
Story by Celeblu on SoFurry

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#9 of The Night Sky

Shoving along the romance so we can get back to the adventuring~

As always, gay M/M sex between a human and an anthropomorphic dragon ahead! Warning!


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Zack was sitting in the cockpit of his RV-styled spaceship. The grey scaled dragon was programming a new destination into the ship's computer while his best friend, Anthony, was fiddling around with an electronic encyclopedia of the universe which was, the man considered, a remarkably dry version of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Ironically, Anthony had just read through the novel with him, and they had steadily progressed reading through half of the human's box of old paperbacks he had brought with him from Earth.

The dragon was taking his time sorting out the various worlds along their path. Mary could've picked the most optimal path, but where was the fun in that? Besides, he was sure his ship's AI would take him straight to a job fair or employment agency or something. Then again, maybe she thought so lowly of him and his sociology degree that she already knew there was no hope for that.

"Let's see," Zack said. "Likera X, nothing interesting there, Felane Nor, hmm, an interior tour of a volcano. Sounds pricy. Maybe."

He started doing something he had rarely ever done before. He started imagining scenarios where a tour through the bottom of a volcano could end up disastrous. His mind crafted up terrible scenes with lava and melting heat, death and terror.

He tried to shake himself out of the scenes playing in his head. Three days ago, he would've considered going to Felane Nor without another thought, but now...

Zack shut his eyes and thought a lot.

I almost lost him. I was so confident I could have kept him safe. But I couldn't even keep myself safe, and he had to save me. He almost died to save me. What if there hadn't been a good Samaritan? What if I hadn't made it in time?

Zack glided his hand along the length of his muzzle. His scales had kept him safe from the searing heat of the broiling atmosphere beneath the planet of flying cities, but Anthony's skin had been marred with streaks of blisters and burns. A few applications of medical cream had healed him almost completely already, but the scarred face of his best friend would always remain in his memory.

Best friend. Faithful companion. That's not all he is to me anymore, is he? What would I have done if he was gone? I don't--I can't even fathom what I'd do. Losing a friend would've been awful and sad, but losing Anthony...would have been devastating.

The dragon kept his eyes shut. He did love Anthony, more than he had admitted to himself. He truly, really, loved him. He'd known this for quite a while, and his mind had repeatedly mulled over the subject throughout the past several months, and yet he was still afraid of making a permanent commitment.

But why? He'll go wherever I go, I know this is true. He'd travel to the end of the universe with me. Who else could I ask for? Who else do I think I'd find in the rest of my life that I think would be better?

Zack opened his eyes. "No one."

Then tell him. He's been waiting a long time.

A year. The dragon knew Anthony's one year anniversary of leaving his home was coming up soon. He'd tell him then, maybe plan something, get him a gift, and then...

Zack rubbed his shoulders. He'd do it. After all his young years, he'd finally let himself feel it. He'd know what making love felt like.

"No one what?" Mary said through a speaker, interrupting his train of thought.

"Huh?" The dragon shook his head. "Oh, nothing."

"Suit yourself," the AI said. "I'd suggest a brain examination though."

"Mind your own malware."

"Ah, cancel the head scan, he's still himself."

"Uh huh."

Mary started whistling. Or maybe she was playing a whistling sound she'd downloaded. Either way, it sounded off coming from her.

Zack glared at her avatar screen.

One moment, he was annoyed at what she must've thought was a splendid soundtrack to fly with. He had a passing thought about the point of exploring as he did throughout the universe--what was the meaning of it if there wasn't anyone to share the experience with? Mary had kept him sane by giving him (mostly negative) feedback about his escapades, but Anthony had made him happy.

The thought moved on. The next moment, he started floating out of his butt interface.

Mary stopped whistling. "Hey, listen! The anti-grav generator finally crapped out like I told you it would almost a year ago."

Zack leered even sharper at the digital Alorkinoid avatar of his ship's most informative AI. "Thanks for the warning and the declaration of the obvious, dear."

"You are most welcome," she said in a purposefully artificial tone filled with gratitude that any transient passenger would have taken as genuine, although Zack knew better.

