Journey of a Succubus - 04

Story by Little Red Wolf on SoFurry

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#6 of Journey of a Succubus (Dead Story)

Last Edit: 03 September 2009

Journey of a Succubus - 04

All of the baths Elora had taken in her life were in private tubs with a servant or two and occasionally a doctor there to check her body. She had never bathed with her husband, but she had trained for it when she was in her original tower. She had always believed a bath to be a private thing and was therefore completely unprepared for the spectacle she was about to behold.

When Elora and Subuta passed through the large arch way that lead to the public baths, they stepped through a light blue energy field and were hit by a wall of humidity. The girl gasped at the sudden change but discovered that it was not affecting her as much as she thought it should. She was curious as to why this was but the rest of the setting was too distracting for her to ponder it for more than a moment.

The place was enormous and designed to hold many large occupants. There were already several creatures here and none of them looked safe. A bulky red skinned humanoid with large bat-wings, horns, and claws reclined comfortably across from a slightly smaller female of the same description. Another pool contained green water and several dozen tentacles draped over the side. Another pool had five of the raccoon-dog bodied tanuki. They called a greeting to Subuta who smiled and nodded at him as they passed.

"Here we are," he said as they approached a smaller tub that could comfortably hold Elora and five other girls her size. "Let me test the water for you."

Elora was not shocked by this statement, royalty often had servants for silly things like this. Subuta appeared very focused in the performance of this duty. When he finally gave her the go ahead, Elora smiled at him then put her toe into the water. Though a great deal of steam was coming off of the pool, it did not seem to be as warm as she thought it should be. She did not particularly care, though, so she disrobed and lowered herself into the welcoming water.

"Aaaaaaahhhhhh......" Elora sighed contently.

"Ho... ha... oooh...." Subuta flinched as if the water were extremely hot to him as he settled in. When at last he got comfortable, Elora could no longer contain her giggling.

"What is the matter?" she said when she could speak again.

"It is very warm."

"No it isn't," Elora said as she giggled again. "This water is warm but I've been in warmer."

"Respectfully, my lady, I doubt that." Elora looked at her companion curiously when he said that. The water looked like it should be very warm but....

"If I have never been in water that is this hot before, than why do I barely sweat?"

"It is because of what you are becoming. As an initiate, your body is not fully formed, but you still have a very high temperature tolerance. When you are fully developed, you will need to bathe in magma to sweat like you used to."

"Magma?" Elora gasped. "That seems highly unlikely."

"For a human, it does," the raccoon face's lips pulled back in a toothy smile, "but you are no longer human."

Elora sat in the very warm water and thought for a moment. She had to admit that she had not looked right when she saw herself in the mirror. Holding her arm out, she studied her hand. Her skin had always been pale but she swore it was almost see through at the moment. As she focused harder she realized she could see her veins and the blood that coursed through them.

She remembered what Lady Morgan had said, about becoming "one of us." Originally Elora thought she might get wings and become stronger but she had not thought overly hard about what else might change in her life. As it was, her meals were certainly coming to her in an odd way... or... cuming to her in an odd way.

"I wonder what else will change," she thought out loud.

"Many things," her companion said in a sad but soothing voice. "Some of these things will be wonderful and some will not. But I believe you will discover the wonderful things will outweigh the others."

"I have faith in my master," Elora smiled. "Lady Morgan would not have offered me this if she thought I would be unhappy."

A strange look passed briefly over the tanuki's face before he let it fall neutral again. Elora was not certain what it meant but it caused her senses to bristle for a little while.

"When do my new lessons begin?" Elora finally said in order to banish the uncomfortable feeling she had.

"They have already begun," her guide told her.

"This is an odd class."

"But you are learning." Subuta said in a way that made Elora nod in unconscious agreement. "This world has many things that are different and you will need to learn all about them if you are to survive."

"Then teach me something interesting," Elora said as she leaned back and assumed a bored posture which allowed the nipples of her naked breasts to pierce the top of the water. She was teasing him but he darkened a little.

"If you believe you are ready," said another growly voice, "then perhaps you should learn to take a group." Elora turned her head and was face-to-testicles with another tanuki.

"Excuse me," the noble girl said in an irritated manner as she backed away and sank to her shoulders.

