Cordial's Tale Continues

Story by Cordialmouse on SoFurry

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Cordial here.. Yes, another story about yours truly. I hope you enjoy reading it, because I enjoyed writing it.. It's my longest yet, and perhaps, the start of something greater. If you want to read about my other adventures, you'll check my author listing and read Heat I and II. This is essentially the third in the series. Lesbian, BDSM, anal sex, cunnilingus, and watersports. Obviously, you need to be over 18 to read this. I think that disclaimer goes without saying now.

Cordial awoke in a daze. Things seemed... off, needless to say, as when she opened her eyes she saw nothing, and she wasn't laying down. Her jaw ached, her mouth wrapped around a ball gag secured within her mouth. Shifting to move her arms, she found them cuffed behind her back. All she could do was squirm in this more-or-less kneeling position. Her legs had fallen asleep beneath her. Clearly she'd been tied up like this for a while.

Soon came the sound of footsteps, drawing nearer all the while, followed by a woman's laughter. No words, not yet.. Dull nails scritched behind one of Cordial's ears, which only caused Cordial to shift about in frustration. A couple fingers drifted underneath Cordial's nostrils, the strong smell of sex lingering upon them. Cordial was soon panting, her nipples hardening up into little buds from her arousal.

"Glad to see you're awake, sweetheart," came the voice of Sasha.. This calmed Cordial down somewhat. She knew at least that she was safe, and slowly, memory of what had happened seeped back into her waking consciousness. Or rather, it poured. The night before had been sublime, every kiss, every lick, every bite and lash of the whip. Though, not just the previous night. The night before that, as well, and then before that, going on for about a week. Those little visits to that fetish club became more and more frequent, and even though Cordial hadn't taken heat in a while, she was really letting herself go almost every weekend. The owner, Sasha, had taken a special liking to Cordial, and would often nudge Cordial's limits a little bit further.. The reason why Cordial seemed so dazed, perhaps, was that even now she couldn't believe it had finally happened. She hadn't been to work in two weeks. Long story short, something set her off, she blew up on her boss, and walked out the office that same day minus a job. She went to her usual place to drown her sorrows, and that's where Sasha came in..


"What's wrong, dear?" asked Sasha as she walked sensually across the bar, to plant herself in the barstool right beside Cordial. Cordial was frowning, and drinking at the bar, something she rarely did anymore.

"I lost my job tonight.. figured I'd drop by and let my good friends know I can't really afford to go out every weekend, at least until I get a new job." Cordial wet her lips with her tongue, and looked Sasha sadly in the eyes.

"Mm. What's stopping you, dear? Money?" Sasha lightly stroked the side of Cordial's face. "If money's your only problem, you should have come to me sooner, doll. You're one of the regulars here, and one of my favorite playmates. I can afford to pay for your drinks, your outfits, anything, if it means seeing you around more."

"What're you saying?" asked Cordial, after almost choking on her drink.

"I'm saying, sweetheart, that if you love being here so much, I'd do what's nescessary to keep you here all the time." Sasha was smirking now, though secretly wishing that Cordial had on her playtime collar.. Something to tug on to exert just a small bit of power.

"You're saying I should work here?" asked Cordial, her voice just above a whisper as she leaned in.

"In short, perhaps.. Club pet if you can handle that, or maybe just my own personal pet." Sasha shifted a little and slid off the barstool onto her bare feet. She carefully took the drink out of Cordial's paw, and set it on the bar, then took Cordial's paw.

"Now, then.. Perhaps we should retreat to my private study." The lioness smirked as she pulled Cordial along. Cordial's steps were reluctant and a little slow, but she was nonetheless intrigued.. It had gone to the point where Cordial was looking for some kind of relationship, preferably with someone as kinky as her. Someone she could take home to her parents, but Sasha hardly met those criteria, being female. Perhaps that didn't matter anymore, thought Cordial. Perhaps she should finally start being an adult, and go her own way, not just what might please her parents when around them.. These thoughts were cut short, however, as the pair reached the study.

