Heat 2: The Gang-bang Room

Story by Cordialmouse on SoFurry

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Yes, a sequel, involving many similar themes of my first story, "heat". Enjoy. Here a great deal of males make use of Cordial, and torward the end, there's a brief golden shower scene. Stop reading at part IV, and you won't have to deal with any golden shower play. There may be more. I might have to turn this into a series.


Cordial awoke in the morning, still with an overwhelming feeling of relief. The friend she had made one night, weeks ago, had not impregnated her, according to the test, and she had since gone on the birth control pill. Things were pretty rough, at first, after that night, as word got out, somehow, that she fucked a complete stranger unprotected, and needless to say, the nice boy down the street wanted nothing to do with her. Cordial hadn't been fucked since that evening in the fetish club, now long enough ago that her memory of the event had started to fade.

With a few days off, she gave serious thought to revisiting that place, and perhaps tracking down Royce for a little action, or some of those pills. She definitely wanted to have a good time, that was for sure. She showered quickly and got dressed, and went into her car, to drive to a nearby store that had caught her eye.

Very few people show up at a sex store, on a Sunday, at eleven in the morning, found Cordial. This was good, though. It gave her time to browse the shelves without worry of bumping into anyone she might know. The contents of the shelves really made her blush, as the store stocked everything from restraints, to lingerie, to all kinds of baffling, and disturbing videos. One in particular caught her eye. On the cover was a chubby mousette, looking not unlike herself, but with black patches of fur. The video's cover seemed to emphasize this mouse's big and round bottom, and perhaps more importantly, the welts upon it, from a thorough caning. This cover made her a little excited, and just as she had turned it over to read the text on the back, she heard a voice behind her.

"That's a very good series, if I may say," came a female voice. Cordial blushed furiously and whirled around, to meet eyes with a slender, and tall, Abyssinian female. A purr rose up to greet Cordial's blushing ears. This feline was dressed in a black leather corset that hugged her bosom as it compressed her waist. Also about her neck was a collar, and dangling from an O-ring connected to it was the braided handle of a leather flogger.

"Oh! I'm sorry. Didn't mean to startle you," giggled the store attendant, "May I help you with anything?" Cordial swallowed hard, and answered,

"I'm going to a club tonight, and I was, uh, wondering, if you could help me pick out a nice outfit." Biting her lower lip slightly, she gazed up into the eyes of the feline. The abyssinian clasped her paws together, and smiled,

"What sort of club? And what sort of outfit?" This made Cordial shift uncomfortably.

"The fetish club, down on Cherry and Monarch," replied Cordial after a moment's hesitation, "I'd like something tasteful, but sexy, and comfortable." The feline grinned at this, whiskers brushing the mouse's face as she leaned in.

"You're in the wrong place for 'tasteful', sweetie. And I wouldn't take any old Victoria's Secret to a place like that. It might get ripped off. My advice to you... is to get something fitting the theme of the club, with decent access to, your, ahem.." The abyssinian opened a fan, and lightly fanned herself with a giggle, "Well, you get the idea. Something that either comes off really easily, or can be pulled aside, or simply zippers open for good exposure."

"I can't go in something crotchless like that," came Cordial's reply. She had the presence of mind to set the tape down.

"Mm.. Okay, then. I'm thinking." The feline tapped herself lightly on the chin, and held out a paw to Cordial, "Call me Abby. You are?" Cordial gave her name, and added,

"But call me Cordial... now, do you have something here that might fit what I want?" The feline grinned a little.

"I don't know yet what you want. Tell me, sweetie, what is it you're going to do there? I already know the obvious, you're out to get fucked tonight. I mean more along the lines of... what are you? You don't look like a dominant to me." Abby smirked.

"I'm a sub, yeah.." said Cordial thoughtfully, "I'm not really into the fetish scene, I guess.. I just know that's one place where I'm guaranteed to get what I really need."

