Ten Days, Nine Nights

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Chapter 5

4th of January, 6:21 AM

Uxoricide drive, outskirts of Tort

Dannie couldn't have collapsed onto his bed faster. It wasn't the best looking bed, nor was it the most comfortable, but it could accommodate for Dannie and his boyfriend, so they kept it in order to save more money. There were several tears in the bed sheets that had been made by either claws or constant use. The metal frame was horribly uncomfortable and bumping your head on one of the bars was rather painful. However, even a disgusting and uncomfortable bed like Dannie's became pleasant when tiredness was present. That was how Dannie put up with the conditions of the only bedroom in the house, he was simply too tired to care about looks.

The fennec breathed and then got out of bed before he fell asleep; he'd promised his boyfriend that he would be awake for his return. His morning run had left him rather drained, but the feeling of tight spandex rubbing his sheath had been invigorating whilst he'd been pumping his legs back and forth in order to beat his record time. It had been majestic, thinking about the past ten days and nine nights whilst his cock was massaged raw. Normally he'd go running with boxers or some form of underwear underneath the spandex shorts, but the chest of drawers in their bedroom had been looking empty for the past few days and he couldn't be arsed to do the washing. No doubt he'd be shouted at for his laziness.

He checked the clock that sat on the night table at the side of the double bed, 6:30 AM. He sighed, his boyfriend would be back in an hour and Dannie hadn't even gone through his morning routine. The suffocating spandex he was wearing had stopped him from sweating buckets, but the material was beginning to stick to his fur now that he'd stopped.

He looked over to the window, saw that the cheap window blinds were drawn and then stripped off the sleeveless spandex vest top. It felt good to rip the material off of his body, like he was being set free. His fur felt horribly clammy, so the relief of being shirtless was a blessing. Next he kicked off his running trainers and then slipped off his shorts. He felt a chill as his erection broke out into the air. He smiled to himself and threw the spandex to the other side of the room. Finally he was entirely naked: no socks, no pants, no underwear, no shirts and absolutely nothing to cover up his dangerously skinny body.

With a relaxed smirk on his face, he reached down with his left forepaw and fondled his balls to get his erection to full mast. It felt weird to roll his own orbs along his pads, he hadn't done it ages. It got better when he reached down with his right and wrapped his fingers around his shaft. He wasn't exactly the average size when it came to anything, he was underweight, smaller than all of his friends and his cock was a mere 4 inches. 'Lack of dihydrotestosterone' was what the experts said, which was also why he was incredibly feminine by nature.

Of course, Dannie's own choices also made him androgynous. He was a bottom bitch, never topping at all and never dominating. Before he started a relationship with Gale, he'd gotten around a bit, but had never caught anything that couldn't be cured. Secondly, he wore panties, crop tops and lingerie when he was at home even when his boyfriend didn't specifically want the fennec to be slutty. That was another one of his traits, promiscuity. He could never keep his legs closed for more than a few weeks, but sometimes they were being forced open by a particular horny wolf with a ravenous libido that could only be stopped by fennec ass or maw.

The fennec gave his small cock a stroke, causing him to spasm in delight. The last ten days and nine nights had left him rather pent up, so his cock was starting to become sensitive to just about any form of stimulation. He knew that a few licks from a rough tongue would push him over the edge, but he also knew that Gale would never degrade himself by putting his muzzle around his boyfriend's cock. He'd rim him, he'd let himself be fingered, but it was a no-no when it came to putting a cock inside of his body. On the other hand, he would happily thrust his cock into all and any of Dannie's orifices.

Dannie rubbed the tip of his penis with his thumb, he wasn't too fussed about keeping his dull claws from flicking across his sponge like love muscle. Dannie knew that it was easy to succumb to pleasure, so he slowly started to stop; after all, he wanted to save his cum for later. "Down boy." He said to his cock, the inside joke made him giggle. Although he stopped rubbing his cock, he continued to run his forepaws across his torso. He spent a lot of time caressing his stomach, he'd loved it when his latest friend had started to stroke his lithe body and circulate a finger around his belly button. "Good boy..." His friend would whisper.

