Plush Love Volume 1, Episode 34: The Morning After

Story by furrywurry on SoFurry

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#34 of Plush Love Vol 1

Luke's POV: the morning after the night before

End of Volume 1

Luke lay quietly, eyes closed, as the early morning light sneaked in around the curtains. He did not want to get up. Remembering the dream was much more interesting, and it was not fading quickly.

Its conclusion was the best part: a very large, very soft tongue. On his cheek. In his ear. A furry nose, pressing gently under his chin. The tongue again, caressing his throat, his shoulder, his chest.

Ben. Recovered.

Luke was feeling warmer and warmer. This wasn't his bedroom, so he felt reluctant to complain.

When he had gone to sleep, it had been cool enough. Windows had been open letting fresh air flow through the room. He wasn't sure if Nathan was being considerate or if he'd actually forgotten to close them after airing out the room. He'd obviously cleaned things in a hurry.

Usually Luke knocked off the covers in his sleep when it got this warm. Now, sweat was starting to form under their weight. He really didn't remember the blanket feeling this heavy last night, though. Maybe his joke about hogging the covers had actually come true.

Sigh. It was just too uncomfortable. Time to get up. Luke opened his eyes.

Bright blue eyes stared back. And blinked. Ben yawned, showing rows of sharp white teeth. Then licked Luke's face again.

Luke could have sworn he was awake. There didn't seem to be the vague fuzziness he associated with dreams, even plush dreams.

"'Morning, sleepyhead." He could hear the grin in Nathan's voice. "It's about time you woke up. We've all been awake for at least an hour. Ben just couldn't wait any longer, though. Listening to you snore gets to be a bit old after a while."

"I do NOT snore!"

"You wouldn't say that if you could hear yourself. Believe me, you do. It's cute, though. Especially that little hiccup at the end." Nathan really was grinning, now. Obviously pulling his leg.

A plush husky had its head on Nathan's pajama-clad stomach where he could scratch its ears. It thumped the bed with its tail when it saw Luke looking at it, wide eyed. It grinned at him, too.

"What's going on? Why are they... Ack!" Ben had licked his ear. Again.

"Why are they what? Moving? Getting cosy with us? Acting alive? Because they are. And they know we know they are. And they trust us to keep our promises. Remember them?"

"Yeah," Luke said slowly. "Not to tell anyone that they're Companions, that they're alive, that they speak to us in dreams."

"Yup. I think things are going to be quite different from now on, for all of us. A lot more fun, I'm sure, but we're going to have to be very, very careful." He stroked Sasha's head.

"But enough of this. Time to get up, young man. Breakfast awaits. And I seem to recall you have some homework to do."

"Do I gotta?" Luke complained in his best fake whiney voice. _________________________________________________________________


of Volume 1

Plush Love Volume 2, Episode 13: Visitors (Part 1)

Luke seemed more cheerful than usual when he came in that evening. "Thanks for sending Paul's number! He's coming tonight! Gotta go!" and disappeared up the stairs. Paul must the equine, Nathan thought. He'd been in too much of a hurry to get off...

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Plush Love Volume 2, Episode 12: On the Bus

"Stop staring at me!" Nathan mumbled "Sorry," and turned his head to look out the window instead of at the freckled face. The large equine in the seat facing the aisle glared at him. He'd gotten on the bus at the mall just after Nathan had seated...

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Plush Love Volume 2, Episode 11: Security Monitors

"Sybernetic Security, LLC," the boxes proclaimed in bright letters. "Makers of the Finest Security Monitors on the Planet(TM)!" Cross-legged on the living room floor, Nathan groaned at the pun and hoped the phrasing was a coincidence. He wasn't sure...

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