
Story by Cordialmouse on SoFurry

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Tanya slowly made her way up the staircase, cautiously balancing the opened wine-bottle, and two glasses on the tray she carried with one paw. Each step rehearsed, her balance was perfect. She knew what to expect, or so she thought. Oftentimes her Master would request her, the house's cook, to select a bottle from the cellar and bring it up with two glasses, so he may enjoy the wine with a guest, or one of the master's many other slaves.

This had gone on for some time, since Tanya first found herself serving underneath this master at the age of 12. She had since grown up over four years, and filled out, but even as her figure improved, and became the envy of some of the house slaves who pleasured the master nightly, she remained shy and quiet, expecting to remain in this role for quite some time. Sixteen years old, the rabbit already had a fairly large bosom, thankfully inheriting the hand-me-down clothes of some of the house's bustier girls. Right now she wore a simple dress, with an underwire bra to hold it up. Pretty, but modest, that was her outfit.

As she reached the top of the staircase, she descended down the hallway, to the very end where surely her Master had already begun a night of romance. She knocked three times, and waited. Usually her Master would open the door, wearing a robe, and hurriedly take the tray, sending her back to the kitchens to clean.

Not tonight.

To Tanya's surprise, came her Master's voice,

"Come in, Tanya". Cautiously she opened the door, and stepped inside, bending down to set the tray upon the low table near the door. Her Master sat in his favorite chair right beside, wearing his favorite robe, a red silk kimono embroidered in places with gold and silver thread. Tanya had always found the rat handsome, and right now even moreso, his eyes kind, and levelled over the modest rabbit's figure. He was not overly muscular, but that's not to say he was wiry, either, falling somewhere inbetween slim, and toned. The kimono opened just slightly to bare the fur of his chest.

"Yes, Master," said Tanya, with a bow of her head. She didn't know what to think, as none of the other girls were present in the room, right now. She continued,

"Have I done something wrong, Master?" To this he shook his head, and pointed to the floor at his feet. She sunk down into a kneel before him, as she had seen the other girls do before.. The rat took one of Tanya's paws, and in it, placed a small, red rose. Then he picked up the bottle, and poured two glasses, taking one, and holding it before Tanya's lips.

"You've grown up, and become quite a sight, dear Tanya," he said, tipping the glass, and letting her sip from it, "I've waited for this night, just as you have.. You turn sixteen today. The other girls will tend to the housework tonight, as it is time I gave you a proper welcome into my house." He pulled the glass away, and gently wiped her lips. Tanya looked surprised, and a little conflicted.. She knew not what to expect, as she didn't really know what went on when a girl kept him comoany in his bed. The warm yellow eyes of the rodent lingered over her young body, and softly he spoke an order.

"Disrobe.. No longer will you wear such plain clothes.. Tonight you become my woman."

Tanya bit her lower lip lightly, and nodded her head. She bowed and set the rose upon the tray, and then, with shaky paws, unbuttoned the front of her dress, pulling it off. Next came the rabbit's bra, unhooked, and let to fall to the floor, heavy breasts falling free from their support, nipples hardening as they come in contact with the cooler air of the room. Slowly Tanya stood up, and hooked her thumbs in the waistband of her panties, pulling them down. Standing naked before him, she blushed hotly, and awaited his next order.. Only to have her heart skip a beat as his paws cupped her heavy breasts, and squeezed them in his grasp.

"I'll have to have you fitted with a collar tomorrow, Tanya, and you'll have to start shaving between your legs." The rat nodded, as he slipped a paw to brush it through the wispy curls about the rabbit's mound.

"Sh-shave?" asked Tanya, her body shuddering, her folds already a little wet for him.

"Yes, dear... There's a reason why the other girls spend so much time grooming, it's for my pleasure.. Tonight I shall have Karen help to prepare you for your first night in my bed." He patted Tanya's thigh, and gestured for her to kneel again. They talked, and slowly, nursed away at their glasses of wine.. He went over all of the new rules she was expected to follow, no longer a housekeeper, but now, a pleasure pet.

"I-I understand that I need to be extra clean for you, Master, but what is an enema?" asked a blushing Tanya as a knock came at the door.. A glass each had been drunk by her, and by the handsome rodent. Tanya was feeling a little tipsy, and she felt warm all throughout her stomach and throat. At the door was Karen, an older bunny who could have passed as Tanya's sister.

