Twin Offering - 01/31/2009

Story by Little Red Wolf on SoFurry

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#3 of Short Stories

Another of my earlier short stories ... where once per decade a virginal boy and girl are sacrificed to the monsters of the mist.

Once per decade the wolf beasts demanded a sacrifice. Once per decade a pair of virgins were sent beyond the wall. Once per decade the wolf beasts would come. Their own numbers were few but they were powerful and needed to be obeyed. So it was, every decade, that a brother and sister were chosen from the village, taken outside of the protective wall, tied to stakes, and left.

Jared and Jillian were twins, with dark hair and dark eyes. They had always been together. Since their seventh year they had suspected that they would be chosen to go beyond the wall. They had watched as two of their fellow villagers were sent through the door that was only opened once every ten years. They had seen their fear as the sacrificial siblings were sent away. A look at his sister told Jared that she agreed, they had to watch.

It was forbidden but their seven year old minds needed to know. That night, under the watchful eye of the full moon, they crept through the fog to the ramparts that ran along the walls. There were no guards in that area because they dared not look. There, the seven year olds watched as their neighbors stood tied to large wooden poles. A ghostly howl filled the air.

From the forest, two werewolves stalked on all fours. They circled their terrified prey, sniffed, then pounced. The screams of the sacrificial siblings were hysterical and rhythmic. They screamed and clawed, growled and bit. Blood covered the ground and then there was the musical melody of a howling pack. Two of the werewolves had come out of the forest, but four returned.

The following morning, the twins stopped talking. They would not speak a word for another ten years. Their mother was concerned but all the villagers whispered. It was whispered that the children had seen. It was whispered that they would need to go or they would bring hardship to the village.

So it was that they grew, and stayed together, and never spoke a word. They communicated with each other simply enough. A glance or a gesture was all that was needed for understanding. Other children would not play with them. They too were afraid.

When the day of the lottery came there was little surprise when Jared's and Jillian's names were drawn. Even their mother did not protest, though she knew it had not been a real lottery. They smiled briefly, then walked into the temple where their elders waited. The priest checked Jared and the priestess checked Jillian. It was declared that they were both healthy and intact.

Holy water bathed their bodies and sacred herbs brushed their skin. When the time was right they donned sacrificial robes and were led through the village. No one was allowed to ridicule them. No one was allowed to say bad things. Everyone was glad to see them go, but no one would say it. When they were tied to the sacrificial stakes, they looked at each other and they knew. This was the day they had waited for. Now was the time of their release.

The door to the village closed for another decade and they stared into the foggy night. The full moon shone overhead and they could hear excitement in the woods beyond. Much like those who had gone before them, they had not resisted. Unlike those who had gone before them, they were not afraid.

A chill ran through their bodies and their breath misted in the air. They heard the steps of paws moving through the wilderness. They looked at each other and found strength. They looked back into the night and waited.

Two forms stepped out of the fog on all fours. It took only a moment to tell they were werewolves. One was male and the other female. Each approached a twin of the opposite gender and began to circle. Once... twice... thrice the predators studied their prey. Their muscular bodies were tense, their eyes watchful, ready for trouble. There was something about these two seventeen year olds that confused them. They were not afraid.

The great beasts poked their noses into the robes and sniff their bodies. Where there should have been fear there was excitement. Where there should have been screaming, there was silence.

The werewolves pounced. Their strong arms on top of the sacrificial poles. They stared hard into the eyes of their chosen victim. Four sets of eyes locked in challenge; none were willing to yield. Jaws closed around throats and the twins took deep breaths that could easily have been their last. It was not the fangs of death that fell upon their throats, however, it was the delicate caress of wet tongues.

The werewolves tasted their offerings, nuzzled them, and rubbed musk onto their skin. An unfamiliar smell filled the air. It had an immediate effect on Jared as a bulge began to form at the lower part of his robes.

