Mind Control Stream Story 18: Recon on Rannoi

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Commissioned by Studley-Destiny, we have another Park of Mirari story, an immediate follow-up to the White Flood story you can find in the folder to the left. It seems he doesn't like the idea of having a city converted (something that hasn't happened yet, but only a plan of it) so he's going to stop it before it starts.

If you like these little short stories, consider coming in during my weekly streams and getting one for yourself. They're only $10, and customized for your needs.

Recon on Rannoi for Studley by Draconicon

"The lovely Mirari must still have some feelings for me."

The wolf chuckled to himself as he leaped over the park walls, the stony structure surprisingly soft under his fingers. It must have been true what Rannoi said; the entire park, the non-living parts of it, were part of Mirari's body. He wondered just what part of her extremities he'd groped while crawling up her walls.

Hopefully nothing too indecent. Not yet, at least.

As he landed in the streets inside, Studley reached out with his magic, twisting the golden light with the rainbow of chaos. It twisted the air around him, taking the transformation he cast to a deeper level than Wonder magic alone could attest to. Though his body became human, the scent, the 'aura' - for lack of a better word - was that of one of the feral Transformed. He would be able to roam through the park at will, without fear of the crazed, ravenous things under Rannoi's control.

It was done just in time, considering the pack of wolves coming around the corner. Barking like ferals but with the bodies of anthro wolves, they looked hornier than a jackrabbit given Viagra, and they were humping the air even as they came to a stop in front of him. Studley held still as they sniffed at the air around him, ignoring the steady drip drip drip of their cum to the pavement below.

He shook his head when they finally drifted off in another direction. It was clear that they had little of their minds anymore. What potential might have been lost there, he wondered. Had any of them been a brilliant composer, or a world-changing statesman in the making? He didn't know, and he wondered if they ever would.

Sometimes, Rannoi, you take things too far, he thought as he walked beneath the shadows of the park gift shops and mini-hotels. The sounds of fucking and random sex filled his ears, broken up only by the occasional bit of music and television. Everything in the park was broken down to primal basics, when it could have elevated people to great heights. Admittedly, he was just as big a fan of the primal stuff as anyone else, and indulged himself plenty, but there was a time when it became too indulgent.

But that wasn't why he was here. A Wonder like Rannoi could do as he wished, to slack to hedonism or rise to something else as he would. But with the plans he'd been hearing rumors about...Well, if they were true, then war would come between the world and the Wonders, and he needed to stop it.

But first he needed to find someone that would know the plans. Rannoi and Mirari would be too hard to get at, but considering Rannoi had an organization now, including a chief of security -

"How the heck did you get past the Transformed?"

Perfect timing.

The 'human' slowly turned around to face the otter walking his way. Though the otter looked no less erect than all the other creatures in the park, he wore clothes, specifically those of a head security officer. At his sides were a wolf, a falcon, and a fox, all dressed like something out of one of those video games Studley had seen so much of lately.

"Are you speaking to me?"

"I sure am. How did a human like you get past all the - wait a minute..."

"Figuring it out, David?"

"How did you know my name?"

"I know a lot."

Studley lifted his hand, snapping his fingers. More golden light, this time uncontaminated by chaos, shot from his fingers. The still air turned to wind, blowing the bodyguards back before turning the ground to glue, while the earth under David turned to liquid - then solid - concrete, trapping the otter in place. David squirmed around, trying and failing to free himself physically.

"I see that Rannoi still hasn't granted you much in the way of free-use powers."

"You...You're one of the other Wonders, aren't you?"

"Right in one, kid."

Studley leaned down, so that he was face to face with the otter. As they stared at each other, Studley let the physical transformation fade, his muzzle growing back in, the golden eyes replacing his human blue ones. Fur grew over skin, and by the time that his tail was back, it was wagging at the sight of the freaked out look on David's face.

"I can see you didn't expect that. Let's get right to the chase, shall we? I know that Rannoi is planning something. A big, world changing event, one that will do a major transformation, right?"


"Your stunned silence is very reassuring. But I'm afraid I can't let him do that."

"Why not?! We can make the world a better place if we transform everyone."

"Maybe. But you can't do it all at once, can you? And there will be too many left to make it possible for us to survive, not when the rest of the world can still fight back."

"Master Rannoi will take care of us! His plan will work."

"Then what is his plan?"

The otter clammed up. Not surprising; the human that the otter had once been probably was loyal to the dragon. Rannoi seemed to inspire a lot of that in the ranks of his followers. Studley sometimes wondered how he managed to do that. Mind control might have accounted for it, but none of them were affected by spells of that ilk. They just seemed to love him. Dangerous, that.

