkor smirked and got off of him. "Of course. I wouldn't want to damage someone so exceptional. Be a good bitch and apply it to me."

Aaron's ears perked at being called the thing he'd made the dragon earlier, but he obeyed without question. His time was over, and it was now the dragon's turn to dominate him. The wolf stood up and went over to the bottle, poured a handful of the oil into his paws, and went back to the magnificent creature. He rubbed the oil gently over the dragon's hardening cock, the beast's first orgasm having been apparently forgotten by his flesh.

He licked his lips as he kneaded the oil into those delicious looking ridges, the bumps on the dragon's shaft appearing as if they would do terribly gratifying things to his prostate.

After about a minute, Aaron was satisfied with how slick the dragon's member was. "Okay," he said.

"Now bend over," Falkor commanded.

The wolf obeyed without question. He went onto all fours and lifted his fluffy tail, presenting his backside to the horny beast.

Falkor growled pleasantly at the sight. He'd seen naked animals before, but never another sapient humanoid like this. His eyes stared at the wolf's pink hole, and then his admittedly hefty balls. They were such curious things, so exposed and vulnerable.

Falkor grinned and gave those dangling balls a gentle flick of his fingers. Aaron recoiled and whimpered immediately, humoring the dragon's curiosity.

"So nonsensical," the dragon said. "Why put something so valuable outside your body? One hard squeeze and your entire line is ended."

"D-don't even talk about that," Aaron said. "Please."

"Heh, I already said I would not harm you." Falkor maneuvered himself over the canine's body and gave his hardened cock a few test jabs.

"I hope you'll forgive me if I don't exactly trust you," the wolf said, grunting as the dragon found his mark.

"I have been nothing but true to my word." Falkor sent the beastman into a daze with a sharp thrust forward.

"Mmf," Aaron said, focusing now on taking the dragon's exotic shaft.

Falkor kept on pushing in, each ridge popping into the canine's ass with a wet pop, until he was fully buried into the inferior creature. "I'm glad you've changed your mind."

Aaron grunted pleasantly. Dear gods, the dragon felt marvelous inside him, and he could feel his spent cock rising again for the occasion. He _wanted_this now just as much as he'd wanted to fuck the dragon. "B-breed me," he whimpered.

"Happy to oblige," Falkor said. He started rocking his hips, giving the wolf very little time to get used to his massive size, but the oil was fantastic at its job, and Aaron only felt a little sting amidst a sea of pleasure.

The little wolf was surrounded on all sides by the dragon's four powerful limbs, and there was nowhere else he'd rather be at the moment.

The blue dragon didn't last long against the tight little ass he was mounting. He was not as sensual as the wolf was with him, not bothering to nuzzle him or use his claws to caress him, but he made up for it with his raw ferocity. He kept on pounding the wolf's fuzzy ass even as he was pumping him full of seed, making him an equal bitch to him, and he didn't stop thrusting until Aaron's ass started tightening, the dragon's cock rubbing out an orgasm from the canine beneath him.

At the end of their session, the maroon pad had some very large dark spots formed by seed from both draconic and canine origin, and there were two exhausted males lying half-asleep.

"So I will be able to summon you whenever I am in need of relief?" Aaron said drowsily.

"Yes," Falkor answered, "such is our bond."

"I look forward to our many meetings then," the wolf said.

The sapphire-scaled dragon chuckled. "Tell me, what do you do for a living?"

"I am a laborer," Aaron said. "I work where work is needed. Moving, building, anything."

"I see," the dragon said. "Rich you are in muscle then, but not in class."

"I do not care much for wealth," the wolf said, "as long as I have enough to live."

The dragon went outside his inner sanctum and returned with a clawful of coins and shoved it into the wolf's supply pack. "You will have this," he said. "I will not be summoned into some filthy barn, do you understand? Buy yourself a nice home."

Aaron did not know how to thank such generosity, and he stammered out words of gratitude.

"You need not waste your time searching for words," Falkor said. "You may stay here for a while, but I think you should be hiring some laborers of your own to furnish your new home as soon as possible."

"I can only say thank you," Aaron said. "I think I should've worded my desired prize differently."

"Oh?" The dragon lay back down next to the spent wolf. "How so?"

"I should have asked for your Aspect of Love."

The dragon smirked at him. "In time," he said, "perhaps you shall earn it instead."

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