Despite All My Rage - Part II

Story by Little Red Wolf on SoFurry

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#2 of Despite All My Rage

Despite All My Rage - Part II

Christy stared at her black eye in the mirror. Her heavy sigh would have been a fine indicator to the world around her that she was hurting... but no one noticed. The other girls had seen one of her drawings once and it was enough to give her the weird label that other girls avoided as if they would somehow be infected by something contagious.

She wanted to cry, but her tears had dried up years ago. Though, it was tender to the touch, her real pain came from Ryan's possessive jealousy. He had deflowered her over a year ago, and though he had moved on to other girls, he still acted as if he owned her. She did not understand why he did this. She was not thin and pretty like the other girls he chased. From time-to-time he would boss her around and on occasion he would touch her as if his touch was still allowed.

Of course she did not fight or tell him "no" so it was allowed. Her silent consent had allowed him to touch her again and again over the months. She tried to avoid him and wished he would go away but his meaty hands were always there... waiting for her. She guessed it was her breasts. Overweight girls blossomed bigger and were softer. Maybe that was why he would not leave her alone.

Christy felt bad that Micheal had gotten involved in her situation. He deserved better than her own traumatic brand of drama. Originally she had tried to avoid him too, but there was something about Micheal that gave her a good feeling. It was a strange safe feeling, as if she could say or do anything she wanted around him and he would not judge her.

She started speaking to the skinny boy one day before school. Christy liked to draw and she had dropped one of her pictures at his feet. He picked it up before she could stop him and smiled. On the paper was an anthropomorphic mouse-man with a broadsword who was facing off with a dragon.

"This is really good," he said as she blushed furiously. "You should put this on a website, or something."

It was not much, but it was the start of an odd friendship. They began having lunch together and he kept getting her to show him more and more personal art pieces. Some of them were adventurous and others were romantic. He liked them all and gave constructive criticisms that were both kind and helpful. After a few weeks of this, she built up the courage to show him a few drawings that were a little dirty. He liked those too. So she took a chance and drew a slightly more dirty sketch. He smiled when he saw it and they began to talk a little more openly about their secret vice.

A month passed, then two, then three. She wanted to be with him more and more as the days passed, he was something special. The poor boy was a quiet, unknown, outsider in a small community so he had no friends. Christy did not have any real friends either but people had begun to treat her decently because Ryan "knew" her, so there had to be something to her.

It was nice to have a real friend whom she could share her secret with. It was much more personal than the sex she had had with Ryan. As she sat with Micheal at lunch and discussed fur patterns and how the ears needed to look fluffy in order to complete the image, she realized she had never really been intimate before. She could not share all of herself with Ryan. He just would never understand.

Then earlier that day...

"What the hell is this?" Ryan shouted arrogantly as he stepped into the loading dock to sneak a cigarette.

"Nothing!" Christy shouted as she closed her folder and stuffed it back into her bag.

"Oh?" Ryan sneered. He glared at Micheal who still had a drawing in his hand. Micheal did not want to fold the page so he held it behind his back and rolled it. Without hesitating Ryan punched Micheal in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. He then snatched the paper and unrolled it.

"No!" Chritsy's scream was ignored as Ryan stared blankly at the page. The drawing was of a pair of anthropomorphic rats holding each other in a loving embrace. It was a sweet piece that Christy had secretly created when thinking about Micheal and her. She had not expected it to ever be seen by someone other then Micheal. She felt as if Ryan was raping her dreams.

"Give it back!" Christy shouted and she lunged for the page. Ryan pulled it away and pushed her. Laughing he tore the paper into four separate pieces. Christy shrieked and leaped on Ryan. With untrimmed fingernails she scratched him across the face.

"Bitch!" Ryan shouted and he punched her in the eye. The world blackened as she fell to the ground. Everything stopped making sense for a time as the blow to the head scrambled her senses. There was a hiss and the sound of screaming. Was it Ryan? He made no sense. He sounded hysterical.

