Mind Control Stream Story 16: Gemini Twins, Gemini Sins

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Commissioned by FA: Sanmer we have yet another story in the Hardrock universe, in which the dragon hero has recommended several latex suits to a pair of twins. Let's see what happens after a long day of heroing in them.

If you like these little short stories, consider coming in during my weekly streams and getting one for yourself. They're only $10, and customized for your needs.

Gemini Twins, Gemini Sins for Sanmer by Draconicon

Pollux sighed as he collapsed on the couch, one hand clasping a drink, the other resting on his chest as his twin brother Castor sat down beside him. The wolf couldn't help rubbing at the new costume he wore, still scarcely believing how cheap the nanite suit had been, and just how good it was at both making costumes and keeping the quality so high.

"Hardrock really did us a favor here, didn't he?"

"Yeah, no kidding, Pol. I mean, where did he even find that Olly? It's, like, all the way on the other side of the city, and -"

"I don't think it matters how."

Though I bet it had something to do with how he was getting in the tabloids all the time after that speech months ago. That had stopped after getting his new suit, and he and his brother were very thankful for getting new suits of their own.

The latex around his arm was surprisingly nice, too. In the past, his various outfits - whether of spandex, latex, or some other material - had either been so flimsy that they fell apart during the mildest of the tricks that he and his brother pulled during their patrols, or they were so tight that they didn't breathe in the least, leaving him sweaty and dehydrated by the end of the day. This nanite produced stuff was the best of both worlds, and he loved how sturdy it was.

And how it feels, right, bro?

He turned to glare at Castor, his 'younger' brother giggling until Pollux whapped the back of his head.

"Come on. Stay out of my head, perv."

"Oh, like I can do that. I'll stay out of yours as soon as you stay out of mine."

It wasn't really possible, either way. The pair of them didn't have any big superpowers like some of the heroes around the city, but they were telepathically connected, allowing them to keep in touch and adjust their plans on the fly when they were on patrol. It worked well for that, but there were other times when it was just...inconvenient.

"So, yes or no?"

"Fine, I like how it feels. Happy?"

"Eh, so so."

Pollux rolled his eyes. For being the 'older' brother of the pair of them, he really felt like he had gotten the raw end of the deal. He might have been barely ten minutes older than the other wolf, but he had to do three times as much work around the house and with the public as Castor ever had to. Being the older brother -


"Will you -"


"God -"


Despite himself, Pollux chuckled, and Castor smiled back. In seconds, his momentary bad mood had been stopped and reversed, and he reached out and patted his brother on the back in thanks.



Castor got up to get the movie the store-owner had recommended after selling them the suits, while Pollux went to the kitchen to start making some popcorn and get some sodas. He heard the television click on, and his brother called back to him.

"You want me to wait for you?"

"Nah, just get started. I'll get the basics on the tele-fi," he said, referring to their joke name for their telepathic connection.

He felt the bits of information from the movie trickle down the link between him and his brother, and the wolf broke out in a little chuckle as he watched the popcorn bag inflate. It sounded cheesy enough already; a pair of brothers on an epic quest for something or other. It sounded like something out of the 80s or early 90s, rather than something more modern. Still, could be good enough flick to turn his brain off to and enjoy.

As the popcorn finished and he reached for the soda, Pollux surprised himself as he almost fell over, his feet feeling heavier than usual. Weirder still, there was no response from his brother, no asking if he was okay. Very strange, considering the amount of noise he had made.

Or...was it? He wasn't sure. There was a tingle amidst the knowledge he was getting from his brother, and it left him feeling fuzzy headed.

Must need a bit of...a bit of soda or something, he thought as his head wobbled. Sometimes the tele-fi connection got a bit muddled when they were tired. Get some caffeine in us, and we'll...we'll be...

He trailed off as he left the bag behind, barely remembering to bring the soda with him as he made his way back to the couch. Handing over the soda can - and barely noticing Castor letting it fall to the floor - Pollux slumped back on the couch and stared at the screen.

