Despite All My Rage - Part III

Story by Little Red Wolf on SoFurry

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#3 of Despite All My Rage

Despite All My Rage - Part III

The break in the storm had long since passed and it had renewed itself with wild winds and large drops of rain. Micheal stared hard into it and realized this was going to be harder than he had originally thought. The girl poked her head out and looked down. There was a moment of contemplation and then she pulled her head back inside.

"I can't do it," she said as she shivered.

"Of course you can," Micheal told her as he stepped back inside, "you just have to trust me."

"But... the drop."

Micheal looked back into the storm. It was a long way down and he was not sure he could carry her. It suddenly occurred to him that he had not though this part through very well. For some reason he had been counting on them escaping as highly athletic were-rats without the problems of human limitations.

"Okay," he said as he shook her duffel bag, "we'll have to do this a little at a time. The bags can go first. Is there anything breakable..." she shook her head, "okay good." He tossed the duffel out the window, it rolled down the roof and fell three stories, splashing into the mud and grass below.

Christy swung her backpack onto her shoulders. "I want to be more careful with this," she told him. Micheal nodded and looked around the room.

"Maybe you should wrap that bedroll around you."

"It's kinda big."

"Yea... well... do you have... no that wouldn't work. How about a blanket or towel or..."

"I have a towel," Christy said as she opened a box and removed a very tattered piece of cloth.

"Well," Micheal wrinkled his nose, "I guess that will have to do."

"It's all I can get here," Christy said defensively. "Do you think the other girls let the weird girl who likes animals a little too much anywhere near their stuff? Honestly, it's like they think they'll catch my weirdness..."

Micheal put his paw on her shoulder and she stopped. "I'm sorry," he told her.

"It's okay," she said with a sniff.

"Forget the towel, we'll just have to rough it."

"I think I can handle that. Can we go now?"

"Ready to smell like wet rat?" His words put a smile on her face that melted his heart and gave him strength. The courage in her nod lifted his spirits and forced him to look back out the window with renewed faith in himself.

The roof was being pelted with hard rain, making things both loud and slippery. Water poured into their eyes making it hard to see. Hand-in-paw, Micheal felt Christy's fear but also her trust in him. She was counting on him and he refused to let her down.

Toe claws dug into the roof tiles and he swung his tail to maintain balance. Christy had neither of these luxuries and her feet kept sliding as a result, forcing him to hold her more firmly. It took a great deal of effort for her to let go of the window ledge but she finally managed.

Inch-by-inch the two of them made their way to the corner where the building jutted out in an "L" shape. His claws sank into the tiles and the wood strained under their combined weight. Christy continued to stumble but Micheal's guidance caused her not to slide. They continued slowly, the water from the storm soaking through every inch of fabric and fur. When they reached the corner, Micheal dropped to all fours.

"Get on your hands and knees," he shouted to her through the gale. Christy obeyed and Micheal noticed she was shivering both from cold and fright. He had to get her off of this roof. Once he was certain she was stable, the were-rat dropped over the edge and positioned his front and back paws securely in the stone of the structure. After taking a few breaths, he decided she would need to piggy-back down the side of the building.

When he reached out to her, she appeared to understand and it looked as if her fear might overcome her. Half a glance back over her shoulder created a mixture of facial expressions as she closed her eyes to search for courage. When she opened them again, she appeared to have made up her mind. With great trust she leaned forward, took his paw, then slipped right off the edge of the roof.

Her scream pierced Micheal's ears and caused every muscle in his body to flex. For a moment everything slowed down. His pulse beat in his ears as the heavy rhythm of nature pummeled his body. When she finally reached the point past his slackened arm, she snapped upright and dangled. He had her.

Muscles strained under their combined weight but she would not fall, he would not let her. When he could feel his arm again, Micheal shifted his body weight and began lifting Christy up to where she could reach his back. Reaching out with her feet, she wrapped her legs around his torso and her free arm went around his neck.

Micheal made a slight choking sound. "Not there," he gasped, "too high!"

