Plush Love Volume 2, Episode 4: Homework and Hotels

Story by furrywurry on SoFurry

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#4 of Plush Love Vol 2

Luke's POV: Ben doesn't want Luke to go to a hotel.

Luke was awakened the next morning by his new alarm clock. Ben was snuggled against him, purring, and nuzzling Luke's cheek gently. He could feel the rumbling vibration the full length of his body. This was much more enjoyable than the raucous bell of his previous alarm clock, which was back in his apartment, anyhow.

The night's dream had been a little strange. They hadn't visited the tundra or danced in E-and-M fields. Instead, he and Ben had explored Nathan's house, from kitchen to library. Some of the books were very strange, indeed.

"G'mrnn, Ben," he mumbled. "'Zit time t'getup a'ready?" Rolling on his side, Luke hugged the tiger and nuzzled him back. The vibrations of the purr intensified, causing some unwanted physical reactions. Luke didn't feel at all comfortable giving in to them. He smiled ruefully and sat up.

"Sorry, Ben. Time I used the bathroom, I guess."

A knock interrupted.

"Luke, are you interested in breakfast? I'm going to fix some oatmeal. Do you want some?" Nathan asked through the door.

"No, thanks. I just have coffee in the morning."

"OK. All I've got's instant. You can fix it when you're ready."

Toilet, shower and teeth didn't take long. Luke debated for a minute, then pulled on shorts and a t-shirt while Ben watched from the bed. Lazy cat.

Oh, well, might's well get it over with. Seated in one of the room's two overstuffed chairs, he called the apartment managers. All he got was their voicemail again.

"This is Luke Schreber, apartment 4F. I'm going to need some money for a hotel room. Please...Ben!" The tiger had leaped off the bed and knocked the phone from Luke's hand. Then he sat on it.

"Ben, I'm going to need some money for the hotel room. Since it's their fault, they should pay for it." But the tiger was shaking his head.

"No? No, what? They won't pay? They'd better. No? You don't mean that? What then? No hotel?" Nodding, the tiger leaned against his legs, trapping him in the chair while purring loudly.

"I have to get a hotel room, Ben." Luke explained carefully. "As much as I'd like to stay here, I can't impose on Nathan. He values his privacy. He's obviously a loner, and he doesn't trust anyone. Didn't you see that security panel of his? I was lucky he let me stay here last night after that stunt I pulled last weekend. Although the results were certainly worth it." He smiled at Ben.

Ben was not to be appeased. He glared up at Luke. The purring had stopped again.

"He's been a really good friend, Ben, and I want to keep it that way. I just know that if I stay here too long it won't work out. Why do you think he's living in this big house all by himself? If he wanted, he would have found someone to live with him. Now give me the phone. I have to make some calls." Maybe the financial aid office could advance him some money. He'd heard they had some emergency funds for students who needed short term help.

Ben swatted the phone under the bed and glared at Luke stubbornly.

Luke gave in. "All right, have it your way. I'll call later. Now could you let me up please? I need my morning coffee." Of course, Ben was light enough that Luke could have picked him up and moved him, but that wouldn't have been right. He didn't know how strong Ben was, either, and didn't want to find out by fighting with him.

Nathan was still in the kitchen eating his breakfast, browsing a news site on a portable display. Sasha was lying across his feet like a real dog and her tail thumped the floor as Luke and Ben came in. A welcome sight was the jar of instant coffee and a mug next to a pot of water steaming on the stove.

"What's wrong with Ben? He looks unhappy."

"We had a bit of an argument."

"Nothing serious, I hope."

"Nah, we'll work it out. Thanks for the coffee. I've got a lot of homework to do, so I'll be upstairs, OK?" Probably better to use his own computer instead of begging the use of Nathan's rig. All his data files from the lab section's experiment were on it, anyhow.

"Sure. When you get hungry, there's stuff in the refrigerator for making sandwiches. I'll probably be online in the living room if you need anything else." Just as well he hadn't asked, then.

"Thanks. C'mon, Ben." The tiger was under the table, where he and Sasha seemed to be in a staring match. Another reason to be out by evening. He wished he didn't have to.

* * *

The lab report wasn't as easy as he'd expected. Although there was only a ten percent variation in the data, some systematic pushed it a long way away from where it was supposed to be. It was almost noon by the time he finished it, and he still hadn't even looked at the E-and-M assignment. He couldn't put off making the phone calls, though.

His phone was missing. It wasn't under the bed where he was sure Ben had tossed it, and Ben was doing his best dumb plush imitation. Finally in desperation, he tried invoking the second Law. "Ben, I order you to give me my phone." Ben didn't move. "Ben?"


This could not be not good.

Nathan and Sasha were still in the living room. The screen was filled with an exploded 3D model of something Luke didn't recognize.

"Nathan, I need to make some phone calls and I can't find my phone. I think Ben's hidden it but he's ignoring me. I even ordered him to give it to me and nothing happened."

"You ordered him?"

"Yeah, I figured invoking the second Law would work, but it didn't."

"The first Law always takes precedence, you know."

"But what's the harm in trying to get a hotel room? I don't want to keep imposing on you."

"It's not an imposition, Luke. You're welcome to stay if you want."

"You don't have to be polite, Nathan. I know you prefer your privacy. If you can help me find my phone, Ben and I will be out of your hair by this evening."

Nathan stared at him. To Luke's surprise, he actually looked somewhat dismayed.

"Luke, I don't know how much clearer I can make this. I do not mind you being here. You are welcome to use that room as long as you want, and not just until the apartment building is open again. 'Mi casa es su casa.' If you want to leave, I won't stop you, but if Ben is hiding your phone, I'm sure he has a very good reason."

"Oh," Luke said in a small voice. "You're sure?" How could he have been so mistaken?

"I'm sure. Do you want to stay?"

"Yes." Yes, yes, yes!

"Good. Now, if Ben is ignoring your commands, I think we need to let him know that you won't be going to a hotel. Conflicts between the Laws can't be good for him."

Ben had found a very good place to hide Luke's phone. He'd swallowed it.

Plush Love Volume 2, Episode 3: Spy vs Spy

"Shit." Ben's box was as invisible as ever, but the security panel's lights indicated more than just belt buckles and zippers in the duffel. "I'm sorry, Luke, we're going to have to empty your bag. There's something in there that shouldn't be." ...

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Plush Love Volume 2, Episode 2: Evicted

Luke was humming to himself as he headed home from the physics lab section. It was late on Friday afternoon but he might actually be able to finish the lab report that evening. Most of the data points had been within ten percent of what they were...

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Plush Love Volume 2, Episode 1: A Visit from ONI

The doorbell rang unexpectedly Thursday evening. Luke had gone back to his appartment Sunday afternoon, carrying Ben with him, with Nathan's willing but unnecessary help. They hadn't made arrangements to meet again soon, so Nathan didn't think it'd be...

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