The Education of Crisp: The School

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#2 of The Education of Crisp

And so we come to part two of the Education of Crisp, showing the life our little wolf hero is having to deal with under his master.

The Education of Crisp: The School for Crisp by Draconicon

Getting out of the limo that morning was one of the hardest things that he'd ever had to do. Not due to the limo; no, that was something he was used to. His parents had sent him to school with it more times than he could count, and he'd given up trying to look normal in front of the other students.

No, it was the fact of who was getting out behind him that made it difficult. Crisp looked over his shoulder as the other door opened, and his mentor stepped out of the other side of the limo.

The wolf felt so small as he looked at his teacher. Draconicon towered over him, standing seven feet tall to the wolf's five-foot seven, and the dragon looked so out of place. Nobody actually walked around in magic robes nowadays, even those with talent in it, but the dragon didn't seem to have gotten the memo. Were it not for the pure white eyes the dragon had, he would have looked like a scaly grim reaper as he seemed to float over the ground.

He waited until the dragon stood beside him, flinching slightly at the scaly hand resting on his shoulder.

"So, this is where you learn. An interesting establishment. Not particularly grand, compared to some, but serviceable."

" is a good school, you know."

"Not good enough to provide you with the teaching that you require. That's why you called me, remember?"


And I'm wondering just how much I'm going to regret that. Crisp shook his head, trying to get rid of the thought before it could be heard, but Draconicon's tightening grip told him it was too late.

"Don't bemoan your fate, pup. There's a great deal that would give what you have, and more, in order to have my services. Don't forget, you were left alone by the school, left to rot in your own magical abilities. You could have been great, but they let you down." The dragon's fingers squeezed his shoulder tightly. "I won't."

Crisp had yet to see just how that would go. Ever since the dragon had moved in over the weekend, things had changed rapidly, and he wasn't sure that it was for the better. Draconicon had thrown him out of his room, teased him about his likes, and...

Well, it was better to just say he'd learned more about dragon anatomy in two days than he'd ever thought he'd need to know.

The two of them walked up towards the school, joining the crowd of students milling about the grounds. Various students started to turn to speak to him, but quickly turned away at the sight of the dragon at his shoulder. The wolf had a surprising amount of space, most of the students stepping to the side to allow him through. Even a couple of the bullies he'd had to deal with - even Scarr - stepped to the side, letting him go by unmolested.

Hmm...I could get used to tha-AAAT!

Crisp almost jumped out of his skin at the sudden tightening around his crotch, feeling his underwear squeeze down on his cock and balls. They almost showed through his pants at that point, nearly squeezed to a skintight level. The wolf paused, having to lean down over a water fountain to let it pass by.

When his clothes were no longer squeezing the life out of his genitals, he stood up again. Wiping his mouth, he glared at the dragon.

"What was that for?"

"Just a reminder, Crisp. You are my student, and I need to teach your body as much as I need to teach your mind."

"For what?"

"For obedience. You have to act quickly, and you have to do exactly what I say. Particularly with the high level spells, if you don't do what I say, you'll be in great danger."

"Is that why you shoved me into those...things?"

He still felt a residual tightness down below, but that wasn't just from the spell that the dragon had used. The tighty-whities that he'd been forced to wear clutched at his groin with a pressure much greater than his usual boxers or briefs, and it left him feeling very self conscious. Even without the dragon's help, he 'showed' a lot more than normal.

But what was worst was the fact that his shoes were enchanted. Ever since that first day, his shoes had somehow come to life and had been tormenting him with various magical mischief. From tying his legs together and making him fall down, to pulling him to the bathroom while the dragon was bathing for other sorts of activities, and even making him dance for the teacher's amusement, they'd made his life far more difficult. It didn't help that they used to be his favorite pair; now they were his personal tormentors.

Yet, that didn't seem to bother his teacher. The dragon patted him on the arm.

"All the things I put you through will be to help you in the end. The best mages are the ones that work through adversity."

"Uh huh. And you worked through this much?"

"My teacher locked me in a room with hell-summoned imps for four days. I think you can handle a pair of shoes and a few unwanted erections."

I think I'd take the imps, thanks.

Perhaps we'll test that, but not today. For now, you are going to learn.

The dragon twitched a finger and the shoes started marching. Crisp was almost used to them, but he still almost fell over as they turned him around and started marching him towards class. He looked like a clown, but there was nothing he could do about that. He was the dragon's toy to play with, at this point, and he had to live with that.

He just wished that it didn't give him such a hard-on all the time when the master decided to do this.

His first class went by without incident, but when the wolf attended math, the world seemed to implode.

