Somefur To Cuddle

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Chapter 3

Merjuh University for higher learning

19th of September 12:10 PM


Jiyeon couldn't tell who moved faster: Shaun as he wriggled his boxers onto himself to conceal his sheath or Luke as he charged across the room with curled fists. Jiyeon however, was just slightly faster than Luke. "Luke! Calm down." Jiyeon demanded. Luke stopped in his tracks immediately. "Get yourself dressed and make your bed. Hitting the poor cat won't do anything." By then Shaun had managed to cover himself and was now in the corner of his bed scowling at the pair in front of him. Jiyeon stretched out his body, flaunting his erection that was sticking out of his thong and making sure to let Shaun get a good look at his slim body. Shaun looked over at the wall treating the actions as abhorrent, but he did take a peek once or twice.

"Do you want me to put some clothes on before we have the gay chat?" Jiyeon asked, addressing Shaun and not Luke. "Jiyeon you shit! You soaked my boxers!" Luke shouted. He threw the white boxers onto Jiyeon's muzzle causing the marble fox to laugh and inhale deeply. "Then put another pair on and stop whining." "I don't have another pair of boxers. I've worn them all thanks to you." Luke furrowed his brow and walked over to take the boxers off of Jiyeon's muzzle. "Looks like somefur is going commando!" Jiyeon giggled. "I promise that I'll do the laundry for you this week. Just drop all your washing off in my laundry basket by tonight and everything will be musk free and smelling like roses. Well, it'll smell like cherry blossom, not roses." Jiyeon smiled. "Thanks, but what about tomorrow?" "Jockstrap? Tryouts are tomorrow, so you might as well wear one." Shaun was taken back by the two canine's casual conversation about underwear, it was all so alien

"Thanks." Luke smiled as he left Jiyeon to go back to speaking with Shaun. "Right kitty-cat! What's your answer?" "Clothes of course." Shaun spat. Jiyeon acted as if he hadn't picked up on the pernicious words or tone. In truth, Jiyeon was highly offended; he didn't think that he'd done anything to directly harm or insult Shaun. Only a few minutes ago he'd helped the cat to bring his bags into the dorm. Then he'd moved off to slip on a change of clothes and help out another friend.

Jiyeon moved away before the brooding thoughts turned spiteful and efficiently pulled on his string vest. "I'm very sorry about my slutty choice of clothing." Jiyeon said, hoping to make it up to Shaun. "Hm." Shaun rumbled, but didn't pay Jiyeon any really attention. Shaun had advanced out of the corner and onto the edge of the bed where he was once again looking at the comely canines out of the corner of his eye. He split his time between the two equally. He looked at Luke's copacetic muscles underneath his shirt as he bent over to put the covers on his bed. Then he looked over at Jiyeon and stared at his ass. Shaun subconsciously licked his lips. He told himself that he was just admiring their features; that his eyes had a covetous glint to them because of the perfect bodies he was looking at.He said that the tingling feeling he was getting was because he was picturing his girlfriend in her night clothes.

Shaun snapped his gaze entirely to the wall when Jiyeon got his jeans on and moved back to sit next to Shaun. "Right!" Jiyeon smiled, "Any ground rules you want to set before we start sweet?" Jiyeon asked with fluttering, kind eyes that had naturally long eye lashes and only a small amount of eye shadow. "Don't call me sweet. Don't call me kitty. Don't call me anything like that." Shaun ordered. "Alright, Shaun. Is cat alright?" "How do you know my name?" Shaun half hissed. "Remember the vixen you bumped into? I'm her. But please, don't identify me as being female. I am a male who knows that he is a male, but likes to wear clothes that are associated with the female gender." Shaun blinked twice. He understood what Jiyeon had said, but was surprised that he'd come out with all of that. "Oh okay..." He managed to mumble.

