Little Red's Secret

Story by Little Red Wolf on SoFurry

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#6 of Short Stories

The initial idea which led me to Little Red Wolf ... the novel series.

Little Red's Secret

We all know the story of Little Red Ridding Hood. She told it to her parents with such passion and pleading that they could only believe her. Werewolves roamed the woods where her grandmother lived and any lone traveler would be hard pressed not to encounter one. She went on to tell them of the bad wolf but not the good wolf. She told them the good wolf was a woodsman. This was true, he was a woodsman, but werewolves and humans only barely got along.

Little Red told her parents she needed extra food for the woodsman. She was, after all, very grateful and he was very lonely. When she visited he was pleased to see her and as much of a gentleman as he was capable of being. But as they ate and enjoyed each other's company, Little Red was being exposed to the good wolf's pheromones.

After their meal, Little Red moved to the woodsman and asked him to hold her. She went to sleep this way and when she awoke, the moon had risen. The scent of the woodsman had grown thicker and more potent. It caused that special place between her legs to moisten and ache. She did not fully understand but she liked it.

When she finally opened her eyes and looked she realized her woodman was the wolf once again. His black fur was thick, soft, and comforting. His eyes were gentle and full of protective desire. She knew very little of the sexual world, but she knew he would know what to do, and she wanted him to do it.

Little Red removed her blouse and put her hands over her breasts. She was feeling a little shy. She had never touched herself in a matter that could be considered sexual and was nervous about having the experience at all. But she needed him and trusted him.

Slowly she allowed her hands to expose her small breasts. The wolf watched and reacted accordingly. Between his legs was a furry sheath and from it was growing his fleshy limb. It frightened her but it belonged to her wolf, and she trusted him. She decided she would need to overcome her fear of it before she went any farther.

Shakily, she approached the twitching length of warmth. She knew this was what made a man a man, but she now felt a fascination and a curiosity that she needed to explore. Her trembling fingers traced his length and immediately she became entranced at how it could be smooth and rough, scary but warm, and hard yet soft. These paradoxes would be the first of many. As she traced his fine curves he twitched and let go a pleased sigh. She put both hands around his manhood and felt it as it grew and pulsed in time with his heart.

As Little Red held this part of her wolf she felt like she was holding his life in her hands. She leaned forward, kissed it and it twitched. Remembering an awful story she her sister had told her, she began kissing the shaft more playfully and was rewarded. The strange lump of flesh tasted good, when her tongue touched it, and her affections caused it to straiten into a mighty erect lance. An intoxicating smell began to emit form his body and with it came his heat.

Little Red began to feel a strange animalistic desire even more intense than the earlier pheromones. The smell of his excitement was filling her with a similar need. Intuition sent one hand to her breast while the other helped guild the lance along her lips and tongue.

As she touched him, her wolf began to pant and strain as he held back his own ravenous desires. She felt like pure fire to him and was crushing a fist full of rocks with his claws as his little Little Red tenderly discovered how this new chapter in her life worked. He laid on his back as he felt old emotions well up inside of himself. He knew they could not leave this place until they had both satisfied their hunger for each other. The difference was that she was not sure how to feed her desire... but he knew.

Little Red became very excited as she felt her wolf's hunger and soon his desires were becoming hers. As her nervousness was overcome by her curiosity, she pressed her breasts against his fur and placed the shaft between them. Her mouth was more open now as she moved her soft skin over his. She salivated, much like a predator, as her tongue spread over his length like a painter's brush.

As her wolf whined, her lips moved to the tip and took him into her hungry depths. Her wolf had to grab fists full of his own fur to avoid grabbing her hair and ramming himself down her throat. Though she was inexperienced she was hungry. Her soft breasts caressed his shaft as her mouth tasted more and more of him. She was sucking him deeper into her mouth and wetting more of him with her salivations. He felt himself tighten and then his body convulsed in glorious release.