Abby took Cordial's paw and lead her along through the clothing section of the store.

"I'm going there tonight, with a friend.. Maybe I can accompany you, and hook you up with someone," mused the housecat as she pawed through the selection of outfits, "You're a big girl, you know.. As much as I like your body type, we don't have much of a selection for plus-sized females. But... how's this?" Abby pulled down an outfit that was all on one hanger.

It was an extremely skimpy affair, baring a lot of flesh that Cordial normally wouldn't dream of baring. The top, a very tightly-fitting black latex top that zippered in in the back, baring her shoulders and midriff, looked as though it would support her heavy bosom high upon her chest. Then there was a matching thong panty that went with it... The thinnest strap, a tiny triangle to cover the crotch, and a waistband low upon the hips, clearly designed to fit on very curvy women like herself. The final piece was a scandalously short, pleated skirt, made of a transparent black material.

"Wear this with fishnet stockings, and six-inch heels, and you'll catch a lot of attention, sweetie," mused Abby with a purr. The feline made a sudden move, that Cordial would normally deem inappropriate, slipping a paw under Cordial's very round butt, to cup underneath it. "If I get to see you in it... then you can have it for free."

Cordial shifted a little awkwardly, and thought it over. She exhaled softly, realizing that it would save her a great deal of money to go through with this little deal. Cordial looked up to Abby, and asked,

"Do you have a dressing room?" Abby smirked, and shook her head.

"That's not this sort of sex-store. If you'll come into the back-room, then people can't see you from the street." She pulled Cordial in as if it were a perfectly normal thing, continuing,

"Are you going to bring any toys to the club? Party favors?" Cordial fidgetted a little with the buttons of her blouse, undressing quickly, as she stood in the back room, which was stocked with a wide variety of dungeon equipment, and other similar things. Strapped into the display was a gagged female fennec, chubby like Cordial and naked, who Cordial didn't notice until she was fully naked. This drew a squeak from Cordial.

"Don't mind her, sweetie.. She's just the luckiest girl in the world. She walked in here one morning, looking for a job, was getting ready to walk right back out, when we invited her in for an interview, right there." The fennec girl squirmed a little in her bonds, and glanced over at the feline. "She gets to model lots of clothing, and try out a lot of toys. And she gets paid pretty well."

Cordial nodded shyly and managed to slip into the piece. The thong was quite tight, something she would surely need to get used to. The outfit barely covered her most tender regions, while drawing attention to the additional weight she carried on her body.

"Toys?" asked Cordial softly. "What kinds of toys would I bring?" The fennec girl shifted a little, as if knowing something was up.

"All depends on what you'd like, sweetie," came the feline's assurance, "But generally, there are a few nescesities.. Lube, for one thing. Really, you'll want to ask Candie when it comes to advice on toys. She's had nearly everything here used on her." The feline walked over and released Candie from the St. Andrew's Cross she was bound to, then unlocked the gag with a key she carried. The girl immediately spit out the ball-gag, which hung around her neck like a glistening rubber necklace.

"Am I going to help this lovely lady pick things out?" asked Candie, with a hot blush.

"Yes, please do," came Abby's reply. "And while you're at it... I'm going to hunt for some boots to go with Cordial's outfit." They both nodded to one another, and Candie took Cordial's paw and lead her into the test room. This room had all sorts of toys out of their packages, from paddles and floggers, to candles that had been previously lit, to all sorts of insertables, and even such things as chastity belts.

"Abby can be a little forward sometimes, but don't you worry," mused Candie as she directed Cordial in.

"I don't really know what I'm looking for, here," said Cordial, blushing fiercely as she looked over at one shelf and saw a false rubber hand, balled up into a fist.

"If you're a submissive, and you're going over to Sasha's Inferno, then my advice to you is to simply let others take over... there are a lot of regulars there, who will make things very nice, indeed. If you'd like to simply let them have at you, then they'll have a lot of toys on their own, and the club provides even more. I, uh.. Well, I need to know what you like, because that'll certainly help me plan it all out."