"GCSE psychology. It taught me a lot, opened my mind and made me a lot kinder. Teenage me was a bit of bitch, homophobic and just about everything else. I think he'd hang himself if he found out what he was going to become." Jiyeon giggled. "Sorry, suicide isn't a joke." "I guess we have something in common after all." Shaun managed a smile, "I've finished A-level psychology. Which is sort of why I'm here; I'm trying to get a degree in it." "Good luck with that! I'm trying to get myself a degree in dance, so that I can teach it and get a job as a dance teacher without having to try to much." "A real fag aren't you?" Shaun teased. "Disgusting." "Oh Shaun! Don't be like this now. We were getting off to a good start. Come on, let's just stop the gay-bashing now and at least try to be friends." Jiyeon smiled and held up a forepaw. "Have we made amity? Are we friends?" "I don't think that I want to count a gay furson among my friends." Shaun turned up his nose.

Jiyeon sighed and dropped his forepaw. "Okay then. Anymore ground rules?" "Don't try to rape me. I think I've been exposed to enough of your gay already." "Right." Jiyeon smiled as he once again tried to act cheery and shake off all of Shaun's insults, it really wasn't working too well. "First question from me?" "Go ahead. If you're going to ask me out I will hit you." "Don't worry about that." Luke butted in, "Jiyeon doesn't date. Trust me, I know." "He's just jealous." Jiyeon giggled. "Here's the question: Are you gay?"

"No!" Shaun hissed as if he'd been scalded by Jiyeon's words. "That's fucking disgusting." "Hey! I'll have you know that I shower at least twice a day and I always make sure that my partners are clean." Jiyeon smiled, "Your question?" Shaun thought for a moment as he tried to muster up an offensive question. "When did you have your first gay thought?" Shaun smirked. He heard Luke grit his teeth in the background. Jiyeon however, smiled once again and spoke. "I think it was when I was fourteen in the changing rooms of my high school. I saw a fit guy's ass and thought 'hot-hot-hot!' So I pounced him after class and got it off with him. Too much information, I know, but it's a nice story if you want to hear it. We dated for about three months before I accidentally bit his dick." Jiyeon giggled. "Don't worry though! I don't bite anymore."

"You're never putting your mouth around my dick." Shaun hissed. "Please? Not even as a birthday present? I've heard that cats have these little barbs which feel amazing when they go in. Is it true?" "Yes, not sure about how they feel 'going in.' Hopefully I'll never find out." "Can that not count as my question, please?" Jiyeon begged. Shaun wasn't planning on being kind, but even he was enjoying the chit chat. "Go on..." He sighed.

"Right! Why do you hate gay furs?" "No reason in particular I guess." Shaun shrugged his shoulders. "Nothing comes from nothing" Jiyeon said seriously. "What?" "Nothing comes from nothing." Jiyeon repeated. "It means that everything comes from somewhere. So everything is caused by something. What's the cause behind your homophobia?"

"I don't know!" "Shaun, you must know. Did a gay furson violate you when you were young? Being bullied by gay furs, sounds uncommon, but it happens and I'm educated enough to understand that." Jiyeon continued. Luke sat on the edge of his bed and observed the two of them closely; he too was interested by Jiyeon's philosophy. Shaun sighed again, "We're all full of sighs today aren't we?" Jiyeon commented. "Come on. I know that you have something brewing away in that brain of yours kitty!" Jiyeon gave Shaun an encouraging pat on the back, but it only annoyed the cat. "Look! I guess it was just preached to me. Jeez... Can you leave me alone now?" Shaun half begged.

"I will. Thanks for telling me that, now the next step is to get you to stop believing that crap. Trust me, half of what they told you is probably wrong. Some of it would be applicable to a minority of cases though, but you mustn't judge every gay furson by using the mistakes of others. Some of us are rapists, just like some straight fursons are rapists. Some of us are pedophiles, just like there are some straight pedophiles. But just like with straight furs, the majority of us are kind furs who condemn rapists and pedophiles. I for one, hate abuse, rape and all of the other crimes. Especially pedophilia. Raping an adult, I can sometimes forgive depending on circumstances, but raping a cub? That's always wrong. No excuses." Jiyeon stopped and stared into the eyes of a stunned Shaun. "Sorry!" Jiyeon burst out into to giggles, "That's something I was taught, it's wedged in my mind securely."