It looked like the administrative office of just about any business establishment, if one were to empty buckets upon buckets of liquid latex over everything, smooth it out, and leave it to dry, then insert D-rings and eyebolts into available walls and furniture. Sasha kept her desk bare, after so many times when, in the throes of passion, all paperwork and paperweights were thrown aside so the desk may be lusted upon. A one-way window below showed the lower floor of the club, and the various acts of deviancy going on within it's walls. Sasha turned to Cordial and said,

"Clothes. Lose them." What else could Cordial do? She obeyed, first stepping out of the high heeled shoes she wore, then letting her skirt, her shirt, and then bra and thong fall to the floor. She stood naked before the dominant woman, excitement already evident in the way her heavy bosom rose and fell with her breathing, and the firmness of her nipples.. Pierced about six weeks prior, they had just started to heal, the 14g rings glittering in the light. Having kept more or less the same weight despite the increase in exercise, Cordial had a curvy figure, with love handles one could really grab ahold of. Sasha couldn't help but admire Cordial's body as she'd done many times before. She also admired those new and tender nipple piercings, even if they were her own work.

"Gods.. I'll never get tired of that first glimpse when you disrobe," mused Sasha as she walked about Cordial, "Now, dear.. Sit down." Sasha gestured toward a specific chair, one marked "SUB" with gold plated letters. This chair differed from the one intended for government inspectors and business partners in one obvious way, namely the dildo that protruded from it's seat. Cordial bit her lower lip and winced a little. Sasha caught on to this little cue, and walked over to take place behind the desk at her seat. The lioness pulled open a drawer, and found the bottle of lube she kept handy, placing it on a desk with a thump.

"We'll talk after you're seated," said Sasha sternly.

Cordial walked with short baby steps toward the desk, first taking the lube.. She opened the bottle, and first poured a healthy helping along two fingers. The mousette's back arched as she slipped that paw behind her, to smear that lubrication across her crack.. It was cold. Sasha watched in amusement as the mousette squirmed. First a probing finger, then another.. A groan passed Cordial's lips, then another as she twisted those fingers, trying to ready herself properly for the sizable black rubber prick that protruded from the seat of the chair. Pulling those fingers out of her own ass, Cordial then walked over to the chair and bent down, pouring more lube over the tip of that toy cock, then spreading it with her paw. Turning around, Cordial saw Sasha smirking, but impatiently drumming her fingers on the desktop. Slowly, Cordial sank down into the chair, using a hand to steady the toy. She bit down on her lip to stifle a groan as it first touched against her anal ring, then began to spread it.. It took Cordial about ten minutes to ease her way all the way down, to "sit" there.

"Good," said Sasha at last. "Well, Cordial, I figured since you first came to me before opening hours, looking for some excitement, that this would happen, and I confess, I've been wishing for it to happen since I first saw the pictures that Royce took." A breath, and then Sasha continued. "I'll say first that I don't think you'd be happy as a club pet. You're mostly selective about your partners, these days. Well, mostly. The nights you've done heat, I've seen you fuck pretty much everyone on two legs, only to reject those same folk on more sober nights."

"Yes, miss.." whispered Cordial politely. There's just something about sitting in this seat that made her feel vulnerable, and submissive. Maybe it was how the regal lioness towered over her in that seat, or maybe it was just the 7" rubber cock hilted in her ass as she sat fully upon the seat on the other side of the desk.

"It is still your choice of course, but I'm offering you a rare privelege, to be my personal pet. You'll share my apartment on these grounds, and I'll keep a closer eye on you. When you play with others here in my absence, they'll know to be good to you, because you'll wear a collar stating that you're mine, not just that you work here." Sasha nodded solemnly as she spoke, paws unfolding so a gloved digit may slip underneath the desk, where with a hidden button, she briefly set the toy vibrating inside of Cordial. Trying not to groan, Cordial panted out,

"I-I would be honored, Miss.. I'll need to move my stuff here, or get rid of it though.."