"You will understand soon, Tanya.. For now, go with Karen to the bathing chambers, to be made ready for me."


Tanya followed Karen reluctantly down the hall, reaching the bathing chambers, a room that she had only ever entered previously to clean.. The facilities used by the housekeeping staff below was nowhere near as luxurious, or as large. Here, a bath had already been drawn, filling the immense tub with steaming water, suds piled almost over the rim of the bath, and a few rosepetals sprinkled up top.. This was the first bath, that every girl underwent before her first night with the master. Karen disrobed as well, her figure not unlike Tanya's own, but a number of piercings glinted in places that Tanya had never imagined one could pierce.. Thick rings bit into the lapine's nipples, and more jewelry was worn in the rabbit's shaven mound. All Tanya could do was stare, until the other girl embraced her, and kissed her forcefully upon the lips. Karen's paws grasped at Tanya's backside, as if her very goal was to violate the girl, before the master could even get to it. Breathing heavily as the kiss broke, Karen gazed longingly into the younger rabbit's eyes.

"It has long been a tradition in this house that before you get broken by Master, you are initiated into the sisterhood of his harem," mused Karen, as she led the bewildered, younger rabbit toward the bath. They both stepped into the sudsy water, and Karen held her even as she washed the younger girl, scrubbing her fur with sweet-smelling soaps.

"You probably don't remember, but Master bought us from the same trader," said Karen, as she lightly soaped up the other rabbit's breasts, taking her time, and occasionally brushing her thumbs over her nipples.

"I remember you, back then, but I was older when I went on to join this house. You were just a baby." She lightly pinched Tanya's nipples, causing the girl to groan, nipples growing harder with excitement.

"You're my little sister.. Master chose you for that very reason," Karen smiled, and embraced Tanya again, pressing her soapy body to the other girl's.. Tanya was shocked, overcome with emotion for the dozenth time since the night had begun, simply letting Karen hold onto her. It took some time for the shock to wear off, and poor Tanya was still quite taken aback. Rinsing Tanya off, Karen instructed the girl next..

"Sit on the rim of the tub, sister." Karen rose up and stepped out of the bath, soap clinging to her soft body as she walked over to retrieve something. She came back with a straight razor, lightly brushing it against a strip of suede.

"I'm going to show you how this is done, so you can start to do it for yourself.. First, take that bar of soap, and lather yourself up.. otherwise the blade won't pass over so easily," said Karen as she stepped into the water, grasping the razor by it's handle as she watched. Tanya took the soap with shaky paws, and lathered up the curly fur about her mound, shivering as she felt the bar of soap against her slit. Karen wasted little time, after this, speaking a word here and there as she took the razor and held it at an angle, gliding it neatly over her younger sister's mound, leaving it completely bald in very little time.. Folding the razor over into it's handle, she set it aside on the bathroom floor, and cupped two paws together, spilling the water over the girl's bald pussy to rinse it.

Karen leaned in, and lightly trailed her tongue along the newly-shaven folds of Tanya, causing Tanya's toes to curl, and a soft groan to escape her lips..Another long lick, followed by a grin.

"Perfectly shaven now.. Sex is so much better after you've just shaven, I find.. well, you'll find out soon." They sat together in the water for a while longer, before draining it, and drying each other off. Karen's soft paw stroked at the small of Tanya's back, as she nodded toward a table that rested against one wall.

"Lay on your belly, and relax.. We've cleaned you on the outside, now it's time for the in.." Karen smiled at these words, while Tanya bit her lower lip a little. Reluctantly Tanya climbed the table and laid down, relaxing there, at least as far as she was able, as the table was stainless steel, and quite cold against her body. She turned her head in time to see Karen pulling on a pair of rubber gloves.

"Wh-what are you going to do?" asked Tanya, shivering. Karen said not a word, simply retrieving a tube of lubricant, and squeezing some onto her fingers.. She pushed a finger underneath Tanya's tail, wiggling it against the bunny's anus. She spoke as Tanya tensed up,

"I'm going to give you an enema, dear. You have to be immaculate for Master." That finger pushed in, followed by another.. This caused Tanya to close her eyes, and let out a long groan, feeling her tailhole stretch for thoe fingers. The fingers pushed ever deeper, until they reached the knuckle, and then, to Tanya's purely temporary relief, the fingers pulled out. She laid there, the lube cold against her tailhole, as Karen walked off.. Tanya could hear the sound of water running, and soon, a hot water bottle on an IV rack was wheeled toward Tanya, trailing a hose from it's bottom. Tanya's eyes widened.

