Scarlet's Initiation

Story by Cordialmouse on SoFurry

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Cordial here again.. Yeah, here's a new story. I should warn, it's not as vanilla as the previous one. The usual applies, don't read this if you're a minor, and don't read this if you'd drop dead, from, say, scenes of very messy sex, flame play, and golden showers. Comments can be page-mailed to me on Tapestries, where my name is, obviously, Cordial. If you want to use this for anything, art, comics, or the like, I would appreciate some negotiation and definitely some credit for my work.

Now, enjoy "Scarlet's Initiation". There are 3 parts. The first being some fairly messy sex, the second, preparations including some washing and an enema, and the third and final part being Scarlet's actual initiation, involving hard S&M(Flame play) and a golden shower.


Scarlet chewed on her lip thoughtfully as she looked at the toy her Mistress had proposed putting to use. It was a fairly heavy flogger, but it was not made of the usual leather, or rubber. The entire affair had a metallic aluminum handle, and 10 strips of fairly wide kevlar.

"Kevlar, Mistress? May I ask why?" mewed Scarlet as she gazed upon the toy.

"You'll see, very soon, my kitten," said her Mistress with a smirk, "It's a matter of theatrics. If you are to be a pet for this club, and a proper entertainer, we need to make use of your very unique characteristics."

Scarlet wasn't so-much a furre, but she wasn't a human, either. Rather, she ended up somewhere in the middle. Her body was covered in the softest, smoothest skin, and lacked much in the way of fur or even hair. A thick crop of curly scarlet hair fell to either side of her young face, and emerging from that large crop were two large cat ears. Her body was slender, and lightly toned, but it swelled nicely in the chest area. By order of her Mistress, Scarlet wore nothing. She didn't really have to, having committed herself to the club, living and sleeping there and never going outdoors.

Scarlet's Mistress lightly swatted her bosom to get the catgirl's attention.

"Tomorrow night, you and I will have use of the stage. Any requests, kitten?" said her Mistress in a tone that made Scarlet squirm delightfully. Scarlet's Mistress, and the owner of this fetish bar, was a mature fox woman with a definite air of authority about her.

"Y-yes, Mistress," whimpered Scarlet, "May I be blindfolded when I go onto the stage? If I see the crowds, I'll lose my nerve." The woman smirked and shook her head.

"You won't have the chance to lose your nerve. I'll get you up there even if I have to drag you by your tail. And besides, if you are uncooperative tomorrow, it will only make things far more difficult. You're a slave now, so you don't have any choice over what happens to you. I'm a good Mistress and so I allow for some negotiation, but if you anger me, even a little, tomorrow, you won't earn your collar." Scarlet's mistress slipped a paw down along the catgirl's smooth back, to lightly grasp her tail and tug on it.

"My collar?" asked Scarlet with a shudder. "But if I don't get that.. Then I won't be able to work here, Mistress."

"Precisely," said the woman, "Slaves who disappoint find themselves sold off rather quickly, and I know of harsher places than this to work." Scarlet swallowed, and met her Mistress' gaze with green feline eyes.

"I understand, Mistress."

A knock came upon the door of the private bed chambers where Scarlet and her Mistress laid in bed. This was followed by a quick unlocking of the door with a key. The door flew open, and a large male husky stood before the pair, in a leather vest and tight leather pants.

"Elizabeth.." he said with a smile, "Long time no see, my love. Who is this?" The husky gazed over at Scarlet with a raised brow.

"This is Scarlet. This kinky little kitten gave herself over this morning. Good thing, too, because I've wanted to use this for a long time." Elizabeth nodded toward the kevlar flogger.

"That's got to sting," said the husky with a laugh and a wince. Scarlet uttered another small whimper. The velvety paws of the woman played over Scarlet's smooth, tanned hide, rising up to cup the feline's heavy breasts. Soft thumbpads caressed over the hardened nipples of the catgirl. Slowly the husky stepped in nearer, and already he began to undress. He didn't have much to take off, and soon, the dog's sheath and heavy sac came into view. A steel captive-bead ring pierced the lip of his sheath.

