Dry wall: Part three (4/4)

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Dry wall

Thorpe Household

5th of March, 8:30 PM

Evan shuffled about the room awkwardly. He was now entirely naked, his clothes lay in a pile at the foot of the bed. To prevent himself from feeling too exposed, he had both forepaws over his erect cock; it didn't do much to hide his length. Although he wasn't hung like a horse, Evan had a whole seven inches to his name now that he was fully aroused. It was impressive for a tiger his size, especially for a tiger who only bottomed. His balls were proportional to his dick, but he had his legs closed to hide the furry orbs.

"Evan!" Chad whined. "If you keep covering up your body Adrian won't get anything out of this." "I know, but this feels so unnatural..." Evan replied. He shivered and started to wrap himself up in the quilt. "Can you just call Adrian up? I'm not too sure about going downstairs naked... I mean, what if the neighbors see me naked?" "I've closed the blinds and the doors are locked, no fur will see you naked apart from Adrian and me." Chad reassured him. "Now about the shivering..." Chad moved away to begin digging under the bed.

"Ta da!" Chad cried as he produced a pair of warmers. "I saw these earlier, but I didn't think you'd want them. Do you think that Adrian will like them?" "His warmers? He brought them for himself, but I guess that he'd like it." Evan took the black warmers without debating it and slid them over his arms. They reached just to the end of his palms, so his white furred fingers were still exposed and usable. However, the warmers that went over his legs covered all of his paws. "And this!" Chad said as he pulled out a scanty little string vest.

"Chad, no! Those things don't even have a point, they're just something that sluts wear to show off." "So is that why it was under your side of the bed?" Chad smirked. Evan blushed underneath his fur and looked at his paws wriggling in the warmers. "OK, OK. Maybe I used to wear it when Adrian and I were in bed. He used to think that I looked hot in it, so I kept it under there in case I wanted sex. The warmers are for the same thing." Evan admitted. "You said that those were for Adrian." Chad said in confusion. "Nope, they're for me. Could you really imagine Adrian in girly warmers? Pass me the vest." Evan requested, sounding ashamed. Chad did as he was told and Evan slipped it over his chest. "How do I look?"

Chad scanned over Evan entirely, to be truthful, he did look rather alluring. "The pony tail kills it." Chad stuck out his tongue, "I think you should let it down over your face." "Right." Evan replied as he reached up to take it out of the pony tail, "The messier it gets, the more Adrian will like it." "I thought that Adrian was one for order and tidiness." "Not in sex! He likes it when his partner looks wild. And he doesn't like showering after sex. He likes to stay all sticky and sweaty when he cuddles." "Noted." Chad smiled, "Think it'll be alright to go downstairs and show Adrian?"

"Nope! There's a bondage horse in the basement. I think you should tie me to it and then blindfold me; Adrian's a sucker for the helpless. Especially if I'm showing off my tail hole..." Evan smirked as dirty memories of him tied down on the wooden bondage horse returned. He thought of his head being pulled up by the collar as Adrian plunged his cock inside. He felt memories of Adrian rubbing his chin and ruffling his air whilst he gagged on Adrian's cock.

"Good idea." Chad licked his lips as he too imagined the sight of Evan on a bondage horse with Adrian fucking his ass. "Think I can get in on it?" Chad asked. "I'd like a bit of alone time with Adrian first, but you can join in once we've sorted everything out." "That's alright, he's your boyfriend and if everything goes right he'll be your husband." Evan blushed when Chad mentioned marriage, but he said nothing to protest against the suggestion.

"Right, er... Does it look alright now?" Evan asked. Chad looked at him again, once more he felt that it wasn't quite clicking. "Nope. Take off the vest, that might be it." Evan did as he was told, for the third time Chad didn't fall in love with the look. "Do you have anything else?" "Err.. Yeah. There's some things under my side of the bed, they're hidden well. Just kick the porn magazines about a bit." After just a minute of searching Chad managed to find what Evan was talking about. "Oh my..." Chad purred as he held up what he had in his forepaws. Evan went back to blushing in embarrassment, but not shame. "S-shut up Chad!" Evan blurted out.

"No! No! They'll look nice on you." Chad did his best not to burst out laughing as he handed Evan the black lace lingerie. There was a pair of black panties that Evan was able to put on with ease. Thanks to his lithe frame, the material didn't stretch too much and was able to fit around his curves nicely. It didn't do much to conceal; about an inch of his cock was covered whilst the rest leaned over the front and out into the open air. However, it did cup his balls and sheath. "How does it feel?" Chad asked. "Sort of nice. It's like it's hugging my balls." Evan smiled. "You can put the tights, garters and gloves back." Evan said as he handed Chad the three items to put under the bed. Whilst he was under the bed, Evan quickly slipped on the bra vest and adjusted it to fit around his breast bone nicely.

Chad whistled when he saw Evan in the full get up, boner sticking out from the panties, nipples erect and visible under the vest, toes and fingers curling up in shyness. Chad felt like he was about to spooge in his boxers. "Am I really that hot?" Evan giggled. "Yeah. If you weren't about to go and get fucked by Adrian, I'd pounce your ass." "You'll get your turn. After all, I owe you so much for this!" Evan smiled and got up from the bed.

