Journey of a Succubus - 06

Story by Little Red Wolf on SoFurry

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#8 of Journey of a Succubus (Dead Story)

Last Edit: 04 September 2009

Journey of a Succubus - 06

Elora laid on her side as the life essence of her former servant seeped into her veins. Seven hundred years of memories and emotions rushed through her. For a time it felt as if she might drown in this dark sea. Then the waters of memory began to drain away. The world returned and she was in her bed alone.

She slid her sensitive fingers over her body and settled on her abdomen. She could still feel his warmth within her belly, but it was slowly shrinking. Her mind drifted, and she began to wish she would become pregnant. To bring his baby into the world would be an honor. But her womb absorbed his energy and her body returned to its normal size. She was alone.

A dull ache filled her. It was not the pain of muscles or the throbbing of joints. It was the pain of the heart. Subuta was gone, and it was her actions that set him free. She was happy for him, but lonelier from his parting.

A new sensation began to flow through her body. Something was happening and it was not something she recognized. It built, burned, and then peaked. An orgasm burst out of her and spread throughout. She began to pulse and twitch. Her nails sharpened and strengthened into claws. Her ears pinched off and became elf-like. Two horns poked up on the top of her head and slid into position like a pair of tiny rapiers. Her hips widened, stretching her panties to their limit, and a tail began to push its way into position. A flick of her claws shredded the offending garment. Then the greatest change of all came from the pain in her back.

Her body swelled as new muscle fibers grew and laced themselves to their neighbors. An entirely new circulatory system formed and her blood began to burn hot. Two shriveled, bat-like, wings emerged from her shoulder blades and ached as her bones grew downward. She thrashed and tore at her robes, shredding them to make room for her newest parts. Like a butterfly emerging from her cocoon, the initiate flapped her little wings. With each beat, more blood was pumped into them, forcing them to grow.

Elora cried as this process was both pleasure and pain. Like shriveled leather, the wings crackled as they stretched. The flesh unfolded causing little shock waves that rippled through new nerve endings that danced with life. A violent storm of electric pulses fired through her. As the signals synced up, Elora felt she could control these new parts of herself. She flapped and moved the new bits of flesh and blood. Her muscles became harder and stronger. Then, as the energy reached its peak, she let out a scream.


Agony... it hung on her like a thick blanket. Every fiber in her body had been torn and put back together to make her a little larger and stronger then she had been before. The process, which was supposed to be slow and gradual, had happened all in the space of a minute and a half.

She could not move from the bed as she assimilated the meaning of this new fate. What was to happen now? What was she capable of? Would she be in trouble for doing something unexpected? What next? She did not know. The pain stopped her from thinking too hard about it.

There was a knock at the door.

"My lady," the voice of Niku said from the talisman. "I have your surprise. May I enter?"

Elora gasped, she was hurting both inside and out and wanted nothing to do with anyone at the moment. She took a few deep breaths, trying to build up the strength to send them away, when a pain of hunger stabbed at her. She was starving. Her body had used up much of her energy in the transformation process and it needed more.

With a sigh, Elora drew the blanket up over her mostly naked form.

'Maybe the fool can grant me some relief,' she thought to herself. "Enter."

"Good evening, my lady," Niku said as he entered the room and bowed deeply. "It is a pleasure to be serving you this evening. This is Akujiki, the best masseuse in the castle."

"Niku is too kind," Akujiki said with a bow and a blush. "I merely have a natural talent. There is no greater pleasure in the underworld for me than to make you happy."

Their flattery annoyed her. Insincere, flattery designed to relax and disarm. Their intent was simply to touch and fondle her. They were planning on spraying her with their cream and defiling her with their bodies. Worst of all... all she could do was desire nothing else form them.

"My lady," Akujiki said as he stepped forward and placed a small bag on the vanity, "I am told the transformation of the initiates is painful. My gift to you, if you will accept it, is pleasure instead of pain. May I kneed your aches and pains away?"

Elora liked the fact that he was asking. She then remembered that she was supposed to be in charge here. She had to tell them what to do or else they would do nothing. Once again, part of her was tempted to send them away, but she could not overcome the other side. Their soft warm bodies and powerful hands were aching to caress her. All she needed to do was give the word.

"Start with my feet," she told them, and she pulled the silky sheets up, revealing her clawed toes. Elora was startled when she saw the foot and became immediately afraid that they were be terrified or revolted by what she had become. The look on their faces, though, was one of endearment and not fear.