"Th-that's gonna go inside of me!?" asked Tanya, to which Karen nodded her head, and held up the nozzle, lubricating it.

"We do it all of the time, dear, you'll have to get used to it.. Now, when the water's drained into you, I'm gonna push a bedpan into position.. you're to squat over it, and let the water out.. understand?" All Tanya could do is nod her head, as the nozzle pushed inside, and a pump inflated it, to seal the girl's backside. A valve was opened slowly, warm, soapy water pouring into her bowels. Gently Karen stroked Tanya's stomach to ease the discomfort on her insides, Tanya whimpered, and squirmed as the water filled her.. Meanwhile, Karen climbed atop the table, and sat before Tanya's face, parting her legs.. The scent of Karen's arousal reached Tanya's nose, causing her face to get hot, as right before her muzzle was Karen's shaved, pierced mound. Karen grasped a pawful of Tanya's hair, and urged her muzzle nearer.

"We have some time to kill, before Master will be expecting us, and so I feel I should remind you.. I am the head girl of this house, and my authority is second only to Master's.. Lick me, honey," said Karen, breathing heavily Tanya got to work, not really knowing what she was doing, even as the water stirred inside of her.. The rabbit's tongue licked out along her older sister's slit, collecting the dewy arousal that gathered, while her soft nosepad rubbed against Karen's pierced clit. Karen howled, and shifted her hips against her younger sister's mouth. Curiousity getting the better of her, soon, Tanya's mind shifted from the growing discomfort in her stomach, now sinking two fingers inside of Karen's pussy and pumping them as she licked. Karen howled, her toes curling.. It did not take long for Karen to lose control, and come, sweet nectars collected by the younger rabbit's probing tongue. Her breathing heavy, she pulled away, and got up on shaky legs.

"Nnnh.. remember, sister, you serve the harem just as you serve him.. Now, time to get back to work." She bent down and retrieved a steel bedpan, placing it between Tanya's legs, instructing her quietly. Tanya sat up slowly, and squatted over the pan, as the nozzle was deflated and pulled out. Her face got hot again as she sat upon the pan, voiding the contents of her bowels into it.. When she finished, she looked ashamed, and disgusted, though Karen could only grin, cleaning her off again and taking the pan away, to dispose of it's contents. She came back with a rubber plug grasped in her paws, standing there as Tanya shivered.

"On your belly again.. We'll get this plug in, and then after a little make-up and some more suitable clothing from the wardrobe, and you'll be ready for him."


Tanya came to her Master's door to knock a second time in one evening, now "ready" for whatever it was he had planned for her. Her legs were already shaky, and again, her gait was hindered by the small plug that Karen had left in her ass. All she wore was a simple, blue satin nightgown that fell to about mid-thigh, concealing very little. He opened the door, and she stepped inside...

Quickly, the rat embraced her, and kissed her hotly and forcefully upon the lips, almost as if to claim her with his mouth. His arms tight about her body, her body held tight to his, she could only shiver as she felt his hard-on press against her stomach through two layers of clothes. She submitted to the kiss, blushing hotly as she yielded to him, left breathing heavily as he pulled back and broke the kiss.

"You taste of your sister, I see.. Is that why you two took so long?" he asked, to which Tanya reluctantly nodded her head. He only grinned, petting the side of Tanya's face.

"Your sister will join us in bed on another occasion, then.. I'd had hoped you two would get along, once I allowed you two to be alone together." His paws roamed her soft body, carressing over the curve of her ass. Brushing the plug there, he arched a brow, and then, pushed his finger against it, causing it to wiggle inside of Tanya. This caused Tanya to groan, and whimper.