"You may call him 'Master', Scarlet. He is my mate." Elizabeth pinched Scarlet's nipples between her thumb and forefinger, and lightly bit at the feline's nape. This drew a shiver and a groan from the kitten. The husky climbed into bed with the pair.

"I've missed you," said the dog as he crept nearer to the nude, mature vixen on the satin sheets, "How's about we leash your new slut to the bedpost, and you welcome me back?" The dog drew in a breath of the well-aged vixen's scent.

"We can't leash her until she's earned her collar," mused Elizabeth. "Until then.. She will be on her best behavior. Won't you, kitty?" Scarlet shivered and nodded her little head.

Elizabeth nudged Scarlet away suddenly, leaving the nude body of the mature vixen exposed. She had a large bosom, now more pendulous than in her days of youth, but still, not unattractive. The folds of her mound were carefully shaven, leaving the husky a tempting sight, as her sex glistened with the arousal from teasing the poor kitten.

"Prepare him," said Elizabeth with a smirk. Scarlet could only look to her confusedly, knowing not what to do. Fortunately, the husky helped the feline along by nodding toward his sheath.

"You're not very good at this yet, are you? She wants you to get over here, put those pretty lips to use, and get my dick nice and hard and wet." The husky laid back into the pillows and put his hands behind his head.

Scarlet blushed a little at the request, but slowly crept between the husky's thighs, and cupped a paw under his heavy sac. She was relatively unfamiliar with males, but mostly, inexperienced in general, but she was certainly going to try her best. Rolling those heavy balls about in her grasp, she lowered her mouth, and lightly breathed a soft breath upon the lip of the male's sheath. This brought a shiver through him. Then Scarlet's slender pink tongue sank down into the male's sheath, and lightly teased. It didn't take long for that immense wand of dogmeat to emerge, hard and throbbing and glistening with musky moisture. Scarlet tasted that moisture on her tongue as she worked him with slow licks up and down his cock. Already his meat had a certain salty taste to it.

The dog's toes curled as she sank her lips about the wide head. Soon his entire length lay bare, save for what could fit in the feline's inexperienced mouth. He was definitely tempted to make use of the kitten further, but for now.. He had other plans. He lightly swatted the side of Scarlet's face.

"That's enough. We'll need that tongue again after we're done, of course." As Scarlet pulled away, the husky sat up slowly. Elizabeth assumed her favorite position for mating, hands and knees, tail lifted high, and her ass presented to him. In her maturity, she had gained some extra weight, so her rump was very full and plush, the perfect cushions for the pistoning hips of a hot young canine stud.

The husky slipped in behind Elizabeth as Scarlet sat on the edge of the bed to watch. That big, saliva-slicked dogcock kissed at the entrance of a shaven, damp mound, and slowly nudged it's way in with the help of the husky's strong hips. Elizabeth inhaled sharply, and growled.

"Give it to me hard." Slowly the husky's arms slipped around underneath the vixen, holding her steady, as his hips began to buck, plunging that heated dogprick in and out of the needy slit of the fox. She howled each time he plunged in, and Scarlet watched as more and more of that searing length disappeared inside of her. Soon the sounds of furious mating began to compete with the volume of Scarlet's nervous yet pleased purr. A wet plunging and sucking, and the groaning of two furs fucking.

As the dog sank deeper, his heavy, pendulous ballsac slapped wetly against the clitoral hood of the fox. This drove her wild, and brought her back against him, as now both of them worked to get the other off. The large paws of the husky cupped the heavy breasts of the fox, and pulled her toward him. The bed shaking, Scarlet mewled and sank down to the floor onto her knees, and crawled around to get a better view, now from behind the husky.

The mating ended with what could only be described as two triumphant howls of pleasure, as the fox came wetly and clenched about the male, setting off his climax. Scarlet could see as his cock and balls pulsed, surely ejecting a large load into the fox's slit. This sight made her blush.

"Fuck.. I went too long without that," said the husky with a shudder. The sheer volume of the thick gob of semen that rushed out as soon as he withdrew would suggest that as well. It fell messily upon the sheets. Scarlet whimpered.

