Despite All My Rage - Part V

Story by Little Red Wolf on SoFurry

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#5 of Despite All My Rage

Despite All My Rage - Part V

Micheal looked into Christy's eyes and saw an unearthly darkness. She was changing slowly but the look on her face spoke of her need for help. He remembered one of his elders telling him once that the change was very hard on the body and those who go through it for the first time eat twice their body weight in meat. He had always thought it was because growing boys seemed to eat twice their weight, but Christy looked very pale and confused.

Carefully, he reached out to her. Timidly, she took his paw and he helped her back onto the middle seat.

"Food?" her voice seemed higher and a little unsteady. Micheal looked hard at her and noticed she was thinner. Her body was using a lot of energy, converting her fat reserves into muscle. Cells were changing from one type to another and he was certain there was a DNA shift taking place. As the new DNA replaced the old, her body was regenerating at the most basic level. An old scar on her forehead seemed to dissolve as the skin changed texture and the bone began to thicken.

"Uhm... sure," Micheal strapped Christy into the seat. "How are you feeling?"

She blinked at him as if she was thinking hard about the question, "I... I... hungry..."

This was not good. Her instincts were overwriting her intellect. She needed food. Moving back to the front seat, Micheal put the key into the ignition and turned it forward. The engine complained like it a teenager not wanting to get out of bed in the morning, then it stopped. He gave it another turn, it shuttered, then went still. Taking a deep breath, he pumped the gas pedal a few times, then turned the key again. The engine groaned, then chugged, and finally started.

Micheal smiled and looked back at Christy. Her ears were larger and she was licking up some crumbs she had found in the cushions of her seat. He pulled the gear shift down into drive and hit the gas. Screeching the tired, he pulled the van out into the rain and immediately could not see. Taking his foot off of the gas pedal, he began scanning for the windshield wiper switch and cursed his lack of attention in his driver's ed class. He had very little driving practice and was still fumbling when suddenly he lurched forward and was caught by the seatbelt.

The old van had no airbag, which may or may not have deployed when he hit the closed gate. Fortunately, they had only been going about 5 mph but it still scared the hell out of him. Feeling sheepish, he hit the break. Wiggling a few more knobs turned on the headlights, the hazards, the turn signal, and finally the windshield wipers. Unfortunately, they were not very good and so he could only see a little.

"Push," Christy said from the back seat. Micheal looked back at her, she was a little fuzzy and pointing past him. He followed her gesture and saw a garage door opener hanging from the driver's side sun visor. Feeling silly, he pressed the button and the gate began to open. It made a lot of noise as it rubbed against the nose of the van and Micheal fumbled a lot before finally getting the van in reverse and backing it up a few feet.

Once the gate was open, and the van was back in drive, he shakily maneuvered it out onto the road. Christy giggled at him while he tried to keep the unwieldy beast straight. Every time the wind blew, the van changed lanes and it seemed to keep pulling to the left. Finally he got the vehicle into the correct lane and he began picking up speed. He was finally starting to feel comfortable when a blur of motion leaped into the road and crashed into the grill of the van.

"F-food!" Christy shouted as Micheal slammed on the brakes. Once stopped she pulled off her seatbelt, opened the door, and jumped. He cursed as he tried to put the van into park and hit some more switches. When he finally got out he had lost sight of her. He looked around worriedly for a moment then decided to pull the van off of the road, turn it off, and go looking for her.

The rain had slowed to a drizzle but the smells had all been washed away. "Christy!" he called but there was nothing but the wind and rain. He started to panic. To get this far only to lose her... he saw a trail where a bloody beast had been dragged across the ground. Whatever he had hit was missing so he followed the red path into the woods. She had not tried to cover her trail and for that he was grateful. Moving further on, he followed the mess to a fallen tree. Next to it was a deer who had been hit by a van. Next to the deer was Christy.

She was covered in blood and meat. She had torn open its leg and eaten the skin raw. Of course, she was scavenging! Micheal finally understood her earlier behavior. It was all so obvious now that her instincts were driving her. The only way to bring her back to herself was to let those instincts run their course and finish her transformation.

She hissed at Micheal as he approached. He stopped at first then realized he was thinking much too logically. He needed to think with his instincts. Food, water, shelter... sex... Yes, those were the things. She took another mouthful of deer and chewed slowly. Her eyes watched his movements and then she started to growl and swat at her pants as if they were hurting her.