"It's alright. You have a good point." Shaun answered, Jiyeon's eyes lit up like beacons. "So you're going to stop gay bashing?" "I won't gay bash all the time... but I don't think I'm going to be your friend." Shaun awkwardly rubbed his arms, "Sorry." "It's alright. It's a start, isn't it? One more thing. Could you please not out Luke to anyfur? I'm already open about my sexuality, but he isn't and he doesn't want to be. So could you honor his choice?" "I will. Promise." Shaun smiled and both Luke and Jiyeon smiled back to him.

"Thanks Shaun." Luke said and got up, "Come on Jiyeon. Why don't we spend the night in your room? I think Shaun wants some alone time." "That's fair enough." Jiyeon agreed. "Fetch your laundry, Luke. You can go and put it in the washing machine." Luke moved out of the room and into the bathroom to grab what he'd thrown in there over the past few days.

"Shaun?" Jiyeon asked causing the cat's ears perk up. "Look. Can you think about what happened today? What you did and what you said has hurt me, more than it should. I mean, look at me, I'm clearly effeminate in my looks and body and that's sort of rubbed onto my mind a bit. I'm not as willful as you might think, I just hide it with ebullience." "Oh... Sorry." Shaun apologized his ears flattened against his head and his eyes immediately began scanning across the room for an escape.

"Do you mind if I ask you a question?" He asked when he found no release. "Of course not." "Do you think that I'm gay?" Shaun asked. Jiyeon immediately shook his head at a normal speed, "Not at all. Yes you've done a few gay things today, but your sexuality shouldn't be defined by what you've done or what arouses you. It should be dictated by what or who you love. So one more question, do you love me? Or any guy for that matter?" Jiyeon was awfully close to Shaun now, to the point where the two were breathing onto each other. "No I don't. But could we do this again sometime? It's helpful to speak to somefur with opposing views." Shaun asked. "Sure. First to change the others opinion wins?" "Deal." "Any sex allowed?" Jiyeon asked. "That would be unfair, I don't have a vagina to change your mind." "Are you sure about that? You are a bit of a pussy..." Jiyeon winked when Shaun punched his arm playfully. "I mean you let a girl drag your bags today."

Then Jiyeon took an audacious risk, he leaned in for a kiss on the neck. At first Shaun accepted it, he even pushed out his neck and let Jiyeon hold his forepaws. But then the feline balked. He shoved Jiyeon back and hissed menacingly, "Jiyeon what the fuck!?" Jiyeon landed on his back. He didn't even try to get back up at first, he just lay there stunned. Time resumed and the fox brushed himself down as he got up. Jiyeon tried to be bawdy about it by laughing it off, but then he saw the caustic glare he was getting.

"I'm very sorry. I thought that it'd be appropriate. I'm sorry." At that point Luke pushed open the door to the bathroom. "Let's go." Jiyeon said, taking the laundry bag from Luke and charging out of the room followed closely by Luke.

It took about a minute for Shaun to get bored of his isolation. He decided that the best way to end it would be to speak to Jiyeon and to mitigate his actions before melancholy started to set. He pushed off of his bed and immediately went outside to stare down the hallway as he hoped to see Jiyeon somewhere in the corridor. Unfortunately, the only fox in the corridor was a small fennec who smiled and gave a little wave of his forepaw when he spotted Shaun. Then he darted inside his own room in an attempt to hide the blush on his face. Shaun shrugged his shoulders and gave up, it would be a waste of time to try to find Jiyeon.

Shaun was alone again, with no fur to speak to and no fur to cuddle. He sighed and flopped back on his bed with his troubled mind. He'd been aroused by two canines about to fuck, he'd jerked off to it, he'd almost let a fag kiss him. Finally, he slightly enjoyed all of those things. That was what made him doubt his heterosexuality, the only things keeping that label pinned to his chest were Jiyeon's words and the terrible situation that he and his girlfriend were in.