"Take your time with that. In the meantime.." Sasha paused to open the drawer again, retrieving a leather collar. "Put this on if you want to be mine. I'll padlock it after tonight. You're to wear it even outside of the club." Cordial reached out a shaky paw to lift the collar. She inspected it closely. The leather was a light pink color, and the inside was lined with soft suede. A heart-shaped, golden tag was engraved, "Cordial, property of Sasha." Carefully Cordial unbuckled it and slipped it about her throat, adjusting it into place. Cordial very rarely ever wore necklaces, so she found this sensation of a collar a little odd. Sasha smirked as she watched.

"Good. You're to call me Mistress now.." The lioness lightly touched the button under her desk to cause the dildo to vibrate again.

"Y-Yes, Mistress!" whimpered Cordial. She was in disbelief of what she had done.

"You're my girl, now. If you wish to remain my pet, in my nice apartment, to be fed and clothed by me, then my words are law to you." Sasha nudged the button to add emphasis to her words.

"Yes, Mistress!" cried out Cordial once more.

"That's the one and only rule for now.. Once I decide on the direction your training will go, there may be more. In the club below, you may behave as you usually do." Now, Sasha held the button down.

"Yes, Mistress! Your word is law!" managed Cordial, amidst the overstimulation her little rump was receiving. Slowly Sasha released the button. She detatched the toy's control panel from the underside of the desk, and carried it with her, wire trailing as she climbed over the desk. Sasha sat on the desk's edge soon, legs dangling off on either side of Cordial and her seat. Slowly Sasha urged her skirt upward. Cordial awaited her orders.

"Tonight, it's all about you, and me, dear Cordial, and the first little thing I want from you.. is to feel your tongue on my clit." Sasha swished her tail, and uttered a throaty purr. Wearing nothing underneath that long skirt, she soon bared her crotch to Cordial, glistening with moisture. Having someone surrender utterly to her, that made her hot.. Very hot. Cordial spoke not a word, only leaning in, her breathing lightly carressing the delicate folds of her Mistress' pussy. The aroma was both delicate and overpowering, a sexual assault on the senses that sent Cordial's head spinning. Cordial had only done this once before, and that was the first night they had met.

"Need encouragement?" asked Sasha, as she fingered the button of the control panel, pulsing the toy inside of Cordial's bowels. Cordial exhaled sharply over the lioness' folds, then slowly, she flicked a tongue out to drag it up along that glorious, glistening slit. While primarily straight herself, Cordial couldn't deny her lust for this woman in particular.. Her moisture tasted like the sweetest nectar to Cordial, and that heat, so close to her muzzle, drove Cordial to new hights. Another long lick, and soon, she had cleared the outside of that most tempting nectar. Cordial paused, deep green eyes looking upward, as if to seek her Mistress' approval. Their eyes soon met.

"I-I.. I was waiting for this night, Mistress," said Cordial with a sudden hot blush, "I've wanted to be yours, but I didn't.. I didn't know how to say it." Sasha shushed Cordial, and reached a paw down between her own legs to splay her folds apart.

"Speak with actions, not words, Cordial. Show me how thankful you are to be mine." Exposing her inner folds with those fingers, Sasha gave Cordial the only encouragement she needed at that point. Pressing her face to the lioness' crotch, Cordial's lips suckled and nibbled lightly along one of the lioness' inner labia, causing her to breathe heavily, and squirm. Hot, heavy, lustful breasts came from both, a broken rhythm. Next Cordial lightly kissed the wet center of Sasha's pussy, and then, poked out her tongue, dragging it along that sensitive inner flesh. This caused Sasha's abdomen muscles to tighten, and her tail to twitch.. Cordial slowly dragged that tongue upward, gently circling the other woman's urethra.