Dannie stopped touching himself and stretched once more, he needed to get on with the day. He already had the rest of his morning plotted out in mental note form: defrost bacon, use toilet, brush teeth, cook bacon, shower, apply musk perfume, serve bacon for his boyfriend. With a skip in his step, he charged out of the bedroom and directly into the front room which contained the kitchen, living room and dining room. Flying into the fridge, he pulled out a full packet of bacon and then left it to defrost. The morning went exactly as planned.

Dannie walked out of the shower and onto the cracked tile floor, this time his cream fur was wet with water and not sweat. He gave himself a quick drying off, so that his fur still smelt of the luxury strawberry shampoo he'd been gifted, but so that there was also a hint of wet canine. He gave his white tail a shake in a confident way to get it dry and fluff it out . Then he opened up a cabinet and picked out the strongest smelling musk perfume he could find, which happened to be his boyfriend's. Aiming precisely he gave his sheath, balls, arm pits, crotch and the back of his neck a spray. Although it stung, he was able to maintain his erection.


That was his cue to get into the kitchen.

Dannie wrapped a towel around his waist as he moved into the kitchen and took the bacon out of the pan before it burnt further. He dropped it straight onto two plates and turned off the oven. Then he immediately arranged the bacon onto toast and spread ketchup over the top of it. "There..." He smiled to himself, happy with what he had created with such a small amount of resources. Gale's bacon was burnt in places, but the wolf liked to have his bacon that way. Dannie moved the two plates into the living room and placed them on the arms of a tacky arm chair, one on either side.

Before he could get back to the kitchen he heard the front door slam. "Gale!" Dannie called out, looking over his shoulder down the corridor. "Is that you?" "GET ME A BEER! I WANT IT ON MY ARM CHAIR!" Gale bellowed back. Looking miserable, Dannie opened the fridge in order to get Gale's chilled beer. It was how he liked it, beer in his forepaw, naked toy boy on his lap, TV playing last night's game. Dannie assumed that Gale would be in control of the TV for the next while, he had a lot of sports to catch up on. Dannie placed the beer can on the floor next to Gale's sandwich along with a bag of chicken crisps. Dannie had disposed of most of Gale's beer cans, the last thing he wanted was for his boyfriend to get whiskey dick.

Gale pushed past Dannie and slumped down into his arm chair with his legs open wide. He was hardly wearing his Sunday best. His black fur was hugged tightly by a grey top which had been stained by sweat and what looked like blood. Dannie knew better than to ask about Gale's work, so he ignored the stains. His sweat pants didn't look any better. Dannie gave him the sweetest smile to hide his fear. Gale's brown eyes were still full of aggression, but a little bit of love and happiness was added when Dannie sat down on his lap. Dannie twisted awkwardly, so that Gale had enough room to put the plate between his legs and so that Dannie was

The wolf gave a slight bare of his sharp, yellow teeth and wiped his forepaws on his grey sweatpants before he took a bit of his sandwich. Dannie moved to sit on Gale's lap and rested his chin on Gale's left shoulder. "Missed you." Dannie whispered. "Missed you more. Ten days without a warm place to put my dick." Gale smirked. "Glad to be back." "Here." Dannie said as he handed Gale the towel he had wrapped around his waist, he didn't want to comment on Gale's "Dry your forepaws with this. I don't want you getting me wet." "Thanks." Gale said coldly as he wiped down his forepaws, "TV remote." He growled when he noticed that the black rectangular object was missing. Without complaint, Dannie got off of Gale and went straight to the TV stand where he'd left the remote. "Sunday catch up?" Dannie asked. "'Course." Gale replied as he took a bite of his bacon sandwich and chewed for a few seconds. Dannie turned on the TV and returned to Gale's lap, the wolf pushed him away before Dannie could even sit.

"Eh! Who said that you could sit down on me?" Gale growled as he grabbed Dannie's arm and gave him a rough twist. "Go get me my stuff." He spat. "What stuff?" Dannie whimpered, he knew what Gale was talking about. "You know what I'm talking about. Hurry up, otherwise you'll be sleeping outside tonight." He shoved Dannie away and watched the fennec as he scarped into the bathroom. Dannie bit his lower lip to keep in the tears, he hated it when Gale acted cruel.

It always happened that way, Dannie would do something wrong and Gale would snap faster than a pop gun. But if Dannie ever made too many mistakes, it was sure that he would either be raped or beaten. But at least he had the freedom to choose his own punishment. If he wanted rape, all he had to do was present his tailhole and say 'Please, Daddy.' If he didn't do that, he'd be getting a fist down his throat, if he choose rape it tended to be Gale's cock instead along with a few slaps to the ass for demeaning purposes.