He threw his arms around Chad's neck and gave him a decorous kiss to the neck. "I love you so much!" He giggled once again and shook about in his arms. Now Chad was the fur blushing, "Not in the sex kind, but I wouldn't mind cuddling with a big guy like you again." Evan added, "Sorry." He continued when he thought about what he had said. "It's alright." Chad smiled back and returned the kiss. "No it's not. Look, if you want I can get you a trainer. My housemate used to be a body builder so he knows a few. If you put effort in you can turn the fat to muscle." Evan forced a smile as he tried not to be offensive.

"No really! I don't want to change. You said some really supportive things to me before you left, they'd helped a lot." "Good! What I said wasn't a joke, I really will need something firm to squeeze when Adrian puts his dick in." Evan giggled. "You're having sex, not giving birth!" Chad laughed, Evan blushed but once again managed a smile. "I know! But it hurts without lube and I haven't put anything up there since I left." "You could squeeze my dick if you want." Chad suggested. "No deal! I'd squeeze too much!" The two burst into laughter and separated their bodies for a moment.

"Now then, nice words and dress up aside, ready to go?" Chad asked. "Very ready! Will you help tie me to the bondage horse? I can't do it on my own and the gag takes forever to put on alone." "Of course. How tight do you want it?" "To the point where I can only rock back and forth. Then just put the blindfold on, then the gag, attach the leashes and make sure that there are batteries in the little... err.. shockers." "The what!" "They're harmless! Just a little jolt, Adrian probably won't use them, but I want them ready in case he does. Look if it puts your mind at ease they feel really good and they're not strong enough to do damage. Just a little shock to get the blood going and the boners." Evan smiled. "Alright..." Chad agreed although he was reluctant to hook his friend up to something that involved electricity. "Good luck kiss?" Chad asked leaning forwards to receive a lick on the lips. "Come on, let's do this already." Evan smiled and grabbed Chad by the forepaw to lead him downstairs.

It had only been a minute since Evan had taken Chad downstairs to the basement and already Chad was confused. He knew about the basement and what his housemates used it for, kinky BDSM sex in which one of them (almost always Evan) would be reduced to a whimpering pile of meat, fur, bone and feline cum. However, Chad didn't know how versatile the chamber was. Upon entering he immediately noticed the larger things, cabinets, wardrobes, a bondage horse, chains on the walls, trolleys, a tap, a few sockets, chains on the ceiling, and finally a...torture rack. Fortunately, Evan assured him that it couldn't be used properly because the main mechanism was missing and therefore it could only be used to tie somefur down in.

Chad, who was taken back by what he was seeing, wandered about the room for a minute to inspect whilst Evan went to the cabinets to grab a few things. He came out with a blindfold and a lubed butt plug which he inserted into his ass. Pleasured by the feeling of something hard filling his tail hole (which for once wasn't his doctor's finger), Evan gasped softly and closed his eyes. He opened them and assumed a normal standing position once he'd gotten it as deep as possible. "Err... Maybe I should have put the cage on first." The tiger muttered to himself as he looked down on his erection. For the moment, he resisted the urge to masturbate and instead moved about a bit to get used to the butt plug.

"Right." He announced after a minute of shuffling about. "Strap me down." Evan ordered as he climbed onto the wooden bondage horse. It looked somewhat like a park table, two sets of 'seats' at the side for the arms and legs with a 'table' for laying on in the middle. The wooden limbs were adorned with soft velvet to make the victim feel comfortable whilst they were roughly sodomized by a dominatrix. At the sides of the limbs there were straps and buckles to keep the bitch where they were, this was what confused Chad.

"How do I put these on?" Chad asked, his face contorted by confusion. He picked up a strap and put it over Evan's wrist, it simply fell away when Chad stopped keeping it there. "You just do it up!" Evan exclaimed. "How?" "Like it's err... A. Um... Watch strap! Yeah, they're like watch straps." Evan smiled as he remembered how he had struggled the first time Adrian had asked to be tied down. Chad saw what Evan was talking about and from there had no difficulty in applying the straps.

"Can you get out?" Chad asked. Evan gave his wrists and ankles a shake, tried pulling himself forwards, backwards and then sideways in both directions, but found that he was well and truly captured. "Nope! I'm not going anywhere until the daddy lion says so." Evan giggled. "Hey! You can use the dirty talk when I'm out of the room." Chad winked. "Why? I know that you like to speak like a slut. I once heard you saying 'Oh yeah, fuck me daddy' whilst you were jerking it." Evan winked back. "Straightest liger alive you used to say to me." "Okay maybe I was a little bit bi-curious and maybe I loved the idea of being dominated." Chad admitted with a blush under his fur, stressing each maybe. "A little?" Evan stuck out his tongue and teased Chad by giving his ass a slight wiggle. "Right! Where's the ball gag!" The pair laughed with each other until Chad's stomach started to hurt. "Third cupboard, at the back." That got the two of the laughing harder until tears started to well up in Evan's eyes. "Seriously though, go get it." Evan demanded.

