Teenage Troubles: Chapter 11

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Chapter 1120 Grange Lane8:50PM, 1st of May*Leib*"Will your parents mind if we stay over?" The young cheetah asked as he entered his the room. Looking around, he was shocked by what he saw; everything had changed. The rectangular wardrobe that had always seemed out of place was now missing. In its place there was a wardrobe made of spruce wood. This one looked larger than what it had replaced and tied in with the dark theme of room. Despite the imposing atmosphere, Leib felt like he belonged.The white carpet had been replaced by a charcoal black one, the bed sheets had also undergone this change. This was a terrible move for their sex life. His light blue eyes, the irises of his eyes were almost a milky white color, once again scanned over the bed and a sense of nostalgia over came him. "You kept the bed! Leib chirped and wriggled his toes in excitement. He'd remembered it to be ample, comfortable and warm all at the same time. It was his favorite part of sleeping over his boyfriend's house."Of course I did. You still love it, don't you?" Leib's boyfriend asked from outside of the room. "We adore it!" Leib giggled and flopped down onto the bed. It seemed to absorb his weight and reshape itself to bring him a sense of ease. However, something about it felt alien, but there was no need to exhale. Nevertheless, the cheetah exhaled in relaxation and closed his eyes as he lay on his back. He hadn't slept in that position for ages, he'd been sleeping wrapped up in his duvets like a turtle for the past few forevers. "TV!" Leib cried as he looked across the room and spied the glass screen hanging from the wall. He heard his boyfriend laughing, "We can watch a movie in a minute!" He shouted in with a calm voice that wouldn't stoke any emotional reaction from Leib.Leib could hardly wait for his boyfriend to enter the room, he couldn't wait to begin having fun after five months of his absence. He checked over his yellow and black spotted fur for the first time in half a year, he was trying to pick out imperfections that he could smooth out or cover. His tail, or rather lack of tail, was bad enough. Fortunately, new fur had grown over the wound once skin had formed, so it wasn't too ugly. Leib had come to terms with his loss, but his boyfriend didn't even know about it. The wolf had loved wrapping Leib's tail around his as they cuddled and chattered about anything that came to mind. How would he react when he learned about the tail? Leib exhaled deeply again, like he'd been taught. It didn't work. In his frustration he kicked off the bed and nearly stamped around, but again he did as he was told. "Fuck off..." He incessantly whispered to himself until his head was no longer clouded."Rah!" His boyfriend roared down Leib's ears. His boyfriend pressed his lips against Leib's neck and rubbed his stomach. "I've missed you." The grey wolf said as he

gave Leib another smooch. "I think I want to see that magnificent fur coat you have. I've missed it so much!" The wolf's voice broke out in to a slight roar at the end. "We've missed you as well, but could you stop please?" Leib asked suddenly. Without a second passing the wolf left the shirt fall back down, he stopped kissing Leib and shuffled away. "What's wrong?" He asked with his hands at his sides. "We're not too big on the whole shirtless cuddles thing anymore. But if you want you can take off our trousers. We think that cuddling without trousers is cute." Leib spoke in a monotone voice as he continued to face the TV."Leib..." The wolf purred in a way that caught Leib's attention, but he forced himself to stay facing the wall. "Is this one your defense mechanisms?""NO!" Leib spat coldly. He curled his forepaws into fists and sunk his claws into his palms without noticing."Leib..." The wolf purred again in a way that a mother might when calling her cubs. "I'm your boyfriend. You can trust me, I just want to make you happy." He took another step towards Leib, but before he was at a point where he could reach out and touch the small male, he stopped and asked. "What's your name?" Leib answered with a sigh, "Leib." He slowly let his tension and frustration out as he got the feeling of two garnet red eyes staring at him. "Did the therapists teach you that? The name thing? Leib asked."Yeah. They told me that it was a good way to calm you back down." The wolf took a few more steps closer to Leib until he had his forepaws resting on Leib's waist. "Do you remember the pet name you gave me?" The wolf asked."I didn't do it!" Leib pouted, "Marco did it! But we remember. We called you wolfy!""Good. I want you to call me that when you're in a good mood. Otherwise, you know my real name.""Okay wolfy." Leib smiled in a way that only a pleasured cat can."Am I allowed to see your body now?" 'Wolfy' asked. The cheetah didn't waste anytime in getting his shirt of, he dropped it to the bedroom floor and let his boyfriend gaze upon his back. It didn't take long for wolfy to press his forepaws between the cheetah's shoulders and slowly run them down the slender, lithe, dangerously skinny body. He got to Leib's waist and picked up his boyfriend, spinning him around in his arms to look at his front. That's when the wolf saw a scar. He set Leib down slowly and put two forepaws on Leib's shoulder."How did that happen?" There was no need for gestures, Leib understood what his boyfriend was talking about."Marco did it... No Devon did it... We don't really know who did it." Leib confessed. "But we only did it because we didn't want to go back there.""Leib, you know that you were put there in the first place for the same reason. Don't do it and don't let anyfur see this." Leib nodded in embarrassment and fear, his boyfriend's scowl was unbelievably intimidating. The