"Umm, help, please?"

Zack flapped a wing to turn around and saw the frightened face of his companion floating above the sofa in the living area. He flipped his head back for just a moment, frowning at the AI. "You can annoy me all you'd like, Mary, but please don't let him get hit by the ricochet fire."

The ship's avatar raised a digital eyebrow. "What do you mean?"


The dragon ignored her, charged his wings, and flew forward. He grabbed Anthony and spread his wings to bring them slowly to a stop, but it was impossible for his drag force to stop all inertial movement in a zero gravity environment. He hit a wall as gently as he could, holding Anthony safe with his body.

"Hey," Zack said, "it's alright. I've got you. The ship's anti-gravity generators just failed, that's all. It's no biggie."

Anthony's arms grappled tightly around the dragon's body. "It felt like when I was falling. My eyes tried to tell me it was safe, but my brain seemed to disagree. I thought I was going to die again."

Zack glanced down and noticed that the man's skin had become terribly pale. He pressed his scaled hand against his chest and felt his heart pumping. "I'm sorry," he said. "Mary knew this was going to happen, but she didn't tell me because she thought it would be a terribly funny joke."

The AI's voice glided gently through the living space. "Hey. I'm sorry, I forgot about him. Sorry Anthony."

"I-it's okay," Anthony said, "I just, agh, don't let me go."

"I won't." The dragon wrapped his wings around the human, forcing them to slowly fly back against the wall due to the reaction from the air displacement.

Mary sent a little cough through her speakers. Zack had vaguely told her what had happened a few days ago on that world designed for flying creatures. She'd tried to pry more information from Anthony, but he hadn't wanted to talk about it. She pieced together why and sought a quick departure. "Umm, I'll just go look online for a replacement gravity generator."

Zack gave the nearest visual sensor a slight nod and felt his back bounce against a wall. His body, entwined with Anthony's, rotated and gently flew diagonally across the living space towards a ceiling corner.

The dragon felt Anthony's heart settle down, the thumping slowly returning to normal beats. They flew around the cabin for a while, bouncing around the living room like a pinball, before he unfurled his wings, keeping his arms around his friend.

"You alright?" Zack asked, nuzzling his snout against the human's soft face.

Anthony sniffled. "Y-yeah. I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me."

"It's okay. I, well, it's been gnawing at my thoughts too. If I hadn't made it in time..."

"I'd be gone. And you would've felt the worst thing you'd ever feel for, I'd hope, a very long time. I'd have put you through unimaginable pain. I...I--"

"You saved my life."

"Well, yeah, but I was, gah, I was stupid. I could've just yelled at you or something, but--"

"You reacted. Very few people would do what you did for me, Anthony."

"Mm," the man whispered. "Yeah. Gods, I can't stop feeling afraid. Don't let me go."

Zack nodded and thought of a gift for their anniversary. Maybe it would help to tackle his fear head-on. "It's okay," he said. "I'll hold you as long as you need me to."

Zack felt him nod.

They drifted around for several minutes, and the pressurized air slowed them down to a minute crawl. There was no sound besides their breathing interlaced with the quiet hum of the ship. Anthony's arms never loosened, so the dragon thought of a way to try and get him to relax.

His tail snaked behind the man, sneaking around their bodies. It slithered its way up around Anthony's legs until it prodded between them and glided along his taint, pressing tightly against his shorts.

"Zack! What are you doing?"

The dragon smiled and nuzzled his companion with a little more force. "Is it a good distraction, you think? Haven't you ever thought about how it'd work in zero gravity?"

Anthony felt the hair tipped tail brush against his two precious mounds, sending a little tingle up his spin. "Ah, a little bit." He let out a little moan. "But I sort of forgot about it. There's pretty much been gravity everywhere..."

"Heh, that's true, but I hope I've piqued your curiosity?"

The man started feeling his fear of the sensation of falling slip into something more primal, a base urge which overwrote his trepidation. The dragon could feel it too as a hardness began rubbing against the tip of his tail. Zack kept driving it further along until it had reached the human's waistband, the prehensile appendage squeezing between their bodies.

