Plush Love Volume 2, Episode 6: Keys to Sleep

Story by furrywurry on SoFurry

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#6 of Plush Love Vol 2

Luke's POV (mostly): a happy afternoon for a change. At Nathan's expense. ;3

"Look, Ben, keys! He really did mean it!" Luke was overjoyed. Despite how earnest Nathan had seemed, there had still been that niggling doubt. Ben evidently approved, too. Jumping down from the bed, he purred and wrapped himself around Luke's legs.

That was something he was going to have to ask Nathan about. Would the floor support his waterbed? As comfortable as this mattress was, he liked the waterbed a lot more. They'd better get the apartment building fixed soon so he could finish moving out.

"If you don't mind, Ben, I've gotta get started on the math homework. Think you could help me with it?" The tiger snorted and went back to the bed, apparently to continue his interrupted nap.

The nighttime dreams had provided conceptual help, not actual answers. But why couldn't he and Ben communicate the same way during the day? Signals too weak? Maybe Nathan would have some ideas. Oh, well. Time to crack the books.

* * *

Luke stretched and yawned. Wow, was it that late? It was quite dark out. Only two more math problems. They could wait. What might Nathan be doing now? That 3D whatever-it-was had looked interesting.

Luke crept quietly down the stairs, Ben following silently behind. Sure enough, Nathan was still on the couch, messing with the whatever-it-was and oblivious to his surroundings.

"Whatcha doin'?" Luke asked quietly, breathing on Nathan's neck. Just like before, he spasmed. This time a stylus went flying. Luke chuckled to himself.

"Sorry," Luke said, not really meaning it. "Here you are," as he fetched the electronic pen.

Nathan glared at him. "I'm TRYING to model a spacecraft, if you must know, for use in a space simulator. You just ejected all of its cargo." Objects were indeed flying in all directions in the screen. "But I think I've done enough for today. You interested in supper?"

"I could eat." Now that he thought about it, he was ravenous.

"How about I fix some pasta with vegetables and stuff? That's be quick."

Luke put away two large helpings. He wasn't sure what the stuff was, but it was pleasantly tangy. Tofu, maybe?

"It's time for my favorite sci-fi program. You interested in watching it?" Nathan asked.

"Sure. You got any popcorn?" Luke always got the munchies while watching sci-fi. He wasn't sure why.

"Maybe. It'd be kinda old, but I don't think you can do much damage to dried corn."

It was fine. So was the sci-fi, what he saw of it. Stretched out on the sofa, he fell asleep half-way through. It probably had something to do with Nathan rubbing his feet. _________________________________________________________________

Nathan tried to glare at the sleeping Luke, but couldn't manage it. This could be a problem, though. Obviously the young man was testing his boundaries, trying to find out how much he could get away with. First he needed a room, then he needed feeding, and then when watching video he took up the whole couch and put his feet in Nathan's lap, claiming they were cold and needed rubbing. Of course, Nathan had been happy to oblige, bony though they were. Still, they'd have to have a talk on the morrow, spelling out what their mutual responsibilities would be.

Careful not to trip over the tiger sprawled on the floor, Nathan went to a cabinet and got out one of the Afghans stored there. He quietly spread it over Luke and gestured for Sasha to follow as he dimmed the lights.

Sasha just grinned at his pretend-scowl.

Plush Love Volume 2, Episode 5: From Lunch to Keys

After persuading Ben to return the phone, Nathan and Luke decided it was time for a meal of their own, although one slightly more nutritious. "I think you're out of bologna," Luke commented after making himself three thick sandwiches of it. Nathan...

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Plush Love Volume 2, Episode 4: Homework and Hotels

Luke was awakened the next morning by his new alarm clock. Ben was snuggled against him, purring, and nuzzling Luke's cheek gently. He could feel the rumbling vibration the full length of his body. This was much more enjoyable than the raucous bell of...

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Plush Love Volume 2, Episode 3: Spy vs Spy

"Shit." Ben's box was as invisible as ever, but the security panel's lights indicated more than just belt buckles and zippers in the duffel. "I'm sorry, Luke, we're going to have to empty your bag. There's something in there that shouldn't be." ...

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