"Well... I don't know, I've always been a very on-my-back-with-the-lights-turned-out sort of girl, when it came to sex. Some rat gave me a drug at the nightclub next-door, and next thing I knew, we were in a private room in the fetish club, and he was, er... fucking my ass." Cordial chewed lightly on her lip at that. "It wasn't rape. I was just a little drunk, and he had apparently given me something called heat. I was so turned on, that I just let him take over."

Walking right in on Cordial's admission was Abby. "I've got some things here for you, Cordial," she said, holding up a bathrobe, some fishnet stockings, and some six-inch latex high heeled boots in black. "I hadn't penned you as a girl for missionary position, with that kind of video, but hey, whatever rocks your boat." Candie, meanwhile, had chosen a little anal plug.

"A lot of the guys you'll meet at Sasha's Inferno are really into anal sex.. It's actually preferred, oftentimes. This will help you be a little more loose.. Just put it in about an hour before you show up, and then any guy you meet can just bend you over, lube up, and slip right in." Candie smiled a little. "Do you plan to take Heat again?"

"I, uh.. I don't know," said Cordial, looking back and forth between the two. "I don't have any, and I don't know where to get it." The two other females erupted into giggles.

"Relax, sweetie.. We'll hook you up. You're the same Cordial that Royce has been talking about, right?" Abby smirked, and Cordial could only blush furiously.

"You know Royce?" asked Cordial.

"Of course we know him... he practically owns the place. And, well, the reason why you're getting all of this from us, at such a discount, is 'cause we owe him a favor. We recognize you from the pictures." Cordial's heart sank at the mention of pictures.

"You are going to meet him, right?" asked Candie, now. Cordial chewed a little on her lower lip as she thought.

"Yeah.. I wanted to see him again." Cordial admitted as the plug was put into her hand, along with a small, mostly-used container of lube.

"These are the test toys, so, really, you can only use 'em on me, but maybe, if you need to decide if you like this one.." Candie said as she turned around and bent down slightly.

"N-not nescessary.. But I do want one of these."

Cordial found herself standing on the outside of the shop, soon, with a brown paper bag in her paws. She'd received all of these things for free, and a small plastic bag containing a few hits of Heat.


When the club first opened at 6:00, Cordial was the first one in, wearing a silk bathrobe that concealed the slutty little number she wore underneath. Her walk was a little off, as she wasn't used to wearing a toy in her behind. A cute bunny walked over to Cordial wearing nothing but a sweet smile and a collar.

"May I help you with anything, madame?" asked the young female rabbit, seriously looking to be at least a few years underage, "Take your robe, maybe? It will be a while before most people show up, but if you want to be here a while, maybe I can help you?" Cordial shakily untied the robe's sash, and slipped out of it, handing the robe to the rabbit.

"That's a lovely outfit you are wearing, Madame," complemented the rabbit as she took the robe, and set it aside, "Are you a submissive?"

Cordial nodded her head, and gave an awkward flick of her tail.

"My Mistress, Sasha, would like to meet you, then.. She's got a real soft spot for soft girls." The bunny giggled. "May I lead the way?"

Cordial found her paw taken, and soon she was being lead through a long hallway, until at last they reached an area that said "Employees Only." Inside of the employee lounge, looking not unlike the club's lounge for customers, sat a tall and regal-looking female lioness, with flowing, slightly wavy curly blonde headfur. She wore literally nothing. Cordial's blush flared up immediately.

"I'm Sasha. What's your name, sweet thing?" asked the lioness, who pointed to the floor at her feet.

"I'm Cordial, uh, madame," said Cordial, now standing awkwardly, as she knew not what was just ordered of her.

"You're new at this aren't you?" asked Sasha with a small laugh. "Come here and sit on my lap. I don't want to scare you away, as you look very sweet." Cordial walked over slowly, and turned to sit down on the female's lap. The strong woman immediately slipped her arms about Cordial, and traced fingers through the fur of her thigh.