"Hmm?" Zack added, encouraging his friend.

"Umm," Anthony said, "oh, what the hell, okay."

The dragon grinned and gave him a little peck on the cheek. A powerful urge coursed through his muzzle to set himself upon Anthony's lips, but he wanted to keep his intentions hidden for the moment and enjoy the bachelor life for a little bit longer.

Looking back at the past year, Zack realized he couldn't really consider himself to have been single for quite a while, really. When had his dreams told him what he didn't want to admit to himself?

Was it after that time we got lost on the public transit system in Dakura Minor? Or maybe it had been as early as the tour through the nebula?

The human had only been a sociological experiment for such a short time before he had turned into something so much more. It'd been difficult to write essays and reports about him, but none of that mattered now.



"You alright?"

"Oh. Yeah." The dragon resumed wiggling his tail along Anthony's pants. "Sorry, I was just thinking about something."

Anthony let out a light moan as the dragon's playful tail rubbed along something that also feverishly wanted to play. "Mmm, about what?"

Zack's muzzle slipped down the man's face and down along his neck, giving him a few tongue flicks. "Ah, nothing important."

"Ohhkay," the human uttered, feeling the dragon's softly scaled face slip lower and lower, the alien's tongue stopping once to give his nipple a teasing tickle.

Zack was glad to hear the apprehension fade away from his companion's voice, his fear transforming into lust. The dragon's hands flowed down Anthony's back--he hadn't realized it, but they had been shaking nervously when he'd first put them around his moderately toned body. The feeling of him, his voice, his scent--they reassured the dragon that he hadn't lost him, and the terrible daydreams he'd thought of were just dark recesses of his imagination born from his own fear of losing him.

Zack wanted to say it now. He wanted to say the one thing he knew would ensure that Anthony would never leave. But he restrained himself. It would be special. It would be memorable, nay, unforgettable.

His back bumped against part of the ceiling.

It would have to be frugal.

He'd figure something out.

His mind did a short sift through his memory trying to recall beautiful worlds that offered tear-jerking sights, but he put the train of thought away when his hands reached the supple, toned butt of his lovely companion.

The dragon's tail slithered down Anthony's legs before it retreated back to its proper place. Zack gave his taut ass cheeks a nice massage while his head found its way parallel to his hands, only on the other side of the man's body. While his nostrils felt the cloth of the human's pants, his nose could nevertheless smell the piercing, heavy scent of Anthony's arousal and need, and there was no mistaking the hardness bulging through trousers.

Zack's dulled finger-claws slipped into the back of his pants, stretching the elastic waistband. Anthony liked wearing sweatpants in the ship, and the dragon liked how easy they were to pull down. Within seconds, the dragon had a nice fat-headed cock spring and bounce between his nostrils.

The dark grey-scaled alien nudged the sensitive rigid flesh a few times with his snout, drawing a small series of whines from Anthony. He gave the meaty shaft a few licks before the man's body bumped gently against the floor and bounced him back, driving the musky cock into his entire mouth and sending them flying towards the ceiling again, albeit now they were rotating a bit faster because of the pivoting angle Zack was at with respect to his partner's body.

Zack gave the hard cock a good washing over with his tongue, suckling it like a lollipop, and then he pulled his head back, exposing the needy tool to a distressing lack of stimulation. As they floated upwards, Zack corrected their rotation with a few flaps of his wings, and then he directed their bodies towards the little shower in the back corner of the living space, making Anthony voice a bit of confusion.

"What're you doing?"

"This'll make it easier on us," the dragon said. "Can I let go of you for just a second?"

Anthony hesitated, but then he nodded meekly. "Okay."

Zack slowly released his arms and his wings, letting Anthony feel the dreadful sensation of free-falling alone again. He didn't want it to be so, but it was necessary to make the next part easier.

Using his wings, Zack aligned himself with the shower so that his feet were anchored to the frame. His hand pulled open the opaque door, and then he reached out to grab Anthony's hovering body. The human visibly became more relaxed as soon as the dragon's claws touched him.

