
Story by Celeblu on SoFurry

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#15 of The Night Sky

A smutty short that also ties up a loose thread I didn't want to leave hanging for too long in the cloth of this story.

As usual, oh noes warning M/M gay sex between a human and an anthro dragon ahead! Also Anthony tops in this one!



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Anthony was peering outside the ship's windshield. There was a sight he could relate to.

There were starships everywhere. Big ones, small ones, starfighters to great leviathans--it was a giant metallic mass (with some organic looking ones mixed in once in a while), magnificent and wondrous to see. Giant ribbons of swirling shades of blue encircled the ships, forming a cylindrical boundary which kept the vessels within. Anthony took at all in stride, a thing he never should have been able to see, and his eyes bounced from ship to ship with rabid curiosity.

It was a nuisance to his newly tied mate.

Zack's grey-scaled body was leaning over the controls, his eyes scouring the packed mass of ships. The annoyed dragon was straining his optical implants to their maximum, trying to discern why the traffic jam was not moving at all.

It was bloody damn irritating. The center-structures dividing the wormhole into two-way traffic were partially transparent, and he could see ships were flying smoothly on the other side.

"This is part of why I hate flying through wormholes," the dragon said. "Traffic, and the worst reason is that you miss everything on the way."

Anthony absently nodded his head. Space traffic was a lot more interesting than car traffic, and he wasn't the least bit perturbed by their near zero rate of forward of velocity.

"I love it," Mary said. "This jam has the most AI I've ever been in the vicinity of since ever, and I've actually got a decent UniNet connection. I've played just about a million parchessini games already, eighty-five percent win rate too!"

Anthony grinned. At least Mary hadn't disagreed just out of spite, and her opinion was actually legitimate.

"Have you done anything useful?" Zack asked. "Like find out what's happening, maybe?"

"It doesn't matter," Mary said. "We're stuck here until it's done happening anyway."

The dragon leaned back into his seat and focused his eyes back to normal. "You know."

"Of course I know. The police sent out a traffic order several minutes ago."

Zack leered at her digital avatar on her display screen. "So. What. Is. It?"

"Nothing too important. We just have to move the ship to a certain position in about a minute. Don't you worry, I'll handle it."

Anthony could tell that his mate was about ready to punch a hole in the only display screen he had on his ship. "Mary," he said politely, "could you please tell us what's going on?"

Her avatar turned to face the human and smiled warmly. "Oh, of course. I'd be happy to tell you what's happening, Anthony. Basically, some famous important guy died. Their taking his body back to his home planet for mummification, I guess. His funeral escort is about the size of the entire Gallashian military fleet, and they want to keep rampaging fans as far away as possible, so the police are controlling the flow of traffic through this wormhole."

"Okay," Anthony said, "that sounds like a huge problem for everyone just for one person."

"It's not everyday that someone popular dies of old age," Mary said.

Anthony's eyes darted low. Old age. Even at the pinnacle of medical technology, death was inescapable, and time still took its toll. Albeit it was a lot slower to reach its end, life was still born to die. He knew his own life was extended by multitudes, but Zack had told him that he would not live as long as him--a statement he had buried deep into his mind.

Still, there was an odd thing to hear which didn't quite fit into his perception of the universe.

"Zack," the human said, "how come I've never seen any old people? I mean, I've never seen crinkled grey hair, nasty wrinkly skin, faded fur or scales, or basically anyone suffering from any health issues, so how do people die from old age?"

The dragon folded his wings behind his seat, relaxing them. "Ah, now there's a question more suited for a philosopher than a biologist."

"What do you mean?"

Zack leaned back against his seat. "Well, it's a bit complicated. Physically, everything that can be done to stop aging has been done. And it all works, there is no aging of the body, that's why you don't see any wrinkly skin around the universe."

"But there's a but, of course?"

"Yeah. Life isn't all about atoms and cells and molecules. There's something metaphysical, something spiritual, about every living thing. A soul, if you will. And our souls, our spirits, grow weary. Eventually, people do die despite their bodies remaining in peak health. Their hearts simply won't start anymore."

Anthony mulled over this a bit. "So people eventually lose the will to live, is that it?"

"Pretty much," Zack said, nodding. "It's like how we all need sleep. There's no real reason for it. Biology says our brains are more active during sleep, so we're not really recuperating in that sense. Why do we need sleep, if energy in from calories equals or is greater than calories used? Philosophers agree, it's rest for the soul."