Then there was quiet. Christy's vision cleared and Ryan was a bloody mess. Micheal was gone. Had... he done that? For her? She fled the scene and later heard that Micheal had been arrested for putting Ryan in the hospital. Rumors had already started flying that Micheal had stabbed Ryan and others were saying some sort of animal had been sicked on him. No one was quite sure, but they all made a point to avoid Christy for the rest of the day.

It made her want to cry but no tears would fall. She hoped Micheal was alright. She was hoping he would understand the picture and ask her out. He had stood up for her in a way that no one else ever had before. Maybe he was the first step to a better life. Maybe...

Christy stared at her black eye in the mirror. Her heavy sigh would have been a fine indicator to the world around her that she was hurting. No one here would care, though, no one but Micheal. He would tell her it was alright and then tell her something to make her smile. She was sure of it. She missed him.

Rain poured as Christy left the bathroom and headed for her attic. Without incident she made it to her sanctuary, but she was still careful to check for traps. There were no lights in the attic, though, so she had to made due with a candle she had taken from the kitchen. Her practiced eyes started on the floor and spotted a thumbtack. Before she reached for it, though, she let her gaze travel to other places where danger could spring from. She did not see anything out of place at first and then she noticed her bedroll... it had been moved.

Careful to toss the tack into the corner, she closed and locked the trapdoor. Then, holding the candle out in front of her, she moved to her bedroll with caution. At first she gave it a gentle pat down but did not see anything terrible or out of the ordinary.

Opening the covers, she put her face near the inner covers so that she could see better. Tiny black hairs lined the covers resembling those of her favorite animal. She smiled at this and plucked up one of the tufts. Running the soft fur gently through her fingers caused her to smile. The cautious teenager then ran her hand through the bedroll and discovered there was more softness within.

Blowing out the candle, Christy stripped down to her panties and slid into her covers. Lightning flashed and she giggled as the smell and feel of the visitor covered her. As unseen eyes watched her, the pheromones that were in the covers caused a reaction that few humans would be affected by.

Christy took deep breaths and caressed her sizable breasts with her hands. Her imagination ran wild and she chose one particular fantasy that she was sure was only hers. A burning heat grew in her body and she wished her fantasies could come true. A mighty monster would take her in the night. His fur would be soft and his intentions would be to make her belong to him. Thrusting her fingers into her panties, she began to caress herself and let the idea take hold.

Micheal had returned to his human form but watched with nocturnal eyes as the lovely girl pleasured herself to his scent. Her body was in need and was causing his own to stir even worse than it had earlier. Christy's breathing was hard and the rhythm caused Micheal to become very excited.

Clasping his hand around his length, he remembered the feel of her bedroll. The fabric that held the scent of her. It was soft and primal. He began to stroke himself. She was right there in front of him. He could see her, smell her...

Christy's fingers touched her most sensitive parts and felt the moisture within. Skilled fingers spread this slickness to the rest of her private area. As she masturbated, she breathed deeper the scent of her visitor. She imagined his strong hands, his fury body, his wet tongue. She felt his hunger as she gave herself too him. More than anything she wanted to give herself to that hunger.

A crash of thunder shook her room and both inhabitants froze in place. She thought she heard a grunt in the darkness but she could not be sure if it was the storm or her mind. Bravely she poked her head out from the covers and looked around. It was dark and only the sound of the rain could be heard. Or was that... did something move?

"W-who's there?" Her voice was shaky but strong. Rain pattered in response and then there was the sound of breathing. Specifically, one long sigh settled in the dark. Then an inhalation of breath followed and there were words.

"Christy," the sound of her name sent a terrified shiver up her spine but she did not scream. "Christy, it's me."

"Who?" she said not completely recognizing the voice. "Step into the light."

"It's Micheal."

