Mind Control Stream Story 17: Sheogorath's Psychic Meddling

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Commissioned by FA: Drakehavok we have another story of Mewtwo. It's great to see the legendary Psychic getting his due, isn't it? Anyway, enjoy the show as the psychic pokemon gets thrust into Skyrim.

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Sheogorath's Psychic Meddling for DrakeHavok by Draconicon

When a new story about the Daedric Princes began circulating among the people of Skyrim, most people sat up and took notice. When they realized it was about Sheogorath, they stood up and ran.

Serrek was one of the few that didn't, and instead followed the story of a new arrival to Skyrim that was not of man, mer, or beast origin. The Argonian didn't know what it was, and neither did the legend, but he had the feeling that it would be interesting. And while it was Khajiits that were known as the curious folk, Serrek had more than his fair share of the often-deadly trait himself.

He was following the trail of the story - past Falkreath, near the mountains where the dragon shrines had popped up after the war - when he found the first sign of something new. Broken trees and a circle of snow and earth cut out of the ground. It wasn't like a dragon's landing spot, either, as the trees were broken in directions all around, as if there had been some sort of explosion from the dip into the ground. There were even letters of the sort that had been rumored to have hung from the old Oblivion Gates, hundreds of years ago. If there was a sight where a Daedric Prince had summoned something, this had to be it.

Strange that there are no footprints leading away, though, he thought. The Argonian scratched his head between his curved horns, shaking his head a few times. It must have come here...but where did it go?

The roar of a dragon overhead told him that he needed to keep moving. Grumbling under his breath as he was forced to keep climbing up the near impassable slopes, the leather-armored Argonian made his way up to the next part of the path, and cursed.

Here there were tracks, but not the sort he wanted to see. Though they were faint, they were the light and small prints of an elven squad, and only one group ranged this far out in Skyrim.

"Thalmor. Damn, can't I get to ONE legendary thing before anyone else? Just once?"

At least they weren't far away. Judging by the tracks, it looked like they were maybe an hour ahead of him, at most. Probably less, judging by the fact that the falling snow hadn't buried their tracks as of yet. If he hurried, he could probably catch them. If he was lucky...well, there'd be a few less Thalmor in the world when he was done.

The Argonian had been walking for almost twenty minutes, having reached the top of the small but steep hill and having walked into another part of the forest, when he realized that things would be much more complicated. Mostly because he had to duck to avoid getting hit in the head by a flying armored figure who went screaming through open air before falling down towards the far-off ground.

"What the -"


The shout in his head was as loud as a battle trumpet next to his ear, and Serrek groaned as he pressed his hands to his head. It did no good, though, as the shouting continued to go straight to his mind.

Was it you?

A nearby tree cracked, and Serrek jumped out of the way barely in time to avoid the falling trunk. As it collapsed behind him, he saw a member of the Thalmor. His armor was cracked, and his weapon broken, his eyes closed from the deadly impact. Serrek stared in shock. Whatever had thrown the soldier away had done it with such force that the elf had died on impact.

"What kind of demon - WHOA!"

He ducked again, barely avoiding a sword that went flying overhead before embedding itself into a nearby tree trunk. The Argonian stared at it, and then back the way it came.

In a clearing stood another three of the Thalmor - one unarmed, the other wielding blade and magic. They circled...something he'd never seen before. It was pink and slightly purple in color, and stood on two legs like a man. However, it had a tail that moved like a cat's, and its eyes glowed with a fury that rivaled dragonfire in intensity. The pair of horns atop its head would have looked creepy if they weren't so stunted, and its three fingered hands and two toed feet looked like something out of another world.

The Thalmor tried to mount another attack, but Serrek could tell before they even moved that they were doomed. The creature lashed out, the ground itself lifting up underneath the Thalmor as they moved. Great holes more than ten feet across and five deep were left behind as the earth was lifted over a hundred feet in the air, only to be flipped and dropped.

As the elves hit the ground and were crushed beneath the earth falling behind them, Serrek realized that the creature had turned to him.

"Uh -"

Was it you who brought me here? Was it?!

Fearing for his life, the Argonian lifted his arm and managed to fling a green colored spell from his fingers. He was in the process of reaching for his dagger when his body froze. Every muscle clenched in the attempt to move his arms, his legs, his head, anything, but nothing worked. It was like being hit with a paralysis spell, except a hell of a lot stronger.