"Seriously?" "Seriously." Evan smiled. "Not having all of your senses is the fun part about it. You can't taste, you can't reach out and touch, sometimes you can't smell and you can't see. If the dominatrix blocks of your hearing it becomes amazing. You feel every little thing touching you easily, so when they put their dick or something else inside of you it feels so much better." Evan began to recall more of his sexual memories that he and Adrian had created together. "And how do you suppose that I block of your sense of smell and your hearing? Hmm?" Chad asked as he came back with the requested item. "You can't do much about hearing, but there should be some anti nail biting stuff two cupboards on the right from where you were. Just give my nose a good coating and I'll stop smelling pretty quickly." Chad tossed what he had already grabbed onto the floor in front of Evan and went to get the gel, he came back with half a tub full.

"You and Adrian must have used a lot of this..." Chad mentioned when he saw how empty the pot was. "What can I say? I like it kinky..." Evan admitted. "Shit!" Chad coughed as he opened the jar and caught the stench. "Do you really want this thing near your nose? God..." He covered his nose with one forepaw and held the container away with the other. "Sorry, I should have warned you. Just smear it and then get rid of it." Chad, reluctantly, dipped two fingers into the pot and quickly applied it to Evan's muzzle, his whiskers and made sure to get most of it on the rough nose. Evan twitched and wrinkled his muzzle at the smell, but didn't try to twist away from it. "Right." Evan snorted and coughed. "Get the blindfold on me and then gag me. Easy enough right? Or will you get confused?" "Hah hah." Chad scowled as he put the blindfold over Evan's eyes and tied it at the back. "Any last words?" "Yeah. Tell Adrian that I want him to get a few things out of the basement, that should get him to come down here."

Then Chad stuffed Evan's maw with the plastic gag and left the basement in a hurry, mostly because he was starting to succumb to the sexiness of the situation.

5 minutes later

"So what was this about Evan wanting me to get a few things?" Adrian asked as he moved through the hallway towards the basement stairs. His fur glistened with sweat and even from a few paces away Chad could smell the musk Adrian was giving off. "He wants you to get a few things out of the basement." Chad repeated. "He didn't say what they were though." "Mind helping me carry whatever it is up? All the stuff in the basement is heavy." Adrian requested as they moved down the basement stairs and towards Evan. "Sure..." Chad agreed, Evan wouldn't be too happy about Chad showing up with Adrian.

They got through the basement door and immediately Adrian froze. "Ev? What the fuck!" He half shouted as he charged over to the vulnerable tiger. Chad panicked, worried that Adrian was about to ruin everything "He wanted that! He asked me to bring you down, so that you two could fuck!" Chad blurted out, Adrian stopped a second time. "Pardon?" "He wants to have sex with you. Just like you used to." Chad repeated. "So just er... Drop your pants and stick your dick somewhere." Chad joked with a bawdy smile, Adrian wasn't too happy about the humor.

"And who says that I want to have sex with Evan?" Adrian asked, putting his fists on his hips and glaring at Chad. The color from Chad and Evan's faces drained, "Oh... we just assumed that... You still had." Chad gulped, he honestly had no idea what to say. "That you..." "For fucks sake Chad! Just speak already." Adrian roared, Chad squeaked in terror and nearly scarped off.

Grumbling other curses, Adrian pulled the gag out of Evan's mouth to let him speak. "Explain." Adrian demanded. Evan, was much more calmer than Chad. "I just wanted to see if you'd like a bit of fun with me before I go home. You know! Like we used to. It was exciting when we were running down here whilst Chad was sleeping. Then we had to run back upstairs with our legs closed to stop anything from leaking." Evan giggled. "Can't we do that one more time? I'm clean, you're clean and Chad's clean, we're all clean! So let's just get a bit dirty whilst we have time." It wasn't the among most inspirational or well thought out speeches, but it seemed to do the trick.

"So you're trying to say that you still have a thing for this old lion?" Adrian smirked as he took on a more relaxed posture. "Old? You're younger than me Adrian. But yes, I have a thing for you." Evan admitted. "So would you mind stuffing this gag back in me? Then why don't you stuff my ass with something thick?" "Oh Evan.... You and all your dirty talk." Adrian mocked as he shrugged off his dressing gown and kicked it away. "I'm warning you, I don't have any lube." "Like that's ever mattered to you." Evan winked, "I know that you didn't even use lube the first time we went at it." "Shush! I was young and stupid, I just thought it would slide in." Adrian confessed. "Chad do you mind fetching something out of the cupboard? It's black and looks like a pile of clothes. You can't miss it." "Is that what I th..." Evan was given a rough slap on the muzzle before he managed to finish. Chad was stunned, but the shamed expression Evan had suggested that he was used to it. The liger didn't speak up, he imagined that Adrian would 'punish' him if he voiced his opinion against Adrian.