For a moment, only the rain made a sound. Christy blushed deeply. He had seen her. She was touching herself and he had seen her. Then she realized she was sitting upright and exposed. Quickly she covered her breasts with her arms. She was trying to decide how she felt about this when she blurted out, "Were you spying on me?"

"I... wanted to see if you were alright."

She blushed again. "Yes, thank you. What are you doing here? You can't stay, if they find you..."

"We need to talk," he said with a touch of urgency in his voice. She was silent so he continued. "I got into trouble and... I... I will have to go away in the morning."

Christy's heart sank in her chest. They were going to run him out of town and deny her any chance of getting closer to him. This upset her more than she was prepared for. She felt herself wanting to cry again... but still her eyes were dry.

"You're... going away?"


"I... I don't want you to go..."

Both of them were silent for a moment. They did not want to lose this chance. They both saw the warmth here where none had been before.

"I don't want you to go away," Christy said more forcefully. A surge of emotion welled up inside of Micheal and he could not speak for a moment. When finally he did regain control he found the courage to dare.

"Do... do you want this?"

He pushed a piece of paper toward her, but stayed just far enough that the shadows would hide his naked body. The girl took it and stared in disbelief. It was her drawing, the one Ryan had torn. Micheal had taped it back together. Christy's tears fell to the page.

"Oh Micheal!" unannounced she leaped from her covers and threw her arms around him. Skin-on-skin, the only fabric that separated them was her panties. They blushed when they realized this. Her naked breasts pressed into the skin of her knight. They pulled back for a moment and looked into each other's eyes. As rain pattered against the ancient windowpane, they shared their first kiss.

It was salty, stained with the sweat and tears of the night's events. A hunger filled Christy and she dragged Micheal to the bedroll to kiss him some more. Her hands ran down his bare back and grabbed his butt.

"Oh... you dirty, dirty, boy," she said with a gleam in her eyes.

"Is that us?" was all Micheal could think of saying, "Will you come with me?"

The answer came in a deep kiss that took all of the fear out of them. They touched and tasted each other. The acceptance of their embrace chased off all of the hurt and fear of the outside world. It was the magic of two people in love.

The hand that had been rubbing Micheal's butt traveled around his hip and took hold of his member. With a knowing touch, she jacked his shaft and watched his face. His eyes were clenched shut as he tried not to lose control. She felt his pulse in her hands and waited for the twitching to start.

"W-wait," Micheal said in a tone that caused Christy's heart to drop. "If we do this... you'll have to come with me."


"Because... you'll become like me."

Christy did not understand. "It's okay, I want to come with you."

"No," Micheal said and he pulled away from her. Stepping to where the paper of the rat-couple had fallen, he picked it up. He handed it to her and said, "You'll become one of US."

She looked at the paper and then at him. Silly thoughts ran through her mind and she dismissed them. "Who... what are you then?"

"Please... try not to be afraid, I will show you."

Dropping down to all fours, Micheal let the beast flow through him again. His muscles bulged and his face stretched. Christy gasped but was unable to move. The boy grew in size and black fur sprouted, first from his armpits, then from his torso, and finally it covered all of him. He shifted and twisted, changing before her eyes. When he finished there was silence again.

Lightning flashed and light flooded across his features. On his hind legs he was almost six feet tall and his black fur was soft and shiny. His long tail was draped behind him and her mind was forced to accept the fact that there was a tall anthropomorphic rat in the room with her.

The thunder rumbled as the chaos in her mind settled. Her eyes were huge as she took him in, but after several awkward moments, she began to smile. She wanted him to come to her. She wanted to hold him and in turn be held. But she did not move, so he closed the distance between them and gently wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close.

She felt the softness of his fur and the warmth of his body. She leaned her head against his chest and could hear his heart beat. It was not something she had ever thought she would actually experience. In the quietest part of her soul, where she hid her most secret fantasies, a giggle of delight filled her.

