Journey of a Succubus - 03

Story by Little Red Wolf on SoFurry

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#5 of Journey of a Succubus (Dead Story)

Last Edit: 13 September 2009

Journey of a Succubus - 03

Five erect towers pointed toward the swirling vortex that passed as the sky of the netherworld. In the center there was a castle keep and within these towers and walls were the children of Queen Lilith. The heat of bodies filled the halls and the sounds of pleasure often followed. Some were pierced by whips, others by the wet slapping noises of bodies sweating and straining under the force of their own desire, and others were simply a tide of whimpering delight. All around, the pleasures of the flesh were being honed. Practiced in order to improve the skills of those who wielded such weapons.

Before Elora opened her eyes; she could feel the smoothness of silk on her skin and the softness of a bed under her body. The stinging scent of incense and the potent musk of bodies in motion sent her senses out of focus. A hunger brought her back to herself. It was different than the normal need for food might be. She was sore from head to toe and could feel a hungry ache in her belly... and slightly lower.

Her hands drifted down her body to this ache. Down through velvety fabrics, her fingers gliding into delicate folds. Wet, slick, and sensitive, her slight touch caused a joyous shiver. A quite moan leaked from her lips as her mind tumbled through the sensation. She was always skilled at touching herself but this was beyond her normal enjoyment.

She shifted and writhed in the silky sheets, caught up in the feeling of fabric and fingers. The build was wondrous but then there was no peak. She stroked faster and her excitement increased. She was trapped in a cage of passion, denied the release of orgasm. Her moans became whines and cries as she tried harder and harder to cum.

Suddenly the door opened but Elora could not stop. A presence entered the room, looked at what she was doing, saw her in this vulnerable and humiliating situation... she peaked. The explosion of energies was wild and intense like a beast tearing free of its bindings. Tears squeezed out of her eyes and her toes curled tightly. The euphoric rush coursed through her long and hard as hungry eyes drank her in. Then finally, the beast settled, and she could breath again.

"Good evening, lady initiate," said a masculine voice that sounded both gentle and savage. Elora's eyes opened, her cheeks burned in mortification. "Easy," the voice cautioned her as she tried to sit up, "you're weak and in need. You must regain your strength."

He was right about her need. Though her orgasm had been amazing, her body was still burning with desire. She wanted more, wanting to be filled, violated, pumped full of invading seed that could warm the inner most regions of her body.

"W-what's wrong with me?" she cried as the world slid in and out of focus. The servant moved to her side.

"You are suffering from the early parts of your transformation. You need to feed, your continued health depends on it."

Several more blinks caused the blood flow in her head to equalize and the world came into focus. The scattered bits of a brown blur came together and formed a large creature resembling a raccoon. His fur was brown with black and white stripes and his eyes were large and brown. The most noticeable features, however, were his two large testicles, each the size of Elora's head, that rested on the floor.

When he decided to walk, the raccoon creature would lean back and then shuffle his short legs. He moved surprisingly well despite being so well endowed. Elora noticed that the sight of these big parts seemed to increase her hunger.

"W-what... who?"

"Forgive my rudeness, initiate Elora." The creature gave a slight bow. "My name is Subuta, and I will be your servant, guide, and food bearer, until you are skilled enough to hunt on your own."

"My... food?"

"Yes," his smile showed rows of sharp teeth, "you are no longer human, you must feed off of the nectar of life. My people have far too much and are happy to share with your people."

"B-but... how? What are you?"

"I am a tanuki," Subuta said as he reached two fingers into his fur and began to rub his sheath. A moment later, the head of his little red nub poked out and began to grow. Elora watched with hungry eyes. The desire in her abdomen gnawed at her and she began to salivate. The growing part of him was now recognizable as that which she had been trained since birth to please.

"Just do what comes naturally to you," Subuta told her in his gentle voice. Before she could question what that might be, Elora found herself crawling off of her bed, kneeling before the strange creature, taking the slowly hardening flesh in her hand, and wrapping her lips around his length.