"Mrah!" Darren growled as he stuck out his tongue at his boyfriend. "Murh!" Oliver squeaked back baring his teeth.

The two were lying in bed together, Darren resting on top of Oliver. Oliver wasn't too comfortable in the position, but after years of being away from Darren he didn't care too much about. He rested his forepaws on Darren's back and pulled him in closer until Darren's nose pressed against Oliver's neck. In a mesmerizing way, Darren nuzzled the cedar fur on Oliver's neck until the squirrel was making little rumbles of pleasure. "Shall we pick up where we left off?" Oliver asked with a cheery smile. "I mean, i'm already half undressed." Oliver gestured his naked white chest and then to the pile of clothes on the floor that had been stripped from their bodies only moments ago.

"No. This is alright, cuddling you. There's no point in rushing anyway." "I suppose that you have a point." Oliver smiled to hide his disappointment. "How about when we wake up in the morning?" Darren's ears perked up as did his head in order to look at Oliver. He was met by one basil green eye and one arctic blue eye. If not for the warmth and kindness behind them, Darren would have been intimidated. "But this isn't my room." Darren pointed out.

"I know, but my roommate is gay and I'm not going to let you spend a night in a room where your bastard brother is. You can stay here whenever you want, but tonight you don't have a choice." The sympathy in Oliver's eyes turned steely, but his laughing nature soon came back when Darren nodded his head. "Good! You'll love my roommate by the way. He's friendly, smart and..." "If I didn't know any better, I'd think that you were dating him." Darren smirked. "Shh! That's supposed to be a secret." Oliver gave a little wink, "But I will warn you. Jiyeon does an awful lot of talking." "I'm sure that I'll be fine. I managed to put up with you for a good few years!" The two laughed.

"Right! All this talk of other guys is a real boner killer. Back to the cuddling and the kissing?" Oliver suggested as he leaned forwards to receive a short kiss from Darren. "Why not? By the way, your boxers are much too small." Darren pointed to the tip of Oliver's cock which was peeking out from the top of his boxers. "I know, but I do like to have them a little tight on my buns! You should try it sometime instead of wearing briefs." Oliver stuck out his tongue and reached up to snap the waistband of Darren's briefs against the lion's skinny waist. "They're all I have!" Darren laughed and gave Oliver a push on the shoulder. "Well then, we're going shopping and buying you some decent clothes. My boyfriend must be properly dressed before I allow myself to be seen with him."

"Oli, you wear cheap shirts with words on them and denim shorts all the time. I don't think that you can say anything about fashion." Darren teased. "And you wear plaid shirts with jeans. I think that my sense of style is still way better than yours." "Oh really, Oli?" Darren ruffled his boyfriend's hair, a simple tuft of fur that sat between his ears. "Really." The squirrel smiled and gave his boyfriend another sweet kiss to reciprocate. "Look, neither of us are foppish, but I'd say that I have a good fashion sense." The lion rolled over to lie against the grey wall whilst keeping a forepaw on Oli's chest. Oliver remained staring up at the ceiling, but shuffled a little closer, so that his arm was nestled against Darren's chest.

"See the wall you're leaning on?" Oliver asked. "No. Of course not. My eye sight is still bat like." Darren rolled his eyes. "Is that why you need glasses? Do you want me to get your glasses?" Oliver teased in a playful way. "Seriously though. I'm thinking of making that wall a pastel pink, then the next will be a pastel blue, Jiyeon's wall will be a pastel yellow and then the final one will be pastel green. Told you that I have a sense of fashion." "You really like pastel colours don't you?" Darren smiled. "Yes I do. I remember reading a study which spoke about pastel colours and how cubs respond to them; they seem to put cubs in a lighter mood." "So that's why you like them? Because they're, in a way, related to your career choice?" "More or less! I'm going to write an essay on them and then do an experiment with them. But this is all boring to you, so I'll shut up. Why don't we talk business?"