"What are you here for?" came Sasha's words, as she so casually felt Cordial up. Cordial shifted about in the female's lap, very quickly growing turned-on.

"I guess I'm looking for some excitement," replied Cordial, suddenly squirming as Sasha's fingers lightly kneaded her rump, "I'm looking to meet Royce, but in general, I've had a rough month, and I don't want to leave here until I need someone to drive me home.. And then I want my driver to fuck me some more." Cordial squirmed as she gave this revelation.

"I see.. Royce won't be around tonight, sadly, but if you want to get fucked, and maybe slapped around a bit... then you've come to the right place." Sasha lightly raised her paw, and brought it down with a slap that sent a jiggle through the plump mouse's buttocks. Cordial squeaked with a mixture of surprise, and pain. "If you're one of Royce's friends, then I'll bet you've taken heat at least once? It's pretty common for a girl to take a few of those, and then just let go... Of course, there are bouncers here if someone disrespects your limits, but they, themselves, like a few favors from a submissive patron before they'll give her their full protection."

"I.. see.." said Cordial, quite overwhelmed by it all, "Favors?"

"My advice to you..." continued Sasha, "Is to take some heat, if you've got it, wait a little while for it to take effect, and then go into our gangbang room. There, you might be restrained a little bit, and you'll have at least two guys working on you well into the night. If the bouncers like you, then you can set some limits with them beforehand, and they'll be sure they won't be crossed. If not... then the guys will run wild with you. Ass, pussy, mouth, anywhere, and more than likely, you'll suck at least a few dicks clean, and you may even have some girls go in on the action.. Of course, you won't care so much if you take your pills."

Sasha lightly fondled Cordial's heavy breasts, feeling the outline of hardened nipples through the top. Cordial moaned softly, and leaned back into the domineering woman.

"That sounds nice..." said Cordial, lightly biting on her lip.

"It is, but it can be hard, like I've said. You might find yourself the very center of attention.. Of course I will be there to watch, and maybe participate a little. Girls like you tend to jiggle all over when you get fucked. How are you for pain, sweet thing?" Sasha smiled softly, "And nasty things?" Cordial wrinkled her nose a little.

"A little pain's fine.. Truth be told I like to have my ass slapped a little bit before sex. But nasty things? Like what?"

The bunny came back carrying a tray with a glass of water, and two pills.

"Madame, I found these in her robe. People are starting to show up. Shall we get her ready?" asked the bunny. Cordial looked on in surprise. Sasha simply nodded to Cordial, and took the two pills off of the tray, and held them before the mouse's muzzle.

"It all depends on what you see as nasty, I suppose.. In specific, I like girls who are able to enjoy a little golden shower." Sasha grinned and put the two pills in the mouse's muzzle as she opened it. Cordial tasted strawberries for the brief moment that she had the pills on her tongue. She swallowed them quickly, and drank the water all down.

"Golden shower?" whimpered Cordial breathily, "You mean, they might pee on me?" Sasha shrugged a little and smirked.

"Or I might," came Sasha's reply, "Anyways... You're in uniform, you're a little horny, you've taken the pills, and patrons are starting to show up. Do you want to get started?"

Cordial swallowed softly, and nodded her head. She knew that soon, the drug would shatter her inhibitions, and turn her into a shameless sex-fiend.


Cordial was led out into the main lounge by a leash that Sasha produced suddenly, along with the young rabbit-slave that seemed to assist Sasha in everything. Already she could feel a little warm, and her heart was pulsing.. The heat was coming on, and it started with a tickling feeling, all through her nethers and nipples. Her breath came on quicker, and many a male visitor smirked as he gazed into her slightly dilated eyes. They knew they were in for a treat.