"See that, kitty? You'll be cleaning -that- up," remarked Elizabeth, "In more ways than one.. Tomorrow morning you will do my laundry, but right now, I want that tongue put to good use." The vixen shifted her weight, still panting, to lay on her back with her legs spread. Scarlet climbed into bed and crawled toward the two on all fours. First, the husky directed her toward the glistening mess made of his prick. The cleaning in that case was fairly easy, Scarlet's first real taste of the mess she was to clean up. The husky smirked and petted her face lightly as she licked his softening dick clean.

"Good kitty.. With a little training, you'd be an excellent cocksucker." The husky laid down beside Elizabeth now, leaving Scarlet to gaze upon her new job.

Elizabeth's pussy was a sticky, gaping mess after the mating, still dripping with thick pearls of husky semen. Scarlet reluctantly sank down between the vixen's legs, and lapped up a thin trickle of mixed fluids.

"Mmm.. Good kitty. Keep it up, just like that." An encouraging paw stroked at Scarlet's face, urging her to work harder. The feline's soft paws laid down upon the vixen's thighs, and thumbs parted her slit to be better licked at by Scarlet. Soon she had the outside looking about as pristine as it was before the messy ordeal, if a bit more stretched and loose. Elizabeth's paw curled it's fingers in Scarlet's hair.

"Now, the inside.." Pulling upon Scarlet's hair now, Elizabeth made clear the job wasn't finished.

Scarlet's reluctant tongue dug into the fox's honeypot, finding it quite full from the inside. This drew a whimper from the feline, who began to suckle with her lips. The vixen helped with deliberate pushing of her internal muscles, aiding her in coaxing that sticky mess out into Scarlet's mouth. Scarlet had to swallow more than once to clear her mouth of the mingled tastes of husky and fox.

Soon, Elizabeth's insides were about as clean as a tongue could get them, and Elizabeth herself was breathing heavily and near another orgasm. She ground her crotch against the catgirl's face, moaning and murring, and encouraging her to 'finish' the job yet more. Scarlet's tongue lashed sweetly against the mature vixen's clit, and soon, she came hard, her body tensing, and then going limp, shaken by little contractions.. Scarlet got another taste of the vixen, now no longer adulterated with husky seed. By the time Scarlet was done, Master and Mistress were exhausted and ready for sleep, and the kitten herself was very hot and horny, with no one to satisfy her.

"Turn off the lights on your way out, kitten. Get a good rest. And also.. Do not masturbate, or let any of the other girls get you off." Elizabeth smirked at the feline who was still licking her lips.

"And be thankful that we weren't in the mood for anal sex," comes the husky's comment as Scarlet rose from bed and left, sulking, to sleep with the other club pets.


In the sleeping quarters for the club pets(which doubled as a room where patrons would use them during open hours), Scarlet awoke with a small shiver. The other girls had hoarded all of the pillows and blankets, and made the feline sleep upon the hard tile floor. She was stiff, and she hadn't rested well at all. Elizabeth stood above her as she awoke, in full domme dress. Six-inch high heeled latex boots rested before the girl's lips.

"Kiss my boots, girl, and we can get you a shower and breakfast," said her Mistress with a smirk. Scarlet kissed them lightly, even going so far as to lick over the toes with her soft tongue.

After the formalities, Scarlet was led back into the wash room. This room was used as a playroom, like many other areas, but right now, with the girls getting ready for the long night, it was only in use as many a slave showered in the stalls, shaved themselves, and even took turns administering and receiving enemas, all routine to keep the girls hygenic for clients. Many customers brought their own pets, sure, but the floor had all manner of slaves of a variety of different training backgrounds to satisfy those who didn't, or those who simply sought something new.

Elizabeth pushed Scarlet into an empty stall that lacked a showerhead, and instead had a garden hose connected to a faucet near the floor.

"Turn it on and kneel, slut. You haven't earned a nice, hot shower yet, and so I'm going to wash you like an animal," said Elizabeth as she held the hose in hand. Scarlet obediently opened the valve, and was greeted with the most frigid water right upon her sensitive breasts. She squealed, nipples hardening up in an instant. She was soon reduced to a shivering mess. The kitten scrambled for a bar of soap, and washed herself as she was splashed with the water, so icy that she wondered if it were refrigerated. When she was finally declared clean by her Mistress, she could barely feel her fingers.