"So you're asking about the stock market... inflation, that sort of thing?" "Yeah, like what do you study?" "How to set up your business. Just the business world in general. Like, if a big company buys another or takes them over our teacher asks us to look into it and some-" "Boring!" Oliver suddenly interrupted. "You lost me at business." "But you asked ab-" Once again Oliver cut off his boyfriend from speaking, but this time it was with a kiss which was welcomed by Darren. The lion rolled back onto Oliver and gripped his arms to keep the squirrel down. He began rocking himself back and forth slowly, making the bed creak.

"Are you air humping me?" Oliver asked when Darren pulled back, they nuzzled the sides of their faces together and did their best to ignore the pricks that came from their whiskers. "Sorry, instinct. I guess I'm getting a bit excited." Darren blushed under his fur and rolled back to Oli's side. "Can you ever stay still?" Oliver laughed and put an arm around Darren. "But when I'm lying like this I can..." Darren let his voice trail off as he reached out to stroke Oliver's naked chest in a passionate way. At first the strokes only moved up and down his abdomen, but then they got closer and closer to Oliver's crotch until Darren brushed the tip of Oliver's exposed cock. "Go on then..." Oliver whispered, "I won't stop you from coping a quick feel whilst no fur's looking. So long as I get to play with yours."

Darren wasn't in the mood, nor was the he the type of of furson to strip Oliver's boxers away from him with his teeth. Instead he just decided to work with the tip for a while, mainly because he was rather out of practice when it came to giving blowjobs. Fortunately a quick session of masturbation before he got to the university in order to soothe his nerves and refreshed his memory on how to touch a penis.

The lion reached out nervously with a finger to prod the glans gently. It produced an almost inaudible gasp from Oliver, but the gasps soon died out when Oliver became accustomed to Darren's touch for the second time in his life. "It's a lot better than I remember..." Oliver commented as he relaxed on the bed, his arm wedged under Darren. "That's probably because you haven't been tossing it enough." Darren winked. "I have cubs to look after!" Oliver laughed, "Well... I had cubs to look after, but they're all going to primary school now, so my Mom doesn't need me to handle them in the mornings and afternoons." Oliver smiled. "But yes, I've been neglecting the fun stick. What about you big cat?" "Once before I flew back here. Just to, you know, ease the nerves and get me ready for bed." "Think that you could give me one to help me get to bed?" "It's the middle of the afternoon, you can't be planning on going to bed now!" "After I'm through with you, you'll be wanting to go to bed as well." Darren laughed and used it as an excuse for not having anything to say back.

Instead he heated the handjob up a bit. He rolled onto Oliver properly now, so that he was straddling Oliver's quads. He pulled down Oliver's tight boxers until they were under his knees in order to expose Oliver's average sized cock. "Sorry that I haven't grown a lot." He apologized. "Is an inch enough?" "5 and half is good." Darren smiled. He kissed Oliver's chest and decided to move the conversation on, there was no need to demoralize his boyfriend when they planned on getting it off.

Darren gave the head of Oliver's cock a few more presses that were hard to enough to push his dick down slightly, but not hard enough to cause him any pain. A small silver of pre dribbled down onto Darren's fingers and only then did he notice how aroused his boyfriend was becoming from all of the touching. He brought his finger, still with the blob of pre on it, up to his mouth and sucked it dry. "Eww..." Oliver teased, although he did enjoy the kinkiness. "Why don't you stop teasing and put it all in there? If you want." Oliver suggested, he didn't believe in forcing somefur else into doing something sexual. Suggesting was bad enough, but he knew that Darren wouldn't go any further without spoken consent.

Darren looked at his boyfriend in what could have been interpreted as surprise, "Sure about that? Last time I got it all wrong." "It was your first time giving a blowjob, I didn't expect you to be perfect and I don't expect you to be perfect now. Just give it a go, it's a bit of fun and if you don't like it stop. We can talk about 'mistakes' later." "Mind if I use that one?" "Not at all! Go forth and convert all non gays into our cult! Even the bisexuals! Even the asexuals! Even all the other ones I haven't mentioned! No fur shall be sparred!" Oliver cried in a deep, sonorous voice. He added a cackle to the end of his speech which made him sound like a comic book villain.