It must have advanced really far, because the brothers had been captured by the baddie already. He cocked his head to the side as he watched, his breath coming slower and slower as he considered how it looked. Almost like something from a modern superhero fight, really. The guys chained up over a death trap, their costumes in rags, looking all tired and beaten...submissive...

Yes...submissive to the villain...

He didn't know where the thought came from, but it felt right. He leaned to the side, just as Castor did the same, the brother wolves leaning against each other. The heroes were doing the same, so again, it felt right.

The acid beneath the heroes was melting their clothes, too, and the brothers looked...surprisingly less embarrassed as their naughty bits were shown. Pollux blushed a bit, but he could feel that Castor wasn't blushing at all. The two of them stared, as if they couldn't look away, at the pair of heroes that were slowly stripped naked.

It got to the point where he didn't feel any surprise - or any sense of wrongness - when the brothers on screen kissed each other, swinging enough on their chains that their exposed cocks touched one another. It even sent a rush to his groin.

Love...and submission...

Another thought that came from nowhere, but felt right. He panted as he realized how hot he felt, how warm his body was, and how hard he was in his suit. Pollux panted, his tongue hanging out -

"Whu -"


Castor's hand was on his crotch. His brother's hand had slipped past the latex at his groin, and his cock was throbbing in his brother's grip. Pollux groaned, leaning his head back, even as his own hand reached down to his brother's cock. The latex parted beneath his grip, and soon a throbbing shaft was between his fingers.

They stroked each other as the movie changed again, this time showing the villain holding the weakened heroes on their knees. It had changed to something of a porn movie, the two brothers taking turns to blow the bad guy. He was in shadow, too silhouetted to make out, but he looked like a smaller species. A fox, maybe, or a mouse. They didn't know, nor did they care. They were focused on each other.


Yes, service. Service was good. They kissed each other, and slowly turned on the couch. Their hands never left their cocks, stroking again and again. Pollux felt his shaft slickening with pre, and his hand felt slimy with his brother's own juices. His knot was getting firmer, making his brother's grip go wide around it as it was stroked, but it didn't stop Castor from stroking him harder and faster.

Soon they were laying down together, Castor's head between his legs and vice versa. The wolf panted, his breath blowing over the drooling cock tip in front of his face as he imagined how it would feel to have it in his mouth. Service. Service was needed, to give in order to get.

He slid forward just as his brother did, the pair of them sucking on each other's cocks at the same time. The urge to moan was smothered beneath the simple pleasure of having his cock in someone else's mouth, and the fact that his brother's cock was in his. It was thick and hot and needy, and he could taste the salty pre that had been pouring off of it ever since they popped in the movie.



Let me...

Cum, Castor...

You too.

Yes, brother.

And - unknown to them - the brothers in the movies came on each other, the two of them shortly came down each other's throats. Pollux and Castor, the Gemini twins, had just sucked each other off to full climax.

It didn't stop there. They rolled over, almost falling on the floor as the older brother lay beneath the younger, thick and heavy balls rolling over his nose as his face was fucked. He thrust up, doing the same to his twin, the two wolves lost in their lust for one another. Distantly, in the back of their tele-fi connection, each of them felt bits of the movie sliding into their mind. Of the brothers being turned, of the villain becoming master, of the heroes becoming the villains that they used to fight.

And neither cared, not even aware of the commands settling into their psyches.

The two villains behind the mess smiled to each other as one of Olly's button cams showed the results of the earlier sale. The White Tail sat beside him, rubbing the olinguito's thigh as they watched the incestual show.

"Hehehe, looks like they really liked the subliminals, didn't they?"

"Of course. I wrote them, remember? I always do good work."

"You saying I'm slacking, Whitey?"

"Not at all, dear." The fox chuckled, his hand moving just enough to get the olinguito to moan. "I'm saying that you shouldn't be surprised."

"I'm not -"

"Mmm, you sounded it. Perhaps I should...remind you of my skills."

"But...the show..."

"They're conditioned. You'll have more customers tomorrow, and we, my dear Olly, have the rest of the night to have fun."



The fox pushed Olly down, and their moans soon filled the room just as much as the twins from the television.

The End

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