Dannie got on his tip toes to access the cabinet above the sink. Then he screamed. Dannie fell away from the sink involuntarily, narrowly avoiding a collision with the side of the shower. "GALE!!!" He called out in desperation. His boyfriend didn't come running, but instead sauntered into the bathroom and leaned on the frame of the door. "Get up wimp... It's only a spider isn't it?" Dannie shook his head. Gale sighed in annoyance and looked in the sink. What he saw wasn't terrifying or shocking in his opinion. All he saw was a bowl full of red water. "You're such a pussy..." He cussed as he pulled the plug out of the sink and watched the sink drain. From his place on the tiles Dannie asked, "Why was there blood in the sink..." "No of your business. Wasn't even proper blood, just blood mixed with water." Gale grunted, cutting Dannie off as he searched the same cabinet the smaller canine had looked in.

"Where the fuck are my pills?" He snarled as he knocked various pill bottles, both empty and half empty, onto the bathroom floor. "I don't know." Dannie responded with a squeak. "Did you take them with you?" "No. I left them here, so you've fucking going and nicked 'em." He accused as he whipped around and glared at his boyfriend. He pointed with a chubby finger. "I haven't touched them." Dannie shook his head and curled up into a ball.

Gale charged past him and started digging through their laundry basket. Dannie whimpered, there was a few incriminating items in there. Fortunately, Gale tore those items of clothing out and tossed them to the floor without looking. Dannie bundled them up and pushed them into a corner before Gale could turn around. It took a mere five seconds for Gale to reach the bottom. Then he turned the wicker basket on its head and tossed it towards Dannie. The fennec put up his feet in order to defend himself and the basket caromed off of him without doing any harm.

"Fucking piece of dog shit!" Gale snarled and pounced on Dannie. "Where are my pills?!" He demanded with even more aggression. He straddled Dannie, but not in a sexual way. He shouted, spraying spittle onto Dannie's face. The fennec didn't dare to wipe it away. "Where!" At this point he was more like a rampaging bull than a furious boyfriend who was seriously hooked on anti-depressants. "I don't know! You don't need them!" Dannie shouted back, that made Gale snap.

He grabbed the fennec by the throat and hissed his commands, "You're gonna get up you piece of shit! Then get my pills! Otherwise I'm gonna tear you're fucking throat out..." His voice trailed off as he began to squeeze Dannie's throat. His thumbs dug into the sides of Dannie's neck and his fingers snaked around to trap the fennec. "Got it!?" Gale shouted, spitting onto Dannie once more. He shook the fennec by the neck and shouted again the same thing again. Dannie's face shifted through every dark shade of blue and purple until Gale released.

Dannie gasped, clawing at the air for more of the beloved gas that sustained him. Gale got off of him finally and kicked the fennec in the leg. "Go get 'em!" It took a while for Dannie to process what Gale was saying, but he soon stammered to his paws and managed to get out his words. "I-i just wanted you to be able to get a boner." He admitted. "So we can have sex. Like we were before you left at Christmas." "Could have fuckin' said." Gale rumbled. "Can I have my pills now? If I promise not to take them?" Dannie nodded and searched the floor for the right pill bottle. "I switched around the bottle, we had a few empty ones." He confessed as he picked up a small white bottle and gave it to Gale. 'Flunitrazepam' it read. Gale put the bottle back in the cabinet and closed it. "Clean up the mess." He ordered as he walked out of the room.

Dannie sighed as he began picking up every last bottle. He couldn't tell which was worse: being strangled to near death by his boyfriend, having to pick up everything by forepaw, having to live with such a dirty little secret which would definitely make him lose Gale's 'love' or being abused after he'd showed a remarkable amount of kindness to Gale? They all seemed pretty shitty. When he'd cleaned up, he shakily walked into the main room to get Gale's beer. After having retrieved the can, he handed it to Gale and dropped between the wolf's legs. He didn't care about how uncomfortable he was from sitting on the floor, he only cared about not pissing Gale off again.