The embrace of a clean towel was something that Scarlet had taken for granted before, but she wrapped herself tightly in it until she was dry and no longer shivering. There was more cleaning to be done, however.. By this time the cleaning chamber had cleared of girls, leaving Scarlet and Elizabeth relatively alone. She was led to a long steel table, and ordered to lay down along it. Scarlet did so with a whimper, now watching Elizabeth with frightened eyes. There was an enema bag hanging overhead, bulging with water. The thin fingers of the fox woman's paw could be felt, soon, teasing underneath, and a finger pushing into the feline's ass. This drew a soft mewl from Scarlet, who bit her lip to quiet herself.

"You will thank me for my mercy, kitten.. I've allowed you to have warm water for the enema." Elizabeth said this as she pulled her finger free, and reached for the nozzle. She lubricated it and wiggled that nozzle up into Scarlet's tight little butt. The kitten's tail twitched as a pump was squeezed to inflate a small balloon, sealing Scarlet's backdoor. And then the valve was opened, water spilling into her, flooding her. This was an unfamiliar sensation, and it was soon met with cramping, the feline squirming in pain until her Mistress lightly rubbed her belly to soothe the cramping.

"Tomorrow the girls will help you with this.. With time, it should be easy. Some girls even like how it feels." Elizabeth smirked, watching as the sides of the bag drew in on each other, a sure sign that more and more water was filling the poor feline.

It took a full fifteen minutes for the water to drain into her. Once finished, Elizabeth nudged her toward a stall to sit over a toilet. The nozzle was deflated and pulled free, and rapidly that water came out, to be flushed down the toilet.

"All clean, outside and in.. It's time to eat, now." Elizabeth led the naked, shivering catgirl to the cafeteria to eat with her.


Nightfall came soon, and patrons gathered outside, waiting to be let within. It had been advertised that a show was planned for tonight on the stage, and so the club was to be quite active tonight. The slaves got into position, some behind the bar, some in cages, some dressed and some not, preparing for a busy night.

No one was as nervous as Scarlet, however, who had been bound tightly with rope in a folding chair, and left upon the stage on the room's center. She was to have a hard initiation, far worse than many girls before her. It was a strange sort of favoritism. The rope harness had a single thin strand tight against her crotch, digging against her pussy lips, and holding a long, slender vibe inside of her pussy, also pushing against a plug in her ass. Scarlet's Mistress held a remote control that would set them buzzing to life if the exhausted feline were to nod off, and this happened several times throughout the day of preparations.

Scarlet found herself wide awake, however, after a 'test run' of that peculiar kevlar flogger. Elizabeth stepped onto the stage, slipped some protective sleeves up her arms, took up the flogger, and dunked it into a ready bucket of fuel. A slave girl assigned to fire duty covered the bucket and took it away, as Elizabeth swung some of the extra fuel off and onto the floor to let it evaporate quickly. The room was, fortunately, well ventilated.

The lights dimmed as Elizabeth set the flogger ablaze, and swung it around, the fire making the most terrifying 'whoosh' as the ten flaming tails of the flogger tore through the air. Satisfied, Elizabeth extinguished it in a wet towel with the help of the slave on fire safety. Scarlet could only shiver and whimper. Elizabeth's reply was to turn the toys on full, and leave her like that.

Guests were slowly being ushered in to sit all around the stage, all smirking as they gazed upon the bound cat-girl, squirming and mewling and trying not to draw attention to herself even as she sat in the center of the stage with a spot light drawn upon her. As the drinks were ordered and served, the music came on, and Elizabeth stepped up to the stage in her most menacing of outfits, a dominatrix outfit with a corset and leather boots and really, nothing to cover her breasts, ass, or crotch. Her fur was dusted with a light flame-retardant chemical, and the protective sleeves were pulled up to her shoulders. Elizabeth slipped behind the catgirl and slowly undid her bonds, and pulled the toys out of her with a 'pop'.