"Please, forgive me, lady initiate," the raccoon-dog said with a slight bow, "but you said you were bored and I do not believe you could handle any of the... more aggressive creatures here." He glanced at a blue skinned humanoid with scales and silver fangs. "I am certain we can show you a good time."

Elora's emotions flared when the other tanuki said this. His arrogance seemed to drip from every pore. His grin enraged her and made her want to storm off. His confidence, though, had other affects. She found herself wondering if he really could show her a good time.

Suddenly, Elora thought about her husband and every time he had ever made advances like this. She had been locked in a world of very little choice. She was expected to fall to her knees and raise her backside to her master like a common animal any time he felt the need. Now this creature was not taking, but asking. While the manner of his asking was rude, the shiver of excitement it gave her was wonderful.

As opposing emotions pulled at her mind, Elora remembered Lady Morgan's words. 'Give them what they want and they will tire of you quickly.' It was a game. If she wanted to stay on top of this game she could not give into what this creature wanted. At least... not right away.

"I do believe you will need to show me a very good time before I... help you with your little problem." At this she licked her lips and the tanuki visibly twitched. He took a deep breath and Elora felt proud of herself for being do sly. "Awe... you poor thing... are you a little blue?" She reached out her hand and traced the fur on his very large sack. The raccoon-dog's eyes blinked hard as he tried to hide his discomfort behind his mask. However, being male gave him away.

"I would be... grateful to you... lady initiate, if you were to... allow me a measure of... relief." The creature's entire demeanor had changed and the thrill is gave Elora surged through her. She also felt a tiny bit sorry for him, but not enough to deter her from this course of action. She was not normally cruel like this but she felt it was necessary in this place.

"What about Subuta?" Elora motioned to her companion. "He held his nectar in check for me so that I could have a great deal more. What are you willing to offer?"

"I am quite... full..."

"Oh no," she teased him, "that simply will not do." Elora was in charge. She had what he wanted and he was not allowed to take it. This authority was far too exhilarating to let go of. "I owe Subuta a debt for his kindness to me. I could not leave him unfulfilled so your 'extra' is useless to me. You need to be... creative."

There was silence between them as the tanuki's brain struggled with his balls. "I... have something... you may like." He finally managed to say, though it was obviously a strain.


"It is a surprise."

Elora could not help but smile when he said that. She had always loved surprise gifts. There was something about the anticipation that made it even sweeter.

"Very well," she told him, "bring your present. However, you must also massage the aches from by bones. I have been very uncomfortable these past few days."

"Until tonight," the tanuki said and he began to shuffle away.

"Wait," Elora ordered and he stopped. "I demand to know the name of all my servants."

"Niku," he told her with a bow. He then waddled away looking like he was in a slight amount of pain.

'What in the hell am I doing?' Elora's mind screamed as she turned back to her companion. She had enjoyed the game but she was afraid of what she had just agreed to. It was her choice, though, and she had been in control the whole time. Or was she? Maybe Niku had been in control and she did not know it. She was fairly new at this, after all. Her old king had always been in charge, leaving her no time to practice.

Subuta's face wore a peculiar grin. "Something amuses you?"

"I am pleased with how you handled that," he said with approving eyes.

"I am sure you are," Elora said as she held the sly look that covered her uncertainty. "The idea of sharing me with another and unlocking my sexual prowess is something I can imagine you would enjoy a great deal."

"It is true," Subuta with the tiniest bit of a shamed look, "but I am certain what you take from this experience will be much greater than the simple relief we will feel by serving you."

"Is service to us truly your heart's desire?" Elora asked before she could stop herself.

"My people lost the ability to choose our hearts desire when we raped our women." Elora's eyes widened and she was unable to speak. "The tanuki used to be human, but we treated women poorly. Now we serve the women of this place, at the beck and call of those whom we wronged. I am pleased that you treat me so well, lady initiate. I will do all that I can to keep your favor."

Elora took this all in and tried to see Subuta as he used to be. A man, like her husband, who had thought of women as property. A self-centered fool who could never think outside of himself. His life was now in her hands. Should she punish him?

"Do you regret what you did?" she asked and his physical reaction told her that he did.

"I regret only that another had to suffer so that I could be here to serve you."

It was an odd answer, but Elora felt that she liked it.

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