"What's wrong? Not going to sit on my lap?" Gale asked five minutes after Dannie had sat down on the floor. Dannie looked up, "Do you want me to?" He croaked, still sore from being strangled. "You're my boyfriend. Of course I want you to be sitting on me. It helps me to relax, well... It is kind of hard to relax when you're riding my dick." Gale winked. "You always manage to make things sexual." Dannie smiled as he got up from the floor plate in forepaw and sat on Gale's lap. "Not that I'm complaining." "Ah. Well, you know me. Always the comedian." Dannie ensconced his muzzle onto Gale's shoulder and rubbed. "You trying to mark me?" Gale laughed as Dannie moved up to nip at his ear. "Rwah! You're mine." Dannie continued to play with Gale like a cub, licking and nipping at his ears. It was all fun and games until Gale caught Dannie's scent.

He sniffed. Then once more. Again he caught the smell of strawberries and wet dog, but with the hint of unnatural musk. A musk that was familiar to Gale. "Care to say why you're wearing my musk stuff?" Gale asked with a slight growl. Dannie stopped nipping at Gale and froze up. "I... I wanted to smell good for you, when you got back." Dannie relaxed his muscles and tried to appease Gale by rubbing the wolf's chubby stomach. "I've been using it these past few days, so that I don't get turned on whenever I smell it." "I want you to get horny when you smell it. That's what it's for. So stop using it without my permission." Gale demanded. "I'm sorry, it won't happen again." Dannie said in shame, his ears pointing downwards. "Do you want me to buy a new bottle? I love it when you smell musky." Dannie confessed. "Good." Gale grunted between a bit of his sandwich.

"So how about we hit the bedroom when we finish eating?" Dannie suggested, hoping to make his boyfriend forgive him. "Not a bad idea." Gale spat out a chewy piece of fat, swallowed and then picked the fat back up and put it in his mouth. "Why don't you go ahead and get the collar?" Dannie smiled up at Gale when he heard the forbidden word. He moved much faster than Gale anticipated. Flinging himself off of Gale's lap, he took Gale's plate with him. The plate, along with Gale's food, went straight to the dusty carpet.

Dannie shot towards the sandwich and tried to salvage it, but already it had picked up a grim amount of carpet dust. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Dannie apologized as he wiped up ketchup. The fennec grovelled at the more masculine canine's feet, it seemed to do the trick. Gale looked furious for a moment, but managed to contain his rage whilst Dannie begged for mercy. His face straightened out and he took a deep breath to relax. "Have my food! I'll make myself another one later!" Dannie was still attempting to reason. "Did the plate smash?" Gale asked in a calm voice. "Er..... No?" Dannie knew full well that the plate was intact, but when Gale was asking questions any answer could be worthy of a punch. "Then get up here, there's no danger. Besides, there's enough trash on the carpet already." Gale winked. Dannie wagged his tail and got back onto Gale's lap. "Eat!" Gale demanded as he pushed a slice of bacon into Dannie's muzzle. "You're the skinny one, so you need to eat some fatty stuff. Wouldn't want to crush you when I fuck you, would I?" Dannie eagerly accepted the food. Gale continued to force feed Dannie until Dannie had eaten everything.

"Can I ask you a question?" Dannie requested when he'd swallowed the last bite. "Go on..." Gale said cautiously. "Was the blood in the sink yours?" "No. It wasn't." Gale answered after a beat. "Who's was it? Can you tell me that?" "No. I can't s-say." "You stuttered." Dannie pointed out. "What's wrong?" "Nothing." Gale managed a weak smile. "How about we get to the fucking now? I need something to help me relax. A nice orgasm will do the trick. Especially one which goes into a nice little fennec butt I know." "With pleasure!" Dannie laughed and got off of Gale's lap. "I'll get the collar! You get the lube." He went to enter the bedroom, then stopped. "Do we have any condoms?" He asked.

"Err. Yeah. Why do you want to use a condom all of a sudden?" Gale asked. "No reason. I just want to know what it feels like I guess." Dannie lied. In truth he was worried about infections. He was worried that Gale might catch a few should he choose not to use protection. "Horrible. That's what it feels like. Condoms aren't no good, besides we don't need one." Gale snarled. "Please, honey. Can we just use one for once? Then we can bareback all you want, but just this once I want to use protection!" Dannie begged. "Otherwise, no sex." "Fine..." Gale grunted. "They're in the bathroom. I'll get them." Gale said as he moved away to fetch both a bottle of lube and a few condoms.

