Learning to Soar

Story by Celeblu on SoFurry

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#12 of The Night Sky

Here's a sweet quickie before we head off towards the "Halloween episode" dundundun (which may or may not be completed by Halloween lol)

Usual warning blah blah gay sex with anthropomorphic dragons ahead etc

Learning to Soar

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The scene was picturesque, a beautiful swirl of violet tone painted over the majestic landscape. The sky was a soft lavender shade, the air on this world containing a strange mixture of inert gases which made the day appear like it was in an eternal state of beautiful twilight.

I was standing on one of the tall crystal structures which dotted the purple shaded plains. They were huge, the size of skyscrapers, and they shined slightly, a product of unknown origin--Zack suspected they were carved by an ancient race of aliens long extinct, though they could've been naturally occurring crystals made tall by some unknown catalyst.

In the far off distance were mountains, a faint shade of white outlining the snow upon their peaks. There was a river which flowed from the melted snow packs, the water clear and sparkling almost as much as the crystals it weaved around. We'd follow the river and make it to the mountains.

I took a step towards the edge of my crystal, the tallest as far as my eye could see. I held on to the metal straps tightened over my shoulders and looked down.

He was there. My Zack. My dragon alien lover. The only person in the universe right now who really cared about me, who really loved me.

He was flying, well, more hovering, really. His wings flapped very little--this was a little moon which had developed an atmosphere, and there was a lot less gravity for both of us to deal with.

It was very much like the day I almost died. Just one more step, and I should fall. Except I had an anti-gravity pack on, which meant I would float. Should. I was very wary of the thing, but I had to make the leap of faith. Zack hadn't spared any frugality on it--it was a brand new pack, slow and without built-in extras like automatic barrel rolls or loops, but pricy nonetheless.

"Only in the leap from the lion's head will he prove his worth," I uttered to myself, though in my case it was more of a leap towards a dragon's head.

One little hop and I'd be off. I could do this. I bent my knees and prepared to spring.

And then the chill hit me. The paralyzing fear of falling to my death. The fear of leaving Zack alone right after he'd declared his love for me.

But he was there, right below me. He was gesturing with his arms, beckoning me to jump. He would catch me if I fell, he would catch me if the pack didn't work.

I could just lie down and use it. I could make it lift me up from the crystal structure. But Zack wanted me to face my fear. He didn't want me to be afraid of being in the air, a place he was naturally comfortable with. So he wanted me to face it head-on, to face the same fall that nearly killed me and beat it.

I'll try, for him.

"Leap of faith," I whispered, quieter than the wind.

I jumped.

I didn't fall. I looked down. My feet had successfully detached themselves from the safety of the crystal tower. I was hovering a few feet away from it, and I was higher than all the other crystals. The pack worked, and I was suspended in the violet sky.

Zack flew up to me and gave me a great big flying hug, his upward momentum carrying us higher up towards the hazy purple-orange sun. I wasn't afraid here, I never am when I'm in his arms and wings, but I wasn't sure how I'd feel when he had to let me go.

"You okay?" my dragon asked.

"Yeah," I said. "For now, at least."

"I'll hold your hand. Fly with me."

I nodded and felt my muscles tighten when he unfolded his wings from around me. His arms released, but one grey scaly hand held my right hand. It was enough to ward off the fear.

He hovered graciously in front of me, his beautiful wings flapping in slow-motion. "Remember not to think about falling," he said. "It'll go wherever you will it."

I nodded. He'd explained to me how the anti-grav pack worked before. It was connected via something like Bluetooth to my universal translator, which itself was capable of reading thoughts and images processed through the brain to translate true meaning, including idioms and figures of speech. The device was capable of interpreting the sense of where I wanted to go and would respond faster if I thought directly of commands like 'up' or 'forward,' but simply imagining where I wanted to be in relation to the landscape or Zack's position would work after a short period of processing lag.

