Mind Control Stream Story 15: The Problematic Policeman

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Commissioned by Skywing, we have a simple story of a bat helping a hybrid not be so aggressive...but in a very sexy way.

If you like these little short stories, consider coming in during my weekly streams and getting one for yourself. They're only $10, and customized for your needs.

The Problematic Policeman for Necross by Draconicon

"Thanks for being so available for this, Axel. The department appreciates it."

"No problem, dad. Just, uh, what's the issue this time?"

The bat squirmed a bit in his seat. Not so much out of discomfort, but more because he was riding in his father's squad car rather than the one they had at home. It didn't feel as comfortable, and he always felt the need to get situated a little bit better. But at least they were pulling into the parking lot already, so that was a plus. His father, the chief of police, shrugged as they turned into a parking space.

"It's Derrick again. The hybrid's been making trouble for me again; two more cases of unnecessary roughness this week alone, and one of them might even turn into a case of police brutality if we can't get a handle on it."

"Ouch. How long has this been going on?"

"Almost three months. The guy keeps swearing he's going to get his temper under control, but it's been getting worse. Last time, he belted a guy hard enough to put him in the hospital."

Axel didn't need to have a degree in psychology to see that his father was getting pretty stressed out by the rogue officer's behavior, and no surprise, either. Considering the way that police behavior was getting viewed across the states at this point, there was no way that he could get away with pushing it under the rug. More to the point, his father wasn't the sort to do it. Beau was the sort that had to handle things and fix them. Honestly, Axel was more surprised that his dad had waited this long rather than calling him in at the outset.

"He's in my office, then?"

"Yeah, already told him what he's in for. Think you can handle him, or -"

"I don't need a bodyguard, dad. Just let me do what I do best, while you just sit here and _be a good pup."

He smiled at the sight of the relaxation already slipping over his father's body, the command leaving the police chief almost drooling before leaning back. Axel pushed a small spot on the older bat's head, and Beau conked out.

"There. That'll keep him out of my hair while I do my job."_

Getting out of the car, the bat walked to the front door and stepped inside. The receptionist, used to him already, smiled and waved him back. A few of the other on-duty officers waved to him as well before getting back to their cases.

The bat smiled to himself as he walked deeper into the police station. Despite his studies into psychology and other mental disciplines, he really didn't have the qualifications to be back here. Not ones on paper, anyway. In practice, however, he was more than good enough to be the unofficial police 'therapist', and they were happy to use him as such. And he...well, it was clear that he got more than enough use of them in return.

His office was near to the back of the police station, near the holding cells for some of the prisoners. A few of them looked at him with familiar glances, and Axel looked back with a wink and a grin.

Heh, not that any of you remember what that's for, I bet, the bat thought as some of the suspects showed signs of growing erections. Another conditioned response, another thing that he enjoyed seeing.

But he wasn't here for them. He was here for Derrick, and not before time. Reaching his office - marked by a door labeled "Supplies" - he took a moment to compose himself. Standing up straight and putting a small smile on his face, he pushed the door open and walked in.

"Hello, Derrick. I'm Axel; you may have heard of me. I'm going to be -"

He broke off in mid-spiel as he looked at the officer. He'd heard his father say 'hybrid' in the car, but it hadn't fully penetrated his mind until now. Most such hybrids were of closer related species, like a fox and wolf or a husky and a fox, or some other mixture of canine and vulpine together. He'd never seen something like this.

Though looking mostly like a wolf, Derrick obviously had dragon traits to him. Green scales ran along his forearms down to his hands, and though the police uniform kept the bat from seeing if the same was true around the officer's calves, Axel would have bet money on it. The biggest departure from the wolf appearance, though, were the leathery wings on the big guy's back. Probably not big enough for flight - Axel knew that, to his regret, as he thought about his own lack of ability there - but certainly big enough to be impressive looking.

He realized that Derrick was glaring at him, and the bat cleared his throat.

"Sorry, I don't usually see guys as..."


"I was going to say well built."

"Yeah, right. Look, can we get this shit over with? I have a patrol I'm late for."

Shaking his head, Axel slowly closed the door. His office wasn't much. Considering that it was a supply closet, he was honestly surprised that they'd managed to get a small desk and two chairs in, let alone anything else. He took a seat opposite the hybrid, threading his fingers together and laying his hands on his desk as he sat down.

"I'll be as quick as I can, Officer Derrick. Do you have a last name?"

"Yeah, it's none of your business."

"Fair enough." Axel nodded. "So, my father tells me that you're having a lot of anger issues."