The gangbang room was down a hall from the main room, and currently, it was empty. The floor was padded here, and in the center, there was a raised, padded table. Though empty briefly, an entourage of amorous patrons followed Cordial and Sasha. Suddenly Sasha forced Cordial to bend over the table with a firm shove. The shift in gravity caused a powerful rush. Having double-dosed, the effects were already coming on twice as strong. Cordial cried out suddenly as a hard slap fell upon her big ass, spanked by Sasha's big and powerful paw. The varied males looked on lustfully, but one in particular, quite well-muscled, stood up before Cordial on the opposite end of the table.

"This hot stud is Kurt," said Sasha, as she nodded toward the big, approaching rottweiler, "One of our top bouncers." Wordlessly Kurt had already unzipped the front of his jeans, and produced before her his sheath, though quickly the bright red glans of the dog's cock was visible. The male's musk smelled divine to Cordial. She nuzzled lightly into his sheath and breathed deep, letting her tongue lick out over the glistening head. THWACK! Suddenly Sasha's paw fell hard upon her ass, and she squeaked into the male's crotch. Kurt grabbed a handful of Cordial's hair, and held his cock before her mouth.

"Need a gag, sweetheart?" he asked, as she willingly sucked it into her mouth. This coaxed the dog's erection rapidly to full size. She nursed upon it hungrily, finding, even as it bumped the back of her throat, that she couldn't gag. The skirt was pulled from Cordial's hips harshly by Sasha, and the thong yanked down to her knees. A command was spoken.

"Lift your tail, slut!" It wasn't Sasha's voice. Another big, burly male, resembling the rottweiler on the other side of her, stepped in. He looked like a mirror image. Cordial raised her tail slowly and presented herself to all present in the room. Laughter rose up as they caught sight of the narrow base of the plug stuffed into her tight asshole. The laughter died down quickly, however, as horny males all around her got to business. As the two rottweilers got to work, with the one behind Cordial mounting her and plunging rapidly into her needy quim, those not yet in on the party began to masturbate their hardened dicks.

The dog behind Cordial swatted her ass as he began to rut his hips, quickly driving himself in and out of her pussy. The male in front of her did more or less the same with her poor, sucking mouth. She could feel heavy dog ballsacs slapping against her chin and against her clitoral hood, and she could feel those twin organs, penetrate her on opposite ends. Without thinking, she quickly shot a paw down to rub her clit, while the other slipped up to fondle the heavy scrotum of the dog in front of her.

Cordial's big ass jiggled with each thrust into her pussy, her whole form quivering, as thin nectar leaked out amidst the deep thrusts in and out of her pussy. The drug's rush overtook her, and she suddenly was taken up in the rapture of orgasm, sucking fiercely, as she came hard about the dog's plunging dick. He grunted and pulled back suddenly, as did his twin on the opposite end. Their timing was careful and perfect, as, when Cordial came, they were on the brink. Their knots were already swelling, and they had just barely avoided a tie with the mouse. Instead, she simply got the other result of their twin orgasms.. Thin dog semen splashed against the back of her throat, warm and salty, and the same concoction shot into her and jetted against her cervix. Cordial swallowed without thinking, and laid limp aside from the occasional spasm. As Kurt pulled out of her mouth, the other male pulled free from her cunt, and presented himself before her muzzle. She sucked him clean without thinking, all while masturbating her poor clit fiercely between her legs, as semen trickled forth from her folds and fell out. Cordial suddenly heard the click of a camera's shutter, and she saw a bright flash. She looked over her shoulder in alarm, to see Sasha, and a few others in the room, were armed with cameras. Suddenly a rush overtook her, and she came again, her contractions forcing more of that thin seed out of her cunt.

