Plush Love Volume 2, Episode 2: Evicted

Story by furrywurry on SoFurry

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#2 of Plush Love Vol 2

Luke's POV: Luke's kicked out onto the street.

Luke was humming to himself as he headed home from the physics lab section. It was late on Friday afternoon but he might actually be able to finish the lab report that evening. Most of the data points had been within ten percent of what they were supposed to be, despite the antiquated hardware he and his lab partner had been using.

He stopped humming when he saw the flashing lights and barricades in front of his apartment building.

"What's going on?" he asked the large policeman blocking access to the lobby.

He got a rude stare in return. "None of your business. Go someplace else."

"But I live here! Apartment 4F, see?" The lettering on his key was easy to read.

"Just a minute." The officer turned away and spoke quietly into his phone.

Finally he turned back. "You can take out what you can carry, but you can't stay here. The basement's flooded and there are no utilities. Probably won't be for several days. Jack, get over here!"

A much younger officer jogged over from where he'd been talking to a motorist. "Escort this... person... up to 4F. He'll be retrieving some of his property. Don't take too long. You're lucky you got here now. We need to seal the building. We thought we'd contacted everybody."

"But where am I going to stay? Is somebody going to pay for a hotel room?" He had another option, of course, but he was reluctant to impose on Nathan. An overnight adventure was one thing. Moving in for several days was quite another. He was afraid he wouldn't want to move out again.

"I don't know anything about that. You'll have to call the apartment managers. After you get your stuff out."

"OK. Thanks." The silent policeman led the up the stairs to his apartment, lighting the way with a brilliant flashlight. He made no offer to help while Luke crammed clothes and books into a duffel bag.

When he started to put Ben in his box, though, the officer sneered. "A toy animal? That's rich."

"It was a gift from someone. I don't want to lose it." As if it were any of his business.

Luke almost staggered down the stairs, with the loaded duffel over his shoulder and carrying Ben's box. It was a good thing Ben didn't weigh much.

"Go out past the barricade. You're the last one, so we're sealing the building now."

The apartment managers were no help. All he got was their voicemail. The other renters had gotten to the collegetown hotels first and they were all full. Even the cheap ones on the other side of town were full. Unfortunately, he really couldn't afford a room at one of the downtown hotels. That left him with only one option.

"Hi, Luke, what's up?" Nathan sounded cheerful. At least his afternoon must be going well.

"Nothing good, I'm sorry to say. I've been kicked out of my apartment for several days. I was wondering if I could stay at your place tonight. I can probably get a hotel room tomorrow." Assuming he heard back from the managers and assuming they'd be willing to advance him the money.

"Yes, of course, you can. Do you need help moving anything? What happened?"

"Thanks, Nathan! No, I don't need any other help, I've got everything I need. The basement's flooded and the utilities are all off."

"That's certainly no good. I can understand why they'd want everyone out of the building. Look, I'm right in the middle of something at work and can't get home right away. Do you mind waiting on the porch? It could be half an hour."

"That'd be fine. I'll see you then. Thanks, again. You're a real life saver."

"Don't worry about it. See you shortly. Gotta go."

The trolley got him most of the way, but the neighbor's dog worked himself into quite a frenzy when Luke went by. Nathan had been right, though. He didn't leave his own yard.

To his surprise, Nathan was already there, just inside, glowering at something Luke couldn't see. Had he changed his mind? Did he want Luke to go away? His face lit up when he saw Luke, though, so maybe not.

"I managed to get away sooner than I expected. Come on in. There's something I've got to tell you." His face clouded up again.

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