The male closed his eyes, took a deep intake of breath, and exhaled a long sigh of pleasure. Never before had Elora serviced a man so eagerly. His reactions gave her pleasure as her tongue explored this new warm friend. Her soft blond head bobbed delicately up and down. His breathing told her the rhythm to take. The warm flesh gave a little twitch. Experience caused her to pull her head back. The tanuki emitted a gentle cooing noise and then released.

Warm nourishment spurted into Elora's salivating mouth. She swallowed squirt after squirt of the most delicious seamen she had ever tasted. She felt the heat sliding down her throat and into her empty stomach.

Subuta did not stop. He whimpered as he spurted and Elora continued to swallow his liquid. Once, twice, thrice... ten times... fifteen times... she suckled him like a newborn mammal, hungry for her first meal. Twenty... twenty-one... twenty-two... twenty-three was a little shorter... twenty-four was more a shutter than a squirt... twenty-five was all tremble and no more.

Reluctantly, Elora allowed Subuta to slide from her mouth. She licked her lips and was sure to capture the drops that had leaked. A peaceful, sleepy, feeling swept through her as the hunger finally abated. She made her way back to the bed and crawled beneath the silk sheets.

"Thank you, lady initiate. I have been saving that just for you and it was becoming uncomfortable. Sleep now, your body needs to absorb all of that nutrition."


Elora could not tell how much time had passed before she opened her eyes again. She was more alert this time and was able to take in more of her surroundings. Her room was made of stone, much like her old tower, and was filled with things that reminded her of that life. Her bed was large, and covered in white silk. The walls were mostly bare save four glowing orbs, that emitted a warm light, and a window. Two red wood closets flanked the side of the room opposite the window and a red wood vanity desk with matching chair was on the side with the window. A heavy looking metal door guarded the entrance.

Elora slid to the edge of the bed and touched the stone floor. She noticed it felt a little strange, neither warm nor cold, and not so hard that it hurt. It was not like the carpets of her old castle. She noted that it would be easier to clean and then giggled at her old habits. She still had an eye for decoration and functionality. She would never have left cold hard stone for her royal visitors to hurt their feet on.

When she got to her feet, Elora felt the familiar ache of sore joints. She felt weak and a little dizzy so she decided she must have the flu. Slowly and carefully, she crossed the room to the window that would show her where she was. The landscape was rock and volcanic activity. Lightning storms raced through the purple sky and the distortion of heat rose form the molten lakes and rivers that surrounded the castle.

Farther in the distance, she could see floating islands and its of rock that tumbled through the air as if trying to decide whether gravity was important or not. Elora thought back to her arrival in this place. She had not flown with Lady Morgan. Her master had folded her wings around them both and the world had faded away. When the wings reopened they were here.

It was all so curious. There was lava and fire but she had not noticed the heat. It was all quite comfortable and the glass was not hot to the touch. She decided, with an added degree of excitement, that there must be some sort of magic keeping everything in order. A knock at the door brought her out of her revere.

"Initiate Elora?" Subuta's voice said as if he was standing with the door wide open.


"May I come in please?"

"Of course."

The door opened and in waddled the tanuki servant. Elora began blushing a little when she thought of his "job" and what his presence meant. Before sex had always been her duty. A kind of chore she never looked forward to but always had to prepare for. A commodity, like sowing or weaving, it was simply her job to please her husband. Now she was beginning to understand a very different meaning to the act. Now it was different. There was pleasure involved. She enjoyed drinking the seed of this creature. She felt dirty for having enjoyed the task as she had... but... it was okay here.

"How do you feel, lady initiate?" Subuta asked her.

"How did you speak to me so clearly through such a thick door?" she asked, completely ignoring his question.

"There is an intercom talisman that allows communication between the inhabitant of the room and any potential guest. Now, please, how do you feel?"

"I believe I may have a minor flu," Elora said in a manor befitting a lady.

"You will feel like that when you do not feed enough."