She hugged and nuzzled him. She rubbed her naked skin across his fur and squealed in delight. A large penis suddenly poked her and, not knowing it was a natural part of the change, she grinned at the compliment. She felt as if she was taking leave of her senses. The heat from earlier had not been satisfied and she wanted this creature who stood before her. With a trembling hand she touched him.

Micheal breathed sharply once and she froze. She then touched him more firmly and he seized her arm. Their eyes locked and she could see her reflection in them.

"If we do this..."

"I'll turn into one of you," she finished, a look of defiance and hunger in her eyes.

Slowly he released her arm. She resumed stroking him.

"If you take me away from here, I'll do my best to make you happy."

He nodded to her and kissed her lips. It was different kissing a rat but she tried anyway. She liked the challenge and thought it funny how different his teeth were. Also, his nose was a long snout now and his whiskers tickled. She wanted some of these features for herself.

With a giggle she grabbed Micheal's chest fur and drove him to the ground. Before he could recover she moved down his body, wrapped her mouth around him, and began sucking him in. It was different then Ryan, fatter at the base and uncircumcised. Still, this had been one skill that she had been proud to master and it took little time for her to taste his pre. It too was different, but she knew not whether it was because of what he was or who he was.

She did not care the reason. All she knew was that this was both lust and love in one package. His noised made her proud. His desire made her happy. And once she shattered his virgin will he began to twitch.

"Christy... I'm gonna... mmmm... I'm gonna... taah... aahhh..."

He moaned out loudly as he went rigid, clenched his paws, and began ejaculating into the girl's warm mouth, grunting with every squirt. She added her own satisfied moans as he jetted against her tongue and lit up her taste buds with his warm, salty, flow. The taste of a new life filled her mouth and she swallowed him down, being sure not to lose a single drop. She needed this to start a new life and she would lose none of it.

As his spasms lessened and settled, Christy was careful to slowly draw back her head. Her lips captured the surface cum and pull those along as well, leaving the shaft clean and glistening.

The warmth inside of Christy's body was relaxing. Part of her felt the need to mount her rat-boy and part of her felt the need to curl up and drift off to sleep. Then she remembered something that made her stop. She did not want her first time with him to be here. She had enough memories attached to this place and she did not want to waste any more of them.

"How long does it take?" Christy's voice brought Micheal back to reality.

"Take... what?" he said with a look of mind-blown confusion.

"To change... how long before I change?"

"I'm... not sure," he blushed a little from having to admit that he did not know.

"We need to leave."


"Now," she said quietly but forcefully enough to let him know this was not up for debate.

"But the storm," he said, not getting the clue.

"Damn the storm! We need to go now!"

"Well... okay."

She could tell he did not fully understand her reasoning, but he was now putting together a solution. Putting on the cloths she had thrown on the floor, Christy put a few trinkets in a duffel bag and then put some paper and folders into her school bag.

"Do you think we'll need the bedroll?" she asked him as she suddenly felt less sure of herself.

"That all depends," she looked at him with concern, "will we be sleeping together or apart?"

The smile threatened to split her face as she dropped her bundles and hugged him hard in an effort to reassure herself of her decision. He held her for a time. The rain pattered on the window and footsteps moved under the trapdoor and stopped. His muscles began to tense. Someone had noticed the strange sounds coming from the attic and knew something was not right.

"Hey, rat-girl," came the voice.

"Go away," came Christy's reply.

"Keep it down up there," came the terse voice and then the footsteps went away.

"I don't think we're welcome here anymore," Micheal joked.

"Then perhaps we should get going," Christy agreed.

Once again, Micheal tried to remove the glass from the ancient windowpane. It was harder from the inside but he managed to pry it loose without breaking it or cutting himself. Taking the duffel from Christy, he stepped out into the storm.

Despite All My Rage - Part I

04/06/2009 - 1st Draft 04/14/2011 - 2nd Draft 01/19/2016 - 3rd Draft "The smarter and more creative you are, the wilder and more complex your fantasies become. This goes double for your sexual needs and desires." -- My Sex Education...

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