Meanwhile Darren had positioned himself to be over Oliver's erect cock, so that he could lower his lips until they began to wrap themselves around the head. He heard a surprised gasp that couldn't have been faked by even the greatest actor come from Oliver. "Some warning next time! I'm still a bit rusty in the world of sex." Darren blushed under his fur and shied away from Oliver's beaming grin. He had practiced a bit on dildos of all sizes that had been secretly bought online whilst the young lion was in college, fortunately for him that whole situation was ,and would hopefully always remain, clandestine.

Darren did everything exactly how he practiced. Over the head, back over the head and then repeat. Oliver's cock was much bigger than Darren had anticipated, 5'5 inches was an understatement. That was partially why Darren was taking it slowly, the second reason was because two years of practice hadn't prepared him very well. There was the occasional dribble of pre that would flow out of Oliver's fint and then down Darren's throat, then there was the stench that all cocks carried. But the noise of Oliver smacking his lips and rubbing his chest in pleasure was enough to make Darren man up and deal with it.

What Darren didn't have in his mouth was being fapped by a slow moving forepaw. The shaft was still dry, free from pre (except for a few meandering streams) and saliva, so Darren made sure not to rub too much. His other forepaw had found its way to Oliver's balls, it fondled them and occasionally let a finger to run down his taint and poke his tail hole. Darren moved his sucking a little lower, so that the top half of Oliver's shaft was getting some oral attention. Then he spiked the dish by reaching out with his tongue and running it over Oliver's meatus, back and forth until he was groaning. He swished it around, running it along the underside of his cock.

Gradually, the rodent began bucking his hips back and forth to encourage Darren to take more of it into his mouth. The thrusts weren't anything close to dominating, they were simply just little pelvic thrusts that were on the verge of stopping. Darren's next move wasn't planned. So far he'd been following a tune in his head in order to keep his bobbing in time, but had lost it when Oliver began humping. He began to hum it with his voice, "Fuckkkk..." Oliver moaned. "Sorry!" He chirped after his grumbles were over. "Whatever you're doing, please do it some more." Oliver begged.

Perhaps Darren would have carried on humming a tune onto Oliver's dick and maybe he would have done it until the rodent came, but an intruder stopped all sex just after Darren got into the rhythm. "Shit!" He squeaked, his voice breaking as he tore away from Oliver and buried himself under the quilt head first. Instantly he heard two voices laughing and Oliver shuffling around.

"Calm it down Darren! He's a friend." Oliver assured, giving his boyfriend and pat on the back. "He knows who you are and who your brother is, so don't worry about him spreading things. Promise." Darren peeked out from under the quilt to look at Oliver who was siting on the end of the bed with his boxers back on his body. Oliver smiled at him and put a forepaw under the quilt to lift it off of Darren. "Darren, this is Jiyeon." Oliver smiled. "Jiyeon this is-" "The twink lion you told me about? He has a nice ass by the way." Jiyeon teased, licking his lips as he sat down on his bed. "Luke's coming over in a minute, he's just dumping his washing in my laundry basket upstairs, so don't panic when the door opens." Jiyeon mentioned.

"Luke is Jiyeon's boyfriend." Oliver winked to Darren who had taken a seat next to Oliver on the bed. He kept his legs crimped and his forepaws over his crotch along with the quilt over his front despite being told that Jiyeon was a nice furson. "He's not!" Jiyeon laughed, tossing a pillow to Oliver. "He's a good friend of mine. He might be gay and kind, but he doesn't have a chance. Trust me, I have a good taste in furs and wolves are not my type. Too feral!" Jiyeon complained. "You kitties are alright though, lots of nipping and the barbs aren't too nice." Jiyeon gave Darren playful bedroom eyes that meant nothing.

