Journey of a Succubus - 05

Story by Little Red Wolf on SoFurry

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#7 of Journey of a Succubus (Dead Story)

Last Edit: 04 September 2009

Journey of a Succubus - 05

Subuta ran a wide bristled brush gently through Elora's wet hair. Her eyes were half-closed as his careful attention massaged her to the roots. Subuta had used some sort of special shampoo that he would normally use on his fur to keep the tangles out. It was, in Elora's mind, the physical equivalent of a hot chocolate on a winter morning. She had planned to ask him about it but, as soon as he began his work, she lost the ability to speak.

As she drifted through her world of blissful pampering, she found herself wishing she were a cat so she could purr. The raccoon-dog's paws were talented. A small voice in her mind began to waffle back-and-forth on a simple question. Did Subuta enjoy this too? Was this part of his penance or was it a pleasure? She wanted to know... but she didn't care... but she wanted to know... but...

"Wwwhhhhyyyy....." she finally breathed, the muscles in her face too relaxed to function properly.

"My lady?" His magic hands stopped and Elora regained enough control to form words.

"Why are you so good to me?"

"It is what I do, lady initiate." It was not the answer she wanted and she was certain he knew it. "You do more than you need to," Elora told him. "No servant of mine has ever been so... attentive."

"I do not wish to be replaced..." the tanuki said as he resumed his attention to her golden locks.

"Why would I replace you?" Elora asked as a her mind slipped back into and almost dreamy state.

"I believe my competition will be walking through that door in an hour or two. If he wins your heart with his gifts then I will be forced to roll the dice one more time."

"I doubt that will happen," Elora told him with a smile. "My heart is not so fickle that it can be bought and sold."

"Are you telling me I have your heart?" Elora could not read the tanuki's face when he asked the question. Was he teasing her?

"I mean you have my trust," she said in an effort not to steer the conversation somewhere uncomfortable. She settled back as Subuta continued his slow brushing. His affection caused the girl's mind to wander for a bit until she felt the need to speak again. "All of my life, I have been able to count every person I could trust on one hand."

"That is a sad thing."

"Yes, but it forces me to place great value on those who have earned it."

"Who are the others?" Subuta said as he smiled affectionately.

"Nana Florence, Master Morgan, and you." Silence fell as the impact of this tiny list was felt. "Nana Florence was the woman who raised and cared for me until I was married."

"Was she a servant as well?"


"Perhaps, that says something of the hearts of nobles-"

"Not all of us," Elora cut him off before he could finish.

"I am sorry," the servant said reflexively.

"I forgive you, but please remember that I am both noble and a former slave."

Silence fell onto them again, for a time. Eventually Subuta drew the brush back one last time and then set it down.

"If you need me for any reason, touch the red orb." He made a gesture towards a fist sized jewel on the nightstand, then bowed and headed for the door.

"Y-you are not staying?" Elora asked with concern in her voice.

"No, my lady, I cannot."

"But why?"

"It is inappropriate. My rivals must be allowed privacy."

"But... I do not trust them."

Subuta walked back over to his ward and put a paw gently on her shoulder. "Lady initiate, part of your training here will be to learn to control men in all of their forms. You are in no danger of these fools and they will be severely punished if they harm you. You must be willing to step outside of your comfort zone. Are you willing to do that?"

"I believe I did that when I... when we... you..." she faltered. Her eyes fell to his large testicles and then to her own lap.

"Say it," he told her. She did not respond. The tanuki placed one strong paw under the initiate's chin and gently raised her face until they made eye contact. They were close. Holding her gaze he gave her a firm order. "Say it."

"I can't."

"Yes you can."

"It's inappropriate."

"That is why you need to say it," the teacher insisted. "These words are the words of your new craft. While you fear them, they will have power over you. Speak the words of sex and take control of them. Now, say it. What was it that you and I did?"

He was so close... she could feel the warmth of his body. "I stepped outside of my comfort zone when... when..." she could not break the gaze, he was forcing the words out of her. She fought for control of herself, but his face was so close. His eyes were so powerful. She had to say it. "...when I put your penis into my mouth and drank your seed like a baby suckling from the breast of her mother."