Dannie darted off into the bedroom, hoping to cover up in a way that would leave him looking sexy, but also cover up his back. His searches turned up blanks. He did however manage to find the collar. He pulled it tight around his neck and set himself down on the bed. Again, the bed was uncomfortable, but the thought of sex made it bearable. He was about to get into a tantalizing position, one which would expose his tail hole and leave him vulnerable to Gale's desires, when his boyfriend walked in.

"You know, I don't think that the condom factories make my size. Got any XXL condoms?" Gale joked. "Oh shush you. Nine inches is extra large, not horse sized. Now put it on, lube up and get over here before I settle for masturbating." "As the older, larger male I think I should be the one bossing you around. Especially when I have the power to make this little sex session rougher than it needs to be." "I'm wearing a bondage collar. I think I want it rough." Dannie purred. "I know you want it rough." Gale winked as he dived on top of Dannie and started to kiss the fennec's chest.

"You did get that condom on didn't you?" Dannie asked, he hadn't seen Gale do anything. "Of course. Why would I lie to you?" Gale asked as he lifted himself up. Dannie took the chance to look between Gale's legs in order to see the wolf's thick, red, swollen cock wrapped up in a see through packet. The condom reached down all the way and over Gale's sheath in order to keep the two completely safe. There was a small reservoir at the tip for the copious amounts of cum Gale would hopefully be spurting.

"Now then, why don't you roll over fennec boi? I'm feeling like I want doggy." Gale smirked, that was what Dannie was afraid. He rolled over quickly, so that Gale wouldn't get a good look at his back. Then he moved upwards until he felt something hard poking around his tail hole. "Hey! Slow down Dan. What ever happened to slow and steady? Besides. I want to eat you out first." He announced as he pushed Dannie back down onto the bed. "No!" Dannie protested. He kicked out with his legs, but collided with nothing. "Calm down, Dannie." Gale said as he moved backwards. "Would you like to tell me what's wrong? You're normally up for a rim job."

Dannie didn't want to confess. He didn't even want to think about it. He'd loved every moment of it, but he just wanted to forget now that it was over. "I'm just not in a kinky mood. Just put it in and fuck me already." "But you're wearing your collar." Gale pointed out. "Look. If this is because you're worried that I'll rub your cuts wrong..." "How do you know about them?!" Dannie screeched in complete terror. Tears welled up in his eyes, it was all going to shit so quickly. He was completely fucked. If he lied he'd probably be locked up in a mental institute, if he told the truth Gale would kill him.

"I saw them on your back when you got the TV remote. I didn't want to say anything, in case I sparked something bad. But I guess that doesn't matter now, tell me why you did it." Gale demanded. His voice was no longer sexy, but it was intended to be enticing. He wasn't using the voice in order to milk sex out of the fennec, but instead he wanted answers "I didn't do it." Dannie squeaked. "Then who did?" Gale stayed on top of Dannie, he didn't give the fennec a chance to escape. Dannie choked back tears and managed to mumble his answer, "A guy...." "What the fuck is their name?" Gale growled, bringing himself closer to Dannie. He didn't want 'a guy' to abuse his boyfriend._ _"Where do they live? Tell me!"

"No! They haven't done anything wrong!" Dannie yelled. Gale snapped. He drove his palm into the back of Dannie's head, causing the fennec to bury his muzzle into the mattress painfully. "So cutting somefur up isn't wrong? Get a grip Dannie! Tell me who did it." Gale demanded increasing the pressure on Dannie's head with every passing second. The fennec was in tears having lost the power to even hold them back. "Get off! Stop!" He started screaming, flaying with his limbs, but that wasn't what stopped Gale.

The wolf, once again, saw terror in his boyfriend's eyes and got hit by a twang of guilt. He saw that he was no better than the furson who had hurt Dannie in the first place. Gale stopped trying to force Dannie into confessing and released the fennec immediately. The smaller canine curled up, sniffling to himself. "Dannie?" Gale asked, putting a forepaw on Dannie's back and stroking. He carefully avoided the scabs. "Go away..." "Dannie. I'm sorry, I just want to look after you." Gale said in a quiet, soothing voice. "Do you want me to go and get you a drink? There's a can of beer..." "NO! I don't drink! You know that..." Dannie shouted. Gale sighed and tried to come up with an excuse, "I know, but maybe you should give it another try. Alcohol helps sometimes." "Or it turns you into an abusive prick." Gale bit his lower lip, he knew that Dannie was talking about him. "Sorry." Was all he said at first. "I promise not to get drunk around you ever again. Is that alright?" Dannie nodded. "Do you want to cuddle with me for a minute?" Dannie nodded again and sat up.