Of course, that's what also made it a bit dangerous for me. If I started thinking about falling, if I let the fear of it overwhelm me, the anti-grav pack could interpret it as me wanting to fall. The terror could take hold, and I wouldn't be able to think of anything else but "oh gods I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling..."

The scaly hand kept me afloat. I thought of a simple command and kept it fixed in my head. Follow the dragon.

It worked. Zack backed away from me slowly, but there was no pulling sensation on my hand as the pack kept me close to my dragon. With mortal peril sort of dissipated, I couldn't help but notice the violet tint on his glimmering grey scales which made him appear even more handsome than usual.

"You're doing good," Zack said. "Let's go up higher. It's safer the further up we are."

I nodded and kept the thought running through my mind. Follow.

He rose at a steady pace. I was right next to him, watching the little wisps of lavender tinted clouds whish by his face. I could feel the air turn colder, but I'd prepared for that with a jacket and some thick pants. Zack didn't have a shred of cloth on him, but he seemed unaffected by the cold. By the time we stopped, the violet haze beneath us covered all but the tallest of the crystal structures.

"Okay," Zack said, "I'm going to let you go now, alright? Remember to focus on hovering, staying in place. You won't fall, I promise."

I felt a small chill trickle up my spine, but I nodded anyway.



He let go of my hand.

Stay. Hover. Stay.

I didn't move.

Zack flew towards me and held my cheeks. "You alright? We can stop if you don't want to keep going."

I was so focused on staying still that I forgot to breathe, and I sucked in a lungful of foreign air once I felt his presence near me again. I was scared, and he could tell. This was how I almost died, falling through the sky, wingless, helpless, and hopeless. But he caught me, he saved me, and now he wanted me to heal from that psychological scar.

And I wanted to be able to follow him here in his world, where his wings drifted through the sky like they owned it. I gulped and took another breath. "No," I said, "I can do this."

He gave me a sweet kiss and backed off. "Okay. Let's start with the basics. Follow me forward in a straight line."

He flew effortlessly away from me, and I willed myself forward.

I caught up to him about ten seconds later. "I think I'm getting the hang of it," I said.

Zack gave me a great beaming grin. "Good! Now let's do up..."

We repeated the lesson with every direction successfully, and then we decided on a course. I'd follow him towards the mountains using the basic directions instead of the follow command.

It turned out to be a rather lazy flight over, a gentle sail along the winding path of the river, but I'd managed to nail down the basics of using the anti-grav pack without a hitch.

At the bottom of the mountains, at the mouth of the river, there was a great valley undoubtedly carved by the flow of the melted snow. He was hovering in front of the giant chasm, waiting for me to catch up the final straight leg towards him. As I flew towards him, I sort of imagined the Death Star's trench behind him.

When I got within earshot, he flew forwards and took me into a loving hug, though his wings were missing from the whole package since they were doing something a little more important at the moment.

"Still afraid?" he whispered softly.

"A little," I said, not lying. "But I'm getting better."

"Ready for something a little more intense?"

"Err, depends how much so?"

"The model I bought has an automatic towing mode. You've probably noticed you can't go really fast, but in towing mode you can go as fast as you'd like as long as you're holding on to something else that's flying."

"So I'd hold on to you?"

He leaned back and gave me that deviously happy smile again. "That's the idea!"

"Okay." I couldn't resist that smile. "Just don't do anything extreme, please."

"Of course." He turned around and straightened out his legs. "Hold onto my feet. Not the tail. I need that to steer."

I moved under him, grasped my lover's exotic scaly feet, and got a nice look at his tail hole and dangling balls, although the latter were tight against his body and more like lumps instead of the usual heavy bits he had between his legs. The colder air probably had something to do with it. "Understood," I said, trying to direct my voice to him instead of his butt.

He flapped hard once, and we gained quite a bit of altitude, enough to peer over the top of the river valley. He bent over a bit and looked at me. "Here we go!"