"Now now Evan... You remember our lovely little rules. The bitch doesn't speak. He only moans for his master, doesn't he?" Adrian glared down at Evan with a crooked smile, aroused by what he was doing. Evan, although he wasn't too happy about being struck, gave a quick nod of his head. Adrian gave the tiger a slap to the ass this time, it made a horrible thwacking sound as his forepaw collided. Evan jerked forwards, the skin underneath his stripes stung, but somehow he managed to find pleasure from being spanked. "Now then. I think a bad tiger like you needs something bigger than this."

Adrian said, tossing the ball gag away that he had so far been holding. He moved over to the cupboard swiftly and returned the with a bigger gag. The new ball gag appeared to be made from plastic. He shoved it inside of Evan's mouth and tied the strap up before Evan could protest. It looked painful for him, but Evan didn't shake his head or try to escape. "I think you need some more punishment..." Adrian's eyes glinted viciously as another dirty idea entered his head.

"Want me to get the paddle? Or how about the racket? I think that I want to make your ass nice and tender before I pound it." He licked his lips. Evan made the shaking movements again. "Or do you want Chad to do it?" Evan made the same movements, but a little faster this time. He didn't have a way to say no, but there safe word (or rather safe action) tended to be Evan thrashing his tail about. Adrian moved away at this point, moving towards Chad who was currently digging in a cupboard.

"Oh? Did I say cupboard? I meant wardrobe." The lion laughed, Chad wasn't too happy about being set on a wild goose chase. "Don't be mad, you get the fun part. Grab one of the paddles and go give Evan a good smack on the ass. The harder you hit him, the more he'll like it, so be rough." Adrian explained. Chad was thoroughly shocked. "You want me to hit my best friend?" "He wants it! Don't you Evan?" Evan began nodding and made a muffled sound that was most likely a yes. "See? He's into S&M." "And what do I get from it?" "A brutal fucking of your own. Promise, when I'm done with Evan I'll give you a go. Then maybe we can have ourselves a quick spitroast." Adrian's eyes lit up, a threesome was one of the few sexual acts he was yet to try.

Reluctantly, Chad moved away from the cupboard with a paddle in forepaw. Evan was already shaking his butt slightly, tempting Chad into punishing him. They both had very different thoughts in their minds, Evan was crying out for more whilst Chad looked like a lost puppy. He had no idea what he was doing, but still raised the paddle back before giving Evan a whack with it. The tiger pushed back against the force. His whole body throbbed both painfully and sexually. Each time Chad struck him, Evan repeated his process. His tail moved about hypnotically, not wildly.

"I think you've abused my boyfriend enough now." Adrian announced. "You can stop hitting him." Thankfully, Chad tossed the paddle away. He stepped backwards into the dark corner in order to conceal his erection. He managed to set eyes on Adrian wearing rubber, who instantly became the highlight of the night so far.

In Chad's opinion, the suit was way too over the top to the point where it became hilarious to look at, but to Evan it was beautiful. Although the tiger couldn't see Adrian, he could remember the sight from months ago. The muscular feline was clad in an ink black rubber suit that left only his head, forepaws, tail and paws exposed. The gloves he wore weren't part of the suit, but were an addition. They had a large rectangle hole on the back of them where Adrian's fur stuck through. Across the wrists and ankles there were several loops and rings where leashes could be attached. Finally there was a harness over his chest and torso. It criss-crossed over his shoulders and then over his hips in order to meet at the center in a d ring which was once again made for a leash to occupy it. There were also two bands wrapping around his waist, which once again came to end at separate rings. The last notable thing about the suit was the large circular hole around Ade's crotch was. From it, Ade's cock protruded. It contrasted with the black suit, a vibrant pinkish red splodge on a dark canvass. If not for the ball gag in Evan's maw, he'd be drooling. There were buttons around the groin of the suit, so that Adrian's balls could be freed.

"What do you think?" He asked Chad. "Evan loves it." "It's er..." Chad had to force himself to look up at Adrian's eyes, otherwise they'd drift down to look at his cock or abs that bulged from under the suit. "A bit kinky." "That's the point dumb-ass." Adrian teased. "Now then, do you want to see how a real feline treats his bitch? Might prepare you for later." "Oh..." The liger blushed. "Are we still doing that?" "Hell yeah!" Adrian cried. "I think you deserve a reward of your own for making my meat tender. Just make sure that you hit his tail hole next time, it makes it way more painful when I shove my dick in." "Oh. Right." Chad wasn't too sure about that request. "Now then!" Adrian smirked as he approached Evan and gazed at his ass. He clipped a leash to Evan's collar and gave it a tug, Evan responded by looking up at the wall in front of him.

With a wicked grin, the lion reached forwards and slowly pulled the butt-plug out. If not for the ball gag, the room would have been filled with the noise of soft whining. Adrian forced the plastic toy back inside of Evan before it had completely left his tailhole. The small tiger winced and bit down on the plastic gag he'd been given. Adrian repeated his actions as if he was pumping his cock into Evan, each time he managed to make the lithe feline shudder.

"I think that I want to hear those little noises you make for me..." Adrian reached for Evan's ball gag. The plastic fell out of his mouth quickly, immediately Evan began taking in deep breaths. "What's wrong? Sore mouth? I'm sure that you'll feel better if I give you a dick to suck..." He moved around the front and waved his erect cock in front of Evan's muzzle. The tiger was immediately hit by the heady smell of musk that Adrian had emitted. It smelt manly and made his nethers throb. "Suck." Adrian demanded.