His eyes were red and he couldn't look at Gale without sniffling, but at least he'd stopped curling up. Gale wiped away the tears for Dannie and lay down next to him. "You can choose how." Gale smiled as Dannie snuggled up to him. He lay on his side and nuzzled the wolf's thigh, Gale licked Dannie's paws. The fennec continued to move closer and closer to Gale's crotch. "What do you think you're trying to do?" "I just thought that you'd want a blowjob..." "Not right now Dan. Besides, it smells musky down there." "But that's what I like." Dannie managed a weak smile before he moved upwards, so that he was resting his head on Gale's chubby stomach.

"Can you tell me what happened now?" Gale asked and a few seconds later Dannie began to sniffle. "No tears please. I'm not going to do anything to you." "Do you promise not to hit me?" Dannie asked shaking and nearly breaking out into tears again. "Of course. I promise that I wont even shout at you." "And that you won't hurt them?" "Depends on why they hurt you and who they are." Dannie scowled at his boyfriend who gave in quickly. "Alright fine. No violence no matter what."

Dannie sighed and took a deep breath. Then another. And another. He didn't want to confess. He was already worried about Gale would do, but what would the doberman do if he found out? Would he string him up and flog him into submission for the second time or would he be understanding? Was it possible that the dog would let Dannie leave properly and never try to coax him back to become his pet again? Dannie doubted that Sodom would be kind if Dannie spoke about what had happened, but he couldn't just lie to his boyfriend.

"I...." Dannie gulped in a way that would be comical if not for the overwhelming sense of regret and fear that he had. "I took a contract." He swallowed his saliva again, it felt as if he was trying to get a pebble down his throat. "For 10 days and 9 nights. I got back this morning and I left the day you left." The when part was easy, the hard part was the 'Who, what and why.' "It said that... It said that the guy." Dannie paused for yet another swallow. "It said that the guy." He repeated. "It said that I would be his....his pet. His fuck boy. His toy. His bitch." Dannie listed rapidly as if he was having a tic. With each word added Gale became increasingly worried.

The wolf reached out to his boyfriend and cradled the smaller canine. For once, Dannie accepted Gale. He felt safer now that he knew his boyfriend wasn't too annoyed. "Why would you do that?" Gale whined, "What do you even get from that sort of thing? Why?" Dannie sniffled, "Because!" He said, his voice breaking. "He offered me money!" Dannie cried out, "He offered me money alright!" Gale's eyes lit up slightly. "How much?" He asked with a bit too much excitement. He looked down at Dannie, "Two grand for every day that I got through.... so he gave me twenty thousand in the end." Gale had to contain his screams of surprise and joy. "Right." He said, trying not to put any emotion into his words. "Who made this contract with you?"

"A doberman named Sodom Jr." Gale's heart sank. "He wouldn't tell me his first na-" "Dannie." Gale cut him off. "For your own sake, get away from that fucking mutt. Don't speak to him again and decline every last request he makes." "Why?" Dannie asked in surprise. "Do you know him?" "Yes." "How?" "That doesn't matter!" Gale blurted out, making Dannie flinch.

"What did you two do together? Tell me!" Gale demanded. "We just... had sex really. He whipped me a few times and then he got a knife out..." Gale choked in terror. "Did he cut you open?! Did he cut anything off?" He squeezed the fennec and shouted down onto him. Dannie tried to wriggle out of Gale's grasp, but found that the wolf was fueled by fear as Dannie had been minutes before. "No! No! He just ran it over me! That's where the cuts came from! He didn't mean to do it." Dannie cried. Gale stopped squeezing, but his breath was still ragged and frightened. He tried to assure himself that he was just being too paranoid. "Good..." He sighed as he went back to holding Dannie closely. "Good..." He repeated.

"He gave me a few others things for doing it." Gale nearly jumped out of his fur. "What?! What did he give you?" "Errr... shampoo. Conditioner. Perfume. He fed me and gave me some new clothes. He offered me a car, but I told him that I can't drive." Dannie listed. "How big are the bottles?" That was the only thing Gale cared about. "Not that big. Just your average sized bottle. They smell expensive though. He left you a few things as well." Gale flinched. "What did he leave me?" Gale croaked.

