Plush Love Volume 2, Episode 8: Bath and Aftermath

Story by furrywurry on SoFurry

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#8 of Plush Love Vol 2

Nathan's & Sasha's POVs: They meet in dream for some very personal interactions

Nathan looked around with a smile. The tundra spread in all directions, covered with masses of tiny, brightly colored flowers growing among hair-fine grasses. Nearby was a grove of trees.

Sasha barked, wagging her tail happily. Then she used her new favorite phrase: "Ra ruh roo!"

"Silly. I love you, too"

She led the way under overhanging trees into the dense woods, where there was almost no undergrowth. Soon they saw the pond and its stream.

Following the stream, they watched the water gradually get shallower as it was absorbed into the ground, and soon the two were trudging along beside a dry waterbed. Still no locked grate, though. Nathan smiled again. Maybe someday?

Ahead, there was daylight and he could hear a rush of splashing water. The waterfall!

As they came out from under the trees, there it was. A wide waterfall slightly taller than himself fell from an overhanging cliff into a large but shallow pool. Unlike the pond in the woods, this one had a bottom of sand and flat rocks, with a border of flowering vines and areas where the hair-fine grass grew exceptionally thickly.

The Companion splashed through the pool to sit under the falls. "Ruh!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming. Let me find a gourd, first."

Fumbling around under the vine's leaves, Nathan quickly found an unbroken gourd, then splashed through the shallow pool to the falls. The falling water was just cool enough to be refreshing in the hot sunlight.

Nathan broke the neck off the gourd and scooped out a handful of the fragrant goo. When he started massaging it into the wet fur on top of Sasha's head, it foamed madly. Her black and grey markings stood out against the brilliant white fur.

He gently rubbed the foam into the dense fur in and around the husky's ears, carefully massaging them. Then he started rubbing down her forehead toward eyes and nose. Sasha closed her eyes as the soapy fluid bubbled vigorously.

When Nathan finished her snout, the husky raised her chin so he could do her throat and chest. With each stroke, he could feel the faint vibrations of a groan of pleasure.

As Nathan rubbed the foaming soap into the fur below Sasha's throat, he could feel the transformation beginning. Normally the skin was tight against Sasha's innards. Now it was starting to slip back and forth a little. Sasha's groans were audible now, despite the sound of the waterfall.

The husky raised one foreleg and Nathan rubbed down its length. The foam streamed away into the foot-deep water. The leg seemed to be getting flexible at the joints under the wet fur. Normally Sasha's limbs were quite rigid except when she walked. The pad of her paw was separating into several different pieces.

With one front leg done, Sasha raised the other for Nathan to work on. Its joints quickly became flexible, too.

As he massaged the foaming soap into the deep, luxurious white and grey fur of her back, Nathan continued to feel and hear Sasha's groans. As he rubbed, the husky's back gradually flattened and widened. When he reached around to do the husky's sides, they weren't as deep as they used to be. There were ridges and lumps forming in the stuffing, too: ribs and muscles.

"Sit up, Sasha," he murmured into the husky's ear. The grey and white husky sat back on her hocks, bracing herself with one forepaw against the rockface behind the waterfall.

Nathan reached from behind to rub soap into the front of the husky's chest. Hugging the now anthropomorphic plush animal closely, his hands explored gently protruding breasts and a soft abdomen. Her groans vibrated through cool, wet fur into Nathan's chest and stomach, making his own own breathing stutter.

As good as it felt, Nathan pulled back. He had to finish the wet foamy massage so the transformation could finish.

Nathan gently dug his fingers into the fur of Sasha's lower back at the base of her tail. She slowly stood up so he could rub foaming lather into her tail. Other than the white areas getting brighter, it didn't change at all.

The plush husky's rear and hind legs had certainly changed shape while under water. Her buttocks and thighs had filled out but her lower legs hadn't changed quite so much. The calf might be a little longer, but the foot was still distinctly digitigrade. The paws were quite a bit larger: all the better to walk on when upright.

Now that Sasha was up, though, Nathan could finish massaging her lower limbs. He gently rubbed soap in between the husky's nether cheeks and then down the inner thighs. There was no sign of an anus but feminine genitals had formed. He rubbed them gently and she pushed back against his hand.

Seating himself in the water, Nathan's vigorous scrubbing made the husky's lower legs a glowing white. He enjoyed working the soap in between Sasha's new toes and around the pads.

"Well, Sasha, I think that does it!" Nathan grinned up at the wet but now shining white and grey anthropomorphic husky standing over him.

