Cerulean Bluh!

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Chapter 2

Merjuh University for higher learning

19th of September, 12:01PM


Room 6, Dormitory 7, was possibly the most boring room in existence. Hell, it was the most boring thing to ever exist. The walls were grey, the carpet was grey, the ceiling was grey half of the furniture was covered in bubble wrap, the window had a grey frame, (surprise, surprise) another grey door that hopefully opened into a bathroom. In other words, the only colored furniture in the room were the wooden beds, their respective night tables and everything else that a room needed in order to sustain university life. The only thing missing was a kitchen.

Much to Shaun's relief, there were two single beds on either side of the room. There were no bed sheets or pillow cases yet, but Shaun had packed a few to use, so that wasn't an issue. At the end of each bed there were wooden desks and chairs with bubble wrap over them in an orderly fashion. Finally there was a built in wardrobe next to first door for the both of them to use. The rest Shaun and his roommate would have to buy and install apart from a mini fridge which was hiding away in the closet.

The bed closest to the door had a suitcase resting on it as well as a school bag. Much like the other bed, there were no quilts or pillows cases on the bed. There was nothing on the desk at the foot of Shaun's roommate's bed, no pens, no pencils, no laptop, not even a pencil holder. The suitcase that occupied the bed was cheap and made of plastic, it appeared to be missing a wheel and the handle could only stretch so far. The plastic was scratched in places and the school bag was in an even worse condition. "Somefur hasn't heard of back 2 school" Shaun sneered as he walked past the bed and towards his own.

Shaun threw his own suitcases on the bed and began burrowing into his school bag for everything that he needed. He pulled out a laptop and placed it on the desk. After a brief look around the room he decided it would be best to re-position the desk entirely, so that he would have his back to the wall whilst using it. Slowly, a metal pencil holder, several items of stationery and revision books joined the laptop on the desk. For the next hour Shaun was running various admin jobs for himself.

He ordered his clothes in the wardrobe, arranged his 5 pairs of shoes (2 pairs of trainers, a pair of formal shoes, a pair of pumps and a pair of walking boots) in the bottom of it and then dropped the empty school bag inside. He filled two drawers with boxers, socks and condoms; there were several plans to bring a few horny females around whenever he felt like fucking a vagina or getting head. Shaun hadn't gotten a strong urge for at least 3 months and his last girlfriend hadn't been in contact with him since. However, the vixen from earlier had made him get hard when she turned around and bent over. Whilst rummaging around in the wardrobe (or closet if you prefer that word), he found a miniature fridge, but for the time being he left it where it was for no reason in particular.

After emptying his suitcases of all of the junk that had been crammed in there (such as a 'PoP!' figure that Shaun treasured dearly), the feline headed into the bathroom with toiletries and fur care products in forepaw. The bathroom was banal. White and black tiles on the floor. Black and white tiles on the lower wall. To top of the cocktail of un-originality the walls that weren't covered in tiles had been painted cerulean blue. The cocktail also came with a side dish of a white porcelain toilet and sink. The only thing that was abnormal about the bathroom was the lack of a shower or bathtub. Despite the trite decor, the atmosphere was like a halcyon, idealistic summers day where everyfur was skipping around the park flying kites and playing balls games. Bluh! Shaun sounded, laughing at his own childish joke.

Shaun did his best to ignore the boring decorations and began unloading his various items into drawers. Only when he had finished did he hear the commotion going on outside the bathroom door. Quietly, he closed a cupboard door and crawled over to open the door and peek through.


"Err.. Um. Why don't you let me carry that stuff?" The servile wolf asked. He attempted to pick up the quilt cover from behind, but the marble fox pulled it out of his forepaws and hurried ahead a bit. "Now now, Lucian..." The fox smirked, but didn't let his friend see. "They belong to me, so I shall carry them." The wolf continued to stutter unnecesarry advice. "It's room 6 by the way and my name's Luke, don't call me Lucian." "I know. I know and I know." "And err... Bed on the left is mine." "Again, I know." "How can I pay you back?" Luke asked as he finally caught up to his friend. "Never call me 'Ji', never hit on me and when I want to fuck, be rough."

"Jiyeon!" Luke howled, shocked by how lecherous the fox was being. "What if somefur hears us?" "So what if they do? Everyfur in the university should know by now that I'm gay and I like to indulge in dicks. If somefur has a problem with the gender or sex of who I sleep with they need a few screws tightening in their brain. I am me and me is happy with what he loves. Therefore, I am happy." "Leo would scream at you for speaking in the third person." "Luke, it's the grammar that Leo would get mad at, not the third person." Luke didn't have a response to this. The two had traveled down a flight of stairs, one more and they'd be in the corridor where Luke's room was situated. Jiyeon's room was two stories above Luke's. There were 5 rooms on each floor, the third floor was home to the laundromat, kitchen and public shower block (Jiyeon's favorite place to get strip down and get raunchy.)