Christy nodded and repositioned her grip. Once she was firmly secured, Micheal began to climb down the wall. Slowly, carefully, he progressed, making sure not to endanger her any more than he had too. Paw, then foot... then paw, then foot... the strain filled him with fatigue which he faught with all of his might. He knew Christy was a little heavy and probably weighed more than he did but he was not going to let that stop him.

Christy began to tremble as his breathing became heavier. He figured she could sense his fatigue and she was becoming afraid that he was going to drop her. Micheal clenched his eyes shut and strained to stay under control. 'Just a little further,' he told himself, 'I can do this!'

Finally his feet touched the ground and the two of them collapsed into the mud. He knew he was going to be feeling this for awhile, but when he looked at the trembling girl who was to be his mate, he knew she was worth the pain.

Shakily, Christy got to her feet. Micheal stood as well and his ears twitched. They were coming. They had made too much noise. The outer wall was too high for the both of them to get over, they would need to find another way out.

"Christy," Micheal asked as an idea began to form, "where's the garage?"

"O-over there," she tried to say as rain water caused her to sputter.

Before she could ask why, Micheal was pulling her in that direction. They slid along the wall and then found some brush to hide in.

"It came from over there," the voice of the others said. "Oh my! Just look at the house! Did it hail? Maybe the wind blew a tree over?"

As they debated, Micheal pulled Christy along, away from the voices. They needed to get away, they needed to escape. The garage was separate from the rest of the manor and it was not locked. Micheal's strength lifted the door high enough for his ward and then he slipped in too.

"W-what-t d-do w-we d-do n-now?" Christy said as her teeth chattered. Micheal moved close and hugged her tight. He wanted to warm her with his body heat but he was too wet and cold for it to work properly.

"We need to borrow this van," Micheal said, trying to sound confident. "Do you know where they keep the keys?"

"M-Mrs. T-Trud-dy..." she swallowed and tried hard to control her shaking. "Mrs Trudy k-keeps them in a l-lock box..."

As Christy tried to describe the location to him through her chattering teeth, Micheal looked and spotted a blanket in the back seat of the van. Reaching over he discovered it was locked. In frustration he looked around and saw the hatch in the back.

"I'll be right back," he told her and he moved to the back of the vehicle. Fortune smiled, rewarding his courage with a pop and a hiss, saving him from breaking the window. Reaching in he grabbed the blanket and then made his way back. Wrapping the blanket around Christy had the desired affect.

"Christy, I need you to wait here for me. Can you do that?" She nodded to him and he kissed her. He then placed her inside of the van and moved back to the garage door.

"Okay Micheal," he told himself, "you can do this. You're a rat after-all, you're stealthy and stuff..."

The storm was relentless and the were-rat's eyes could see that it would not blow out any time soon. This season had been a strange one indeed. Full, were the clouds, with enough rain to wash all traces of a predator's passing from the land. He was not a predator, but a scavenger. As a scavenger he needed to pass through the night unseen. He hoped he could reach the safety of the wilderness before the storm blew out.

Once Micheal was certain that Christy was safely tucked in and asleep, he returned to the howling storm. He was not sure where the office was but he was certain that he could sneak through the hallways. All he needed to do was find the fusebox and then he could move under the cover of darkness.

Mud squished through Micheal's fingers and toes as he ran about on all fours. He was able to grip the ground very well like this. When he spotted the fuse box he paused to make sure no one was around. He then opened it and pulled the main breaker.

All was dark and so he moved quickly. He figured the front door would be guarded so he began testing windows as he passed them. One after the other, they were all locked. He was startled when he came across a side door and even more startled when it opened. It amused him that the occupants would lock windows but not doors. Fortunately, this room was empty.

The next room was a sizable kitchen and he had to close his eyes and feel his way through with his whiskers. A toothy grin formed as he thought of all the noise he would be making if he was human and walked into things. This was made extra apparent when his whiskers found a couple of large pots on the floor that he had to step over.