Evan, still blindfolded, let his tongue hang out of his mouth like a dog. He flicked it up, hoping for it to slap against Adrian's cock. For his own amusement, Adrian took a step back silently and watched as Evan's tongue flapped about trying to find him. He chuckled and moved forwards to press his cock against the side of Evan's face. "Such a bad boy..." He tutted. "Couldn't even find Daddy's cock. Were you even trying?" Evan nodded furiously, but for his own sake he didn't say a word. "I might have to punish you now, I'm not convinced that you're mine still."

Evan knew what Adrian meant by 'punishment' and judging by the terror on Evan's face, Chad understood as well. Grinning, Adrian flexed his fingers to force his claws out. He ran them across Evan's back to make the tiger shiver. "Such a lovely body..." Adrian purred in a way that only a feline can. "And that ass." Adrian added as he ran his fingers down Evan's flanks and onto his ass checks. He rested his fingers at the base of Evan's tail, just above his tailhole. "Do you want Daddy to ruin you?" "Yes Daddy. Are you going to ruin me now?" Evan squeaked with a mixture of fear and lust. Adrian gave an indecisive chuckle as he lifted up Evan's tiger tail.

He pushed with his fingers, feeling up the skin around Evan's tailhole, teasing Evan before the real punishment began. Evan made groaning sounds to please his master, Adrian wasn't the only fur who knew how to tease. Adrian responded by baring his sharp teeth and moving down to rub Evan's tailhole. He swished his fingers around, swirling Evan's pink pucker about and extracting genuine moans from the bitch. "Like it? I know you do." Adrian answered his own question.

"Chad fetch me the syringe kit. Don't ask any questions." Obediently, Chad rushed to the cupboards, he'd spotted something that looked like a syringe kit earlier. To warm up Evan, Adrian plunged a single finger inside of his tailhole to make Evan yowl in surprise. The feline's tail shot up and his ass tensed around Adrian's finger. Had it been his cock, Adrian would have moaned and possibly spurted pre into Evan; instead he laughed to himself and pitied Evan because he would only have to use more force to get the tiger to open up for Adrian's forepaw.

He made his first finger go in as far as possible before he pulled it out. Evan gave a satisfied yip as the finger left his anus, but that only lasted for a second. One became two and two became three. By this point Evan was straining, trying not to cry out as he pushed more than normal. If not for the long period of abstinence, Evan could have easily taken three of Adrian's slightly chubby fingers, but at that moment three seemed enough to rip him apart. Which was exactly what Adrian was trying to do.

Adrian scissored his fingers, pushing Evan's walls apart as Adrian pressed his middle finger against Evan's prostate. The tiger gave out more yips of pain as he spread to a uncomfortable size by the position of Adrian's fingers. Adrian placed his final finger inside of Evan and pushed deep. He scarped across Evan's anal walls with his claws to extract more moans from his boy. With his thumb he rubbed Adrian's cheeks and tapped on them as if they were a drum. Four fingers left Evan screaming in his head, a vocal scream would provoke Adrian into fisting him dry. Evan bit down his lower lip and nearly punctured it with his sharp teeth, fortunately Adrian gave Evan a release.

Evan, who was sweating all over, dropped his tail and gave out a submissive whimper. His tail flattened to hide and protect his tailhole from further violations. "Good boy. You know who Daddy is don't you?" Adrian asked with a growl. Evan nodded. Adrian's forepaw shot down to yank Evan's tail up into a painful position. "And who's the subby bitch who's going to keep his tail up?" "M-me." Evan whimpered. "Pardon?" Adrian scowled giving Evan's tail another rough pull. "Me, me sir." "Good boy." Adrian let go of Evan's tail, the tiger made sure to keep it up. Adrian stepped back to observe Evan's stretched tailhole. Being filled by four fingers had made him gape slightly, but Adrian knew that he could make the tiger stretch more. Which was why Chad was bringing Adrian syringes.

Chad held the brown leather kit out, he didn't want to know what was in the syringes. Adrian snapped it open and pulled a lethal looking syringe, Chad could have sworn that the metal tip glinted in the light. Adrian stalked closer to the defenseless tiger and pushed the metal tip inside of his tailhole, Evan didn't feel it going in, but shuddered when the contents were pumped inside of him.

Chad was terrified by what was inside of it. Was it poison? Drugs? Was this regular for the pair? He hoped that it was simply water and that the two liked to incorporate the liquid into their sexual routine. Chad's three guesses were all wrong. "Lube in a tube..." Adrian smirked as he pulled the first syringe out. He placed it back in the kit and took another one out. He repeated the process until he'd used up all of the syringes, until Evan's ass was filled with a copious amount of lube.

"I thought that there wasn't any lube in the house." Chad said in confusion. "I lied. I tend to keep a few syringe kits down here, in case we want to get kinky. They are filled with all sorts of liquids. I'll let you guess which is Evan's favorite. " Adrian smirked, was he talking about cum?