It began to rain harder again. Filth washed away as Christy tugged, clawed, and thrashed. Her instincts could not remove the pants, they were stuck. Micheal got closer and then saw a bulge just above her butt where her tail was trying to grow in. Leaping forward, Micheal mounted her and began trying to tear her jeans open with his claws. The top fabric was too stubborn and Christy screamed in pain and frustration.

In desperation, Micheal latched his two front teeth on the pants waist and chewed. The fabric could not hold up to his strong sharp incisors. They came apart easily and he tore the back of the pants open. This revealed a short, growing tail and a cute, curvy, female, rear.

Pheromones wafted up into the face of the male. Christy's whole body was in heat and instincts were taking over. The partially transformed rat-girl flexed and writhed as her tail grew longer and thicker. Micheal also felt himself becoming longer and thicker. The scent oozed from the young couple, calling out to each other with their need. The female emitted an instinctive mating tone, the male's body knew the call and reacted accordingly.

Micheal felt as if electricity was arching through his fury body. Without conscious thought he plunged into his mate. Her wetness was already primed and received him readily. His paws caressed the curves of her shifting body. He tore and shredded her clothing... scratched her, drawing rivers of blood through creeping fur... licked the sweat and rain from her glistening skin...

The young teenager was tight, warm, and inviting. Her soft pink muscles lovingly hugged the inexperienced shaft. Warm honey dribbled out of her and slid down to his furry scrotum. The sound of wet slapping encouraged him to plunge again and again into her heated depths.

Micheal's virgin will did not stand a chance against this passion. He shivered as the unimaginable pleasure peaked within his mate and he began ejaculating deep inside Christy. His stiffness worked on instinct as it twitched rhythmically, releasing squirt after squirt of his semen into her body. He screamed into the night as his mate whimpered and shuttered at the warmth that filled her canal.

When he finally stopped, he noticed Christy had not stopped moving. She had also not stopped transforming. He realized she needed more. He continued to thrust for a short time but he was starting to shrink within her. It began to hurt inside of her, like trying to walk on a twisted leg, he had to pull out.

He needed to recover, but she needed more. He withdrew, thought for a moment then jammed his middle finger inside. He was not so sure if this was doing anything but became encouraged when she reared back, reached her new claws behind her, and scratched him viciously. His instinctive reaction was to bite her on the neck, which he did. She liked this so he ran his claws roughly down her flanks. Her fur was growing thicker and her snout began to push forward. It was as if she was changing at the pace of their mating.

Running one paw down to her butt and the other to her groin, he began to rub and stimulate her in as many ways as he could think. He was not experienced at this, though, and he was unable to satisfy her hunger. Her tail was just long enough to jab him in the belly but she twitched when he touched it.

The paw that was working her rear moved to her tail. She let out some sort of strange cooing noise as he jacked it. Like a long penis, he rubbed it the way he would rub himself. She cooed and squeaked and chittered in delight. He began to wonder how it felt. An odd idea gripped his mind and he brought his own tail forward. It was not as thick as his rat-hood but it just might work. Taking his paw away from her sex, he took his tail and guided it into her.

She shuttered and her inner walls wrapped tight, pulling him in. New sensations shivered through his tail and up his spine. A completely alien stimulation occurred and it was something no human could ever feel. Eyes clenched shut but their bodies still moved. Christy was moving more but Micheal was having trouble focusing. His desire started to return.

His primary length began to strengthen anew. Rubbing between her legs, the fur and slickness stimulated veins and engorged them accordingly. His tail squirmed in her opening as the entitled part was jacked by slick thighs. He needed her true warmth around him but his stimulated spine fought for control.

Another orgasm caused Christy to arch back and then fall forward, returning her to all fours. This sudden pause and shift of movement caused Micheal to stumble and slip out. Her tail had grown substantially and was caressing his face. It was raised and it gave him another idea.

As her muscles relaxed Micheal brought his tail forward and slipped it into the anus of his drenched lover. She hissed and struggled but he held her. He then repositioned, brought the right end up, and slid his rat-meat back into her valley. She bucked and tightened. Muscles bulged and reformed as they needed to be. Her body was nearing the completion of its transformation but there was still one last push to be made.

