Plush Love Volume 2, Episode 5: From Lunch to Keys

Story by furrywurry on SoFurry

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#5 of Plush Love Vol 2

Nathan's POV: Nathan struggles with his reactions to Luke being around.

After persuading Ben to return the phone, Nathan and Luke decided it was time for a meal of their own, although one slightly more nutritious.

"I think you're out of bologna," Luke commented after making himself three thick sandwiches of it. Nathan decided he was going to insist that Luke eat breakfast in the morning. Considering his age, though, maybe it wouldn't make much difference.

Nathan ate his thinner turkey sandwich quickly. "I'll be in the front hall for a while." Maybe his physical reaction to Luke's golden fur would subside while he worked on the security scanner.

Luke's warm bologna breath blew across the side of his neck a few minutes later. "Whatcha doin'?" Nathan twitched and dropped the access panel's last screw. How did the guy manage to walk so quietly?

"Sorry. Here." Luke offered the fugitive part on an outstretched palm.

"Thanks." Nathan retrieved it from that warm surface. "UPS brought an rfid sensor for the scanner this morning. Now sometimes it'll show exactly what someone has, not just that there's electronics and metal. Fewer unpleasant surprises, maybe." Oops. Now the screw was so tight he was sure it wasn't ever coming out again.

"Does it work?"

"Why don't you give it a try?"

Luke opened the door and went out on the porch to take a deep breath of the chill air. Nathan tore his eyes away from that display to inspect the digital one. Short pants from Maylasia and Luke from DARPA, it claimed. Must be no rfids in his t-shirt and underpants. Although maybe he wasn't wearing any. Stop that, Nathan chided himself.

"Looks OK. You can come back in now." Luke and pants again.

Luke shut the door, which reminded Nathan that he hadn't given him any keys yet. The younger man looked at the display somberly.

"Have you given any thought to getting the chip removed?" Nathan asked.

"Yeah. It's elective surgery, so insurance won't pay for it. Kinda 'spensive. I'll have to save up for a while." Nathan considered offering to pay for it, but decided not. The room was a big enough gift for now.

"Finding the others to let them know is going to be hard, too," he pointed out. "Locating them with professional help would cost a lot. We could post messages on the 'net, but I'm not sure where. Some of the social sites, maybe. A few of the splices might be out in the open and easy to find, I suppose."

"I'd rather not think about it just now, if you don't mind."

"No rush. They've had theirs a long time, too. A little while longer isn't going to make much of a difference."

"Guess not." Luke sounded depressed. "Well, I'd better get back to my homework. See you later."

This time it was Nathan looking wistfully after the other. He really wanted to cheer Luke up. Offer a brushing? Maybe that was just a little too personal. Ben wouldn't want Luke to be so down, either. He might think of something.

Oh, of course.

"Luke, wait a minute." Some spares were in the hallway table, he thought... yes, there they were, buried under some packing slips.


"I keep forgetting to give you your keys. This one's for the outside doors and the other's for your room. In case you want more privacy than just a closed door. Like when we have guests, maybe."

"Guests?" Luke looked at him a little strangely.

"Hey, you never know," Nathan shrugged. "It might happen." The thought of Luke being intimate with someone was somewhat distressing. Jealousy? That certainly wasn't appropriate. "Some people are nosy."

"Yeah, I guess. Thanks!" He grinned and headed for the stairs again, looking more cheerful.

Plush Love Volume 2, Episode 4: Homework and Hotels

Luke was awakened the next morning by his new alarm clock. Ben was snuggled against him, purring, and nuzzling Luke's cheek gently. He could feel the rumbling vibration the full length of his body. This was much more enjoyable than the raucous bell of...

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Plush Love Volume 2, Episode 3: Spy vs Spy

"Shit." Ben's box was as invisible as ever, but the security panel's lights indicated more than just belt buckles and zippers in the duffel. "I'm sorry, Luke, we're going to have to empty your bag. There's something in there that shouldn't be." ...

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Plush Love Volume 2, Episode 2: Evicted

Luke was humming to himself as he headed home from the physics lab section. It was late on Friday afternoon but he might actually be able to finish the lab report that evening. Most of the data points had been within ten percent of what they were...

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