Evan gave a soft whine to catch Adrian's attention. "Daddy..." He purred, that stroked Adrian's ego. "Can we use a dildo instead of..." "No, Daddy wants to hear you wail." Adrian purred back in a less than friendly way. "So why don't you start begging for my fist?" Adrian pressed his fingers against Evan's tailhole to tease the tiger further, he didn't start begging then, but he did when Adrian started to get his fist into Evan's tailhole.

It started with him simply pressing his knuckle against the already stretched pucker, the muscled ring waving the white flag for it's perpetrator to show mercy or to stop. Adrian wasn't going to do either of those anytime soon. Evan gritted his teeth as he felt the rest inch of Adrian's fist enter him, he gave a whimper and clenched his eyes. He wanted the ball gag back; he couldn't bare the pain without it. "Fuck..." He said quietly, cussing always seemed to be a good reliever. His words got louder and more aggressive as Adrian's fist went further.

Lube squished out of the side of Evan's tailhole and down along Adrian's arm, it made a disgusting squelching noise as the rivers began to grow. Adrian's knuckle stroked across Evan's prostate and then withdrew in a motion that resembles waves on a beach shore advancing and then retreating in an endless cycle. Adrian's cycle was not endless. Evan gave a loud moan that was almost a cry, the lights turned green.

The tawny rocket that was Adrian's fist took off, thundering past Evan's anal walls and deep into his canal. Evan cried out as he was forced to open wider for Adrian's arm, he came when Adrian ran his arm over Evan's prostate for the second time. If not for the fact that Adrian was almost elbow deep in his tailhole, Evan would have made a scene out of his orgasm, but for the moment he was too busy screaming his head off; it felt as if his tailhole was being ripped in two.

It burnt like pepper spray and stung worse than a fire ant's bite, so Evan's curses could be understand. He didn't have the time to say something intelligent or meaningful. "FUCKINGSHITFUCK!" He continually shouted until his voice tired out. His voice was shredded in a matter of seconds, so the noises he made were reduced to nothing more than hissing. Adrian wasn't phased by the noise, unlike Chad who had dashed upstairs to fetch a pillow, and kept on fist fucking (although it was more like arm fucking at this point) his love. At least the lube kept Adrian from tearing Evan's tailhole apart.

Chad returned with a pillow and stuffed into Evan's mouth, who happily accepted the soft pain reliever. "Good thinking. We wouldn't want the neighbors thinking that I was murdering you." Adrian chuckled. Tears streamed down Evan's face, but finally Adrian's onslaught began to slow down. He pumped Evan a few more times before going as deep as possible, the pillow got a few war wounds as a result. Satisfied and with a rock solid cock, he slowly slid his arm and fist out of Evan, but pumped it back in slightly to make Evan quiver. He stopped pulling out when his fist reached Evan's pucker. He jolted his fist about, shaking it as it sat in the warm sheath, before pulling out entirely.

He looked at the brown stained, lube covered rubber, chuckled and pondered on whether or not he should make Evan lick it off. Then again, there was no need to dominant him further. "Who's the Daddy?" He asked, reaching out and taking Evan by the hair with his clean forepaw. With the dirty one he slapped Evan's raw tailhole so roughly, the tiger dropped his hold on the pillow and let out a cry of pain. "You! You!" He yelled. "I'm your boy!" He added, hoping to appease his 'Daddy.' "Good bitch." Adrian stopped pulling on Evan's hair and moved on to giving Evan's collar a few tugs. He barely responded.

"What's wrong? Have I broken my toy already? Too tired to give Daddy a good sucking, boy?" Adrian gave Evan's ruined tailhole a light slap, a sliver of lube trickled out and down Evan's taint. "I can take it Daddy." Evan said quietly, he was too tired for Adrian's crap, but a part of him was enjoying being sodomized after such a long time. "Want Daddy's cock in you? End this night on a good note?" Adrian gave him yet another slap that left him smarting. Adrian didn't wait for his response, but instead moved behind the tiger and gave him a prod with his erect cock. Evan let out a rumble that screamed, 'Yes!' At least, it did in Adrian's eyes.

Adrian hovered his cock in front of Evan's expanded tailhole before dipping it inside of Evan for a moment. It felt warm, yet the lube made it cold. Evan didn't make a sound, he didn't even feel the penetration. With a frown, Adrian pulled out. "Maybe I should have fucked you before I fisted you..." He said to himself. "Eh. Chad will do. Come here liger boy!" Adrian demanded as he started to free Evan from the bondage.

When Chad heard his name being said, he shot to attention and stood up. So far he had been watching from the corner of the room, slightly terrified by the sight of the lion fisting Evan so deeply. He scampered over to Adrian and stood with his forepaws behind his back, there was a painfully hard and obtrusive bulge in his boxers. "Ev here isn't tight enough right now, so why don't you start stripping down, boy?" Chad wasn't too sure about called 'boy', nor was he up for something rough (earlier he had simply been talking dirty.), but he was also incredibly horny. "A-alright." He answered, Evan breathed a sigh of relief.

