Humiliation Stream Story 4: Controlling the Field

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Commissioned by FA: Txeptirea we have a story of Mewtwo and others in the Smash Bros. universe, fighting it out before the tables change, becoming more of a fuck-fest than a slug-fest.

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Controlling the Field

for Txeptirea

by Draconicon

It took a split-second teleport to get him out of reach of the warrior's sword, and even that didn't quite protect him from all the damage. Mewtwo knelt on one of the platforms of the arena, catching his breath as his attacker looked up at him. The young man wore scarcely anything but a pair of swimming trunks, but he wielded a sword that even the powerful psychic type didn't want to be hit by.

Shulk looked up at him with a smirk.

"What's the matter? Ready to quit the Smash line-up already?"

Boy, if you think this is as much as I can take -

He was forced to teleport again, just avoiding the quick moving human. The psychic grumbled in his head, quickly glancing over to one of the other platforms. The other fighters for the match, Lucario and Falco, were ducking and weaving around each other's fast paced blows, but the two of them still found time to send blows to the other side of the arena. Laser balls and other things were things he had to keep an eye out for.

Like the one heading right for his head. Mewtwo turned, throwing his arms up just in time to dissipate it on one of the shields -


He fell forward as his shield was nearly shattered from behind. Throwing a shadow-ball down at the shorts-wearing swordsman, Mewtwo took to the air, flying up a few more platforms to gain a little more space between him and his opponent.

This would be much easier if they hadn't limited my abilities, the legendary pokemon thought as he looked down to his toes. Several limiter rings had been forcibly latched onto him to equalize his powers with the current roster and keep him from controlling their minds and bodies while he fought. He'd agreed to it at the time; now he was wondering if they'd dropped his power more than they'd agreed to.

Ducking past another laser bolt, Mewtwo was about to gather his strength and renew the assault when something caught his attention out of the corner of his eye. It was quick and small, and for a moment, he thought it was just one of the many cameras that flitted about, transmitting the fight to the audience across the world. Then he got a closer look.

Now that evens things out...

"What, Mewtwo? You see someone coming to save you?"

Mewtwo took the hit this time, using the impact to send him flying towards the floating, glowing ball. He felt the surprise from Shulk, and the shock from the other two fighters as he was flung directly towards the smash ball.

I don't need saving. But you do.

Everyone else tried to react, but they were too slow, and he was too close. Gathering a blast of psychic energy around his legs, he brought his foot down hard on the ball. It cracked and exploded, surrounding him with a massive amount of energy. The limiter rings around his toes seemed to fade from existence, and his eyes glowed as he turned to his charging opponents. They'd forgotten about each other, all of them trying to get to him before he could unleash his super-powered attack.

Mewtwo smirked. They had no idea what was in store for them, and the Masters in charge of the tournament and arena had no idea what this could do. Particularly when he was given this level of power.

With a snap of his fingers, Mewtwo froze his three attackers in mid-air, and floated in front of him. The energy of the smash ball begged to be used, but it was a power that would serve him, not rush away. If there was anyone that could control it and bend it to his will, it was someone like him.

"What are you doing, Mewtwo? Just do your move so we can get this over with."

The pokemon turned to Falco. Back when he'd first joined the Smash roster, before he was replaced, the two of them had gotten along well. For that, and for the reason that the pilot hadn't mocked him since his return, he would be kind.

Flicking his fingers up and down, he stripped both the falcon and Lucario of their respective clothes. His former replacement gasped as he was forced to his knees, mouth pressed tight to the falcon's crotch.

You're welcome, old friend.

"Ooooh, now that's what I call a mouth..."

Chuckling as he heard the bird enjoying himself, Mewtwo turned his attention back to Shulk. The warrior squirmed, but there was nothing he could do against the supercharged psychic bonds around him. They were powerful enough to hold bigger and stronger things than a human with a magic sword in place.

Mewtwo floated up until they were face to face. He turned his head slowly, cocking his head to the side before he grabbed Shulk by the chin.

What's the matter, Shulk? Aren't you strong enough to fight?

"Let me go, and we'll see just how good I am!"

Then show me how strong you are, when you're fighting me at my full strength.

He threw the human across the field, the warrior skidding on his barely-clothed ass a few times before getting to his feet again. Shulk charged towards him, sword raised in a perfect attack form. Mewtwo let him get within about ten feet before twitching his finger.