"As you wish," Akujiki said and he went down on one knee. Taking one aching talon in his strong paw, he made small circles along the arch. The thrill of this sort of control caused her a rush of pleasure.

'Where is this thrill coming from?' she wondered. 'Does this have something to do with my past, or Subuta's?'

As her skin warmed to the paws that held her, she began to enjoy more of it. Niku took a knee next to Akujiki and took the other foot. Without breaking eye contact, the more familiar tanuki began adding his own efforts to her relaxation.

"AAaaaahahhhhh...." Elora's eyes finally rolled back as she breathed out a long, contented sigh. "That feels wonderful." She had not had a good massage since leaving her Nana. The maid was always interested in the wellbeing of her little ward. She believed Elora would be healthier and stronger with proper bathing, massages, and tender-loving-care. That was what this felt like. So much so that she did not notice, or object, when the hands traveled to her ankles, then her calves, and up to her knees.

The aches and pains from earlier seemed to melt away as her attendants worked their magic. They slowly began making their way up onto the bed as they made their way to her thighs.

The blanket was pulled back and Elora's new body was fully exposed.

"My lady," Akujiki asked subjectively, "may we care for your back side?"

The back was where most of her pain was at the moment so Elora turned and presented herself to them. Warm strong hands began traveling up her back and get to work on the real knots that had formed in her body. The little wings were barely the size of her servant's hands but they were causing the most discomfort. Akujiki and Niku were very skilled.

"I have another gift for you, my lady," Akujiki told her and he stepped away to get something out of his belongings. "May I pour this oil onto your skin?"

"Mmm... yes..." Elora said with a satisfied smirk.

Her skin tingled as the oil was drizzled around her wings. The skin became slick and more responsive. The strong paws began to glide like skaters across a pond. Moans of contentment escaped Elora's lips. She felt her senses slipping away.

One pair of hands began working on her upper back and the other moved to her butt. They were not gropes and fondles but stress releasing strokes and tension draining caresses. Elora's mind began to drift. In her previous life, males with these skills had not been allowed to touch her.

As their hands drew closer to her private places, she felt her own arousal growing. She could practically smell their restraint. She peaked through her closed eyelids and saw one attendant standing at attention. His arms did not stop moving but he had to make an effort not to poke her... but it was clear that he wanted to.

The control she was exhibiting over him was effortless and intoxicating. She moved one lazy hand out and touched the stiff part. Its owner froze. His hands stuck in place as she touched him experimentally. She was not normally allowed the luxury to feel and examine a man's parts at her leisure. He was all flesh and blood engorged as full as he could be. The throb of his pulse traveled throughout and entered her curious hand with the steady rhythm of excited life.

His pheromones were here as well. Secreted in sweat and mixed with oils then trapped in fur. All designed to attract a mate. All working to win her affection.

He was helpless before her. She could do whatever she decided to do. Elora decided she wanted to play with him. Gently she tugged and the rest of Niku's body followed. Bring him to the edge of the bed, she reached out and took him into her mouth. He tasted different from Subuta. Less meat, more spice, and a type of chemical burn created by anticipation and adrenaline. His breath was heavy and fast. His heart pounded with excitement. Pre-cum leaked to the surface and she tasted his essence. His fear shone through, he was not as strong as Subuta.

The initiate slid back and released the erection. It barely sagged as its owner seemed to shiver in pain. Rising from her prone position, Elora looked hard at her two servants. They stood tall and strong, ready to explode into action at a moment's notice.

A savage grin crept across Elora's lips as she let Niku stand there in discomfort. Taking the skilled Akujiki, who had been working on her bottom, by the hand, she led him off of the bed and against the wall. She moved close and stared into his eyes. She was taller now and could look down on him, giving her more power. He was nervous and maybe a little afraid. Was this his first time?

Elora kissed the trembling lips of her servant. He was so warm and alive, she wondered how he would taste. Dropping to her knees, she placed him into her mouth. He was warm here too and his taste was almost rabbit-like. The young heart beat faster like a nervous virgin. He was too inexperienced to take full advantage of her. The pre tasted salty and sweet, and would be a wonderful meal.

She salivated as he whimpered. With one hand she slid her fingers up and down in front of her mouth. Moisture seeped from her lips forming little rivers that slicked her hand, adding to his sensation.