With another beat of his wings, we were off. I probably screamed. Or maybe it was the wind. I tried to alleviate some of the twisting stomach sensation by imagining the Death Star again. "This is Red Five," I whispered to the wind, "I'm going in."

The chasm seemed narrow from afar, but it was apparently comfortably wide once we were soaring into it. I had a death grip on both of Zack's legs as we descended towards the serene glistening water, but even the towering ominous rock walls and the horrible heart-bursting-out-of-chest feeling was not enough to stop me from relaxing a bit after gliding along barely a foot above the beautiful river for a minute. I could even see fish swimming along the opposite way, a few jumping out of the stream and almost touching us.

If I were the suspicious sort, I'd think my mate had felt me relax my grip and chose to send me right back into heart-pounding terror. His tail flipped one way and we turned the other, sending us careening straight towards one of the towering walls. I tried to vocalize something to point out that we were going to crash, but I think it came out as gibbering nonsense.

To accentuate my suspicion, Zack seemed like he'd pulled up at the very last possible second, his body whipping up into a straight vertical climb and dragging me along with him. We flew up and out of the trench, up and up towards the snow line of the mountains, and the air became almost uncomfortably cold.

I was only a bit terrified now of flying, the last primal bit that probably wouldn't ever go away because I was human. I could see the big grin on my mate's face as we soared over to a cliff along the side of the mountain, and I tried to think from his point of view.

He didn't want me to be afraid of flying, of falling. It was something he was born to embrace, an act he clearly loved to perform. He wanted to share that love with his lover, a person who'd never even ridden in an airplane before, a person born without the gift of natural flight. He wanted me to know the joy he felt from soaring through the skies, and that's why he'd bought me the anti-gravity pack in the first place.

I can understand it. I can genuinely say it was fun. The view was spectacular, the perspective from above beautiful. But I think a part of me will always be a little hesitant to put on the pack and go out soaring.

And yet, it was alright. It would be fine as long as Zack was always with me. It was not unpleasant at all--there's always some element of terror in fun thrills anyway, right?

Still, I was more than relieved when my shoes made contact with the rocky cliff edge. It was a bit of an awkward landing since I'd still been holding onto my dragon's feet, and if I deactivated the anti-grav pack it would've plopped me down onto my stomach if Zack hadn't guided me into getting upright again.

Once we were both standing safely, he sort of leaned in and pressed a hand against my chest. "Not beating as scarily fast as before," he said. "At least, I think not."

"Better," I replied. "Much better. Thanks for this. For everything, really."

His hand slid away and around me, his other arm coming along the other side. He was warm. He had scales, but he was warmer than I was. He was not a reptile, as a human limited to an Earth perspective would assume, and he was better at being warm-blooded than I was.

The cold that had burrowed its way through my jacket was banished by his presence. It was kept away when his wings folded behind me, his body heat surrounding me and keeping me comfy up high on the inspiring mountain.

"You're still scared," he whispered, "are you?"

"I think I'll always be a little scared. It's not normal for me. But that doesn't mean I'm not having a blast."

His soft, pebbly-scaled snout nuzzled against my cheek. "Mmm, okay. I'm glad, then."

I just let myself mellow in his embrace for a while, neither of us wanting to do anything else for the moment. The nuzzles became kisses, and the kisses became a little tongue wrestling game, a rigged match I'd never be able to win since he could curl spirals around my tongue (amongst other things).

Pretty soon, I could feel something hard prod at my thighs, and I knew I was responding in kind. This seemed to happen a lot nowadays. It'd been three days since Zack had finally took the plunge and let his feelings out, three days since we first made love, and every time we started with a hug since that day ended up as a romp in bed.

Damn was I lucky. He even wanted us to switch positions and have me on top the second time. He was the complete opposite of my old boyfriend, and Zack's really shown me how blind I'd been before. What I thought was love before was nothing compared to what I now have with my sweet dragon.