Little Red felt his body begin to shutter and she pulled back in time for his seed to not drown her. His release was still more than her little mouth could handle, though, and soon her chest and stomach were coated with liquid heat. Little Red drank deeply as much of it as she could. She was hungry for all that he was and his salty release was like the bloody meat of a fresh kill. She wanted more of him... ALL of him.

As her wolf relaxed a little, she became wild and began to growl. Working quickly, she unbuttoned her dress and pulled them down over her hips. Tossing them into a pile, she leaped onto her wolf's chest and began to rub her body up and down his. Her sweat and seed covered skin slid along his fur and covered her in his intoxicating smell.

The wolf recovered his senses and wrapped his powerful arms around the ignited wild fire. Her body was small but his pheromones had worked her tense excitement into a blazing fury. He was not ready to fill her yet but he knew how to sedate her in the meantime.

Clawed hands gripped Little Red's hips and butt and pulled her to the maw of the beast. She fell, spread eagle, into his waiting jaws and his teeth scrapped her delicate skin. Holding her in place with his lips, he began lapping her with his tongue. Little Red seized the fur on her wolf's head, rolled her eyes back, and half-shrieked as his skilled tongue worked its magic. He was willing to explore parts of her that she never was.

The lips of her holy treasure and the forbidden cradle that men lusted for accepted this intruder gladly. She squirmed under the intensity of the sensation and scrapped herself on his mighty teeth. Blood from her wounds leaked into his mouth and mixed with his own salivations. The taste of the two of them caused a glorious rush that created renewed vigor in his soul.

As he lashed her body with his tongue he tasted the juices created by her excitement. He sought out their source and plunged deep into her forbidden canal. Little Red screamed and pulled some of the fur from her lover's face. The action caused his jaws to twitch and her whole body convulsed under the intensity pleasure and pain, tongue and teeth. A roaring demon seemed to be coiling up inside her and when finally it let loose she poured her own cream down the giant wolf's throat.

He drank deeply of her nectar and waited for her first orgasm to finish twisting its way through her flesh. She tensed every muscle in her body and then all of the fight left her at once. As she relaxed, her wolf carefully began to release her from his terrible jaws. When the orgasm had passed he lifted her into the air and placed her gently onto a soft mattress of deerskins.

He looked lovingly upon her as she breathed deeply in fatigue. His seed had been ingested and his teeth had punctured her skin. According to lore this meant she would become his mate. He felt this would be true whether she ran on four legs or two but he wanted to be sure. Moving to all fours he crawled to her and began licking her body clean.

Little Red's world came back into focus as she felt the warm, wet, caress. It was wonderful being so carefully cared. No other person in the world had shown her such affection. She knew she would stay with her wolf forever... until death would they part.

Rising into a sitting position she kissed him right on his wolf muzzle. He gave her a lick and she giggled. It felt good to do this for her wolf. Playfully, she ran her fingers through his fur and felt they were making a mess of it.

"You're going to need a bath tomorrow," she told him with a smile. He nuzzled her in lighthearted understanding. Feeling playful she pounced her wolf and began to furiously scratch his ribs. Like a giant dog he fell to the ground, groaned, wagged his tail, and twitched his foot. Little Red giggled some more and then moved up to vigorously scratch him behind the ears. Once again he growled like a satisfied dog and allowed her all the freedom to roam and explore she wished.

She began to scratch lower, to his shoulders, and then lower, to his ribs. The then moved to his stomach, hips, and then she moved onto the ground to get at his hind legs. He had moved to his hands and knees so that she could have access to him and that was when she saw her goal.

Like the sly girl she had always been, she brought her hands up between her wolf's legs and began to rub his belly. He enjoyed this and he did not notice where her lips were traveling. With a dainty stroke of the tongue, she touched the flaccid manhood that was exposed and vulnerable. He leaped and stood up on his hind legs and hands completely. As a they were not the same length so he looked very silly. She curled up into a ball as she giggled uncontrollably. Her wolf used this distraction to maneuver himself over her and pin her to the ground.