He began to twitch. Elora slid her mouth back and moved her hand up and down a little more vigorously. A youthful squeal emitted from Akujiki as his hot virgin nectar squirted onto the tongue of his new owner. Her taste buds lit in a cascade of fireworks. She swallowed a lot, her esophagus and stomach filling with tasty warmth.

Twenty three... he was pent up too. A small amount had leaked from the corners of her mouth. Carefully she let him go and tried not to make a mess. Akujiki's body was drained, his knees buckled and he slid to the floor.

Elora looked at Niku and licked her lips. The pain of not being allowed to release shown on his features. His brow quivered and he was clenching his jaw. Elora was not sure she wanted to drink his seed, it did not taste the way she wanted it too. She did not want to simply leave him that way, though. It would be an act of cruelty and Akujiki had been such a wonderful present.

"Thank you for the gift, Niku," the young master said as she drew him off of the bed. "Your friend really is magical. I enjoy him very much."

"Y-you are w-welcome, my lady." Niku's restraint was buckling.

"Tell me," Elora said as she wrapped her arms around and kept her face just out of kissing distance, "what are all of the parts that a succubus can feed with?"


"Tell me with your tongue," she told him slyly, "not your voice." Leaning forward, she tilted her head sideways and put her lips onto his muzzle. She rubbed her tongue along the inside of his mouth and he quickly returned the gesture. The kiss was deep and when they parted, she whispered, "does your tongue know any other places I can feed from?"

Niku knelt with great effort. It seemed as if his entire lower body had swollen from excitement but he was properly motivated and he managed to move into a submissive position. Moving his muzzle between his master's legs, he rolled his wet tongue out and into her slit.

Elora threw back her head, gasped, and grabbed his head. The raccoon-dog was warm, smooth, and long. His mouth opened wide and his teeth lightly touched her skin. The tongue squirmed deep inside of her. She clenched her inner muscles around it and he slowly drew it out. When he pulled himself all of the way out he crawled along the ground behind her.

Without waiting for a command he began to lick her anus. Her previous master was never this gentle with her poor back hole. Niku massaged her cheeks, lubricated her opening with his saliva, and finally wiggled his warm tongue inside of her. Elora giggled a little at the feeling. It was playful instead of rough. She pulled away and turned to face him.

"On your back, my captive," she told him as the power she wielded surged through her veins. "I think you have earned a reward."

The tanuki laid down on his back and the young succubus straddled him. Lowering herself carefully, she slid his painfully erect man-hood inside of her womb. Niku was fire and passion in her belly. His body began thrusting earnestly. Paws seized her hips and bottom, moving them to his rhythm. Elora liked it but she put her hands on his shoulders and slammed forward. The servant lay still. He was hers to command.

"Stay still," she ordered and then began moving her hips on her own. Her feminine walls slid over his masculine staff. Her own juices lubricated their connection and made her feel all of him. She spread her legs and pushed down so that he would be all of the way into her. She then rose up a few inches then slid back down. She found a rhythm that she enjoyed and moved up and down at her leisure.

"M-my l-la-dy-y..."

"Not yet," she told him, "I am not through."

Niku's face was scrunched up with concentration and he was grinding his nails into the ground. She knew he could not hold back much longer but she gained more excitement watching him try than in the caressing of her opening over his length. He snorted and held his breath, gasped and whined, until he could stand no more.

"Now Niku!" Elora ordered. "Cum into me now!"

The servant's paws flew up and grabbed the hips and butt of his master. Energy crackled around him and he thrust up several times. When he exploded, Elora felt as if lightning had struck her insides. Wave after wave gushed forth, filling her body and feeding her need.

He pulled her down on him hard and held her there. Pulses of warmth entered and were held in by his efforts. Elora began to peak as well from the struggles and the heat. Their orgasms wove together in a tapestry of ecstasy. When finally they settled she fell on top of him.

Elora ran her fingers through his soft fur. She felt his fluids running through her veins and she wanted more. She tilted his head to the side and lowered her lips to his ear.

"When you have recovered," she whispered, "you are to mount me and put your seed into the opening that is presented." Her whole body flushed as she said those dirty words. She ached for him to recover and do it but she knew it would take some time. When she stood, the male pulled out of her but what he left in her did not flood out the way her husband's had. She places a finger inside of herself and felt around a little. She was almost clean, sucked up and into her womb, absorbed quickly and efficiently.

Looking up onto her bed, she saw a very excited Akujiki watching her. He had recovered and had moved there without her permission. This annoyed her a little but she was too excited to care.

"Recover quickly, Niku," she said without looking down at him.