"Even AI sleep," Mary chimed, "although we do it in micro-bursts."

"And AI die too?" Anthony asked. "Their processors just stop working one day?"

"Yes," Mary said rather solemnly. "Everything's mechanically sound, but nothing runs. Working body, no life. It's the same reason why teleportation is impossible, aside from the extremely exact calculations and energy necessary to do it."

Anthony raised an eyebrow. "Err, why is that?"

"Well, put simply, the concept of teleportation requires dismantling an object to its subatomic pieces. Then the pieces have to be transmitted and put back together with the same properties it had at the instant it was disintegrated--same atomic spin, momentum, speed, etc. It's impossible to calculate all of that for any visible object. But even if it was, any living life form reformed at the end point would be dead because the soul would've been ripped out of its body. Simply put, spatial continuity through time is, theoretically, necessary for a person to remain that person." Her digital avatar shrugged and added, "For AI like me, it's even more complicated because there could be no centralized brain area like your head to have the critical point of consciousness sprout from."

"Basically," Zack added, "it's complicated."

Anthony looked out the window for a while and watched the crowd of ships go nowhere, his mind trying to sort out what Mary had said. "But," he said after a few minutes, "it's a question of will, then?"

The dragon tilted his head slightly towards his mate. "What?"

"If I don't want to die, then I won't. Right?"

Zack didn't want to mingle on this subject for much longer, knowing what it was his lover's mind was dwelling on. "It's harder for individuals from more, uhh, younger species to last as long as the older ones. Your minds aren't really used to the idea of living for centuries."

The human pulled away from the windshield. "But if I had purpose? If I had a reason to stay, could I last as long from sheer willpower?"

"It has been done in the past," Mary answered.

"A powerful incentive to live," Zack said, "yes, I've heard of it happening."

Anthony blinked his eyes and turned towards his mate. He slowly stepped towards him, bending over slightly to see him eye-to-eye while he was sitting in the captain's chair. "I think I have a good reason," he said, his voice dialing down to a whisper. "I love you."

Zack felt warmth flush to his cheeks as his mate gave him a soft kiss on the tip of his snout.

The man moved back a tiny bit after the kiss. "And I never want to leave you alone."

The dragon curled his wings behind his mate to push the man back to him, to have his lips mash against his muzzle once more. He let his tongue speak what words could not convey, thoughts and feelings he would have never thought he'd have just over a year ago before he met his mate.

Hope sprung from within Zack's heart, a comfort to ward away the sting of a loss he never thought he'd have to worry about before. A loss that might not happen. He savored the warmth, the love, and the passion of his mate, his body merging closer to his scales, zipping together from their mouths.

It didn't take long for them to be wrapped in each others limbs, the captain's chair supporting more of a burden than its creaky air-cushioned mount usually bore. They nuzzled, kissed, hugged, and made sensual noises for several minutes before there were a few faint whispers followed by a brisk departure from the cockpit.

"Right," Mary said as they left, "I'll just keep things tidy up here."

They didn't acknowledge her, but she knew Zack had heard her. Just organics being organics. She kept an ear out for traffic advisories and continued playing her games.

Naked scale and skin entered the bedroom while any clothing that had been worn were lost somewhere in the living space. Noisy kisses and moans filled the back of the ship, interspersed with a few taps and clicks as Zack's hand dug around his drawer for the lube.

Their cuddling and smooching only stopped when the dragon finally pulled out the bottle of slippery liquid and popped it open. "Shall we?" Zack asked.

"I want to tie with you so badly," Anthony said. "I'm so close to getting it in."

With his free hand, Zack lightly pressed a finger-claw against his lover's lips. "It's your turn to top today," he said adoringly.

The human blushed lightly. "Mmm, okay," he said, and then he felt a cool hand grasp around his large cock. It smeared a bunch of liquid on his shaft and warmed it from the friction before the cold air replaced it again.

The grey dragon craned his snout close to his mate's ear. "Be rough with me," he said seductively. "Push me against the wall. Force my tail up."

"O-okay," Anthony said, grinning. They made love plenty of times and couldn't get enough of each other's adoration, but sometimes both of them wanted a little more action in their sex.