Having regained the advantage, the mighty wolf-man began licking the girl in all of her ticklish spots. The giggling had already made her vulnerable to such things and she was unable to resist his advances. Once she was laughing so hard she could barely breath, he stopped and wrapped her up in an engulfing embrace.

Her back pressed up against his chest and she cuddled him for a time. A tear of joy can down her cheek. She only wanted one more thing. Looking between her legs, she saw the thing that all little girls are taught from birth to fear. She rubbed it with her inner thighs and it had the desired effect. Her great fury wolf began to grow and growl. His clawed hands caressed her body and brought her desire back to life.

Little Red arched her back and rubbed her forbidden lips on his pulsing member. She pawed at his fur and moaned in excitement. She hoped he would take her. Prayed he would make her his. He could feel her need.

With one arm still wrapped around her, for protection, he turned onto his hands and knees, straddling Little Red, who was in a similar position. He walked himself back and began tracing his tongue up her spine. Her salty skin responded and she arched her back away from him. This brought her butt up and he immediately swept his tongue lower to taste what had been presented.

Little Red moaned as he tasted her. Wet and slippery was something she was growing to enjoy more than any sweet she had tasted so far. Once she was was good and ravenous, her wolf licked a strait line up her back and to her neck. He then placed his teeth on her shoulder and allowed his battering-ram to press up against her inviting door.

He was as gentle as the situation would allow, but a virgin's canal must be breached before the real invasion can begin. Little Red screamed when her virgin wall was punctured. Pleasure and pain had been mixing together all night and she was wondering if the two would ever separate.

Her wolf was aware of the breach and exerted all of his will to stop himself from going any farther. He knew she needed to come down off of the shock but he was surprised when she began pushing back against him so quickly.

Little Red felt him pulse inside of her body. She wanted it all but her cervix stopped that from happening. Though she was sure there was more, she decided to make due with what she had. She rocked back and forward, rubbing her back on his chest.

This connection between them was more than just sex. They began to slip into each other's minds and hearts. They saw what the other saw and felt what the other felt. They lost all control but maintained a healthy rhythm because of their link.

Faster and faster they surged through the night. Hotter and hotter their bodies burned. The beat of their hearts galloped like a pack and thundered like a herd. Little Red's body released like a deluge and caused every part of where they were joined to become slick and wet. Her orgasm rolled through her whole body and was felt by her lover.

He did not break his rhythm and soon she was graced by another. Her muscles were flexed and her blood pumped strongly. Only the magical walls of his lair kept her screams from being heard for miles. The heat was unbearable but there was one final blast that was on its way.

Through their connection they felt it. It was a raging beast that had been caged for years. Little Red both anticipated and feared this grand finale and pushed up against her wolf for support. She reached behind her and grabbed his fur, shaking with excitement as she felt the great explosion approach.

Like a chorus, both bodies rose their voices to the heavens, howling as they both reached their peak. Burning magma flowed from the wolf man into his human girl and overflowed her with his might. His white-hot seed gushed out of her and slathered his staff. Her own juices added to the flood and rushed all the way to the source of their connection. A white light shone in the night and then they fell overwhelmed and exhausted.

Little Red fell into a fetal position with her wolf lover moving to the ground behind her. They did not break their connection. Though, he was no longer hard and pulsing, his beast slumbered in her belly. Tears filled their eyes as they ignored the future and forgot the past. All that was left was this moment. All that mattered was that they were together.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I hate this story. The novel series that this story became is WAY AWESOME but I tossed the original idea into the fire and watched it burn. In truth, the only reason this stor is here because so many people love it. It is a reminder to me that my writing is good. If I ever feel my work is crap, I can read some of the comments below and feel that I still have some talent. If I did not have reminders like these then I might stop writing all together ... and that would be tragic. -- Red - 8/25/2012

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