"When we get in your room, why don't you rip off my jeans and fuck my ass raw. I want a reward of being taken roughly." Jiyeon purred, making sure to move his hips with larger movements, so that his round ass cheeks that were being squeezed by the denim would attract Luke's eyes. Instantly the nineteen year old wolf became uncomfortable with what he was being faced with and his sheath began to swell. He gave a soft whine that was too quiet to be heard. He then stuck a walnut colored forepaw down the front of his jam red cargo pants to move his erection and to make the growing bulge unobtrusive.

"Jiyeon, no. I'll use lube. I'm not going to go in dry. It'll hurt you." Luke answered now that he felt less uncomfortable physically. "Oh please! I've been sleeping with guys of all sizes since I was sixteen, fourteen if you count my first three boyfriends, it doesn't hurt anymore." "Still, you make so much noise when we don't use lube." "Okay, fair point. But why do you want to keep what we get up to surreptitious?" Jiyeon asked as he turned to face Luke. "That's a big word for a jock." Luke snickered. "It means secret." "Thanks. As for the reason: I don't want to be outed yet. I want to get on a few sports teams, do well and then I want everyfur to know who my boyfriend is." "Ah!" Jiyeon snapped his fingers in a bossy way, "We're not dating." Jiyeon stated. "We're very good friends who find comfort together in bed. Do not confuse what we share with a romantic relationship."

Luke threw his forepaws up in the air to display how annoyed he was. "I know! I know! You say this all the time." In a mocking voice Luke continued, "A marriage relationship must have love and trust, sex is optional." He scowled at the fox, but soon crumpled when he saw how desolated the marble fox looked. "Sorry." He quickly said, but already Jiyeon was trying to act as if he wasn't offended.

"It's nothing really. I get it all the time." Jiyeon began walking again at a faster pace with Luke in pursuit, easily matching the speed. "Are you sure? I don't want to damage our relationship... friendship." Luke asked with genuine concern. "You've fucked me in the ass at least once for the past five days and on the first day I sucked your dick until you fell asleep. I don't think you can damage our friendship." Jiyeon chuckled as recent memories of the sleeping brown wolf returned.

Luke had been denying that he found Jiyeon attractive when the energetic marble fox had sprung his trap. He'd kissed the wolf on his black nose and licked the side of his muzzle. He whispered, "Do you trust me?" and Luke had replied, "Yes." But with a large stammer as he attempted to hide from Jiyeon. But no stud muffin could ever get past Jiyeon without getting a blowjob, some of the males had been straight or married and sometimes both!

The yes was like a trigger being pulled, Jiyeon's forepaws had moved under Luke's shirt and slowly pulled it off to expose the canine's two toned chest. The fur from his groin to just above his manubrium was sepia then it became walnut brown as it stretched towards his shoulders and then a full brown when it reached his deltoids, but the color would change once again to become walnut once again when it reached his forepaws.

Jiyeon had found all of this out as he ran his muzzle through Luke's fur, discovering every contour and all of his muscle definition. If he'd been an amateur, he would have blown a load in his panties as he felt Luke's muscles. When he saw the wolf showering, he promised to get the canine to cram his cock into his ass when he had some free time.

Then off came Luke's trousers and boxers to let the monster free. Jiyeon had dropped onto his knees and began sucking away before Luke could say no. Before they knew what had happened, the muscled wolf was reduced to gasping. He'd received plenty of blow jobs in the past to the point where he no longer enjoyed the feeling of a maw closing around his cock simply because he rarely felt anything that was worth getting messy over. Yet, when Jiyeon had licked his cock only once he'd been filled with excitement and pleasure. Jiyeon was able to make his senses run wild.

He'd found Jiyeon quickly and demanded an explanation as to why he loved it so much, yet had never been attracted to another male. Jiyeon had simply replied, 'I look like a girl. Maybe your mind replaced my face with a girl that you love? It's more common that you might think. Anyway, you're not gay..." Although Jiyeon believed fully that the wolf was at least bisexual. Luke had asked to take it to anal, topping and bottoming. He didn't enjoy being a bottom, but he couldn't get enough of Jiyeon's ass. that was enough to convince him to bat for the other team, but he was doing his best to hide it from the other jocks; most of them wouldn't enjoy having 'a fag' in the same room as them whilst they undressed.