Jillian began to breath heavily as the strong male slowly tore a long line down the front of her robe with his claws. As the fabric parted, he lapped at her stomach and then her small breasts. He traced his claws over her flesh and licked the sweat off her body. His attentions caused her to respond in ways she had not expected. She did not know why, but she was enjoying this attention. She found herself hoping he would not stop.

Jared's she-wolf pressed her body against his. Her musk made him lightheaded but it made him hard. His groin felt as if it were burning and he was distressed that he could not move in response. Now the she-wolf was rubbing her body against his and he found himself grinding against her. The friction was a start but he needed more.

Jillian found herself panting from the attention she had been given. The male took advantage of this and put his tongue into her opened mouth. She was startled for a moment but found herself sucking his tongue and kissing his muzzle vigorously. His affections became stronger and soon his pulsing member pushed up out of its furry sheath and pressed up between her legs. Without thinking, Jillian began moving her hips rubbing her labia along his length. She wanted his warmth inside of her.

The she-wolf stroked Jared's skin then thrust her tongue into his mouth. He was was not expecting to enjoy her taste but he found himself licking and tasting her hungrily. She then ran her claws along his ribs and sending shivers through him. Suddenly, the she-wolf grabbed Jared's robes and tore them away. Her claws pierced his flesh and her fangs bit into his neck.

With a single motion, large claws tore away Jillian's ropes and the robes that covered her. She was then swung through the air and when she landed, she was on top of her werewolf with his glistening erection staring her in the face. Before she could use it, however, his muzzle parted her lower lips and his tongue slithered up into her. She squealed with delight and grabbed two fists full of his fur. Her world spun as heat built up inside of her. Before she could think, her cream was bursting out as her first orgasm ripped through her.

Jared's erection was rock hard as the she-wolf drank his blood. He thrust his hips at her and stabbed her in the hip with his tip. The she-wolf jerked away and growled. He growled back and she dropped to all fours. Then, moving slowly, she began to lick his manhood. Jared gasped as she did this because no one else had ever touched him there before. Her tongue was warm and her strokes invigorating. Carefully, she took him into her mouth.

The she-wolf's muzzle easily took Jared's entire length in and her tongue slid across his underside. She then pushed out further and lapped at his scrotum. Fireworks exploded in his mind causing him to push toward her. Within moments, his virgin will crumbled and he came hard into her mouth. The she-wolf easily swallowed it all. Not one drop would be allowed to escape. When he finished, she slowly pulled back, making sure to lick the tip clean.

With her senses returning to her, Jillian found she was hungry. Without thinking she placed one hand on the werewolf's mighty erection and placed the tip into her mouth. The male began to breath heavily as the girl stroked and suckled him. Her little mouth was soft and excited. Her inexperience filled her with anticipation and it electrified their senses.

They great wolf decided not to hold back. Within moments the great pulsing member began to twitch. Not knowing what that meant, the girl pulled back and looked at it. She gasped as a blast of hot liquid splashed onto her face. Some of it got in her mouth and she liked the taste. As more spurted out of him, she placed her mouth over the opening, and drank as much as she could.

The she-wolf stood and looked her sacrifice in the eye. Jared felt a savage desire to bite her welling up inside of him. He began to struggle against his bonds and she seemed to grin at him. This mocking gesture fulled the fire in his body. His muscles bulged under the effort and he bared his teeth. Spitting and growling like an animal, he fought his bonds, trying desperately to get at the female that was just outside of his reach.

Jillian rolled off of her werewolf and fell to the ground. Warm liquid filled her insides and covered her outsides. She ran her fingers over her cum covered body and found she liked the slickness. She cupped her breasts and slid her wet fingers over her nipples. Moaning as she explored, she let one hand travel between her legs. She stroked her clitoris and felt her body open. Her wolf saw this and moved between her legs.

He licked her again and she moaned. He then stopped and she began to whine. As her body called for him him, he brought his middle finger to her opening. He plunged it into her and pierced her hymen. She squeaked as the shock of pain went thought her but then he pulled his finger out and put it in his mouth. As her nerves crackled with pleasure and pain, he put his muzzle back between her legs and lapped up her blood.