Well, if he wasn't going to talk, Studley had other ways of getting what he wanted. And he had been studying the otter and the others in Rannoi's organization for some time, just to make sure that he knew their weak points. He shuffled out of his boots, his bare paws damp and musky enough to get the otter's attention immediately.

"I guess I'll have to make you talk."

"I'll not betray my master for your sexy feet!"

"Oh, you won't have to do it for that low a price."

Studley smiled, gesturing towards his feet. Down to the basest molecule, the musky scent streams turned golden, like his magic. Just like hundreds of years ago, the particles becoming an agent of control, a mind-numbing chemical borne on his own scent. He lifted one foot, pushing it into the otter's face.

"Trust me, David. You'll enjoy everything I do, and beg me for more."

The otter obviously wanted to be loyal, that much was clear. Despite the powerful fetish David had for feet - and considering the videos he'd stolen from Mirari, Studley knew it was a damn strong fetish - it took him nearly five minutes to break down the otter's resistance and get his mind numbed to the point of obedience. He had to commend David; the boy was stronger than he thought.

Once the otter had started licking his paw, however, the wolf knew that it was time to move on. Putting his feet back on the ground, he walked around the otter, pulling his pants down before using his claws to shred a hole in the back of the 'security chief's' pants. The sight of the hole under his tail was most enticing.

"Bend over, David."

The otter followed the order instantly, reaching down to touch his toes in seconds. Considering their difference in height, Studley was forced to go down on his knees to have his cock on level with the otter's hole, but it was worth it. The little guy was tighter than he looked, and Studley groaned in pleasure as he slipped inside.

Soon getting a good rhythm going, the wolf humped back and forth, keeping one hand on the otter's hips as he reached up to his head with the other.

"Show me what you know..."

His hand glowed with the rainbow lights of chaos, guided along the golden light of Wonder magic. It slipped into David's ears in the same way that his cock slipped into the otter's asshole. He threaded it into the skull as carefully as he could, working it around as gently as he could manage while fucking the smaller male. If he screwed this up, he could mess the otter up pretty bad.

Thankfully, the magic worked. With a stutter that matched the pace of his thrusts, a burst of light came out from behind David's eyes, as if they'd become projectors. In a way, they had, projecting a scene of a coastal city that Studley recognized.

"Seattle? Strange; I would have thought he'd want to target a big eastern city..."

It was a different attack than he'd expected, though. As his cock pumped the otter for more and more - and he had to struggle to stay focused on the vision he was getting - he watched the city change. Attacked by literal tidal waves of cum, the city's original appearance was washed away, replaced by sexualized architecture from a pornographic utopia. Men and women walked about naked constantly, and all humans were rendered either into an anthropomorphized animal form, or into animals completely. Even the buildings and landmarks of the city weren't left alone.

The thought that Rannoi was so stupid as to plan a move against a city so far away from the halls of power, as well as on a city so big that it couldn't be ignored, was shocking. There was no way the Wonders would survive if the dragon did that. He had to be stopped.

He popped his cock out of David before he could cum. Grunting at the feeling of his blue balls, the wolf pushed the otter face down against the ground, creating a pillow under his head.

"I'll be back later...after I deal with your master."



Studley clutched the toe of his boot as he hopped up and down. So much for kicking the door in and surprising Rannoi; whatever the dragon had reinforced the damn door with was damn strong.

"Do come in, Studley."

The door opened on silent hinges, revealing a cane-wielding dragon sitting next to a pair of teacups. They were both steaming, and one had already been sipped from.

"Would you care to join me?"

"Rannoi, I'm pretty sure -"

"You fucked David, so you already know of the diversion plan. Yes, yes, I know."

"You - what? Diversion plan?"

"Seattle? Really? I wouldn't be attacking a place like that if I wanted to make a big move on the world stage. Maybe if I was submerging another dozen big cities at once, but with just enough cum and magic for one move? Not a chance."

Studley blinked. Apparently, he looked surprised enough to amuse the dragon, because Rannoi started laughing, putting down his cup to do it.

"I've changed over the years, Studley. I'm not the idiot that did the things in North Africa, nor the guy that simply absorbs whole towns."

"Then...why does he think that?"

"It's a diversion. As little harm as I plan to the world at large, it's still a major change coming. And the Council wouldn't appreciate my ideas. Better they be elsewhere, when I enact them."

"So, what are your plans?"

"Glad you asked. Sit down; maybe you'll even want to help me with them, after I tell you what I have in mind."

Reluctantly, Studley made his way to the middle of the room, sitting down as the door shut behind him. He didn't fear the dragon, but he had to admit, he was interested. Rannoi was crazy, he was ambitious, and he reached further than anyone really should. But no one could say that he didn't deserve the title of Wonder more than any of their leaders back home.

"I'm listening."

The End

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