Zack grabbed the man's hands and started pushing them. He loved it when the human dominated him, using his built physique to muscle around his slender Alorkinoid frame, but he didn't have a chance to do it often. Anthony was shy in this regard, but the dragon's encouragement was working to build him out of it, though it was progressing just as slowly as the human's ass was stretching to accommodate his knot. Not that either of those things really mattered--he was just happy to be with someone he really loved.

That was the real difference for Zack. He'd fucked and gotten fucked by countless people, and he'd forgotten most of their faces. They'd been pleasurable sessions, sure, but they'd been nothing compared to the intense feeling he had when he had sex with Anthony. Loving him truly made all the difference in the universe.

It could've been some random macho gym enthusiast that countered his push and rammed him against the wall like he'd wanted. Some fat cock shoved up his bum and spearing him until it filled him up. It would've felt nice in the same way popping a happy pill would've felt good. He'd done a lot of that, but now that he'd allowed himself to fall in love, there was no comparison. There was nothing like the feeling of knowing how he was the most precious thing in the universe to someone, how he made that special someone happy, and how he loved him right back the same way. There was no going back, and if he and his mate were true to each other, then he'd never have to.

The dragon's back hit a wall with a bit of force, the human actually overpowering him quite more than usual. He remembered the first time his mate had topped, he practically had to guide Anthony into him, the man having been rather skittish about shoving his meat into him. But he was getting more comfortable with it now, that was clear, and Zack was glad to see it from both a sexual standpoint and an emotional one. The dragon was helping him forget his old sorrows, the sadness he'd brought from Earth slowly being drowned by not just the wonders of the universe, but also, and more substantially, by his love.

Their hips started grinding together, matched by the melding of their mouths. The dragon's horns would've made rather deep holes in the wall if they weren't puncture-proof. They frotted, kissed, and cuddled for many minutes before their hardened cocks demanded more.

With surprising agility and initiative, Anthony pulled the dragon back, rounded behind him, narrowly brushing a wing, and grabbed his scaly shoulders. He turned his mate around to face the wall and shoved him forward, slamming his lover firmly yet carefully against the smooth metallic surface.

The dragon's muzzle was forced to lay turned on one side, but there was a smile on Zack's face despite the rough treatment. "Oooh," he said, "I like this Anthony. You're making me so hot right now."

There was a warm and wet sensation on the dragon's neck as Anthony gave it a quick lick, and then, while still holding the lithe Alorkinoid against the wall with one hand pressed tight against a wing root, the man grasped the lower part of his mate's tail and forced it up. "Mmm," the man said playfully, "my draggy."

Zack made an incredibly lewd purring noise as he felt a warm presence jab at his tail hole, a fat fleshy cock head spreading his ass open to fill his insides. Unlike the dragon's tapered tip, Anthony's head started off girthy and didn't let up, the thick mushroom cap prying his ass open to find entry. The lube made it possible, and there was a loud plop as his head pierced the sphincter. It didn't take long to be followed by the rest of his throbbing shaft.

The speed and force with which the human mated with his dragon was a throwback to the days before they'd declared their love for each other, but Anthony was just giving his scaled lover what he knew he liked. They were not abandoning the slow and sensual courting they'd enjoyed together the vast majority of their post-mated life, but he knew the dragon liked it just as much when they were rougher, and Zack had been restraining himself when he was on top on account of his knot, so he took the occasion to give the sexy alien what he liked.

And boy did Zack enjoy the sharp thrusts, the hard jabs at his prostate, and the rough grip on his tail and shoulders. If his ship's walls weren't sealed and nearly damage-proof, there would've been quite a number of scratches on the part he was taken against. Not that he cared right now--he was so lost in the electrifying pleasure his mate was giving him that he was drooling, his tongue hanging out of his mouth like a needy dog.

The drool would be the least of the dragon's worries, however. The sight of the grey-scaled alien squirming in bliss drove Anthony to drive even harder into his mate. Seeing how wrapped he was in ecstasy fueled his thrusts, the human trying to please his lover even more. Eventually, the heat from the strength he exerted and the lust he gave made him as hot as the dragon, and his body became slick with sweat as he continued slamming his panting mate against the wall.

Zack could feel the man's warm sweat dribbling onto his scales, sizzling them with wicked off body heat. The dragon's body temperature was normally higher than the human's, but when his lover was really into it, he could get hot enough to match. He loved the little bits of water that dropped from the man's skin, his own scaly body incapable of sweating since his horns took care of thermoregulation, the pair of slightly sharp organic almost-metal acting like a heat sink for the rest of his body.