"Ain't my fault if the damn suspects are fighting the whole way back. I can't just let 'em smack me around, can I?"

"According to police procedure, I think you're supposed to keep them from doing that -"

"Yeah, and I got a pair of fists to help me do it."

_I see that I'm not talking to an Einstein here,_the bat thought as he looked down at his hands. This was not someone that had an idea of why they were so angry, so eager to lash out. They just were. One thing was certain; he'd be seeing Derrick for a number of sessions before the guy was completely cured.

Still, he could lay on a temporary fix.

"I'd like to try something, Derrick. If it works, you'll be out of here in fifteen minutes. If it doesn't, then you won't have anything lost. Is that alright?"

"Yeah, whatever."

The hybrid waved his hand as Axel reached behind him, grabbing hold of his tail. Unlike most bats, he had something of an abnormality back there. Some people at a church he'd passed by as a kid called it a Devil's Tail, and he had kind of liked that. It was long and thin, covered in black fur and nearly four feet long. It was also incredibly flexible, letting him hold it in front of him, dangling from his fingers as it started swaying from side to side. Almost immediately, Derrick started looking at it.

"What the fuck is this, some sort of mind trick?"

"Sort of. A little hypnosis. Do you mind?"

"Not if it gets me out of here quicker."

"Then take a look. Keep watching the slow swaying, and let my voice fade into the background. Nothing more than a quiet little bat whispering his little squeaks."

He'd found that lessening his importance let the subjects stop being so worried about what he was saying and focus exclusively on the swaying of his tail. It let his words go around their brain and go straight to the subconscious, where it would do the most good. Just like always, Derrick's eyes seemed to focus right on the swaying tail, and Axel slowly started his routine.

"Just watch the swaying tail. Back and forth, back and forth it goes. Each time, taking you back and forth between awake and asleep. Each time, taking you a little further towards sleep, a little further from being awake. Back and forth, back and forth it goes.

"Just keep watching as sleep fills your mind. Back and forth, back and forth it goes. Each time, getting a little harder to think, a little harder to look away from the swaying tail. Back and forth, back and forth it goes.

"Just keep watching as it gets so hard to think. Back and forth, back and forth it goes, each time taking away a few more thoughts, a little more free will. Back and forth, back and forth it goes.

"Until finally, there is no more back and forth." He stilled his tail, the dragolf looking right at his tail and nowhere else. "Until there is nothing in your head, nothing to be heard, but my voice and my words. You are quiet. You are still. You are obedient.

"Do you understand?"



Getting up and flicking the blinds on the window closed, Axel turned his 'client' around until the hybrid faced towards the door. The bat knelt between the big guy's legs, rubbing at his balls gently.

"From now on, when you are in this state, all of your anger will slowly fade from your head, your heart, and everywhere else. But it can't just go away, can it?"

He unzipped the hybrid's pants, fishing out the cock that lay within. The bat held back a gasp at the sight of it; it must have been tucked away in a genius fashion to hide all thirteen inches that had been contained within. The tapered head and growing knot matched the officer's canine heritage, but the ridges that ran down the length and the sheer size of it showed just where the best parts had come from. Axel licked his lips; this was even better than he'd hoped.

"No, your anger can't just go away on its own. So it will fade, pulled away, down to here. Down to your big, heavy balls."

Squeezing Officer Derrick's balls until the hybrid gasped, the bat smiled as the cock started to leak. He dragged his tongue up the side of it, smiling at the soft taste of pre on his tongue, and chuckled.

"Very good. You can feel it oozing out of your balls...needing to come out of your cock..."

After giving the cock a few strokes, he kissed the tip. He paused as the officer gasped, looking up to make sure that the hypnotic trance was still holding. Thankfully, it was, enough to keep the dragolf from waking up, at least.

"Very good. Just let it happen...all that anger going down to your balls...waiting to be expelled whenever you're in this state...All you have to do is come to me, and I'll help you anytime you need to be drained..."

Help you, and help myself. He would have chuckled if he didn't think it would have damaged the trance. It was too good to be left alone. It needed to be let free, and it needed to be in his mouth...and everywhere else.

He pulled it into his mouth, feeling the pre already seeping free, running down his throat and into his stomach. It wouldn't be a permanent fix, and if he didn't find the base cause, this could actually damage the officer. But for now, it would be enough to actually bring him from the edge of rage, and let him continue his duties.

And Axel was more than willing to offer his mouth as much as it was needed to this sexy man.

The End

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