"I don't know. The package is wrapped up. It's in the hallway." Gale moved away at lightning speed leaving Dannie confused. "Gale?" He called out. He heard rustling coming from outside the door. Then he heard a briefcase being clipped shut. Was Gale leaving again? Had Dannie made him angry? Gale returned a moment later and stood at the end of the bed. He sighed and started to speak quietly.

"Dannie, I'm going to have to go away for a bit. The money Sodom gave you will be enough to live off for god knows how long, but I have to take this job. Spend the money how you want. Don't move house, don't even move apartment!" Gale paused. "You can change the apartment to make it more livable and make sure that you enjoy yourself. Don't go back to Sodom. Pretend that he doesn't exist and look for some medical help. I'm worried that your cuts might get infected."

"It's alright. They've scabbed over already and Sodom took me to a hospital." Dannie smiled. "He's nice sometimes." "No, Dannie!" Gale whined. "Don't you ever say that, ever! He's a complete fucking bastard. Forget him." "Why? What did he do? Is he dangerous?" "Yes very dangerous. I'm going tomorrow I need to get a few things ready." Gale announced as he moved to leave, he was done talking about Sodom.

"Wait!" Dannie demanded. "Can you tell me how you know him?" "I don't know him." Gale lied, already becoming nervous. "You do. Don't lie. Otherwise you wouldn't know so much about him. Tell me." "I work for him, that's all." Gale went to leave the room a second time. "Why do you? He's dangerous isn't he?" "Yes, but I'm safer. He doesn't pay me to be sexual with him, I just do jobs for him." "What kind of jobs? Why are you safer?" "I'm not allowed to say."

Dannie started to get desperate. "Tell me!" He demanded. "No!" Gale snapped as he stood in the doorway. "Tell me otherwise.. I'll.... I'll go back to him!" He blurted out. Gale froze in his tracks, his neck furs stood on end. "Tell me." Dannie demanded for a second time. "You really know what the definition of blackmail is, don't you?" Gale asked with a chuckle, he was trying to avoid the question. But one meaningful, hostile stare from Dannie got him speaking.

Gale looked at Dannie. "For fucks sake!" He shouted, "Look. Promise not to say anything? Got it?" "You promised not to hit me. I promise not to speak about this to anyfur." "Thank you." Gale suddenly got very sentimental. He wrapped an arm around Dannie's neck and another around his waist before hauling the fennec onto his lap. They were nose to nose and if Dannie was to stick out his tongue he would be licking the tip of Gale's nose. Despite the feeling of Gale's body being close to him, Dannie was terrified. Gale had never held him like this. They'd down cowgirl together in the same position, but Gale had always put his forepaws on his Dannie's hips. Dannie gave out a little whimper, he knew that things weren't good.

"Don't be afraid." Gale said in his protective voice, the one that always made Dannie start to feel a little better. Somehow, it no longer had that magical power. "Look. I run a bunch of different jobs for him. I steal cars sometimes, I act as a get-a-way, I traffic his drugs..." "You traffic drugs?" Dannie cried out. "Why! Since when?" "Dannie, where do you think the drugs I take come from?" Dannie gave another whimper, he knew that Gale smoked weed, but he'd never thought about where he got them form. "Do you get them from him?" "Yes I do. He gives me a cut of what I traffic. I've been doing the drug trafficking since I was fourteen." Dannie stopped seeing Gale in the same way, but he knew that he couldn't abandon Gale.

"Look. I know that you're going to tell me that what I'm doing is killing me, I know that it isn't good for me. But it helps, mentally. It helps me sleep, it helps me function and it helps me not go berserk. Most of the times when I've abused you is because I haven't had my fix.... sometimes I just... I just think that you've taken it. That you're trying to kill me and so I get defensive and that means... fighting. I guess." Gale didn't dare to shrug off the fact. "Anyway. Look, I'm addicted and I can't stop taking them. I mean? What the fuck am I supposed to do? Sell it and get Sodom's thugs on my tail? Hand it over to the police and get arrested along with a beating from Sodom's thugs? Dump it? Give it back? They're all disrespectful and shit will happen if I try to do it."