Finding his way to the far door, Micheal turned the door knob and pushed it open. The door's hinged protested loudly and the noise echoed through the hallway. He nearly died of embarrassment. Moving quickly, he scampered down the hallway and rounded a corner. Listening as hard as he could, he heard two people talking. He waited for a moment then slipped past them.

His nose was intrigued by the many smells that came from the various rooms as he passed them. His rat nose was very sensitive to body odors and he had a special fondness for nearly any scent a young female gave off. There was a gymnasium in one area that smelled especially good and he lingered there for a time.

He could imagine the fine teenage girls who lived here working out and sweating. Beads of moisture running down their curves. Budding breasts bouncing slightly as they worked and played. A euphoria of different body types, all for him to experience.

Suddenly the lights flickered back to life and he realized he was out in the open. He dashed out of the room and padded up the stairs like an oversize dog. His claws clattered noisily on the tile and he was certain he was going to be discovered at any moment. His saving grace was the second floor was dark and the girls were all in their beds.

"What's that?" he heard a hushed voice say. Without stopping to see if they would investigate, Micheal darted into another room and found himself in a bathroom. It was a communal one with a rows of stalls, sinks, and showers. He heard footsteps so he dashed into the second closest shower and pulled the curtain shut.

"Really, I think that stupid skunk-girl is keeping pets," said a girl as she entered the bathroom.

"Ew... do you think she... does things to them?" replied a second who had a higher pitch and a slightly subordinate sound to her voice.

"You never know with her," replied the first girl. "I mean, she draws those pictures and we never see her. I can't wait for her to leave next year. Heaven knows what we'll find when we have to clean out that place."

Micheal discovered his fear being replaced with anger. He could not believe these girls were being so horrible. It was as if they were bored and decided to center their world around this topic.

"So is that why you fell? Did she have something creepy up there?"

Micheal's ears perked up. He suddenly realized who was out there.

"Yeah, it sounded like like a dog fighting with some rats!"

"Oh... poor puppy," the two girls burst out in a fit of giggles that caused Micheal's blood to boil. He bared his front teeth and clenched his jaw hard in an effort not to hiss.

"Well, I need to wash her room off of me," the older girl said to the younger.

"Alright, goodnight, Tammy."

The younger girl left the room and Micheal heard the door swing shut.

'Tammy,' Micheal thought to himself, 'Tammy Tringa?' She was one of the cuter girls in school who always looked like she thought she was better than everyone else. She refused to look directly at Micheal when they were in class together. She was always checking herself in a compact or doing her best to look bored and aloof.

She was damn pretty, though. Micheal used to fantasize about raping her and leaving her in a bloody mess. These dark thoughts scared him, most days. He often wondered if he was the type to really do something like that. He never dreamed he would actually be put in a situation where it could happen.

Cloths began to slid off of the sexy teen and pile into a basket. Micheal's groin burned at the thought of seeing Tammy Tringa naked. He would never get another chance. He carefully pushed part of the plastic curtain aside just enough that he could look at her. Her pale skin was firm and healthy, with round curves which made her look soft. She smelled like a steak, salty with a swirl of pheromone gravy.

When she unhooked her bra, Tammy's breasts did not sag very much. They were a perky B-cup, the type most girls fantasize about having. They were also the type Micheal fantasized about touching. He was a virgin, after all, and the only girl contact he had ever had was the rather intimate moment he and Christy had just experienced moments earlier.

The memory of Christy caused his anger to return. He needed to get out of here... but... Tammy removed her panties and added them to the pile. Her sex was shaved and he could not tell if the curtains matched the drapes. She tied her blond hair back in a ponytail, took up her body-wash, and opened the curtain Micheal was hiding behind.

Time froze as he stared at the beautiful, vain, teenager in all her glory. Tammy was staring at a six foot tall rat with jet black fur and a raging hard on. Lightning flashed and the sound of thunder signaled the popping of a fuse and the power went out again. Using the sound as cover, Micheal snatched the girl, pulled her into the shower, and closed the curtain. She squeaked but he put his paw was over her mouth before the rest of the scream could manifest.