Fur began to grow on Jared's arms and legs as his fingernails lengthened into claws. His struggling became more intense as the scent of the she-wolf became stronger. She stretched before him and raised her tail. She then placed two fingers on her sex and began rubbing the lips. His erection had returned, as he watched her please herself, and it was painful for him. He had to escape his bonds! He needed to plunge himself into her! He needed to fill her belly with his pups!

Jillian writhed on the ground as her wolf sat back and watched. Fur had begun to sprout from her arms as her fingernails grew into claws. She felt her ribs shift and as her internal organs grew. She could feel muscles forming where before she had been weak. Her pelvic bone shifted and grew causing an intense sensation that sent another orgasm through her and she screamed into the night.

Jared's shoulders had widened by over a foot and his muscles were swelling. He tore his restraints free and fell forward onto his hands and knees. His legs lengthened and shifted as the tendons changed from human to canine. He started coughing and roared as his jaws shifted forward into a werewolf's snout. He looked up and saw the female, tail lifted, in heat, ready to mate.

Jillian rolled onto her hands and knees as her body lengthened and bulged. The curves of a proper she-wolf formed and her tail bone grew and sprouted fur. Her ears pulled back on her head and her face pushed forward. As more changes washed over her, the powerful alpha male crawled over her and licked her spine. She arched her back and instinctively raised her tail. As his massive erection reached her opening, he slowly began to work his way inside.

Jared was not so gentle. He leaped onto his she-wolf's back and clamped his jaws onto the back of her neck. He then pushed himself into her body and found it to be an effortless entry. As he thrust excitedly he was overwhelmed by the heat of her slick canal. He blasted the last of his human cum into her and it immediately began leaking out. He did not stop plunging, though, and as his scrotum grew fur and the testicles enlarged, he found no lack of blood flow to keep him hard.

Jillian whined loudly as her alpha pulsed in her little opening. She was still growing larger but he was slowly losing control and had begun to move a little. She spread her legs wide in an effort to make more room. Finally there was a pop as his head was able to make it into her channel. She called out and her tongue hung out of her mouth. As she salivated, her body increased in size. As her canal grew she could accept more of him into her. The deeper she became the more he moved.

Jared's wolf-hood was not yet enough to please the she-wolf. She grinned at how cute his vigor was but she knew it was only a matter of moments. As his bulk increased, he felt the bliss of his member growing inside of her. With every thrust of his body he enlarged. Every time she felt him plunge a little deeper, her pleasure rose. His size increased and the natural shape of his head plunged the human seed out. His new seed would be what would fertilize her.

Jillian rocked her hips and pushed her body further back onto his shaft. He had started to growl at her and she could feel his hard muscles as he gripped her bottom. Her fur thickened and her breasts, which had grown, were now swaying in time with her movements. Under the main pair, two smaller sets were growing, preparing for the pups they would need to feed.

Jared had finished plunging his old human essence out of his mate and he was large enough to have her muscles gripping him. She was finally enjoying the ride and she began growling at him. A new sensation formed at the base of his shaft where a knot was slowly emerging. She could feel it and she peaked when it caught. Her muscles clenched him tightly. He was still able to thrust into her but he could no longer pull out. She was so tight around him. Her heat burned; he could not hold back any longer.

Jillian's body finally accepted the knot. Her womb was filled with the massive organ but still she pushed hard against his body and struggled to feel more. She was in a frenzy as she began to tumble through a chain of multiple-orgasms. As convulsion after convulsion ripped through her she whimpered and howled. Finally she felt him begin to shutter and twitch again. She knew what was coming this time and she braced herself for it.

Werewolf seed flooded out of the males into the hungry wombs of their mates. A chorus of howls filled the night as the ultimate, final, orgasm sapped all of the strength they had. It was the type of orgasm that could only be compared to a religious experience. It was a wonderful start to the new lives that lay before them. It was a sacrifice, but the rewards were well worth it.

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