way he had his forepaws on Leib's shoulders wasn't friendly either, it was dominant, aggressive. They weren't there to inspire hope or love, he had his forepaws there to scare Leib out of the destructive cycle. "Here. I don't want to look at it." The wolf picked up the shirt from the ground and forced it back onto Leib. Only then did the wolf smile and go back to being a wolf of love.The wolf took out Leib's belt and tossed it aside with haste before the feline noticed the black leather that he was holding. After that Leib's jeans slid down off of his body with ease, but the canine did have to lift Leib up to shake the jeans off of his legs. "You can take off our underwear if you want..." Leib suggested as he held his forepaws against the material which covered his scar. "We haven't cut below the belt recently.""Recently?""We did it a lot, when they told us that we were going to the institute. Do you still love us?" Leib squeaked"Of course I do, but I'm just going to go and get something for you. Why don't you do it?" Leib's boyfriend walked out of the room without another word, almost as if he was shaken up by the sight of the scar.(1)Leib whipped off his boxers and tossed them somewhere without looking. He then turned around and lifted his shirt slightly, so that his boyfriend would be able to see his erection upon return. Normally he wouldn't be so sexual, but there was a voice in his head telling him that it was what his boyfriend wanted. He hadn't lifted the shirt up too much, so the scar was still covered. Leib had noticed how disturbed his boyfriend had acted upon seeing the fresh wound. Despite the fact that he himself hadn't been the one holding the knife, he felt responsible. He knew that by hurting himself, he hurt his boyfriend and everyfur else who saw it. Those were all the reasons behind the cat's actions."LeIB: " His boyfriend cried upon return, dropping a bundle of what appeared to be fur onto the floor. The wolf enjoyed the sight of his boyfriend's cock as it stood in its glory, red, full of cum and reading to release when it was given a reason, but now wasn't the time to be sexual. "We're sorry." Leib sniffled and dropped his shirt to cover his erection which was beginning to soften up. "Devon said that you'd like to see it...""Ignore Devon. He makes too much trouble." The wolf had his forepaws on his boyfriend's back and was now kissing the cheetah on the forehead. The two of them found it comforting, it was how they'd survived so long. "We try, but sometimes he starts shouting and we just c-c-can't..." Leib started crying and squeezed his boyfriend's hips, yet another method of surviving."One second Leib..." His boyfriend whispered. "You just stay here for a moment and I'll make the bed comfortable for you." He dashed away and unraveled the bundle. "Goat hide. Don't worry, it's artificial, but it's soft like cotton." The wolf