"You rodents though, lots of energy, hold out for a long time, so lots of sex, but small dicks, no fun." Jiyeon listed to Oliver. "He really lives up to the fox stereotype doesn't he?" Darren asked. "Ah! So the kit has a voice. Welcome to the real world! Ready to speak to the better one?" "Don't mind Jiyeon." Oliver chirped. "Playful and suggestive, but trust me he's not going to do anything without your consent. Oh and he doesn't love you. You might be able to make him pop one, but he doesn't really feel love at all." "I'm not a psycho though!" Jiyeon added as he walked over to the couple. "I don't have a collection of knives under my bed. Only a collection of sex toys." He winked, "Jokes. Is more like a gallery at this point."

Jiyeon sat next to Darren and put an arm around the lion's waist. "So! What are we doing gang? Movie on the TV? I have a few discs..." "Jiyeon! All you have are porn flicks, some of which you feature in." Oliver winked. "Only as an extra." Jiyeon blushed under his fur, but his embarrassment was clearly seen by both Darren and Oliver. "I think I could go for a movie." Darren said, smiling to Jiyeon. "But no porn, and no romance." "Action? Sci-fi? Fantasy?" Jiyeon listed. "Superheroes!" Oliver barked with a grin, "We can watch some classics, I have a few on my tablet. All we have to do is just hook it up..." Oliver trailed off as he flung himself under his bed to try to find a special wire. He heard Jiyeon shuffling back on the bed, "Watch it! There's a nail sticking out from the wood on the other side of the frame."

"Cub care majors, am I right?" Jiyeon joked with a smirk. Oli slapped Jiyeon's leg from under the bed. "What's your major?" Jiyeon asked to Darren when he noticed how left out the lion was looking. "Ohh.. um business. My minor is maths." "Dance is my major." "So you just go around dancing?" Darren asked. "Is it easy?" "Practical comes easy to me; I can memorize the steps well, but theory is hard! We have to look at the science, the history and all the other stuff behind dance. There's lots of things to know and there's been talk of a showcase coming up soon, so I need to learn something!" "I thought that you said you were good at memorizing steps. Don't you know something already?" "I did say that, but all the dances I know involve either a pole, belly dancing or slut drops, so you know!" Jiyeon laughed.

"You're a pole dancer!?" Darren half choked, nearly spitting his response onto Jiyeon. "Guilty as charged, but please don't go throwing that information around." Jiyeon looked off towards something on the carpet to avoid eye contact. "Don't worry about it. I know what it feels like to have nasty things spread about you, especially when they're true." "Thanks. You can tell furs that I'm gay, but not about the pole dancing, the porn, the photos or the prostitution." "The private P's huh?" Oliver chirped from under the bed as he came out and began plugging wires into the TV. "Yeah! Just us three alright?, not even Luke." "Deal." Oliver and Darren said in near unison.

At that point Oliver flicked on the TV and jumped onto the bed to join the others. The screen was paused on the black and white opening credits, so the three had a chance to talk. Darren snapped the opportunity up. "Jiyeon? I know I shouldn't, but can I ask you about the P's?" "I don't see why not." "What's it like pole dancing?" "Well it's a form of fitness, so it's a lot of work. You have to stay on the pole and keep moving. Then there's advanced stuff, flips and spins." "I meant like... the strip club stuff. Have you...?" "I DO that stuff for a living!" Jiyeon laughed. "I dance and get money. It's really the same, but with more eyes watching you."

"And the porn? Have you really been payed to have sex with somefur on camera?" Darren asked, receiving a quip on the back of the head from Oliver. Jiyeon didn't seem offended. "No it's good Oli. And no, I didn't have anal if that's what you're thinking. I was just a fluffer. I sucked a few dicks and got paid. That's all."

"The photos?" "I'll never speak about the photos." Jiyeon half spat as he scowled at Darren suddenly. "Shit sorry." Jiyeon followed up quickly when he saw how shocked his friends looked. "It's alright. It must be sensitive, so you'll never hear me mention it again." Darren said. He put a forepaw on Jiyeon's back and helped the fox to relax by making circular motions to the left of his spine. "Or me." Oli added.