Adrian, on the other hand, smirked and gave Chad's round butt cheeks a rough squeeze. He leaned in and whispered down the back of Chad's neck. "Why don't you go upstairs and wait for Daddy then? Sit in front of the couch and be a good pet..." Adrian stressed the word 'pet' "And I might just give you a nice shot of Daddy cum to enjoy. You like the sound of that, don't you?" Chad nodded, how else was he going to respond? "Then get walking! Daddy's just going to finish playing with his other boy." Chad quickly walked out of the basement (although Chad would have called it a dungeon) because he got the idea that 'finish playing' meant that Adrian and Evan were about to do something kinky that would make the squeamish liger squeal and writhe about.

Their living room had always been palatial thanks to the copious amount of space there was and the expensive furniture. The wooden floorboards shined and gleamed because of the constant cleaning they were put under, but Chad got the feeling that they were about to get messy. He would have thrown down a towel or two, but Chad got the feeling that their cleaners were used to seeing cum and other bodily fluids splattered on the floor/furniture.

There was a plethora of poignant and picturesque paintings and effigies with exorbitant costs sitting on the furniture tops. There was a bust of some famous football player sitting on the windowsill with a grey scale photograph of the Ezil's jungles hanging on the wall next to it. The walls were a daisy white all over with not a stain to their name, it reminded Chad of an art gallery that he'd once attended.

However, there was a dark presence in the room thanks to the onyx black couch that sat dead center. It and what was in front of it could be clearly seen from outside of the window, so their neighbors might get more than they bargained for should they decide to glance through the window. Chad hoped that Adrian was going to close the curtains, or at least take the sex somewhere they couldn't be seen.

"What's my little liger doing, not even stripped of his shirt for Daddy's cock?" Adrian questioned open entering the room. He stretched his body, showing off his defined muscles that sat just beneath the tight rubber suit and flaunting his erect cock. The head and most of the shaft was already wet with pre, Chad got the impression that he was going to be adding his saliva to the mixture. "Sorry." Chad responded and quickly stripped himself of his shirt and went to remove his boxers, Adrian stopped him.

"Ah! Rule #1, We call Adrian, Daddy." Adrian cracked the whip that he was holding, it struck Chad's shoulder and made him cry out in pain. "Rule #2, We don't take off our underwear until Daddy says so. Rule #3 Obey or Daddy whips you raw." He gave a lick of his lips and sent the whip flying forwards, it shot to the end of the room before coiling back to Adrian. "What did you do with Evan, Daddy?" Chad asked, still smarting from the whip, but glad that he hadn't been subjected to more.

"Rubbed his cum into his fur. The slut loves it when I make him do that. I let him out of his bondage, but he has to wait for me like a good boy, otherwise I'll start punishing him some more." "Are you going to punish me, Daddy?" Chad hated the words he was saying, but the sex he was going to get seemed worth it. "If you don't suck my dick to a good standard, you can expect a good whip lashing." Chad flinched at the idea and the memory of what pain a single hit had done.

Chad got down on his knees in front of his Daddy, forepaws curved in front of his face like a begging dog. "Woof!" He noised, hoping to win Adrian's favor. "Good boy..." Adrian chuckled. "Nothing wrong with a bit of pet play. Especially if my boy wants it." Adrian fastened a worn collar around Chad's neck and tugged sharply. The second feline went falling forwards, his eyes coming level with Adrian's sweaty balls that were still trapped inside of the rubber suit. Chad felt tempted to undo the buttons and let the sacks fall out, so that he could suckle on them until Adrian stopped him.

"Like what you see boy? Get a good sniffing." Adrian used his forepaws to pull Chad in closer. The liger gave out a cry of protest, but the sound was lost in the cavern between Adrian's legs. Adrian had one forepaw ruffling Chad's head and other behind his head to keep him from escaping, all he could do was move forwards and worship Adrian's maleness.

"Smell that musk!" Adrian snarled with a roar, baring his sharp teeth and pushing Chad in further. Adrian was lying when he said 'musk' it was more like knock out gas made of male pheromones. Chad inhaled deeply and nearly broke out into a coughing fit, how could Evan stand such a potent vile smell?! It smelt disgustingly manly, as if Adrian hadn't purged his genitals of filth for a good few weeks. There were all sorts of exotic smells, ball musk, a strong odor of fresh sweat and, Chad sniffed a few times to identify it.... piss from when the yellow liquid had simply bubbled out of Adrian's meatus instead of flying into the urinal.

"Like it, bitch?" Chad nodded, "Why don't you get a better whiff..." Adrian said as he moved about to un fasten the buttons that were around his crotch. Soon his balls and a mass of brown pubic fur was released. If the musk from before wasn't bad enough, now Chad felt like throwing up. It was somewhere between, 'uber-manly jock lion who's gone a few days without showering' and 'garbage dump.' Despite the putrid smell that Adrian must have been able to pick up on, the lion above continued his assault and forced Chad to go deeper in.

Now the liger had his muzzle pressed into the pubic fur and got a bit into his mouth. He chewed for a minute, pulling on the clump of the fur and teasing Adrian. "Get down and lick those balls." Adrian demanded, pushing down on Chad's head ruffly. The liger obeyed for a second time and started to lap at the beads of both sweat or pre that had started to run down Adrian's balls. They tasted funny, but Chad was starting to love the process of being whored out by one lion.

