Plush Love Volume 2, Episode 7: Cyber Sibers

Story by furrywurry on SoFurry

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#7 of Plush Love Vol 2

Nathan's POV: Nathan discovers a perfect disguise for the Companions

"What am I going to do about this, Sasha?" Nathan wondered. "It's going to be a lot more frustrating than I thought." Rubbing Luke's feet had been a real turnon.

As a distraction, Nathan started flipping through video channels.

" security cameras. Since they look and sound just like real dogs, your home will be safe from most burglars."

Huh? It was one of the shopping channels. It looked like they were interviewing a PR hack from one of their suppliers. Several different types of dogs were seated on the stage, looking around stiffly.

Sasha jumped up on the bed and lay down next to Nathan, watching the screen.

"Can they do tricks, too?" the MC asked.

"Just a few simple things, to help them look real. All of the ones we have here tonight can. It's an extra cost option, of course. Here, I'll show you." In a louder voice he said "Dog. Lie down." All but one of the dogs on stage lay down, but kept looking around.

"Of course, normally they'd each have their own names. Dog. Roll over." All but the one rolled over. That one was a Siberian husky, which caught both Nathan's and Sasha's attention, of course. The others were a German Shepherd, a Rottweiler and a Pekingese.

"Oh, how cute!" The MC clapped her hands.

"When you leave home for a special evening, it's easy to let them know to start watching. Dog. Patrol." The three dogs got up and started wandering around the studio, avoiding one another and the stage props, briefly looking at everything that moved. Their strides seemed a little stiff and not very realistic. Several displays on the stage were showing what they saw.

"Of course, we've preprogrammed these to stay on the stage. We wouldn't want them to wander around the building. Who knows what secret products they might find?" The PR hack smiled.

The MC giggled. "What about this one?" she asked, indicating the husky. "It's cute."

"That one has had a little extra programming. It's available for a very small premium. Husky, come." The husky stood up and went over to the PR person.

"Husky, speak." It started making noises, something between a whine and a howl.

"Ra ruh roo."

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. Husky, speak up."

"Ra ruh roo," it said louder.

"It'll keep saying that as long as you talk back to it," he pointed out.

"Ra ruh roo."

"I didn't know dogs could do that!" the MC exclaimed.

"Ra ruh roo."

"Oh, yes, Siberian huskies are very vocal. Often their owners train them to say several different things. This monitor only knows the one phrase though."

"Ra ruh roo."

In the background, the other apparent dogs were still wandering around, avoiding obstacles. A stagehand came into view, walking toward the stage. They all turned to look at him.

"But what's it saying?" the MC wondered.

"Ra ruh roo."

"Well, it's a little hard to make out, but I think it's what everyone would like their dogs to be able to say."

"Ra ruh roo."

The stagehand was closer to the stage, now, and the security monitors all started heading toward him.

"I'm not quite sure, but... could it be... 'I love you?'" the MC asked.

"Ra ruh roo."

"Exactly!" the PR man beamed.

"Ra ruh roo."

"Husky, quiet," the PR rep ordered.

The stagehand stepped onto the stage. The three apparent dogs all started barking at him. Loudly. He stepped back and they went quiet.

"Oh, my! It seems we have a burglar!" the MC exclaimed.

There was a phone number scrolling across the screen and an icon for people to use to immediately order the product being advertised. The price was rather steep, but the sale count was increasing rapidly. Nathan muted the sound.

"What do you think, Sasha? Should we get one of them? They certainly look useful. Scare the bejasus out of any burglar, they would. I wonder if they can provide any other animal types." It was a perfect disguise, although Sasha and Ben didn't look quite as realistic as the security monitors had. Nathan selected the icon for a Siberian Husky and a "Yes" for all of its extra cost options, including overnight delivery. Delivery on Sunday was another premium expense. Confusion to the enemy.

"Ra ruh roo."

Nathan blinked. "I beg your pardon?"

"Ra ruh roo, ra ruh roo. Ra ruh roo!" Sasha was getting louder with each repetition.

"I love you, too," Nathan said quietly. "C'm'ere." He hugged her closely while she licked his face.

They spent almost an hour watching videos posted by proud owners of Sibers; just to help the disguise, of course.

Plush Love Volume 2, Episode 6: Keys to Sleep

"Look, Ben, keys! He really did mean it!" Luke was overjoyed. Despite how earnest Nathan had seemed, there had still been that niggling doubt. Ben evidently approved, too. Jumping down from the bed, he purred and wrapped himself around Luke's...

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Plush Love Volume 2, Episode 5: From Lunch to Keys

After persuading Ben to return the phone, Nathan and Luke decided it was time for a meal of their own, although one slightly more nutritious. "I think you're out of bologna," Luke commented after making himself three thick sandwiches of it. Nathan...

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Plush Love Volume 2, Episode 4: Homework and Hotels

Luke was awakened the next morning by his new alarm clock. Ben was snuggled against him, purring, and nuzzling Luke's cheek gently. He could feel the rumbling vibration the full length of his body. This was much more enjoyable than the raucous bell of...

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