At least the charm spell is gonna get him. Maybe -

Even as the illusion hit the creature, though, Serrek had the bad feeling that it wouldn't work as well as he hoped. Though the creature glowed green, showing the spell had actually hit him, the look on its face didn't turn friendly. Admittedly, it didn't look homicidal anymore, but...

"Oh, shit...Come on, that's not fair!"

He'd been in enough taverns to see that look of lust before. Usually it wasn't shot his way with such intensity, but he knew it when he saw it. He was starting to wonder if he was better off with the homicidal creature.

Suddenly his body was picked up from the ground, his boots leaving the earth as he was pulled rapidly through the air. He would have yelped if his jaws hadn't been suddenly clicked together, and his arms and legs streamed behind him like a doll's as he was pulled forward. They swung forward just as hard as he came to a stop in front of the creature.

You...you're not like those creatures.

No kidding.

You will be...a proper guide.

He blinked. The creature needed a guide?

But first, I have a need that must be seen to.

Somehow, he knew that was going to happen. Looking down, he could see the rising sign of maleness from the creature, and Serrek sighed. It wouldn't have been the first time that he actually submitted to another male for self preservation, but he had to admit, this was one of the weirder occasions.

The creature snapped a finger, and the Argonian's sense of up became right. Or was it left? In either case, he was flat on his back. He groaned, the impact knocking the air from his lungs, and the sudden stomp on his face from the creature's two-toed foot didn't help, particularly considering the smell of sweat and musk between the toes.

That isn't a bad place for you. I imagine you've been kept underfoot before.

A few times. Usually under better cleaned feet.

I wouldn't lie, the creature said, pushing down with his toes, spreading them and forcing the Argonian's nose further between them. From what I see in your mind, mine are the cleanest feet that you've had in your face in years.

Not just a telepath, but a mind reader as well? The Nine take this thing. Serrek groaned, particularly as the creature stepped on him again, this time with its other foot, and down on his crotch. The leather armor protected his crotch from the worst of the pressure, but -

What is this?

The creature's toes over his crotch flicked over his growing bulge, and Serrek groaned at the feeling. It wasn't something that he wanted to feel now. If this thing thought he enjoyed it -

Ahhh, it isn't just that you've been forced underfoot. You've enjoyed it.

The Argonian groaned at the continued teasing and mind-reading. It was getting harder and harder to resist, and soon his leather armor was tented as far as the inflexible stuff would go. He groaned under his breath again, unfortunately huffing in more of the foot odor from the creature's other foot.

He was on the verge of orgasm when the creature stepped off of him. Feeling the grip on his face relax, Serrek finally opened his mouth.


Why did I stop?

He nodded.

Because that is something you want, not something to put you in your place as my guide. You'll have to earn that.

"Then what -"

He didn't get a chance to finish his question. No sooner had he finished saying 'what' than he had a cock shoved down his throat. The creature's shaft was as thick as four of his fingers together, and the Argonian's mouth was stretched to its limits to take the whole thing down his throat. It was bigger than most orcs that he had the pleasure of being with, and he gagged as the tip touched the back of his mouth.

Just relax. It won't be long before you're used to it.

How do you know?

Because I know your mind, and I know what you can take.

This was going to take him forever to get used to. There might have been some mind-reading spells laying around Tamriel, but the idea that someone could do it constantly, without any effort, was teeth-gratingly annoying. The only reason he wasn't fighting back was because...well, he couldn't. Any attempt would be met with that same force that had shattered the Thalmor, and he'd be as dead as they were.

Still, he didn't mind sucking cock. It wasn't a bad one, and it was a good size. He'd probably enjoy it in other ways later. He bobbed his mouth up and down the creature's shaft, taking it to the back of his throat again and again before it slid in.

As it slid down the back of his throat towards his stomach, Serrek blinked. For a second, he felt like he was taking this easier than he should have. Where was the fight? Where was the part of him that wanted to stay free? Where was the part of him that generally didn't go around sucking another person's -

Ah ah. Don't think. You're a guide, not a partner.

The cock slammed in again, and it slammed his thoughts out as well. Thrust, pop, and more thoughts were drained.

What...what are...

I need a guide, not a wise-cracking companion. So...all that will go. And pleasure will take its place.

The creature pressed its hands to his head, and what little thought Serrek had left disappeared in an explosion of pleasure, the nerves of his hands, his head, his feet, his ass, and his cock all going crazy with utterly good feelings. His eyes rolled back in his head as his drool ran down the sides of the creature's cock, his mind blank save for all the pleasure.

Good lizard...

The End

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