Micheal had been right... she felt really good. Holding her in place with his body mass, caused his most sensitive part to press against her skin. His nerve endings lit up as he found her to feel very warm and inviting. His pheromones were thick in the air and they made her slightly lightheaded. Most humans were not very interested in them but when they were... it was very effective.

Micheal now understood why Tammy made fun of Christy so heavily. She did not want anyone to know how powerfully horny anthromorphs made her. She was both terrified and turned on and he could not help himself.

Running his free hand down her flanks caused her skin to be covered in goosebumps. He touched her breast and messaged it slowly. He was tempted to scratch her but decided he needed a taste first. Moving his muzzle down, he lapped at the nipple and then moved to her stomach. She tasted wonderful and forbidden. This was the type of girl who would only have sex with the jocks. The more of an animalistic prick they were the more she would not be able to leave them alone. This made him want to violate her even more.

His tongue caressed her in long, hungry strokes. Her body sent her mixed signals that caused her to whimper, but his paw would not let her speak. As the noise of the storm grew louder, he decided to take a good taste. Removing the paw from her mouth, Micheal dropped down to his knees, grabbed two pawfuls of her butt, and lifted her up to face level. His whiskers gently stroked her soft inner thighs as he began lapping her smoothly shaved sex.

She gasped and moaned, struggling and clawing at the walls. Micheal became painfully hard from her reactions and he licked even more excitedly. He considered bitting her, but was enjoying her taste too much to stop. He freed one hand and began to stroke himself.

He wanted to ram his cock into her. He wanted to draw her blood and spill it onto the floor. He saw her with his mind's eye, screaming in bliss as her vaginal walls gripped him, blood running down his length and dripping from his balls. He would claw and bite her. She would scream and cum. He would leave her to change. She would face the world alone with her curse.

Tammy threw her head back and came hard. Micheal felt the warmth explode over his tongue and it set him over the edge. A hot jet of ejaculate blasted forth and hit the shower wall. His orgasm was hard and savage, his pelvis thrust unconsciously and he twitched. As he came down from the experience he began to come back to himself.

It occurred to him that he was in danger of becoming a monster... a real monster... the type that not only looked scary but also did horrible things. If he pierced her skin, she would change. If he came into her, she would change. If he abandoned her, she would end up dead or in a lab. All of the terrible things in the world would be hers to endure but also his family might suffer.

It suddenly occurred to him that he had never thought of Tammy being without a family. She was here at the orphanage... just like Christy. She had no one... he needed to let her go. Micheal slowly lowered the panting, twitching, teenager back to her feet. He studied her body, looking for scratches. There were none, she was whole.

"I want you to clean up then take your shower," he told her in a low growly voice. "Don't tell anyone what you've seen here. People will think you're crazy if you do. Good night, Tammy."

Stepping out of the shower stall, Micheal went to the sink and began to wash Tammy's juices off. Behind him he heard the shower turn on. As the water ran, he heard the girl begin to cry. She was a little traumatized but she was not physically damaged. He had fought his darker side back. The monstrous part of his nature was back in its cage.

Also, he had not lost his virginity to her. He could still be true to Christy... who was out in the garage... who was waiting for him... who might begin to transform at any moment...

Despite All My Rage - Part II

**Despite All My Rage - Part II** Christy stared at her black eye in the mirror. Her heavy sigh would have been a fine indicator to the world around her that she was hurting... but no one noticed. The other girls had seen one of her...

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Despite All My Rage - Part I

04/06/2009 - 1st Draft 04/14/2011 - 2nd Draft 01/19/2016 - 3rd Draft "The smarter and more creative you are, the wilder and more complex your fantasies become. This goes double for your sexual needs and desires." -- My Sex Education...

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Twin Offering - 01/31/2009

Once per decade the wolf beasts demanded a sacrifice. Once per decade a pair of virgins were sent beyond the wall. Once per decade the wolf beasts would come. Their own numbers were few but they were powerful and needed to be obeyed. So it was, every...

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