Christy was thrashing wildly and Micheal leaned forward into both of her openings. She screamed as his stiffness spread her walls apart. Warm and pulsing, he seemed to go so deeper. He felt every detail of her as she began to move against him, pulling off a little, then pushing back again, sliding the erect intruders in and out.

A spinal shiver coursed through Micheal's body once more as his right end took care of other needs. Both bodies were stimulated both front and back as wave-after-wave built them into a frenzy. The storm raged wild and free as their hearts pounded with the heat of pure passion.

The she-rat's body finished changing and her mind was sucked under by a sea of animalistic chaos. The he-rat's body overloaded his mind with sensations and he could only chase the fire in her body by pushing again-and-again. As the moment of their merging reached its peak, they clenched and braced themselves for the inevitable climax.

Christy gasped and her body surged as a corresponding rush of warmth could be felt deep in her body. The young female squeezed her eyes tightly as her mate continued ejaculating. Blast-after-blast rushed into her, wet heat spread around inside as he grunted with his release. The pulse of life filled their veins and finally finished its rampant movements, spreading her wide around him, hot and alive. The insanity settled and Micheal became still, panting heavily as aftershocks caused him to twitch.

Falling to the ground, the pair held each other and allowed their breathing to become more steady. Deep and slow, their world slipped into the oblivion of endorphins. A steady rain washed their bodies and a steady sleep replenished their souls. Without breaking their connection, the lovers drifted off into peaceful slumber.


Mr. Dee looked out the window of the backyard that was about to no longer be his. His senses were open as he listened to the rhythm of the night. The worms had all crawled to the surface to escape the flooding below. Birds were beginning to chirp and would soon be feasting. All signs pointed to the rising of the sun and the start of another journey.

The house was quiet but not asleep. Upon becoming a father he had never been able to sleep until his family was home and safe. This night was no exception, he had not even gone to bed after he finished packing. He wished his wife was still alive but she had been taken by the cruelty of frightened men long ago. His daughter was in her room but he could hear her every time her breathing changed. Her sleep was fitful and full of fear.

The storm had lifted and the rain had stopped. There was no tell way to track Micheal and no way for him to extend their deadline. If the boy did not return soon there would be no way to follow. They would be parted and the inexperienced male would need to fend for himself and whatever family he managed to find along the way. It was the way of their people. They needed to move to avoid the wrath of fear. He never understood why men destroyed what they did not understand. He simply knew that they did.

A low frequency hum touched his ears for a brief moment and then was gone. Mary was suddenly awake and burst out of bed. The father strode across the house and threw open the front door. There, looking like a pair of drowned rats, were the loved ones who had ventured into the night as lost children and come out the other side as adults.

"Welcome home son," he greeted them with a smile.

"Good morning, Dad, sorry to keep you up."

"When you become a father, you will understand."

"Uhm... Dad... this is Christy."

Micheal stepped aside so his father could get a look at her. She was very shy of this stranger and she hid behind her mate like a frightened child. Her fur was a deep chestnut brown and her body was lithe and healthy.

"Good morning, young lady, please come in."

Timidly she entered the house, the rain water that had yet to drain off of them dripped onto the floor. Suddenly there was the sound of a large four legged animal bounding down the stairs. A gray rat-girl leaped from the fourth to last stair and pinned her brother to the wall. She had lost control of her emotions and transformed. She chittered at him excitedly, punched him, scratched him, hugged him, and cried.

"I'm sorry Mary," he told her gently as he wrapped his fury arms around her and held her close. "I found you a big-sister, though."

Mary broke the hug. "She better be the best big-sister in all the world for all the worry you gave me!"

"Oh," Micheal said as he started blushing, "she is."

Despite All My Rage - Part IV

Despite All My Rage - Part IV Micheal burst out of the bathroom like a greyhound from its cage. Panic nipped at his heals like wolves snapping at a rabbit. He could not believe he had forgotten about Christy. She was hopefully still...

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Despite All My Rage - Part III

**Despite All My Rage - Part III** The break in the storm had long since passed and it had renewed itself with wild winds and large drops of rain. Micheal stared hard into it and realized this was going to be harder than he had...

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Despite All My Rage - Part II

**Despite All My Rage - Part II** Christy stared at her black eye in the mirror. Her heavy sigh would have been a fine indicator to the world around her that she was hurting... but no one noticed. The other girls had seen one of her...

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