The next two males stepped up, both behind her. The toy was gripped, and with a jerk, pulled out, and her thong was slipped down to her ankles. Just as quickly, her top was unzipped, and she laid draped over the table, completely naked. She caught eyes with one of the males, a moderately attractive mouse, with black and white fur. A swat fell upon her ass, and she was ordered to climb up onto the table. She met eyes with the other, a rabbit. He grinned at her, stroking his member between his legs. The rabbit climbed up onto the table and laid down, and it was clear what was expected of Cordial. She climbed up and straddled his hips, and sat over his throbbing member, and began to sink down.. They both groaned, and soon, soft paws came upon Cordial's breasts, lightly squeezing. The mouse had something else in mind.. He climbed up onto the table and kneeled between the legs of the rabbit. Suddenly he pressed his lubricated prick to her tailhole, and spoke a complement as he sank into her bowels. The toy had stretched her slightly, and the heat had loosened her further, so she took them both in with ease.

Soon, Cordial was rocking her hips to drive the two males in and out of her, a mass of groaning and heavy breathing, paws all over her soft body, as she was dually fucked. The mouse's arms were around her midriff, and the buck's face buried in her breasts, both of the males in heaven as they used her. The room was filled with the varied sounds of mating, the wet sound of flesh on flesh, and the heavy breathing and lusty groaning that we all know well by now. Cameras shot pictures all around, catching Cordial's face of utter delight as she came wetly around the buck's pulsing prick, and tightly gripped the bucking mouse's member in her asshole. Soon the other two males were spent, shooting their seed into her holes messily, and pulling away without so much as a 'thank you'. She found herself laying there again, as soiled cocks were presented before her muzzle. She sucked both of them in at once, and even fellated them to full hardness before someone slipped in behind Cordial without her noticing. He gripped her hips suddenly, and pulled them up again. Her eyes widened as she realized exactly how big the cock pressed to her ass was. She pulled her mouth off of the spit-glistening cocks of the buck and mouse, to see an equine squatting over her. He shoved himself into her ass, and all she could do is groan with lust. Her eyes clenched shut tightly as she struggled to relax to accommodate him. Spit-glistening cocks slapped against her face, the two males making clear that they weren't done with her. And so Cordial distracted herself with jerking one, and sucking the other, occasionally alternating as the horse behind her plunged his meat in and out of her bowels.

"There's still room! Let me in!" called out another male, a feline who soon, with some help, slipped underneath the panting, overworked mouse, to slip himself inside of her. She tensed up suddenly, at the presence of his barbs digging lightly into her delicate inner pussy flesh. The third prick she took was not very big, but that barb hurt a little, especially as it began to sink in and out of her, pushing messy semen out as he moved. The horse behind her reached out and slipped his hands underneath her chest, grasping her tits as he plunged home, hips to ass, the beast hilted in her ass, as he came explosively into her. It was almost like an enema. She felt extremely full, like something was about to burst inside of her, until he pulled out, relieving the pressure and leaving her ass gaping, as he jerked the remainder off onto her big ass. A camera flashed behind her, forever preserving this perfect moment.

Cordial's asshole didn't even have time to close up before a thankfully smaller member replaced it. The two males before her, meanwhile, suddenly lost themselves, one shooting a load right into her mouth, while the other mostly splattered her face. She was a mess already, a depository for the semen of every male in the room. She didn't even bother to look over to see who was now taking her ass, and she only briefly met the eyes of the feline beneath her, before the immense, semi-erect fire hose of the equine's cock was presented before her muzzle. She cleaned it with broad licks of her tongue, finding it too massive to fit into her muzzle. The horse patted her on the head, and moved on, thankfully, despite the hard-on the cleaning brought on.

Whenever a male came in her, he was inevitably replaced by another. This seemed to go on for a long time, Cordial finding herself sore, her energy depleted, and slowly, the drug's effect began to taper off. When all seemed finished, however, the horse stepped back into the room.

"Name's Chris," he said with a grin. He was wrapped up in a bathrobe. "I have to say... Holy fuck. You look exhausted. Sasha told me that you need a ride home. I'll gladly do it, but on one condition."