"Fuck, girl! Show me.. Show me.." whimpered Sasha, soon trailing off. She frantically fingered that button on that control panel, the toy buzzing wildly in Cordial's ass, which excited Cordial, but did nothing to bring the mousette nearer to climax. Slender mousepaws grasped the armrests of the chair, tight, as Cordial forced herself not to sink a paw between her thighs to masturbate. She was being cautious, as Mistress Sasha hadn't yet told her she was allowed. Cordial concentrated on her mouth's efforts, poking her tongue against Sasha's urethral opening once, before dragging the tongue upward. Soon it brushed Sasha's love button, which caused the lioness to buckle. Her words were now unintelligeble, testament to how well Cordial was serving on her first night as a slave. Suddenly a paw grasped a handful of Cordial's hair, balled up in a fist, to hold her there, muzzle buried in Sasha's crotch.

Every breath Cordial took through her nostrils was spiced with the heady aroma of Sasha's arousal, the bonfire building within her own loins. Grabbing a handful of hair, that only threw fuel onto the fire, and soon Cordial was squirming uncontrollably, rolling her hips to drive that toy in and out of herself as she worked her mouth above. Her lips were wrapped about Sasha's clit and clithood now, suckling firmly, and her tongue working in rapid circles, then up and down. Every so often she broke the suction to utter a frantic squeak, drowned out by Sasha's own loud purrs and groans.

Cordial could feel Sasha's body tightening.. Tightening as that orgasm drew nearer. She did as instinct told her, and carefully brought a shaking hand up between her Mistress' thighs.. Sinking two fingers into Sasha's pussy, the feline tossed her head above, and nearly lost her balance. Sasha's legs spread wider, and she laid back on the desk now, grasping Cordial's hair still, while the other paw freed itself from the lioness' crotch, to lightly pet one of her breasts. Cordial's fingers sank in to about the second knuckle, and then, Cordial curled her finger upward, in a come-hither gesture.. Pulling her fingers back she hit Sasha's G-spot, just as she had read in books on the subject.

Sasha immediately arched her back and let loose a scream, her toes curling and her body stiffening.. The lioness came hard, body thrashing, even the tail trapped beneath her. Those folds rippled, and a hot burst of wetness splashed the mouse girl's face, soaking it.. Cordial helped Sasha ride along her orgasm, lapping in a rapid pace, while driving her fingers inward to pull them back again.. She did this until Sasha, still panting, grasped Cordial's head and pulled it back, the suction broken on the lioness' clit with a pop.

"Mmmhhh.. I get the point, Cordial," panted out Sasha, who had to pull her skirt up to look down into the mouse's eyes. Cordial's face was wet, and she was licking her lips, looking a little proud of herself. Giving a girl a squirting orgasm fills one with a certain sensation of accomplishment, falling somewhere inbetween skydiving, and becoming ruler of the known universe.

After afterglow left her, Sasha sat up slowly, and got off of the desk. She purred warmly to Cordial,

"You may get up now." Cordial obeyed, and slowly pulled herself off that toy with a wet sound, to stand upon shaky feet. The lioness pointed toward a door, which was right across the office from the door that lead into it. "Up into my apartment, now." Sasha walked over and unlocked the door, and then, went up the spiral staircase the door lead into. Cordial could only follow, and pray that whatever her Mistress had planned for her, it involved letting her cum.


The apartment living room made Cordial's own place look like a dump by comparison. Pure white carpet, modern-looking furniture, and a thick alpaca rug sitting beside an oval fireplace, with a small steel pipe trailing up to the ceiling. A long couch sat adjacent to a coffee table, but not too closely together that someone couldn't kneel between them.

"I don't often bring others up here, but you're to live here now, Cordial.. I'd say 'make yourself at home', but you've yet to learn what a pet does when she's made herself at home." Sasha chuckled, and sat down upon the couch. She pointed to the floor beneath her, "Kneel." Cordial did as told, and looked up to her Mistress thoughtfully.. That urge had died down only slightly in her, just enough she could concentrate.

"This has no-doubt been a long day for you, Cordial, sweetie.. Fired, and now you jump right back into a different kind of employment." Sasha chuckled again, as did Cordial.