Scarlet stood naked and humiliated before a full house. Meanwhile, a small table was wheeled onto the stage, with manacles on one far end. Scarlet was pushed toward this table, and soon, bent over it's far end, her wrists strapped in. At first, the feline's tail hung low, but a single hard swat, the sound rebounding throughout the room, corrected that error of posture. All of the audience on the right side of the stage was treated to the sight of that kitten's tempting, firm ass lifted up in offering.

"This is Scarlet, our newest girl. We've planned a very special initiation for her. Won't you welcome Scarlet?" bellowed Elizabeth, as patrons all around the stage watched with amusement.

"Welcome, Scarlet!" they all called out, which only made Scarlet mewl.

"Thank all of you.." she said, her mind a blank. The flogger was carried back up, and a slave took fire duty on either corner, with extinguishers and wet towels. A bucket was brought to the stage, and a large jug of fuel was opened, it's contents spilled into the bucket. The flogger was unwrapped and the handle was taken by Elizabeth, who dunked it in the fuel and shook the excess off as the bucket was capped and removed. The lights dimmed to nothing, save for a red beam drawn upon Scarlet as Elizabeth withdrew a silver lighter from her pocket, and ignited the flogger.

Gasps of surprise came up even from the seasoned, jaded sadists in the audience. This was enough to divert their attention from the drinks and blowjobs served by the club's staff. Even those who knew what to expect looked on in awe as Elizabeth swung it deliberately short of the tempting ass of the feline, letting her feel the heat roll off of it.

"Oh god! Please, Mistress! Not that!" cried out Scarlet as fear overrode self control.

The flogger was brought downward suddenly, it's searing strands hitting Scarlet's ass with a full spread. Anyone with fur would surely go up right now. A thin trail of burning fuel was left by each strand, hurriedly extinguished by a swat from the other paw. Scarlet was so terrified she forgot to scream, now just whimpering as she was subjected to the fiery toy. Another blow landed upon her outer thigh, and a swat was delivered to extinguish the fuel left upon her skin. Wherever the flogger fell, it left burning, pink welts, not as serious as one would think, but nonetheless, not pleasant. Scarlet's entire back end was soon covered in these painful welts and mild burns. Eventually the fuel had all burned up harmlessly and the flogger went out. The lights in the room came back on, and Scarlet laid there, smoking in places, frightened and sore.

Elizabeth gave a bow, and dropped the flogger onto the tile floor of the stage, then removed the protective sleeves. She walked over nearer to Scarlet and gently unclasped her wrists.

"Get to your knees, bitch!" she cried out viciously, all the more wicked when there was an audience. The sobbing kitten sank to the floor and did her best not to settle upon the fresh welts laid by the flogger. There was still more surprise in store for Scarlet, however.. One last encore for the audience.

Elizabeth sank a paw between her mature thighs and splayed her folds apart as she stood over the girl, and pressed lightly around the tiny hole between her clit and her vagina. With this pressure upon her urethra, she let her bladder go, spraying the feline down, soaking her face in a humiliating, warm, and salty golden shower. Scarlet closed her eyes in a hurry as she was soaked by her Mistress, and clamped her mouth closed tight. By the time the vixen's bladder had emptied, her hair was soaked, and her body was wet all down her chest, a puddle even forming at the kitten's knees.

"I claim you now, Scarlet," she said with a snicker. Scarlet opened her eyes and looked on, terrified and humiliated before what seemed like hundreds of patrons. The patrons were laughing, some now getting off as the sexual favors served to them by house slaves neared an end.

Without even the time for that heated piss to cool, two girls came up and brought a thin collar. It was taken by Elizabeth, who carefully slipped it about the kitten's throat.

"You've earned it.. Now, come with me, kitten.. I'd like to share with you a long bubble bath." Elizabeth tugged upon the leash ring, and escorted Scarlet out.

Scarlet was a very popular girl after that. She'd endured what many of the club pets claimed to be the most intense thing they'd seen.


This is the first(and hopefully not last) story by me, Cordial. Obviously, there's lots of fucking, and if you don't like fucking, first I should ask you why you're here, then remind you not to read this if you are a minor. Thank you. Comments will...

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