My rear itched as my hips started moving to try and rub his hardness through my stupid constricting pants. I still haven't been able to take his knot yet, but I'm getting there. Maybe today. Maybe tomorrow. It didn't matter. We loved each other regardless.

Eventually, Zack retreated from my mouth and went back to nuzzling me. "We really need to stop turning each other on every time we hug," he said playfully. "It'd be a bit embarrassing in public."

"I guess we just can't hug in public then," I teased.

He mewled in my ear, a heat-inducing sound I never heard before he chose me as his mate. "Wanna head back to the ship?"

"That's a rhetorical question, I hope."

I felt a little lick on my ear. "Maybe it is."

Oh gods, he's already teasing me like this. I really was getting too horny to keep on beating around the bush now. "If it isn't, you bet your tail I do."

I felt his wings unfold from around my back. "Oh murr, so direct now, eh?" While still holding me, he turned us around so that I faced away from the mountain, and the lavender haze of the landscape beyond imprinted upon my eyes. "Shall we?"

"Yeah, umm, how shall we exactly..."

Zack gave his wings a good heave and lifted himself up. "Grab my feet again. I really can't wait either." He flicked his tongue to entice me some more.

I clasped my hands around his feet without thinking about it this time, my need for him making me almost completely forget about my fear of falling. It came to the forefront of my mind as soon as he lifted me off the cliff's edge, but it dissipated just as quickly when the marvelous canvas in front of us hit my senses.

'Course, there was also that long hunk of black meat hanging out to distract me too.

We'd flown a little bit away from the mountain before I felt Zack slow down quite a bit, the rushing air dying down to let me hear him. "Beautiful place, eh? Nobody really comes here, it's kind of sad."

"It is," I said, my grip on his feet a lot more lax than the first time. "Why isn't anyone else here?"

Zack flew on slowly, and the shimmering crystals emerged once more through the misty haze. "This moon used to have a lot of valuable minerals inside it. Industry came. Nature was destroyed. They harvested everything valuable and left. Life returned, but nobody really knows about this place, and those who remember it can only recall the machinery. Of course, I swept by it a few years ago and found it a natural wonder, so I kept it in my list of nice places."

We descended lower towards the translucent skyscrapers. "I see. They didn't take the crystals?"

"Not deemed valuable. Dime a dozen common crystals. Only uncommon in how big and numerous they are. It's a good thing they didn't destroy them though, they really add character to the place."

I chuckled. "They're pretty."

"They are. Like you."

We dived without any warning.

I'm sure I did scream this time. The drop was so abrupt that I let go of Zack's feet on reflex, my hands going straight to my eyes. A few seconds passed before I let my fingers part slightly, and I noticed I was not falling.

And then something dropped in front of my face from above. Something scaled and plump. Dragon balls. And a dragon cock to boot.

"Sorry," Zack said. "I couldn't wait."

"You could've warned me," I said, frowning up at him. "I'm thinking of smacking my head between your legs, honestly."

"Whoa whoa," he said, coming down to give me an apology kiss. "I'm sorry. I thought you would've liked the excitement."

"It, well, it was exciting sure, but you scared me half to death going down like that."

"I wouldn't let you fall," he said.

"I know. But don't do that again, please."

He looked at me in the eyes in that weird way he's done a few times before. It was almost as if he could see right through them and into my thoughts, like my eyes were a pair of lenses pointed to my memories. "Okay," he said. "I'm sorry. I thought it would be a bit of fun, but I went too far."

"It's alright," I said. "I still love you."

He smiled and broke his soul-seeking gaze. "You've got the hold position command down subconsciously like I thought you would, though."


"Keep it in your head. Hold position."

"Uhh, okay?"

"Keep yourself there. I meant it, I really can't wait to get back to the ship. I wanna love you up here. Unless you're not comfortable with it."

Oh, jeez. He wanted to do me in the sky. We kind of did it in zero g's, so this was sort of the same, but this was also a totally different setting.

The idea was kind of terrifying. It was also really exciting.