"I'm exhausted and I'm sure you are too, but I want to enjoy you a little longer before we rest. Now, since that was some very good work on your part.. I'm going to give you a small reward.. Now, remember, girl, I'll never serve you as you served me, but you may choose the manner in which I give you your release." Sasha said with a faint, tired smirk.

"Yes, Mistress," said Cordial, suddenly feeling quite shy. "If I may ask, Mistress.. I want you to fuck me hard and deep with a toy." To this, Sasha quirked a brow.

"What, and where?" asked Sasha, rising up to retrieve something with which to do the job. Cordial shyly bit into her lip and looked at her Mistress' feet as she talked,

"A strap-on, in my ass." Sasha chuckled and reached down to pet Cordial's hair as she spoke,

"That's not going to make you cum by itself, girl.. Were you going to request I let you rub your clit as I fucked you?" Cordial swallowed, and nodded her head. Sasha continued,

"Remember, girl, that from now on, these things no longer go without saying. I will allow you tonight, but next time, you will ask." Sasha raised a brow as Cordial bent down to kiss the tops of her feet.

"Yes, Mistress.. I understand," mused Cordial as she looked up, seeking her Mistress' gaze.

"I will see what I can do.. I want you bent over my coffee table when I get back." With that, Sasha walked into another room, and Cordial did as told, simply went over to the coffee table on all fours, and bent over it. The glass was cool against her body.

THWACK! Cordial jumped as suddenly a riding crop struck across both buttocks, causing the soft flesh of her round ass to jiggle. She didn't even have time to cry out before another blow fell. Sasha laughed softly, and bent down to hook a leash to Cordial's collar.

"I'm not as tired as I thought," mused Sasha, "So we're going to have a little more fun in addition to your little request." Cordial whimpered, and looked over her shoulder, surprised.

"Yes, Mistress.. Where to?" she asked as she tugged on the chain leash. Sasha started tugging her along, and Cordial followed on all fours.

Cordial wasn't really sure if this was the bedroom, or another playroom. It had a bed, but the bed was covered in latex sheets, with the pillows covered in latex, and indeed, the nescessary D-rings in the furniture and eyebolts in the walls. The bedroom had a bathroom built into it, also all covered in latex, with a toilet sitting out next to a shower.

"This will be your bedroom here, Cordial," commented Sasha as she led the mouse within, "The door locks from the outside, in case I decide you need to remain here.. I can even slide food under the door." Cordial gulped, and looked up to her Mistress.

"Yes, Mistress.. Thank you, Mistress, it looks cozy," said Cordial without thinking. Sasha only laughed, and lightly tapped the crop against Cordial's outer thigh.The crop scared Cordial a little, as she was just barely beginning to get into serious S&M. Pain very quickly became too much for her at this point. Judging by the room, Cordial knew she'd be exploring the darker side of her Mistress' desires during her stay here.

"Stand up," said Sasha as she pointed toward what could only be their first activity here.. It hung from the ceiling by a sturdy nylon rope, basically a steel bar, with chains on either end, from which trailed shackles. A pulley allowed one to lift or lower it, but it didn't look as if it could support a normal fur's weight, let alone a plump mouse's. Simply something to keep her arms lifted. Cordial stood obediently, and was walked toward the fixture, which was lowered just enough to allow her to slip her wrists into the shackles. Sasha buckled them in place, detatched the leash from Cordial's throat, and then took a step back to admire what she'd done. Sasha reached out to lightly take a nipple ring, and pull on it ever-so-delicately. This caused Cordial to squirm, and gasp as the pulling got harder, stretching her poor nipple outward. Meanwhile the leathery end of the crop mashed up against Cordial's needy pussy. Sasha ground it into Cordial's crotch as she looked the mouse in the eyes.

"I know you have a low tolerance for pain, Cordial, but you will learn.. I can definitely see it in you down the line," mused Cordial's mistress as she twisted the ring now, pulling firmly before finally letting it go. Cordial bit her lower lip, and nodded her head.

