Plush Love Volume 2, Episode 1: A Visit from ONI

Story by furrywurry on SoFurry

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#1 of Plush Love Vol 2

Nathan's POV: a visit from an ONI operative

The doorbell rang unexpectedly Thursday evening. Luke had gone back to his appartment Sunday afternoon, carrying Ben with him, with Nathan's willing but unnecessary help. They hadn't made arrangements to meet again soon, so Nathan didn't think it'd be him. He would have called first, anyhow.

It wasn't Luke. It was a middle aged woman in a smart pants suit.

"Mr. Artin? I'm with the Office of Naval Intelligence. I'd like to speak with you if I may." She held up her identification where he could see it clearly.

ONI? Shit. Luke wasn't just being paranoid. Forget privacy.

"I'd like to verify that, if I may."

"Certainly." She held up the identification card while he punched her ID number into his phone. A random commercial ID site returned a confirmation. Their picture had been taken a few years before and didn't look quite so tired.

"May I come in?"

"Of course." Nathan held the door for her. The lights on the security monitor changed slightly. Apparently she had just a phone and a camera, both active. No metallic weapons, not that it mattered. Doubtless her hands were registered as lethal weapons. He didn't quite have the courage to ask her to take off her shoes.

"The living room's this way. Can I get you something? Coffee, maybe?"

"Thank you, no. I'd like to keep this as brief as possible."


She took out a small note pad as she seated herself in one of the overstuffed chairs. Nathan sat across from her on the couch. After a glance, she made no comment about the plush dog occupying the other chair.

"It is our understanding that Mr. Luke Schreber stayed here overnight between Saturday, October 14th, and Sunday, October 15th. Is that correct?"

"Yes." Nope, no privacy at all.

"Was that a one night stand or do you expect the relationship to continue?"

Nathan gaped at her, speachless.

"Please answer, Mr. Artin. It's important."

"It was not a one night stand! Nothing of the kind! It wasn't like that!"

She made a mark on the note pad.

"Then you have some feelings for Mr. Schreber, is that correct?"

Nathan managed a strangled "Yes."

She made another mark.

"If this relationship were to continue, would he be welcome to stay here indefinitely? Or at least until he graduates?"

Stay here? Shit, yes! He managed to nod.

"I'm sorry, I need you to say yes or no."

He swallowed. "Yes." It came out a little clearer than before.

"Would you be able to provide housing for him within the next week or so?"

"Of course, if that's what he wants. But why do you care? Shouldn't that be up to us? Since when does the ONI care about people's private lives? Or who they room with?"

She fixed him with a steely eye.

"Please, Mr. Artin. You know should better than that. Mr. Schreber is not your average undergraduate. He represents a substantial ongoing investment by your government, an investment of your tax money. His welfare means a great deal to all of us."

"But I thought the project was shut down. Wasn't its funding cancelled? It made all the news. The results were too unpredictable."

"That was just one aspect of the project. While the results were not what was intended, the survivors are still quite valuable to us all."

She studied him for a moment, then seemed to make a decision.

"I'll be honest, Mr. Artin. We are not at all happy about Mr. Schreber's current living arrangements. They aren't safe. He's isolated and in a building with unreliable security." Nathan remembered the lobby door being blocked open two of the three times he'd been there.

"For many reasons, providing people to guard him is neither possible nor appropriate. We've tried to make other arrangements, but we're not sure how reliable they are. As best we can tell, however, your arrangements here do seem to be adequate." She paused again.

"I'd like to confirm what you just said, Mr. Artin. If Mr. Luke Schreber were to ask to move in with you, would you agree to that?"

Somewhat stunned, Nathan said "Yes, of course." Only adequate?

The ONI operative put away her notebook and got up. Offering her hand, she said "Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Artin. I'm sure we'll be in touch."

He shook her hand and led her to the door. "You're welcome."

After watching her drive away, he went back to the living room, still bemused. All he could think was, his security arrangements were only adequate?

Sasha bared her teeth in good humor. Adequate, indeed!

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