"Can't we just move away? Can't just go to rehab and get fixed?!" Dannie asked. "It would help." "It would, but no I can't. If I try to leave 'the game' I get punished. If I get arrested, the government will kill me for all the crap I've done and if I try to run, Sodom will.... Sodom 'll kill you for it. That's why I can't leave and why we don't leave this dump. Because if we move country or city or address, you'll get hurt for it." "So I'm a hostage?" "Yes. But look on the bright side, Sodom won't let you get harmed. Do you want to know what else I do?" "Please." Gale started listing: "Intimidation, threat letters, hijacking, break ins, muggings and some of the more serious stuff: Arson, terrorism, murder, kidnapping and rape." Dannie began to sweat.

"Arson, terrorism?!" "I've only done them once. One barn got burnt down and one bomb got set off. That's it. I don't agree to those anymore. I don't do that stuff." "But you kill, kidnap and rape..." "The kidnappings are... rare. They... They cost a lot, so furs don't request them often. I've only done a few and the rapes are..." "Was I a target?" Dannie asked out of the blue. "What?! God no! Why would you ask that?"

"Because you raped me once..." Dannie said coldly, terrified that bringing up that subject was worthy of a beating. That never happened. "Don't say once. You know that I've done that to you more than once..." "But I've deserved it...!" "No fur deserves rapes. Not even the Sodoms. Look... If you must know I rape you sometimes when... I'm, when I'm. When I'm drunk and I can't find my drugs, so I get violent and since you're the fur closest to me. You get all of it. I don't mean to hurt you... ever. I'm just not myself when I do it..." Gale sniffled. "I know. You're not a bad furson." Dannie lied. He patted Gale on the back and started to put his arms around Gale slowly. "What about the murders? was the blood from earlier..."

"Not a targets. It was a friend's. We were stalking somefur when he got shot, he managed to kill the target, but he bled to death. I tried to stop it and got blood on my forepaws. So I ran like a coward. I ran the fuck back here and tried to dispose of the evidence... God it was horrible. I didn't think that a friend would ever die." Gale's voice broke, this was beginning to become too much for him. "That's... dark." Dannie sighed. "Is there a way out of this job?" "If Sodom dismisses me without killing me or crippling me? Yeah."

"Then why don't you ask to go? Say that you want to have a life with me and that you can't have that whilst you work for him. Say that you'll do the odd little job, but you refuse to kill." "He'll kill me." "So we offer him something. You work your ass of over these next three months and I offer myself to him as his pet again for the next three months. When it's up, he lets us go. I won't get payed for it, but you can ask to be payed for your work." "That's a stupid idea." Gale said with a smile. "We can go now. He'll be awake...!"

"Not yet." Dannie interrupted him. "First we have sex. Proper sex. Not porn sex, where we start moaning and try to arouse each other." Dannie reached down towards Gale's crotch and gave his nethers a slight rub. "How does that sound?" He licked his lips to try to make Gale want him. "No condom. No lube." He added. Gale couldn't resist. He lay back and let the fennec get off of him. Dannie immediately licked along Gale's hairy chest and began to lap away at his growing erection, willingly. They both wanted it, for a change.

Thanks for reading!

This has been an awfully long chapter for my standards (It's over 6000 words), so well done for getting to the end of this without putting it down and never reading it again. This was going to be a lot darker, but it sort of turned into an anti-rape/abuse thing whilst I was writing it, (which is a good thing). As always, please tell me if you find any mistakes or if you think I could improve on something.

In addition, I'm sorry for this week long hiatus; some stuff has happened over the past few weeks that's been dragging me down, so I haven't been able to get anything done when it comes to writing. Anyway, hopefully this will be the end of that period. :)

As always, please tell me if you find any mistakes!

Story © Kalebthecat

Somefur To Cuddle

# Chapter 3 ## Merjuh University for higher learning ## 19th of September 12:10 PM * * * ### \*Shaun\* Jiyeon couldn't tell who moved faster: Shaun as he wriggled his boxers onto himself to conceal his sheath or Luke as he charged across the room...

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Cerulean Bluh!

# Chapter 2 ## Merjuh University for higher learning ## 19th of September, 12:01PM * * * ### \*Shaun\* Room 6, Dormitory 7, was possibly the most boring room in existence. Hell, it was the most boring thing to ever exist. The walls were grey, the...

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