"You need to learn to stop biting your lip, girl.. I've got just the thing, thankfully." A crack of the riding crop fell on Cordial's outer left thigh, causing her to cry out, and then, Cordial's mistress walked off, toward a cabinet near one wall. She unlocked it with a key, and opened it. The cabinet was positively filled with instruments of bondage, and all sorts of sex toys. This was clearly where Sasha kept the stash. Cordial watched as the lioness selected a ball gag and blindfold, setting those down upon the nearby nightstand next to Cordial's bed. She then picked up the requisite strap-on harness, and closed the cabinet, walking over to a chest of drawers to unlock a drawer. The drawer was clearly labelled "Dildos", a detail that escaped Cordial at this distance and as dark as the room was currently. Sasha made a show of picking through the sheer variety of her toy stash, holding one up to the light now and then.. She finally settled on one that extended a full nine inches, as big around as three fingers.

"This will be the one I use on you tonight, I think.. Fits the harness perfectly, and while it's pretty big, I've seen you take bigger real ones," That went on the nightstand, and then, Sasha seized up the blindfold and ballgag, and walked back over to Cordial.

"I'd rather you wear a dildo-gag, but I don't have one presently.. I'll remember to get you one," remarked Sasha as she held the bright red ball out to Cordial's mouth. She reluctantly opened her mouth, and let her Mistress put it in, then strap it on tightly in the back. Then came the blindfold, as Sasha slipped around behind the girl to tie it around her head over her eyes.. She was now completely vulnerable, unable to scream, even unable to see what was going on. She could hear the lioness take a step back, and even, the whoosh of the crop as it cut through the air, to fall sharply upon her ass. Cordial buckled, tears welling up in her eyes, as it fell again and again, striking across both soft asscheeks. Her buttocks jiggled as they absorbed the force of each blow. Quietly, Sasha counted each lash of the crop.

"Eight, nine, ten, eleven...." Suddenly she gave a flick of her wrist, and redirected the crop suddenly, to strike it between Cordial's thighs. The leathery end fell squarely upon Cordial's crotch. Her cries were muffled against the gag, but the pain was evident in the way she thrashed about, then went quite still.. Cordial was once more in disbelief of her circumstances, at least until Sasha began to grind the toy against Cordial's pussy.

"Twelve. Dear Cordial, that was just a taste of how mean I can get at times.. You'll find out, I'm sure. I'm quite fond of pussy whipping and pussy torture." Sasha chuckled, and now, flicked her wrists up and down, with a rhythmic tap, tap, tap, tap against the mousette's wet crotch. Cordial could only squirm and whimper to this unorthodox method of stimulation, tail flicking, and her hips wiggling. Meanwhile the pressure became greater, the taps harder, the sound of leather striking wet flesh reaching the ears of both present. Cordial couldn't help it.. She felt a warmth building in her loins, signifying her climax growing near.. Sasha could sense it too, as she now ground the leather into the girl's crotch inbetween taps, clearly intent upon making Cordial cum with the riding crop.

Slowly Cordial's defenses wore away, and she cried out harshly into the gag, tears streaming down the corners of her eyes as she came wetly for Sasha and the riding crop. Her back arched, and she thrashed as Sasha kept up the rhythm, stopping only as Cordial's breathing began to slow.

"You're more of a masochist than you think," mused Sasha at last, pulling the crop away, to smirk at the moisture on the end of the crop. Cordial felt her Mistress wrap her arms about her from behind, and plant a gentle kiss upon the base of her neck.

"Good. No arguments. I'm glad you agree." Sasha chuckled, and lightly nipped at the girl's neckbase. A paw trailed down between Cordial's thighs to lightly pet her pussy. This caused Cordial to inhale sharply.. She was, needless to say, quite sore down there.

"You're going to have trouble sitting down, and maybe even going to the bathroom for few days, I think." Sasha laughed a little, and Cordial whimpered again.