Panting, and looking up at him, her face covered in the semen of at least half a dozen males, she said,

"Anything... If I fall asleep here, then I'll probably end up doing this again. And already I know I won't be walking right for a week." Chris smirked, and continued,

"All I want is a shower."


The drive home was uneventful, except that the big equine had trouble even getting into the tiny Japanese car that Cordial drove. Once in, he humored her, and drove her up to her apartment. Cordial invited him in, and they both headed, in a hurry, to the bathroom.

"You get the water started, I have one thing I need to do.." said Chris. He walked out and opened the front door. Cordial heard voices, but was too tired to walk out and see what the trouble was. She stood before the shower nozzle, washing off the mess made of her from a very long night, as more of the mess dribbled slowly out of her.

"Cordial, sweetie.. How dare you leave without even saying goodbye." It was Sasha's voice. Cordial had a large shower, and she found herself, soon, wedged in between two very large furs that took it all up. Chris was naked on one side of her, with an erection poking into the fur of her lower back. Sasha, meanwhile, stood before the soaked mouse, and turned off the shower.

"Get down," came their orders, both at once. Cordial sank to her knees. Sasha spread her thighs, and then slipped a paw between them to part the folds of her slit. Cordial nuzzled it softly, breathing in the scent of her sex.

"Chris here wants to have your ass one last time, and I wanted to give you a different kind of shower," mused Sasha. Cordial blushed hotly, and flicked out her tongue to taste the lioness. Sasha suddenly let her bladder go, salty urine splattering Cordial's tongue, and wetting down her face with rich gold. She closed her eyes and whimpered in humiliation, as she was wet down with the lioness' piss. It was over in a few minutes, and suddenly Sasha stepped aside and turned the shower back on. Clear water rinsed it all away from the humiliated Cordial.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" asked Sasha, as Cordial opened her eyes, blinking, and still tasting the lioness' urine. Cordial whimpered a little and shook her head.

"That was actually kind of hot.." she admitted, lowering her gaze shamefully. She then looked over her shoulder at the immense horse member behind her head.

"Sasha and I were thinking, we'd dry you off and take you to bed, and let you eat her out as I fucked you from behind. Then if you don't mind, we'd all go right to sleep, right in your bed." Chris stroked the erection lightly against Cordial's young face. She nodded enthusiastically to the plan.

They all dried off quickly and headed off to bed. Cordial walked with a small sway of her hips, tail flicking, as the equine's eyes fell upon her big rump.

"You know, I'm kind of glad I missed Royce," remarked Cordial, "I went home that night to a cold and lonely bed." Cordial climbed up into bed right behind Sasha. Sasha leaned up against the headboards and spread her thighs. On all fours, with her rump lifted, and her tail raised high, Cordial gazed briefly over her shoulder at Chris, but then turned her attention to the spread-open feast before her. Sasha's pussy still tasted a little of the yellow salt that poured from it moments before, but this didn't bother Cordial so much as she gently lapped, moaning into Sasha's cunt as the equine sank first into her sore and well-used pussy to lubricate himself, and then pulled out and settled at the entrance of her ass. He shoved himself in with a groan, finding the penetration quite easily, after at least four males other than him got off in that same opening very recently. This was quick, as opposed to Cordial's ordeal in the gangbang room. Soon they were all off to sleep upon the covers of Cordial's bed, with Cordial using Sasha's thigh as a pillow, and Chris laying beside the exhausted mouse, petting her as he drifted off to a satisfied sleep.

Even in her dreams, Cordial was getting fucked. But that's a story for another time.

Scarlet's Initiation

Cordial here again.. Yeah, here's a new story. I should warn, it's not as vanilla as the previous one. The usual applies, don't read this if you're a minor, and don't read this if you'd drop dead, from, say, scenes of very messy sex, flame play, and...

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This is the first(and hopefully not last) story by me, Cordial. Obviously, there's lots of fucking, and if you don't like fucking, first I should ask you why you're here, then remind you not to read this if you are a minor. Thank you. Comments will...

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