No sooner had Mewtwo moved than Shulk nearly dropped his sword, the human's already tight shorts pulled even tighter around his crotch as it stroked, teased, and squeezed at his cock. The human was lifted up by the back of his neck, held in the air as his pants actively worked to tease his crotch. It didn't take long for the psychic motions to get the young human completely hard, either.

"What are you - ah - doing?!"

I'm going easy on you.

"Fight me normally!"

If you can't handle this, you can't handle me normally.

As the moans from the falcon got louder and louder behind him, with the other pokemon sucking harder and harder, Mewtwo showed less and less mercy to his opponent. His psychic powers took those shorts and molded them to a completely skintight shape over Shulk's body, fitting to his ass, his balls, his cock, everything. The pokemon's psychic touch molded it and stroked it, leaving everything tingling. His power was such that he vibrated the very fabric, making it like a vibrator toy that touched everything from the human's waist all the way down to his thighs.

And it was not a small effect, either. Shulk was oozing pre already, and Mewtwo smiled to himself at the sight. Whatever fight the human had in him was rapidly fading away, replaced entirely with the need that was focused towards his crotch. The human seemed to be having a great deal of trouble even hanging onto his sword, let alone trying to get free from the psychic's grip on him.

The sound of a deep moan behind him slightly distracted the psychic pokemon, and he turned to see what had happened. He flipped Shulk upside down just in case, but he doubted the human would have the opportunity to break free.

He smiled as he saw that Falco had finished enjoying himself, having cum hard enough and plentifully enough to flood the other pokemon's mouth. Enough bird seed was dripping from Lucario's lips to leave the cock-sucker with a striped appearance.

It seems you enjoyed yourself, Falco.

"Yeah...I really, really needed that."

I'm sure you know what's coming next.

"Heh, you don't have to tell me twice. Just get his legs spread for me to work on him."

I knew I could count on not having to persuade you. Chuckling, Mewtwo raised his free hand, bringing Lucario up high enough for his cock - forcibly erect - to be put on the same level as Falco's beak. He turned as the falcon got to work, and chuckled at the sight he was greeted with.

It seems that you love to make a mess of things, Shulk, he 'said' to the human as he watched the pre dripping through the swordsman's pants onto his face. Shulk was dripping like crazy, and his face was shiny from the pre covering his cheeks and lips.

"Stop! Can't - ugh - can't take it!"

The pokemon smiled at the human's nature. Just a bit ago, he had been confident, brash, thinking he could outfight everyone on the stage. Considering how difficult Shulk had found it with him, and considering he would have needed to fight at least one other in order to actually win, Mewtwo wasn't sure just how the human believed that. He needed a great deal more training, both in stamina and...endurance.

He smiled as a psychic hand rubbed along the human's cock, giving him yet more stimulation. Shulk threw his head backwards, gasping and panting for breath as his need got higher and higher. Mewtwo could sense it, nearly taking over the human's brain at this point, and chuckled.

Shall I grant you release?


Is there any method you prefer?

"I don't care, just get me off!"

Hm hmmm, as you wish.

Mewtwo chuckled as he released the rest of his power as a pair of psychic attacks. The first shoved Shulk over the edge towards orgasm, ensuring he'd be cumming for a minute straight. The second was a telekinetic push that sent him flying off of the arena, just to ensure that everyone knew who had won the round.

There was a sudden crack from behind, and Mewtwo whipped around. However, it was only Falco licking his lips after knocking Lucario out post-orgasm.

And now the bird was walking towards him.


In the control room, where the Masters resided and controlled the arena rounds, assigned matches, and watched the audience reactions, the three of them stared in shock at what had just transpired.

Turning away from the flirting falcon and the amenable pokemon, they whispered to each other.

"What was that?"

"I don't know. I knew he was powerful, but -"

"No, I mean, what the hell was that kind of show? I thought we decided on a fighting game, not a sex game."

"Well, the move sets did allow it..."

"And the ratings show they like it."

The two bickering ones turned to the Great Master, sitting in the darkness. A wave of flickering shadows went to the monitor, and it was true. The audience had nearly tripled as Mewtwo had taken the Smash power and done something far more...explicit, than they'd expected.

"Gentlemen -"


"Gentleman and Crazy one, I believe we have some work to do. Get the smash balls. We'll need to do some modifications if we want to replicate this..."

The End

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