Abruptly, Sasha broke the embrace, and walked over to set the crop upon the table. Cordial could hear her as she left the room. All she could do was wait for her Mistress' return, and it seemed like an eternity.. Especially as a new urge began to press upon her.. Cordial had to pee. This was pretty common for her, after sex or just after an orgasm. By the time Sasha returned, Cordial was squirming, and whimpering into the gag, trying desperately not to lose control. This only made Sasha laugh as she said,

"I just went to get some things, dear.. Oh, my, what's wrong? Does my little toy have to pee?" Cordial nodded her head quickly, wanting to get out of those straps, and be allowed to rush off to the toilet, quickly.

"I'm afraid not, Cordial dear. You should have asked to go before we started," said Sasha with a tsk. Cordial couldn't see what Sasha was holding right now, but she could feel the cold rolling off of it as Sasha drew nearer.. it was an ice cube tray. Sasha twisted it, and the cubes popped out, ready to be used on some poor, helpless mouse. Sasha set the tray down on the floor, with a cube in each hand, and lightly, descended upon Cordial's nipples, causing the already excited buds to harden even further.. The ice melted as it came in contact with the hot flesh of Cordial's breasts, trickling cold water down her chest. Sasha lightly leaned in to kiss Cordial's throat. The cold, meanwhile, only made Cordial's need to relieve her bladder that much stronger.

"You can go if you'd like dear but I'm not going to interrupt our play for such a simple thing. The floor's covered in latex, it'll be easy for you to clean up after all's said and done," purred Sasha, pressing the cubes directly to Cordial's nipples. Cordial tensed up, and exhaled sharply through her nostrils. Sasha licked her lips as she spoke,

"In fact.. I order you to.. Pee for your Mistress." Cordial sobbed softly into her gag, and for the first time, shook her head. Sasha growled low in her throat to Cordial,

"Did you just refuse to do something, girl? Remember, my word is law, and unless you want to find yourself naked and gagged on the streets below, you will do as told!" Those words caused Cordial to tense up again, her face contorted with a mixture of fear, and disgust at what she was about to do.. Sasha dropped the mostly melted ice cubes to the floor, and took a step back to watch.

It took Cordial a while to even let go, now, having a shy bladder despite the strong urge to go.. She'd had a couple drinks in the bar below, and so needless to say, there was a lot to let go. Her toes curled, and she exhaled, relieved, as she gave in to the need. Yellow mouse urine ran down her legs, and dribbled onto the floor, tinting her fur where it touched, and making her feel quite wet. Sasha could only lick her lips as she watched her slave make a puddle at her feet. By the time Cordial was finished, there was quite a puddle, and Cordial's face was hot with blush.

"That's enough foreplay, girl.. I'm going to cram your ass, and you're going to like it!" The shackles came undone so abruptly that Cordial fell to her knees in the puddle. She could hear her Mistress walking off to retrieve the toy. The blindfold was undone, and then, the gag. Cordial spat it out and opened her eyes, looking up at her Mistress, who towered above her with the strap-on harness in place. The crotch of the harness was open, allowing Cordial to gaze directly upon the glistening, wet folds of her Mistress' cunt once more.

"Before we get started, it's my turn.." she remarked, lifting the intimidating toy out of the way with one paw, as two fingers parted the folds of her slit, and lightly pressed on either side of her piss slit. Cordial knew what was coming, and so she tried her best to indulge her Mistress, as much as this wasn't a fetish Cordial really shared. Her eyes closed as she held her head between Sasha's thighs, mouth parted wide opeen. Sasha's bladder let go, spilling it's contents in a wide yellow stream that soaked Cordial's face, and ran down her body.. This wasn't the first time she had done this, but last time, the drug heat was coursing through her system, which seemed to make virtually anything exciting.. Cordial was humiliated, but in utterly giving herself to Mistress, she found it strangely alluring again. She tilted her head back, and drank from that golden waterfall. Sasha could only watch, amused, as Cordial drank from her.