smiled as he laid it out on the bed. He patted it with a forepaw to invite Leib over after smoothing out the creases. Leib walked over and dropped himself on top of the hide, his boyfriend hadn't lied. Smiling, Leib splayed his arms and his crying was replaced by a soft mewing noise that a kitten would make in REM. Soon he felt a second soft material covering his body. "A blanket." His boyfriend explained, "A cotton one."In less than a minute Leib was resting in his boyfriend's arms and a forepaw was slowly sliding down Leib's back, towards the danger zone. Leib was stricken with panic, how could he react? Violently? Just say no? Or let it happen? He would have to find out sometime soon. "Where's your tail?" Leib's boyfriend asked in surprise when his forepaw brushed across the stump. "They cut it off." Leib bleated, "We tried to stop it, but they just...""Shh... Don't speak about it if it hurts you. Are you alright?" Leib nodded and put his head down."How can we make it up to you wolfy?" Leib asked sensing that his boyfriend was uncomfortable."You don't need to do anything." The wolf smiled as Leib turned around in bed to face his boyfriend head on. His red eyes stared into the emerald ones. "We do." Leib reached out with his tongue to lick his boyfriend's nose, "Why don't we stand up? We think you deserve a blowjob." Leib kissed the words at his boyfriend, but for some reason his boyfriend found the concept repulsive. "No!" He roared, pushing away from Leib and slamming into the wall behind him."Why not?" Leib squeaked. "Do you not like us anymore? You used to always want one...""No. It's not that." His boyfriend moved in again to reward Leib's request with a kiss. "A lot, and I mean a lot, has happened since you left. I still love you more than anything in the world, but I don't want to think about blow jobs anymore. But... er... Do you want  to do it? I know that you've clearly been through more. If it'll make you happy, you can do it." The canine smiled and wrapped his arms around Leib."Okay!" Leib chirped and started pushing his boyfriend against the wall.Perhaps his boyfriend was about to say something, but whatever noise that could have escaped the black lips of the wolf lost its chance when the cheetah pushed the two pairs of lips together. It was hardly supposed to silence his boyfriend, but was intended to be a starting to point for them to become familiar again with the feeling of the warmth that gay sex, along with all forms of sex, emitted. There was a gentle luster coming from Leib's eyes as he opened them when he moved back from the soft, decorous kiss he had started. It had only been a push on the lips in truth, but it meant much more to the both of them. They wanted more of it.They both moved in and accidentally knocked noses, Leib jumped back and giggled. "We're sorry!" But that was all they needed to say to make it up to each other. They had their second attempt

the moment Leib apologized. Once again, it was another gentle kiss and the lips, but then it transformed into them rubbing their whiskers together with soft nudges of their heads. Even with their eyes closed, the two could picture each other's faces as they nuzzled more and more, their thin whiskers doing the exploring instead of forepaws. Leib was once again the first to pull out of the action. He discovered that both he and his partner were panting slightly. The soft movements they made against each other were enough to satisfy both of their erections for the time being. There was no painful throbbing even though the two of them hadn't busted a nut for a few months and both of them had truthfully been thinking about fucking for the past ten minutes. "We love you..." Leib whispered softly as they bumped noses on purpose this time. "I love you more..." The wolf answered as he reached out to ruffle Leib's short brown hair which had recently been cut back to expose his forehead and circular ears. "I love you more..." Leib said, he noticed what he said once the words had escaped his mouth."You just said 'I'." The wolf smirked, "Does that mean that the others don't love me?""They love you, we all love you." Leib corrected himself, "Devon says sorry for hurting me by the way.""Tell him that he has my forgiveness and that he should speak to me when he wants to hurt himself or you.""Done. He says sorry again, and that he'll call you if he's tempted. He says he's going to stop bothering me now." Leib finished finally."You are one strange rabbit!""Rabbit?" Leib asked in confusion, cocking his head to the side and staring into his boyfriend's eyes. The wolf almost broke out into a nervous sweat, but he came up with an answer quickly. "You know. Because you're a cheetah?""Oh." Leib faked a smile, "That was a terrible joke.""I know, Leib. I know." Now the two returned to their kissing, but Leib was planning to be a bit more adventurous. He reached out with his tongue and licked his boyfriend's lips when they touched. In response the wolf opened his mouth to let Leib push his tongue inside. For a moment Leib's tongue staggered about, hitting his boyfriend's teeth or just jabbing thin air, but soon their tongues met. It gave them a cold feeling, but as spit trickled down both of their mouths, they couldn't help but to become turned on once again.The ravenous cheetah pulled out of the kiss again and put his forepaws under the wolf's shirt to take it off. He was hungry he didn't even bother to get the shirt all the way off, he just got it up to the nipples and then he moved down to pull down the front of his boyfriend's trousers. A glorious canine knotted cock sprung from the opening. The knot was swollen to the very maximum and the cock itself pulsed as if electricity was being sent through it, the throbbing became more intense when Leib brought his lips close to the tip.Like a