"There," Subuta said after a moment of silence, "was that so horrible?"

"No," Elora said as she blushed furiously, "it was okay."

"You liked it?"

"I... yes," her voice was nearly a whisper.

"Yes, what?"

"Yes... I liked it. You taste wonderful. Your staff tastes... meaty." As the words spilled out, she became enraptured in the sound of her voice as it described these things. She wanted to keep saying them. "Your seed is like like the creamy sauce I would drizzle over a steak! I think about it a lot... even now... I..."

She stopped and looked into Subuta's eyes. She saw something there she had not seen in the eyes of other men. There was something there that was greater than simple lust. He cared.

"Kiss me...." she breathed and moved her head toward his... but he pulled away.

"My lady," he said as he looked away, "it is not my place to do such things."

"Not your place? Does that mean you want to?" He did not answer. He could not make eye contact. He was fighting himself.

"You really are a slave here," the survivor of an abusive slave master muttered almost to herself.

"We are," he admitted, "but we deserve our fate."

"How can you say that?"

"My lady, I raped a woman," his words stung but she did not want to hate him for it. "I was an angry fool with too much power. I did what I wanted and gave little thought for the feelings of others. I never knew the joy of serving another."

"Is it a joy?" Elora asked as she gained control of her emotions. "Is it really, Subuta?"

"It pleases me to hear you say my name," the tanuki said with a smile.

"Stop avoiding my questions," she said with a little force in her voice. "I stepped outside of my comfort zone, now it is your turn. I want to know why you are here."

The raccoon-dog stood and waddled to the window. Painful memories passed through his mind and shone on his face. Without removing his eyes from the outside world, he began to speak.

"The souls of mortals go to the world to learn. When we die, we are judged, graded, then sent back to learn more. Once we learn all we can, we move on. But if we are horrible people..." He looked down, took a deep breath, and continued.

"I fell into the netherworld because my soul was too heavy with the burdens of my actions. I took what I wanted and never gave anything back but pain and filth. In the lifeless pits of the underworld I found tormentors who did to me what I had done to others. Once I survived a lifetime of misery I was given the opportunity to serve one of the demon lords. Queen Lilith was in need of servants. I decided it would be appropriate for me to serve a woman because it was women whom I had victimized."

"How long have you served?"

"Five-hundred thirty-seven years, five months, and three days."

"Do you like it here?"

"It is where I belong."

"That is not what I asked." Elora was beginning to lose control of her emotions again. Her heart was torn and he was not helping her decide how she should feel. Their short relationship had been more intimate than any she had ever had before. She wanted to know him... she needed to know...

"I have been given permission to leave this place and be reborn," Subuta finally admitted. There was a silence that fell between them. Elora processed the weight of his words. He still hated himself. He cared too much. He needed what she needed.

"I forgive you," she told him as she stood and approached the window.

"I do not deserve your forgiveness," he insisted.

"It does not matter," Elora told him and as she reached his side and gently brushed the fur on his face. "I forgive you."

"Please don't..." Tears welled up in the tanuki's eyes but his master would not let go.

"I forgive you, Subuta, let go of your pain."

Tears began pouring from his eyes and she drew his face down to hers with both of her hands. She wrapped her arms around his body and held him close. He shook as he sobbed and she stroked the fur on his head like she would comfort a child. It was something her Nana done for her when she was very young and afraid of what the future held. She had hoped that one day she would be able to return this kindness to another. The moment from her past ran briefly through her mind and then she returned to the present.

When the worst of his crying passed, Elora sat her servant on the bed and went to the vanity for a handkerchief. She handed it to him and he blew his nose like a fog horn. When he handed it back, she grinned. It was as clean as it had been before a snout full of tears had been blasted into it. The magic of this place continued to amuse and impress her.

As he began to calm down, Elora saw in him the need she had felt earlier. There would be no resistance this time.

"Kiss me," she told him and he stared at her. Climbing over his giant testicles and onto his lap, she ran her hands through the wet fur on the sides of his face. She then moved close and gave him her first voluntary kiss.