Sasha looked down at the man sitting in the water. Those skillful hands had made her look and feel like a new plush. It was time to return the favor. Although Nathan had been under the falls much of the time, its pleasant flow was nothing compared to the feelings her paw-like hands could generate.

Picking up the gourd from the ledge where Nathan had put it, Sasha discovered that, as usual, the soap was almost gone.

Sasha knelt behind him and started lathering soap into Nathan's hair. The stubby new foretoes felt almost like human fingers as they rubbed his scalp firmly.

Nathan closed his eyes and relaxed. "Mmmm. That feels good," he mumbled. The cool, falling water quickly rinsed the suds away.

Sasha carefully kept her claws away from the skin as she worked more soap in behind his ears, then massaged it into the back of Nathan's neck and shoulders. He swayed under the pressure.

Scrubbing under Nathan's arms, Sasha restrained herself. A tickle fight was not her intent today, although they'd had that kind of fun often.

Back and arms done, Sasha moved out from under the falls and knelt again, close to Nathan's side. Steadying him from behind with one paw, the plush gently wiped her man's face. Then she rubbed soap onto his chest and abdomen.

Nathan twitched a little as Sasha sudsed out his belly button. The cool water falling from above quickly carried the lint away.

Still seated in the water, Nathan couldn't help going limp under the ministrations. He leaned sideways against his friend's soft chest. The loving caresses and flowing water were so relaxing.

That wouldn't do! Sasha still had to do his lower body. The mottled plush slowly slid one paw under Nathan's rump and pressed upward a couple of times, not actually lifting him.

"Oh, Sasha, do I have to?" Nathan would almost rather doze off. Still, he knew some vigorous fun awaited.

One hand on Sasha's shoulder, he struggled to his feet and spread his legs slightly. Now the husky could clean Nathan's more sensitive regions easily.

Sasha gently rubbed one soapy finger up and down between Nathan's buttocks. Then the husky carefully worked foaming soap into the fur around Nathan's genitals and bathed the organs themselves. Nathan breathed deeply. He wasn't quite so sleepy any more.

"Sasha, that does feel good." Responding to the plush husky's gentle pressure, he turned to face her.

Sasha gently rubbed down his thighs. The strong muscles there quivered a bit and the squeezes she gave weren't quite necessary. Nathan had to grab at a furry shoulder to keep steady as she rubbed his calves.

Probing fingers gently massaged between each of Nathan's toes. The toes squeezed back.

Letting the second foot fall into the water, Sasha slowly stood up, trailing a claw up the back of one leg, tickling just a little.

Now it was time to head back to the bank, where deep, soft growths of grass awaited.

As she got out of the water, Sasha shook herself vigorously, spraying water everywhere.

"Sasha!" Nathan complained as he got the brunt of the flying moisture. Why did dogs always do that, even when they weren't dogs anymore? Her soft, dense fur was soon dry, though, and he could feel the sun quickly evaporating the moisture from his own skin.

Warm and dry, they knelt in the soft grass. Nathan put his hands on both sides of her head and rubbed noses with Sasha.

"You know how much I care for you, right? Luke and Ben won't change that."

"Ra ruh roo oo!"

With one hand, he caressed the soft fur of her shoulder and upper arm. Then he lifted one breast and kissed its nipple. She groaned and pressed his face into its soft pillow as he mouthed it. Then she rubbed her hands slowly down his back to his rump. One stayed there and lifted while another rubbed back up again, pressing his torso tightly against her, so their heads were resting on each other's shoulder. They rubbed cheeks and Nathan's arms went around her, too.

They fell sideways into the welcoming grass.

Plush Love Volume 2, Episode 7: Cyber Sibers

"What am I going to do about this, Sasha?" Nathan wondered. "It's going to be a lot more frustrating than I thought." Rubbing Luke's feet had been a real turnon. As a distraction, Nathan started flipping through video channels. "

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"Look, Ben, keys! He really did mean it!" Luke was overjoyed. Despite how earnest Nathan had seemed, there had still been that niggling doubt. Ben evidently approved, too. Jumping down from the bed, he purred and wrapped himself around Luke's...

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Plush Love Volume 2, Episode 5: From Lunch to Keys

After persuading Ben to return the phone, Nathan and Luke decided it was time for a meal of their own, although one slightly more nutritious. "I think you're out of bologna," Luke commented after making himself three thick sandwiches of it. Nathan...

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