The hot breaths washing over his neck, the thick full feeling in his ass, and the sharp buzzes of sparking pleasure coming from his special pleasure spot inside him overwhelmed Zack. With the side of his muzzle still mashed against the wall, he scrunched his face up as far as it would and gave an especially loud moan that was rather close to a roar.

Anthony saw his hands and wings clutch at the smooth wall and felt him release. He couldn't see the dragon's black knotted cock jump and throb, but he knew it was spraying a fresh load of seed all over the wall, the sweet and thick fluid mixing with the sweat and drool already there. He felt his mate's tail hole constrict around his fat member, the dragon's insides desperate to feed upon his cum and make him feel as good as he was feeling.

It didn't take long for the man to surrender to the rhythmic contractions and squeezes, and he flooded his dragon's insides with his liquid warmth. He lost himself into the little roleplay they had going and bit his mate's neck, his blunt human teeth safely unable to pierce the scales there but the effort was noticed with a shiver and a moan.

Anthony sunk into a blissful afterglow while his cock stayed inside its draconic sheath, its slow shrinking releasing some amount of seed out of Zack's ass. When at last the man's shaft returned to its completely flaccid state, Anthony pulled out, put his arms around his mate's thickly scaled stomach, and pulled him onto the bed with him. Together, they sunk back-first onto the soft mattress, their heat spreading quickly around the sheets, and they continued cuddling.

No words needed to be said. It was already implicitly known what they would've said to each other at the conclusion of their love-making, and it didn't need to be verbally confirmed. They laid in the bed together, nuzzling and hugging until the heaviness of sleep took them.

Except Zack had only pretended to go to sleep. Once he was sure his mate was deep asleep, the dragon wiggled and slinked his way out of his man's arms as softly as possible, careful not to rouse him from his peaceful slumber, and then snuck his way out of the bedroom.

He didn't exactly tip-toe to the cockpit since his digitigrade legs made that necessary, but he was more silent about it than normal, although his legs were also a bit wobbly from a sore tail hole and there was a bit of leaking fluid as he stepped. As he moved towards the front of the ship, he heard a voice playing from the cockpit console.

"This is Captain Formor of the Entarran Police Force. The traffic divider is about to move to allow more space for vehicles traveling toward Entarran space. All vessels departing the Entarran side will be size restricted to half the regulatory width until the funeral procession has crossed the wormhole. Ships en-route to Entarran space will follow our coordination and remain at a full stop until we give the all clear. Be advised that all ship pilots ignoring or refusing our commands will be charged with a misdemeanor instead of an infraction for traffic violations for the duration of the event. We apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you for your cooperation."

He leaned into the cockpit, pressing his palm against wall for support, and stared at the digital screen on the console. "Mary," he said, "how many?"

It took several seconds for the Alorkinoid avatar of the ship's AI to appear on the screen. Her digital eyes traced the semen on the dragon's legs and belly, and she rolled them in a rather obvious manner. "How many what? Gallons of fluid you waste on that white stuff?"

"No," Zack said, his face stern and serious, an oddity which made Mary somewhat regret her jab. "How many class three individuals, or individuals from species with a lower life expectancy than Alorkinoids, have lived much longer than they should have from willpower?"

Mary glanced to the side and then focused her pixel-generated eyes on the dragon's. "Millions," she said. "It's a big universe."

"How many like Anthony? How many lived on for love?"

"Still millions," she said. "A bit less, but real love is rather rare."

The dragon smiled. He knew theirs was genuine and didn't give it another thought. "That's good to hear," he said.

"Hundreds of thousands passed on at the same exact time as their mate," she added.

Zack stared out at the stars. He'd wanted to be alone, to have what he'd thought was absolute freedom, for so long, but now he couldn't bear the thought of traveling without his mate. "I--I can only hope--"

"Shut up," Mary said softly. "He will. I know he will."

Zack nodded firmly. "Thank you, Mary. Err, have you dealt with the traffic situation?"

"Yes. And don't mention it," she said, and then she went back to her games.

The dragon nodded, went back to his bed, folded a wing around Anthony, and slept next to his loving human with a smile affixed to his muzzle the entire night, their warmth a bright spot in a cold universe.

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