Jiyeon lifted his paw up and opened the door before walking in casually. "Looks like you're roommate has been here." Jiyeon pointed out as he dropped what he was carrying on to Luke's bed and flopped onto the mattress. "You don't mind this do you?" Jiyeon asked, sitting up immediately when he remembered that he didn't own the room. "Not at all, so long as I get a cuddle." Luke placed a massive forepaw on Jiyeon's chest and pushed the small fox down onto the bed. Luke's forepaws began lifting of Jiyeon's lime green string vest. "Hey! I'm the slut here, I should be stripping you down to the fur." Jiyeon laughed, but lifted up his arms to allow himself to be undressed.

Luke could hardly wait to get his cock inside of Jiyeon again. He tossed the vest to the floor and moved onto start un-buttoning Jiyeon's jeans. "Slow down..." Jiyeon whispered erotically, but he did thoroughly enjoy being stripped to the nude so quickly. There were times and a places for slow and sensitive, this was not one of them. Their specific circumstances called for quick sex with minimal foreplay and a shower to clean off. Jiyeon gripped Luke's wrists and leaned forwards to lock their lips together in a less than romantic way.

His kiss managed to stop the wolf's advancements and made way for Jiyeon to begin stripping his big manly wolf. The shirt didn't need to come off, so Jiyeon left it. Instead he pulled down the cargo pants until they rested around Luke's ankles. Jiyeon pushed his black lips against the front of Luke's white boxers. There was already a large (still growing), unmistakable canine bulge and the boxers had small wet patch on the front of them, pointing to where the meatus was. Those were all the guidelines Jiyeon needed.

Jiyeon let his tongue roll across the front, just next to where the bulge was starting to show. He kept his eyes trained on the wet patch which grew with every passing second. The heat, both from his tongue and from the throbbing slab of meat, was intense and had started to make Jiyeon sweat slightly.

"C-can I move my dick please?" Luke whined, "It's getting uncomfortable." Jiyeon finished off the erotic foreplay with a lick which ran all over the bulge. "I'll do it." Jiyeon smirked. He hooked a finger over the waistband of Luke's boxers, then he slowly brought them down bringing Luke's cock down with it. The strain made Luke pant and the playful look that Jiyeon was giving got him sweating. Finally the material released Luke's cock, causing it fly back up and slam against Luke's shirt.

"What a bother." Jiyeon pouted, "Off with the shirt!" He demanded as he reached down to take his jeans off. Luke also striped himself. Now the pair were naked, except for Jiyeon's thong, but it didn't do much to conceal Jiyeon's erection. All it really did was give his base a nice little cup to rest in. And it did a good job in turning Luke on, males in lingerie was a fetish that got his balls churning. Jiyeon was no exception.

Jiyeon and Luke once again began kissing, with Jiyeon leading the charge. With his forepaws on Luke's shoulders, he pushed the wolf until Luke had his forepaws resting on the desk at the end of his bed. "Try not to break the desk big guy." Jiyeon smirked as he got down on his knees for the second time in that day. "Jiyeon can we do this a little bit slower than normal? The shower left me kind a pent up." "That's what it was for dummy." Jiyeon stuck out his tongue, "Trust me you'll be feeling amazing by the time we finish. Besides, I just need to lube you up a bit..." Luke's cock entered Jiyeon's mouth for the third time and Jiyeon began to give the piece a slick coating to make it slide in nicely. His tongue rolled across the curves, the knot throbbing as it sat outside of Jiyeon's mouth.

"Do you not want me to tie us?" Luke asked, "You normally suck all of it." "Oh I want you to do that. I just want it to be a little rougher, don't be afraid to grab my hair if it helps you get it in." Jiyeon gave the cock another lick before he pulled back and wiped his mouth. "Mhh... Move out big guy, bend me over the desk."

The two rotated around and Jiyeon spread his legs. He leaned over the desk, so that Luke could clearly see his tailhole. "Leave it there!" Jiyeon snapped as Luke reached out to remove the thong, "When it rubs your dick, you'll love it." The idea of it did sound tantalizing in Luke's mind and he did owe Jiyeon. So the wolf reached out and pinched the thong to move it to one side. Then he slowly moved a little closer to Jiyeon until the tip of his cock was pressing against the vulpine's tail hole.

Unbeknownst to the two men, Shaun had been watching from the bathroom. His lust got the better of him causing him to put a bit too much weight on the door. It swung open, bringing Shaun crashing down into the bedroom with his boxers around his ankles and his forepaw clasped tightly around his dick. His facial expression was a mixture of pleasure and horror from being caught and masturbation. Although, the pleasure (along with his erection) was rapidly ebbing. For a moment, the three furs froze in complete silence, although Jiyeon was slightly trying to edge himself a little bit more towards Luke.


Thanks for reading!

(Sorry about the title...)

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