cub testing the pool water with a paw to see what the temperature is, Leib let his tongue press against the very end of his boyfriend's cock. A warmth filled them both, one of passion and sex. Leib didn't bother with all the licking he used to do, although he did want to run his tongue along all of the glorious length some time soon. Instead he simply pushed his maw forwards engulfing all of it gradually. The wolf watched as his cock disappeared inch by inch until his boyfriend had his lips pressing against the end of the sheath. He was reminded of something he'd done when Leib opened his eyes and looked up at him. The content smile that Leib had looked more like a look of terror in his boyfriend's eyes.Leib caught the worried, almost disturbed, look that his boyfriend had pulled back. The canine's cock left Leib's mouth with a shiny gloss of spit on it, a trail of the liquid lead to Leib's mouth. He wiped it off, "Did we do it badly? You look mortified.""No not at all. It felt warm, like how it used to. You just reminded me of some bad memories. I was watching some hardcore porn, poor vixen choked to death on a guy's cock." The wolf lied. It was a brutal lie, but at least it covered up what he was truly disturbed by."That's horrible..." Leib squeaked, tears were bubbling up in his eyes."Don't cry!" The wolf immediately began kissing his boyfriend's forehead, whilst keeping a forepaw under his chin to prevent him from trying to continue the blowjob. "I know something that'll cheer you up.." The wolf mentioned. Truthfully, the wolf was the one in need of a bit of happiness. "What?!" Leib asked with his eyes lighting up like streetlights."How about anal? You used to ask for that a lot.""We'd like that!" Leib chirped, snapping out of his crying completely and nearly bouncing around the room. "We want that!"His boyfriend cachinnated, "Alright, under the bed there's a little clear bottle. Can you reach it?""Of course!" Leib reached under the bed to find it. His forepaw returned a second later with something that wasn't even close to a bottle. He held up a photo of a black rabbit undressing which the wolf recognized all too well. It was a nightmare to him. He'd only kept it to remind himself what a horrible furson he'd been, how he'd practically murdered somefur who he loved that night. How he'd smashed the poor bunny's life to bits and brought his own best friend down mentally as well. The wolf bit his lips furiously to prevent himself from crying or tearing the disgusting photo out of Leib's hands. "Quinn, who's this in the photo?"Fairly happy with how this turned out! :DI haven't given it tons and tons of checks, so do tell me if you find any errors or if you think something could be greatly improved.Thanks for reading!

Teenage Troubles: Chapter 12

Chapter 1220 Grange Lane9:10 PM, 1st of May*Quinn*"No fur!" Quinn blurted out as soon as he recovered from the spoken blow. Darting forwards, he snatched the photo out of Leib's forepaws with ease. With his brow overtaken by a sweat, his tail alert...

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Dry wall: Part two (3/4)

# Dry wall ## Thorpe Household ## 5th of March, 8:06PM * * * Chad gasped and groaned as Adrian ardently pushed him against the wardrobe and pressed his lips against Chad's neck. The lion held his forepaws against Chad's round belly to keep him...

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# Chapter 4 ## 5th of April, 8:44AM ## Stable lane, Nence city center * * * Nence, considering that it had one of the largest populations in Ezil, was a special case when compared to the other East coast cities; it was not poor, nor was it crime...

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