Chad took one of the orbs in his mouth and sucked it free of sweat, living behind saliva. "Are you trying to eat them?" Adrian laughed, he stopped pushing on Chad's head and took the collar in one hand. He yanked it upwards, causing Chad's head to dart upwards quickly. He looked up into the lion's eyes, waiting and watching for his next command. He curved his forepaws as well and let his tongue hang out of his muzzle, "Good boy!" Adrian cachinnated "Now this might seem a bit like mockery, but this is what good boys get." Adrian announced with his sonorous voice as he slacked his grip on the collar.

"Go lean over the coffee table and show your ass off to Daddy. I want a good view before I ruin it." The coffee table was made of glass, so Chad didn't put too much pressure on it as he bent over. His tail flicked upwards naturally and he pushed out his ass to give Adrian a better view. "Nice ass..." Adrian rumbled as he reached down with a forepaw. He gave his cock long, slow strokes, straining the pink flesh and making himself give out leonine purrs. Streams of pre flooded out, giving his cock a thin sheen that Chad could clearly see.

"Pull of those boxers. Then why didn't you come and ride Daddy's cock?" Adrian suggested. Chad immediately became nervous, but he didn't ponder on it for too long. He slipped his boxers off around his ankles and quickly trotted over to Adrian. He stood in front of the lion for a moment, he didn't know what to do. "What's wrong, boy? Nervous? Come on, I'm sure that you can take Daddy's cock in one go." Adrian leaned backwards, relaxing into the sofa and thrusting his legs out further. "Umm... alright. Do you have any lube? Should I go and get some? I mean... I am a virgin after all." Adrian burst out laughing, "Oh you'll be fine! A little sore, but nothing that a good rimjob won't fix. Now come on, spin around and jump up on my lap."

Anxiously, Chad turned to face the coffee table and let Adrian guide him. The lion had his forepaws holding Chad's thighs as the chubby feline backed up until he hit Adrian's legs. He squatted over Adrian's knees and yelped as Adrian poked against his tailhole. Adrian wasn't like the guys in sweet, sentimental pornos, he didn't wait for Chad to adjust or prepare himself. He just went for it. He got a bit grip on Chad and then forced the liger down onto his cock. "FUCK!" Chad cried out with a scream as the full length of Adrian's cock rushed inside of him, thundering past his prostate.

In the same motion, Adrian pulled Chad back into his lap and lifted the liger's legs up high. It was painful having his legs lifted up to an unnatural height, but it started to feel heavenly as he was bounced on Adrian's lap. It took exactly three of them to get Chad coming. His chest became a sticky mess and his speech was reduced to groaning, mostly because Adrian had started to become ruthless.

It happened to fast for Chad to process. He started sweating as did Adrian and his words became slurred messes, his body seized up and did nothing to fight its invader. Adrian nipped at the liger's ears and yanked on his tail, then the surprising part happened. He felt Adrian loosen up, his thrusting became more wild and his growls became more frequent. He was about to come.

Chad was filled with excitement, he was finally about to know what if felt like to have cum inside of his tailhole. He started to push back with a rhythm that would make a dance teacher cringe and was rewarded with a punch to the back of the head. He let out a cry of pain, clenched up and dropped completely. Adrian fell down on top of him as he let his leonine roar. With one final ram, he slammed his hips against Chad's and buried his cock as deep as possible. White columns of maleness spurted out into Chad's tailhole, filling him with warmth and liquid. His cry turned to a moan as he started to feel the effects of being bred by such a powerful male.

Adrian pulled out before he'd finished entirely, leaving a few spurts of jizz to spread across Chad's back. He dragged the liger off of the sofa. "Get against the wall, boy. Daddy tells you when we're finished." The lion snarled. Chad, in a sluggish way as if he was drunk, slumped against the wall and pushed his ass out for Adrian.

He got the sense that the rest of his night was going to be filled with sex, and possibly the rest of his life.

Thanks For Reading!

That was one lazy ass ending, but eh! I don't care. I just wanted to get this finished. As always, tell me if you spot any mistakes.

Story © Kalebthecat

Cerulean Bluh!

# Chapter 2 ## Merjuh University for higher learning ## 19th of September, 12:01PM * * * ### \*Shaun\* Room 6, Dormitory 7, was possibly the most boring room in existence. Hell, it was the most boring thing to ever exist. The walls were grey, the...

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Teenage Troubles: Chapter 11

Chapter 1120 Grange Lane8:50PM, 1st of May*Leib*"Will your parents mind if we stay over?" The young cheetah asked as he entered his the room. Looking around, he was shocked by what he saw; everything had changed. The rectangular wardrobe that had...

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Dry wall: Part two (3/4)

# Dry wall ## Thorpe Household ## 5th of March, 8:06PM * * * Chad gasped and groaned as Adrian ardently pushed him against the wardrobe and pressed his lips against Chad's neck. The lion held his forepaws against Chad's round belly to keep him...

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