"How often will I need to... feed?"

"It varies from person-to-person as well as your situation. You are going through the change and thus you must feed often. If you do not feed your body will not develop properly and bad things could happen."

"What sort of bad things?"

"Perhaps, if you were to look into your mirror, some of your questions would be answered."

The tanuki waddled over to the vanity and pulled out the chair for her. Elora gave him a polite smile and then took a seat.

"Oh my," she said as she looked at herself. Her skin was more pale than usual and she could see the veins that pulsed beneath. Her hair looked slick and wet as if it had been covered in a slime. Her pale blue eyes looked a little darker and there was a slight slant to them.

"Time and proper nutrition will cure your condition."

"I understand" the initiate said as she remembered similar words being uttered by her maids and doctors.

"Are you ready to feed?" he asked as he removed a waist covering that resembled something like an apron but was more like a kilt. Years of training caused Elora to hold herself regally and appear offended, but she was unable to look away. She could not resist her need.

He was cute, attentive, and ready. Moving delicately to her knees, she took him into her mouth, and began to suckle. His body did not need as much coaxing as most men did. She simply sucked him in, caressed him with her warm tongue, and then drank what he provided her.

There was not nearly as much this time. She swallowed about a dozen times then his flow ebbed. When she let him go a hint of modesty crept back into her mind and she began to blush again.

"How are you feeling now?" Subuta asked as Elora gave a sheepish little grin.

"I feel well rested," Elora said, not willing to admit to the ache of her joints or the warmth in her belly. "Am I allowed to leave my room?"

"Of course," Subuta said with a small bow. "Where would you like to go?"

"Well..." Elora thought for a moment. "I should probably go to the bathroom and freshen up. I look a mess."

"You need not worry about that," Subuta smiled. "The lesser functions of your previous form are a thing of the past. The master of change purged your body of all your human waste and your new method of nourishment is completely absorbed by your body. Food and drink are no longer necessary."

"What about the foods that I like?" Elora asked with a touch of disappointment in her voice.

"You can still consume them, if you choose, but your body will spend much more energy absorbing them than you will receive from their nutrition."

Elora's face looked sour despite her efforts to look neutral. "So, in order to enjoy the foods I love I need a male to suck dry?"

"That is not the only way," the tanuki said with a small smile. "There are other ways for you to feed. These ways will become available to you as you grow into your new self. Do not despair, you will discover this new life gives you pleasures that you could never have experienced before. Life will be different and, in time, you will not miss those old ways.

"If you say so," Elora said as she tried not to let herself look disappointed. Then she remembered another pleasure of her old life. "What about bathing? Can I at least find a hot bath in which my troubles can melt away?"

"Of course," Subuta said as he shifted his body backward, lifting his testicles off of the ground. He waddled over to one of the closets, opened it, and removed a few towels, a flask, and a robe. "This way, lady initiate."

Elora stood and stumbled a little. She still felt heavy and out of sorts. "Could you please escort me?" she asked in the old habit of a lady.

"Of course, lady initiate," said the servant.

She smiled as she took his arm and resisted the urge to snuggle up to him like a life-size teddy bear. His fur was soft and his body warm. She was distracted by this sensation until they passed through the large doorway and entered the hall.

Her eyes were wide as she saw all of the things that were in this place. The hall was dimly lit and allowed for shadows. Statues of gargoyles and demons lined the walls. Here and there she saw paintings of battles and deformed nobles, all masterfully detailed.

Many rooms and passageways littered the halls as they traveled. Heavy doors kept the sound in and but somehow she sensed the pleasures of the occupants. She was surrounded by sex. Surrounded by pleasure. She felt the need for it herself and was surprised. She had never looked forward to her husband's advances and only the master of change had ever touched her in a way she enjoyed. But if she could enjoy its touch and Subuta's taste then maybe there was a way for her to enjoy other things here.

A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. Maybe she could find happiness here. Maybe in this strange place were the things she had always needed without ever knowing what they were.

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