"Hold on to the top bar," Zack said, "so we won't be bouncing all over the place."

"Oh." Anthony let the dragon's hand guide his arm to the upper metal frame of the shower. "That's a good idea."

The dragon smiled at him. "Hold on, and keep your toes inside the little crevice for the door. That should keep you in one spot."


Zack lowered himself once again, his hands gripping lower and lower down the side frame of the shower. To his dismay, his snout was met with a half-limp cock that curved whichever way the air moved.

He's that afraid of being lost.

I'm afraid of losing him too.

The dragon nudged the floppy shaft several times to coax it back to full hardness. His scaled hands glided along the human's delectably soft skin, traveling down his thighs before rising back up to play with those plush pair of balls. They didn't hang like they would if there was gravity and instead bulged around the smooth sac wherever his hands made them go.

More distractions. Zack was dedicated to giving Anthony what he had longed for, but he needed just a little more time to plan something special. He wouldn't lose him. Not now, not ever.

The universe was a dangerous place, but Zack had shrugged it all off before. To see someone he loved feel such trepidation about an adventure they had in it was a reality check. Rampant ignorance of his safety--and of those around him--wasn't going to cut it anymore.

But he wouldn't become like his parents. He couldn't even think about being so boring. He'd have to compromise. Think before going somewhere. He wasn't about to seal Anthony in a box with him, after all. What kind of life would that be?

The meaty cock at the tip of his nose was alive again. He flicked his tongue out and started assailing it with loving licks, coating it with a thin film of saliva. After he was sure the human wouldn't go soft again, Zack stuffed the entire shaft into his mouth, the entirety of the fleshy member fitting into his elongated maw.

The dragon savored the taste of the cock in his mouth, the scent of raw maleness flooding his nostrils, and the connection he had with Anthony through the pulsing of his heart felt through his shaft.

I won't lose him. Never. My mate. My soul mate. It's him. I've always known it.

And Zack wanted to please his mate. To make his fears go away. To make him feel good. The dragon bobbed his head up and down his shaft, eliciting pleasing moans from above. He felt happy knowing his mate was enjoying what he was doing for him.

He went faster and faster, vigorously working on that sensitive flesh with his maw, his tongue swirling and bathing the man's cock. His hands squeezed all around his legs and thighs, gently massaging the moderately toned muscles he could find. Anthony's build had softened since he'd left the rigors of a life in the wilderness, but he still packed more muscle than most Alorkin, and there was still a lovely outline of a six-pack lining his stomach.

The upper tip of the dragons wings glided gently along the man's upper front, seeking two particular targets Zack had discovered long ago. The reaction from the man was almost immediate, and he knew he'd hit those two sensitive nubs of flesh as soon as he heard him gasp. He loved playing with them, just as he loved it when Anthony nibbled on his long ears, and they were a welcome little addition on the human's body since Alorkin did not have any nipples on their males. Alorkinoids too, generally, but he supposed if he had them then they'd be hidden under his plate scales anyway.

"I-I'm not gonna last long," Anthony whimpered, his voice strained by lust.

Zack responded by increasing the intensity of his workout. His head moved faster. His tongue became more aggressive. His wings rubbed harder.

Anthony almost wanted the grab his horns and pull him off. He wanted what they had right now to last a little longer, but he didn't want to force the dragon off. His palms remained where they were, combing through the dragon's luscious white hair.

Zack could feel the signs. The man's legs shivered. He could feel it through his tail. Huh, he hadn't even realized his tail had curled around one of his legs. The cock in his mouth twitched and jerked.

He stopped everything.

His mouth released the jumping shaft. His wings furled back behind him. His hands folded behind him under his wings.

"Zack," Anthony said with his eyes shut, "I'm gonna--huh?"

The dragon's reply came in the form of a lick on his face.

The man responded with a puzzled look.

The scaly alien grinned. "Finish off with your hand. I wanna play a game of catch!"

Before Anthony could react, the grey dragon pushed himself backwards across the living space, using his wings to move swiftly.