"What a pleasant surprise..." he remarked, "Karen knows me well." Tanya looked up to him, blushing hotly. She kissed the corner of his mouth as he untied the sash that held her nightgown closed, and shed it from her nude body. He then shed his own robe, and pushed Tanya back against the bed.. She found herself yielding to him, body laid back among the satin sheets on the bed, as his lips found hers again, and his bulging erection pressed up against her newly-shaven mound. Tanya's soft fingers laced together behind his back... She couldn't help but cry out as, in one sudden motion, her Master plunged in deep, and broke through her hymen, hilting himself inside of her newly-deflowered pussy in one stroke. Her insides lit up with pain. He quieted her cries against his own mouth, kissing her deeply, and simply holding her now, as he waited for the pain to stop, for her tight passage to relax again.. When at last she stopped squirming, he broke the kiss, and looked into her eyes.. She was crying a little at this point, but he smiled fondly, and began to move his hips.. The pain had retreated from a sharp stabbing to a dull ache, that was soon overpowered, even despite her Master stretching her newly opened folds.. Blood surfaced, to stain the sheets beneath. They made love, her thighs spread wide for him, her paws now grasping his, as he kissed her tenderly with each stroke.. A smile crossed Tanya's face as he spoke fond words to her..

As his pace began to grow jerky, and fast with his climax drawing nearer, she could already feel the warmth spreading up her loins.. His hips rutting in and out of her, he continued even as he orgasmed explosively, thick spurts of seed jetting against her cervix. She came with him, crying out, and her insides fluttering, milking him and tugging at his member inside of her... When they came to after what seemed like an eternity, they were still breathing heavily, and she was still held in his strong arms.

"Was that so hard, Tanya? You're a woman now.." Reluctantly he pulled his softening member from her.. They laid, resting, in the bed for a spell, sharing a glass of wine between them, before he urged her paw underneath the covers, to feel his erection again. Tanya's face grew hot, as lightly she stroked it.

"I'll get your sister," he said suddenly, getting out from the covers, and stepping off toward the door. He opened it and called her in, and she came, still nude and a little damp.

"Tanya, get on your paws and knees for me. Karen's gonna get under you to return the favor you did her earlier." Tanya swallowed nervously, knowing what was probably to accompany her sister's muzzle working beneath her. She got up, and turned, on paws and knees.. The feverish lovemaking had made a mess of her recently used flower, still leaking a mixture of her own fluids, her master's, and the blood from the breaking of her hymen. Karen slipped indeath, letting Tanya straddle her head, inhaling the heady mixture of scents as the male slipped in behind Tanya, and pulled on the plug to dislodge it. The plug had kept Tanya stretched and ready for what was about to come.. All her Master did was root himself briefly inside of Tanya's well-used slit, and pull out to lubricate himself, before pressing his broad cocktip underneath Tanya's tail. Tanya gritted her teeth as she was assaulted on both ends, her Master penetrating her ass slowly, spreading her tailhole around the girth of the rat's wide cock. Meanwhile Karen's tongue toiled underneath to clean Tanya out, occasionally fluttering over Tanya's clitoris. Their master reached around, grasping a handful of Tanya's breasts and roughly fondled them as he began to hurriedly drive himself in and out of Tanya, wasting no time, now.. This was mildly painful for Tanya, but at the same time, it excited her in a strange way.. For once she felt as if she truly belonged to him..

The cries of Tanya and her master reverberated throughout the house once more, as he plunged home and came deep within her bowels, and while Tanya came, her insides gripping his cock hard.

Tanya slept better that night than she had, ever, in her entire life, and when she awoke, she bathed among the rest of the girls of the household, only to be greeted by her Master after getting dressed.

"All ready? Good.. It's time to take you to be fitted with your collar, and your piercings."

Cordial's Tale Continues

Cordial here.. Yes, another story about yours truly. I hope you enjoy reading it, because I enjoyed writing it.. It's my longest yet, and perhaps, the start of something greater. If you want to read about my other adventures, you'll check my author...

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Heat 2: The Gang-bang Room

Yes, a sequel, involving many similar themes of my first story, "heat". Enjoy. Here a great deal of males make use of Cordial, and torward the end, there's a brief golden shower scene. Stop reading at part IV, and you won't have to deal with any golden...

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Scarlet's Initiation

Cordial here again.. Yeah, here's a new story. I should warn, it's not as vanilla as the previous one. The usual applies, don't read this if you're a minor, and don't read this if you'd drop dead, from, say, scenes of very messy sex, flame play, and...

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