Akujiki scurried backward a little as the demoness crawled onto the bed toward him. He quickly reached the headboard and froze. He was afraid again as the succubus put her face inches from his.

"Going somewhere?" she tormented with her eyes locking him into place. He opened his mouth to say something but she grabbed his face with her hands and kissed him so hard that he squeaked. "I'm not finished with you!" she almost shouted.

Without removing her hands from Akujiki's face, Elora moved her hips, found him with her lower lips, and speared herself with his hardness. With great vigor she rocked up and down. He was unable to stay still and plunged himself into her. Their bodies strained and within moments they were each peaking. Her womb drank his meaty liquids and when they settled, she did not let him go.

Even though he was softening, Elora did not let him fall out of her canal. She released his face and began to kiss him gently. He tasted so fresh and unspoiled to her. Again she wondered if she was the first woman he had ever had sex with or if this was just the way he was. Either way, she liked the idea of him belonging to her an no one else. She wondered if it was within her power to claim males for herself.

Akujiki ran his hands up and down her back, much like he was massaging her. She moaned a little and moved her body up and down slowly. He began to stiffen up a little as she did this. Using her training, she moaned in a manner pleasing to a man. He responded by becoming harder and she grew more excited for having controlled his body yet again.

As they rocked slowly back and forth, someone else got onto the bed and began to crawl toward them. Elora slid all the way down and brought her legs forward, opening her rear for her second guest.

"Feeling better?" she asked in a condescending tone.

"Yes, my lady," Niku said with a great deal of hunger in his voice.

"You must prepare me before you may enter," she told him and he growled a little. For a moment, Elora wondered if she had pushed him too far. Then she felt his breath on her bottom, followed by his nose and then his tongue. He licked her carefully and allowed his saliva to make her very wet. Once he had done this, he crawled forward and pressed his meat into her.

Elora groaned happily as both of her holes were filled with male meat. Slowly she began to move and the twin sensations were more than anything else she had experienced yet. "Oh... my... GODS!" she cried as they both began thrusting slowly into her.

The males had to be careful to find a proper rhythm for the three of them. If any of them were out of sync they would fall out and have to start over. Their bodies blazed with the heat of this much contact and sweat poured onto each other. Their muscles flexed and strained with the effort of control and Elora began to peak in seconds. Her orgasm twitched over their penises and both males gasped a little.

When she came down from her peak she began rocking again, pushing them into her and enjoying their desire to fill her up. It was Niku who lost control first. Grabbing her butt, he thrust forward hard. Elora's scream excited Akujiki who began to thrust up vigorously, causing her to gasp at the end of that scream. Suddenly the males were in charge.

They held her and thrust as they willed. Elora's mind was lost in the sensation of her body being filled. She loved this violation. She loved losing control after having it for as long as she had. She came again and they did not stop. She wrapped her arms around Akujiki and he plunged even deeper into her. As the wet slapping rocked her she felt like she might pass out from the bliss.

Akujiki suddenly stiffened and began to gush. He pulled Elora down hard and held her there. Niku leaned forward and thrust several times very aggressively, growling and drooling as he did so. When he finally came to it was an orgasmic symphony of pants, growls, and screams.

Hot cream pushed her insides apart and caused tears to leak from her eyes. Elora's eyes clenched shut tightly and she whimpered weakly. When finally the males stopped pouring into her, they allowed her to lay still. Elora lay on Akujiki and Niku lay on Elora. Their weight was comforting but eventually they moved to their sides.

She had no more strength. Akujiki held her from the front and Niku held her form the back. She was no longer in charge. She was safe in their arms. The world could not harm her here. It was not long before she drifted off into a deep, dreamless, sleep.

Journey of a Succubus - 05

Last Edit: 04 September 2009 Journey of a Succubus - 05 Subuta ran a wide bristled brush gently through Elora's wet hair. Her eyes were half-closed as his careful attention massaged her to the roots. Subuta had used some sort of special...

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Journey of a Succubus - 04

Last Edit: 03 September 2009 Journey of a Succubus - 04 All of the baths Elora had taken in her life were in private tubs with a servant or two and occasionally a doctor there to check her body. She had never bathed with her husband, but...

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Journey of a Succubus - 03

Last Edit: 13 September 2009 Journey of a Succubus - 03 Five erect towers pointed toward the swirling vortex that passed as the sky of the netherworld. In the center there was a castle keep and within these towers and walls were the...

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