It was different from when she kissed her husband. He was always sucking at her hungrily as if her body was feeding him somehow. This man turned creature was gentle, despite his fangs and claws. He was powerful but he held back. She had to kiss him several times before he kissed her in return.

Even though his face was a snout, his lips were still nimble enough to do their job. As he responded she became more vigorous. She stuck her tongue out and his muzzle parted for her. She allowed his tongue into her mouth and discovered she enjoyed his taste. When at last their kiss broke they wrapped their arms around each other and embraced tightly.

"Lady Elora-"

"Please," she whispered, "no titles."

"Elora," he said her name in barely a whisper, "how can you care for a creature like me?"

"Because we are alike," she told him as tears began to form in her own eyes. "I was a slave too."

"But I earned my fate-"

"It does not matter," she squeezed him hard and began crying, "I think you are a wonderful person, who has paid for his crimes and is now a slave to his own guilt." They released each other and she ran her fingers through his chest fur. "You need to let your guilt go." Her hands brushed him lower. "This time, when you release your nectar of life, release your guilt as well."

"I... I couldn't-"

"Release," she commanded as one hand began to stroke him into hardness. Her other hand repositioned her robe so that there was no fabric between them. "I can handle it."

Slowly she lowered herself. Without breaking eye contact, she moved her white panties to one side and embraced his maleness with her feminine walls. A gasp escaped both of them. It was the first time a man had ever been there. This flesh was different from fingers and metal. Even the master of change had not felt like this. His touch was more spiritual. Subuta was meaty, warm, and loving. All of this, inside of a place that had never known such things.

She began to move up and down. Her inner muscles pressed her flesh tightly around him. Their breathing increased. As her juices lubricated their union, nerves flared and carried the sensations through them. It felt good... it felt wonderful... it felt...

Elora began to whimper. The raccoon-dog fur caressed her skin. His soft warmth delighted in new ways. As her body got into the motions, she increased the force of her movements. Subuta finally began thrusting. His iron grip on himself was faltering. Elora's senses were expanding past the physical. She could feel his body as well as his mind and soul. Spiritual warmth passed between them as energy flowed.

The tanuki was not built for stamina. His body shuttered and Elora knew what was about to happen. Grabbing the fur on both sides of his face, she forced their gazes to lock.

"Release your guilt!" she ordered. "Give me your pain!"

Tears flowed from Subuta's eyes as he resisted her will.

"Break the cycle! Penetrate your defenses!" She paused to breath and moaned. "F-Focus your sorrow! Cum your pain into me!" Subuta's tears did not sway her. Her will rolled into his mind and crushed his ability to resist. The flood gates opened.

Love, pain, and tears flowed forth. A hot gush jetted into Elora and quickly filled her. More and more flooded her insides. Her stomach began to bulge and her orgasm forced her muscles to clench. The tanuki came again-and-again. More than before as all of his emotional pain poured into her. His testicles shrank and her stomach expanded. Like a mother becoming pregnant with the anguish of another, her body shifted to accommodate what he had given her.

When at last his rapture diminished to a collection of shivering aftershocks, his testicles were the size of a normal human's. Elora appeared to be nine months full... with triplets. She kept her muscles clenched, not letting go. Somehow she knew not to let him leak out. Somehow she needed to absorb all of this.

A soft glow began to emanate form their bodies. Elora's stomach began to shrink. Subuta's energy was rich but painful. She felt all of his emotions, saw the women he had beaten, knew what a wretch he was. She envisioned the trials he had endured, witnessed the person he had become. With their bodies still connected she leaned forward and drew his face close to hers.

"I forgive you... and I... I love you." With that said, she kissed him. Subuta's entire body blazed like the morning star. A brilliant light filled the chamber before finally condensing into a small sphere.

"Thank you," Subuta's voice said. The pure light of rebirth hovered toward the window and flew back toward the world of men. Then there was quiet, and Elora was alone.

Journey of a Succubus - 04

Last Edit: 03 September 2009 Journey of a Succubus - 04 All of the baths Elora had taken in her life were in private tubs with a servant or two and occasionally a doctor there to check her body. She had never bathed with her husband, but...

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Journey of a Succubus - 03

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Despite All My Rage - Part V

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