"Okay," I said, "I'll hold."

He backed off and gave me that sweet little grin of his. "Ah, just one problem. I forgot the lube. You'll have to get it as wet as you can."

"You're a bastard," I said, smirking right back at him. Man, I would've never said that before three days ago. Being in love is pretty quirky sometimes, I guess.

"I'm your bastard," he said, and then he rose up again, putting me at eye-level with his belly, his cock aimed right at my mouth.

I dove right in, soaking up my mate's scent which had been made crispier by the cool air, and shoved the tip of his member into my eager maw. I gave the upper half several swirling licks, tasting his dried slit-fluids which were long devoid of any lubricating quality after having been exposed to the wind for quite a while, but I could still taste its faintly sweet flavor.

Oh, I wanted to bob my head up and down that throbbing black shaft and have it blow into my throat, but I didn't wait a year to be granted rear-end rights for nothing. After I was satisfied with how wet the top half was, I pulled back, watched his cock jump as if it were begging for me to return, and moved my mouth under it to give the rest of the black flesh a good tongue wash. It would've been easier if I had a tongue like his, but I made do and got it all dribbling and slick.

Once he felt me release his cock from my needy tongue, he spiraled behind me, pulled off my pants with a swift jerk, let them flop onto one of the crystals down below, and started prodding my backside with his hard tool. I'm sure it was a bit difficult to aim with him flapping, so I tried to make it easier by staying as still as possible.

Using our natural fluids as lube wasn't as effective as the stuff in a bottle, but it was all we had here. I'd taken him enough to the point where the entry wasn't a problem, and there was only a slight burn as he pushed into me, sliding his ridged, textured shaft into my yielding ass. I still haven't been able to take his knot though, and there was no hope of doing that here and now.

His arms held me comfortably tight just below the chest strap on the anti-gravity pack, and his body leaned in against me. I could feel more and more of his hot, scaly form touch my lower back as he opened me up until at last he was fully inside of me, our bodies completely melded together in mid-air. My hands gripped his toned arms as if they were handlebars, and I bent my legs slightly to keep his closer to mine, though he wrapped his tail around one of my legs to assure me he'd be going nowhere but into me.

His snout appeared in my peripheral vision, and his cheeks started caressing mine from the back. I nuzzled him right back, and we both made some pretty lustful sounds for a bit, each of us trying to make our cocks as hard as possible.

Zack was a lot more "productive" than I was (or any human is, really), so once he exceeded a certain point of hardness, his cock oozed out his excess horniness as pre. That was good for us because his precum was a bit better at lubing up my insides than my saliva, though it was still not anywhere near as slick as actual lube.

As he rocked back and forth, I could feel his shaft having an easier time moving through my tight tunnel, my ass stretching once more to accommodate him while his pre took over my saliva as our primary lubricant.

Regardless of my disinclination towards flight, I was able to let myself sink into my mate's body and let ourselves be immersed in pleasure. As long as he was happy here, then I was happy, and right now the world, for me at least, only extended as far as his arms could reach. Or, rather, the universe, I guess.

I could feel him thrust into me with every beat of his wings, his effort to stay aloft joined with his effort to give me his love, a task made easier, no, even possible by the moon's extremely low gravity. I had a devious thought pass through my head as his beats increased in frequency, my dragon needing more and more of my flesh to satiate his need for me.

Hold position. What if I wanted to...reverse. In time with his flaps. Back myself down onto his ramming pole...

Evidently, the pack was able to interpret my straying sexy thoughts, and I started feeling my skin being pulled by my dragon's scales, the friction of his arms and body putting up some resistance before he seemed to realize what I was up to and let his limbs lax a little to grant me enough freedom of motion to hammer myself backwards against his meeting thrusts.

My little retaliatory act was making his breathing heavy. I could hear his battered breaths as I banged against him and him into me. "You. Are. Amazing," he huffed.