"Thanks. And as for the prostitution stuff, it's part time. Yes I use lube, yes I use protection and yes I have regular checkups. My GP knows about my career, so he gives me thorough ones to make sure that I am 100% okay mentally and physically. Yes he sticks his finger up my butt. I'm used to how it feels now and yes I do get boners when he does it, he touches my prostate every time to check my reactions. Yes I go to a support group, well... I'm registered with one and I do attend, so that I can speak confidently should I ever feel like I'm being used, abused or treated unfairly. But currently I don't need any support, so I go there to offer my support." Jiyeon said with a sigh which made it seem routine. Darren was shocked by how Jiyeon seemed content with the demeaning acts he performed for a living, some of the things he'd done could have been considered deplorable and in some cultures, villainy. "Well if you need any more support, we're here for you as well." Oliver smiled. "On with the movie?"

Before anyfur could answer, the door was opened quietly and a hangdog looking Luke walked in. "I.. uh... messed up." "Oh God. What did you do?" Jiyeon was off the bed and had his forepaw on Luke's chest in a second. There was no chastise coming from anyfur's mouth for once. "I uh... used the wrong washing machine and too much softener. There should be no discoloring, I think." "Well's that's alright then. Things can never be too soft." Jiyeon smiled. "And don't let the others get possessive over washing machines, fuck it! If it's not in use, use it. No fur is the alpha here and no fur is the omega. We're all equals." Jiyeon spoke as he tugged Luke over to his bed and flopped the brown wolf down onto the mattress before following. "Ah! Darren, this is Luke, the big gay wolf who is constantly horny." Luke blushed, there was no point in denying Jiyeon's accusations.

The two canines assumed a position in which Luke lay underneath Jiyeon as Jiyeon lay on Luke's chest. Darren and Oliver settled for the lion lying with his head on Oliver's out stretched legs. The squirrel lay against the wall with a pillow behind his head. The day ticked on and on, hour by hour. They missed dinner, but they didn't even care about it. All they cared about was watching crappy old movies that were unbelievably predictable. But that's how they liked it. They liked stories in which there's a plan that is explained to the heroes in detail by a supervillian who cracks puns and has an easily exploited weakness.

That's how they wanted it for themselves. They wanted life to just fly down in some astral form and explain their future in detail. They wanted a complete biography of their lives from birth to death. It would include what to do and what no to do, how to make the bullies crumble. They would use it to live their lives longer and never be wronged. But life doesn't work that way, but it did owe the four of them a lot after how shit it had made their teenage years. So it settled to let them fall asleep together.

Jiyeon and Luke took to spooning soon after the first movie ended. Luke licked and nipped at Jiyeon's nape as the fox fell asleep in the wolf's arms. Jiyeon rolled over and began to strip Luke down, not so that they could fuck, but so that they could fall asleep comfortably. Jiyeon dropped his own clothes on top of Luke's and then moved back into the wolf's osculations.

Oli and Darren managed to get to sleep with Darren sitting on Oli's lap. They embraced and kissed throughout most of the movies, but they were happy and the others didn't care. the movies were really just a cover up for Oli to kiss Darren senseless. One by one, the four became somnolent and drifted off to sleep without moving from their cuddles.

But every time somefur gets to cuddle with a loved fur, life fucks with somefur else.

Thanks for reading!

This was supposed to go up on the 28th, but I got tired and ended up forgetting to save a draft. -_- Anyway! I had a copy saved in a word file, so nothing was lost apart from my sleep.

As usual, if you find any errors or spelling mistakes do feel free to tell me.

Cerulean Bluh!

# Chapter 2 ## Merjuh University for higher learning ## 19th of September, 12:01PM * * * ### \*Shaun\* Room 6, Dormitory 7, was possibly the most boring room in existence. Hell, it was the most boring thing to ever exist. The walls were grey, the...

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Teenage Troubles: Chapter 11

Chapter 1120 Grange Lane8:50PM, 1st of May*Leib*"Will your parents mind if we stay over?" The young cheetah asked as he entered his the room. Looking around, he was shocked by what he saw; everything had changed. The rectangular wardrobe that had...

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