Anthony wrinkled his forehead a bit. He watched the dragon open his mouth, and then he understood. "Oh. That could get messy."

"I could squeeze in the shower with you after," Zack said.

The man had no intention of denying his friend what he wanted and grabbed his cock, though he kept on hand clasped around the frame of the shower to keep himself from moving. "I meant the walls, err, the ceiling too, maybe."

"Aim," the dragon said in a silly tone.

Anthony smiled and pumped his shaft obediently. He'd been taken right to the edge, and it didn't take much more to go over.

Several wads of cum blasted out of the human's cock and flew rapidly at Zack. Despite his attempt at aiming, Anthony could not fully control where his shaft decided to throb and jerk, but Zack tried his best to catch all of the tasty coagulated fluid in his mouth.

Zack could barely remember the last time he'd ejaculated in zero gravity, however, and the speed of the cum jets caught him off guard. The first shot hit him in the cheek, and most of it maintained enough adhesion to stay on his scales, though a few drops bounced off and splattered against part of the wall behind him, dotting it with small wet spots the size of several little pellets. The second more voluminous batch hit its mark and flew right into the dragon's mouth and down his gullet. Zack had little time to savor the taste, however, and tried to move in place to devour the rest of his companion's seed, but he'd adjusted too far and only managed to catch a few mouthfuls while the rest of it splattered in random spots around his body.

The dragon had overreacted and overcompensated for his position, but the last weak shots came out at a speed he could actually track, and he greedily sought out the final small globs of seed with his homing tongue.

Once there were no more liquids in the air, Zack grinned and stopped moving, for the most part, aside from a slow clockwise rotation. "That was fun."

"That was new," Anthony said. "Didn't realize how fast cum shoots out like that."

Zack twitched his eyes playfully. "Maybe you'd like a second demonstration?"


The dragon placed his hands on his hips, trying to subconsciously guide the human's eyes. It worked.

"Oh." Anthony had been so afraid, and then so happy, that he hadn't noticed or even thought of the dragon's own throbbing erection. It was difficult not to notice now as he had slowly rotated to the point where he was upside-down relative to him, and that delicious rigid piece of black flesh was pointed straight at his face, the lofty balls underneath staying more or less in place because of the dragon's less pliable and scaled scrotum.

"What do you say?" Zack asked, his tail flickering teasingly.

The man licked his lips. "How could I say no?"

Zack smirked and flapped his wings, heaving his horny body towards the shower.

While Anthony was given a front-row demonstration of Newton's First Law of Motion, Mary had sifted through over a thousand UniNet listings for new and used gravity generators. After a hundred calls and hardcore haggling, she had finally found an affordable generator from a reputable dealer who had even offered a one year warranty. She set the ship's course and decided to let Zack know the good news--she'd swear there was no better deal in their entire quadrant of the universe.

When she popped back into the living room sensors, she felt a bit of contempt, but there wasn't a single stream of surprise in her data processors.

She couldn't see inside the shower, but she did see a pair of wings covering the entrance to it. Anthony was nowhere to be seen, and she highly doubted he'd gone into the bedroom without Zack. There were several splatters of what she knew was semen on the ceiling above the open shower top.

She gave herself an internal sigh. Organics. I really hope nobody we ferry thinks about using a blacklight. Honestly. Ah, at least they didn't get any on my sensors...


_Falling_ _ _ Heavenly light pierced the brilliant white clouds from above me. Below, red, brown, and death waited. The air whipped past me as I fell. How did it come to this? One second I was with him, my dragon who had whisked me away from my...

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Superiority Complex

_Superiority Complex_ _ _ "Mmm, that's good." "Gods, I wish I had a tongue like that." "You're perfect the way you are." Anthony licked up and down the spire of flesh presented to him, his tongue working its way all around the dragon's dark shaft....

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_Greenhouse_ _ _ "So now that the loop is finished, how do I get it to display the result?" Mary couldn't occupy the display while Anthony was trying to code a program on it, so she responded only with her voice. "Erm, first, in this language you...

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