Oh, no, he was just as amazing. When my body started humping back against him, it made his cock rub into me in just the right way. He was so damn amazing that I couldn't even muster a response through my labored breaths, only a series of lewd moans would process through my throat.

The way Zack's cock was shaped was astounding. It was seriously designed to jab against prostates. I've seen him make quite a few people cum hands-free with mind-addling intensity during some of our not-as-uncommon as you'd think threesomes across the universe. It wasn't until a few days ago that I had personally experienced how it worked.

Missionary or doggy-style, his delicious black shaft had the texture and size to grind against my sweet spot. Each thrust prodded it multiple times, easily forcing myself to dribble a bit of pre I normally wouldn't when I had sex before with humans. Each little jab would add up over and over until finally...

I fucking loved it. I fucking loved him.

I was squirming in his arms. I was moaning, and my muscles were twitching uncontrollably. He was feeling the same way, I'm sure. He was rocking and nuzzling, the big bump at the base of his cock ever-growing, but there was no attempt to ram it in this time, only smooth and easy humps, over and over as we shared our intimacy.

And then the moment came. I clutched his arms as if I was about to be flung off a rollercoaster as my body shuddered. Without a single touch, my cock throbbed and erupted, shooting down a load of white towards the plains below, and some of it probably splattered against one of the crystals or two. If I was really unlucky, I might've sprayed a jet onto my own pants too, but that didn't matter at all right now. What mattered was the breathless pleasure, the feeling of my mate held close to me, the bubble of our love surrounding us...

It wasn't long until he followed suit. I felt his arms tighten around my chest and his tail constrict around my leg as he came into me, filling my insides to the brim. I could feel the overflowing contents of his balls spill out from my rear, his knot unable to plug all of his seed into me. I could feel some of his cum dribbling and falling off, joining the white splatters I'd painted before him.

"Towing mode," he gasped after his last pulse of release. "My wings are getting tired."

"G-got it," I stammered, my mind barely registering the command. Though blank with satisfaction, I managed to think the word 'tow.'

He descended slowly, holding me while his shaft was still plugged into me.

What happened next was blurry like a dream, but we ended up on top of the crystal where my pants had landed. He'd turned off my anti-gravity pack, and we lay over my pants as we snuggled on the structure, his scaly self evidently not at all bothered by the hardness of the surface, and his wings and my pants cushioned me. At some point during the day, I was aware of a rather significant amount of wetness flow out of my rear as Zack's shaft retreated back into his slit, soiling my pants if I hadn't already streaked it with some of my cum. I didn't care. I shared my afterglow with him, my mate, in quiet satisfaction, snuggling and embracing on the translucent spire.

The lavender sky turned into a deep violet as the sun sank, and we didn't bother to move until long after the stars had come out. Even then, the night sky in this very alien place became a map of locations that my dragon had explored a bit, read a lot about, and wanted to discover. He pointed out the places he'd been, the stories about places he wanted to go, and the unknown places where planets were yet to be named, and I assured him that I would be there at his side as we journeyed through all of it.

Was I a bit afraid about the lesser known regions of space? Sure, but I was terrified about flying earlier. I'd get over it as long as Zack was with me.

A yawn. Grey wings went over my blurring vision. I slept and dreamed of galaxies.

The Restaurant at the Center of a Sun

_The Restaurant at the Center of a Sun_ The ship tumbled on through space at a smooth cruising speed, its "vintage" engines humming along without much complaint. Inside the plainly colored silver box, Anthony was doing something he and his...

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_Solace_ _Log Entry 126_ _ It's been a couple of months since I first uplifted Anthony from his homeworld. I've been lucky. He's shown himself to be capable of using common sense, being tolerant, and able to learn the basics of universal existence....

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_Powerless_ _ _ Zack was sitting in the cockpit of his RV-styled spaceship. The grey scaled dragon was programming a new destination into the ship's computer while his best friend, Anthony, was fiddling around with an electronic encyclopedia of the...

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