[CAM] Chapter 12 – Surprise
# [CAM] Chapter 12 - Surprise The room was already luminated when Arthom opened his eyes. The smell already tickled in his nose and while rubbing his eyes, he remembered what happened. The lynx girl next to him had asked him to mate with her and his...
Lore of Mysticfell - Zasalamel's Journal Entry #2 - Shadow Pokemon Basics
**Journal Log 2** Shadow Pokemon, what are they one might wonder? I wondered this as well for a long time and I gave up some of the best years of my life in pursuit of this answer. My findings...there is still more for me to discover. **Shadow...
Cold Mountain Nights - Chapter 1
In the Verntax Mountains, a small village lies hidden among the range. Tall trees hid the village from two castle fighting a war against each other. The snow falling ever so quietly over the town, covering it in a thick, fluffy blanket of white powder....
Papa Prakibak
"This is it, Prakibak--the day that every red-blooded Dragon's Heir kobold strives for! The day you are chosen to perform your duty to better the tribe's bloodline! Think you can do it, boy?" The lanky red kobold nods quickly to the older, bulkier,...
Minotaur University Part 4
# Minotaur University Part 4 Ordo Draconis New Minotaur University looked arguably at its most mysterious and fascinating from a bird's eye view, a perspective that few had had the privilege to see. Appearing as a rather...
Changeling Heart: A Battle Awaits
As I ate the food that Saki made me eat, seeing how really she only needed my love to go on, I heard the pages of the book being flipped through. The food was bland, not that much to it, but it did keep me going. And besides, not like they were giving...
An Encounter of a Different Kind
Me and a friend set this as a roleplay, but I will be posting a better edited version if I get positive responses :3 Thanks to [http://lunarcreations.webs.com](http://lunarcreations.webs.com) for making this story possible! :3 Also, Reyn is a...
Spring Break with My Dad
I'm out of the classroom, sighing in relief. I was done with my last midterm and totally ready for a break from the rigor of my classes. I was SO looking forward to spring break despite it only being a week. I exit the building, a pleasant breeze...
Chapter 19: So Speaketh Death
So Speaketh Death Chapter 19 Asres didn't know what to do, and he wasn't used to not knowing what to do. Even when he was a boy living with his tribe, Taiga and even his parents had often looked to him for wisdom and guidance. He was their connection...
Dead, Two...
Alex considered the spirit sitting on his living room sofa watching _America's Funniest Videos_, and wondered what he had done to deserve its presence. While he appreciated that the entity had kept him from getting roughed up and probably killed on the...
Bastille Day
"Laissez-les manger le gateau"- Marie Antoinette. (Did she have a good head on her shoulders or what?) Bastian had always hated the rain as it washed through the city. This young fox farmer, a peasant whose home lay far to the north by the shores...
Power of Legends 5
In Santa's place stood Hank's 8-year-old little brother. Justin Beamer, male pop star and child millionaire, Hank hadn't seen him in years, but he hadn't changed much. The small boy what white, and lacking much in muscle. What he lacked in bulk he made...