"Mmm... fuck, girl, you're full of surprises..." Eventually the flow ended, and Cordial even licked the last drops from her Mistress' folds. Cordial was now quite wet, and the puddle had grown in size

"You'll mop that up later.. For now," said Sasha as she pointed to the bed. "Bend over, grab your asscheeks and pry them apart. Cordial practically scrambled to the bed, laying over the latex sheets, to lift her tail. She pried her buttocks apart and held herself exposed to her Mistress, tight pink asshole twitching a little as Cordial thought about what was going to happen soon.

Sasha crept up behind her and wasted little time, grasping that rubber member in her paws, and pressing it firm against Cordial's crotch. There was an abundance of natural lubrication to collect, no need for any outside source.. And it was with that, that Sasha sank first into Cordial's sopping wet, sore slit, urging a groan from the mousette.

"Ff-fuck, Mistress, that hurts," said Cordial with a wince. Sasha drove it deeper, wordlessly, and then pulled back, to drag the now-glistening toy up along the girl's cleft.

"Good.. It shows that we've had a good night," remarked Sasha, who watched breathily as she pressed the slick toy to Cordial's asshole. Cordial had stretched herself previously having 'sat' down in the office chair, and so it was not so much a task to push the well-lubed faux organ into her bowels, but still, she had to stretch to accommodate it. Her back arched and she groaned.

"That's a good Cordial," mused Sasha, "We'll try more pussy and breast torture on another night I think.. After your nipple piercings heal a little better. Just a night with you, me, some ice and clothespins, and a rubber flogger.. Maybe some stronger clamps, or maybe I'll just bite you a little." Cordial winced at the thought as Sasha sank deeper into her ass. Cordial instinctively slid a paw between her thighs to rub her poor, abused clitty as Sasha's hips began to grind against her ass.

Little sparks of pain amidst the pleasure, and the general, satisfying full feeling in her rump. It didn't take long for Sasha's pace to grow maddening, and Cordial to start mashing her clit desperately as she was fucked in the ass with the huge toy. Everything seemed to drive the girl wild now, from the stinging as Sasha's hips slapped against sore, welted buttocks, to the thought of the coming days, weeks, months, years, with her Mistress, and to the way Sasha was now hilting that nine inch monster in her with each thrust.

It didn't take long for Cordial to cum hard, and wet, asshole grasping the thick toy in her.. She thashed about and then lay still upon the hard floor, exhausted from a long-night's-fuck. Sasha took a breath, and withdrew the toy. Cordial could hear the harness come loose, the heavy rubber toy falling to the floor. Sasha stepped off to where a hose was connected to a faucet. This was the 'cleaning' she talked about, one of the advantages of every surface in a room being waterproof. The hose came on, and Cordial jumped as the cold water struck her shivering body.. All of the mess was washed down a drain in the floor with that hose.

"Good night, princess," remarked Sasha with a snicker as she walked out the door, and locked it.

Cordial climbed up into the bed and slipped under the covers, shivering.. And then, she was jerked from her memories by the heady aroma of sex on her Mistress' fingers.

"Still out of it, I see," mused Sasha as she pulled the blindfold off, "I'll give you time to wake up.. Though an old friend dropped by to see you."

To be continued...

Heat 2: The Gang-bang Room

Yes, a sequel, involving many similar themes of my first story, "heat". Enjoy. Here a great deal of males make use of Cordial, and torward the end, there's a brief golden shower scene. Stop reading at part IV, and you won't have to deal with any golden...

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Scarlet's Initiation

Cordial here again.. Yeah, here's a new story. I should warn, it's not as vanilla as the previous one. The usual applies, don't read this if you're a minor, and don't read this if you'd drop dead, from, say, scenes of very messy sex, flame play, and...

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This is the first(and hopefully not last) story by me, Cordial. Obviously, there's lots of fucking, and if you don't like fucking, first I should ask you why you're here, then remind you not to read this if you are a minor. Thank you. Comments will...

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