It started when he realized that the worst bullies were in his math class as well, and he flinched as he saw Rob, Bob, and Hob (all cousins from families on the edge of the city) sitting in the back row, glaring at him throughout the class. They didn't say anything - at least not immediately - and the wolf was pretty sure that was only because the dragon was there, standing in the corner of the room like someone auditing a class.

Of course, I wouldn't be having this problem if he wasn't here.

No sooner had the wolf had the thought than he caught sight of the slight glow that announced his shoes taking control. Crisp whimpered at the thought, trying to take it back, but the laces were already moving. They ran up his legs, twisting around the stockings hidden under his pants, until the very tips were pressing against his tighty whities under his pants.

What are you doing?!

Reminding you of why you need me.

The hard tips of the laces pushed further in, rubbing over his bulge. Crisp leaned forward more as his pants rapidly tented, growing hard in the front from the soft strokes from the tips of the shoelaces. Shaking his head, he looked over his shoulder at the dragon.

Please, don't do this! It's embarrassing!

Any basic mage can do something like this at any time. You have to be ready to defend against it. Fight me off; show me that you can control yourself.

I can't.

Then you'll be embarrassed until you can.

The wolf shook his head again, his breath coming faster as his cock was stroked to life beneath his underwear. He bit his lip, but the pain did nothing to stop the growth, his cock getting harder and harder by the second. It was already getting hard enough to bump the bottom of the desk, and he slumped back, trying to get some extra room.

It felt so good, that was the damn problem. If it didn't feel so good, he'd be able to fight it better. But if he didn't fight it, he'd get himself into worse trouble as the shoelaces kept stroking him.

He had to try.

Crisp closed his eyes as the teacher continued droning on about math, trying to think about magic instead. He had the power; he'd used it before. He just had to find it.

After a few seconds of searching - and twice being distracted by his over-hard cock and the leaking of pre - he found it. A feeling of heat inside, of energy. The wolf focused on it, pulling it into his hands, and then pressing his fingers to his legs. He felt it bleed out into the shoelaces, the tips wriggling around his bulge, but slower.

It's working!

Just as he was starting to pour more into it, though, he heard his name.


The wolf looked up, his control faltering. He gasped as the laces started stroking him again, harder, squeezing his bulge. He blushed as he looked up at the teacher.

"Y-yes, Mr. Malcot?"

"Could you come up to the board and present the answer to the problem?"

"I, uh, wasn't paying attention."

"That's fine. If you did the homework over the weekend, you can figure it out."

The wolf groaned. If it hadn't been for the dragon coming over, he would have been able to get the math homework done. As it was, he'd been counting the times his face had been forced into the dragon's crotch and soles than counting out fractions and exponentials. Crisp glanced at the board, wondering if he might be able to BS his way through it.

The sheer number of unknown variables on the board guaranteed that he couldn't. And even apart from that -

"Crisp, are you coming or not?"

I wish I were cumming, then - NO, I DIDN'T MEAN THAT!

Too late, pup.

The combination of the teacher's distraction and his mentor's far more powerful magic meant that he had no chance to stop it. Even as he tried to use his own magic to block the new spell, the laces pressed themselves directly against his cock. With a sudden surge of energy, they slammed so much pleasure into him that he came on the spot. The wolf slumped forward, moaning loudly from his forced climax, even as his fellow students leaned away from him.

"What the fuck, Crisp?"

"Oh god, what the hell is he on?"

"Teacher, is he okay?"

"Of course, idiot, he just...well, no, he couldn't have -"

"Oh god, he did! He just creamed his pants!"

Crisp slumped over the table, his hands over his face and his eyes rolled back in his head. Yes, his cock was soft now, but he had one hell of a mess on his hands.


I merely offered my student the relief he asked for.

The jaguar teacher shook his head, putting his hand on Crisp's shoulder.

"I think you should go to the nurse."

"Yes, Mr. - mmph! - Malcot."

The laughter from the classroom chased him all the way down the hall, yet he could still feel the white eyes of his dragon teacher following him at a steady pace behind him.

When he stepped out of the nurse's office, the wolf's face was as red as his new shorts. They clung to him nearly as much as the tighty whities did, but they were the only spare bits that the office had, after making a mess like that. He was lucky to get this size, even; the others were even smaller and clingier.

He turned to Draconicon, who had been waiting outside the office, and glared at him.

"Walk with me."

The wolf stomped off, hearing the dragon follow behind him. He led the dragon to one of the out-of-way bathrooms in the school, and then shut and locked the door behind him. It was a little trick he'd learned a while back, when he needed private time.

"What the hell was that about?"

"I was testing you."

"You humiliated me! I hired you to make that stop happening, not cause more of it!"

"And to do that, I need to know how you react under pressure. Whether it's from me or another mage, I have to see how you handle being attacked, how well you can fight back, and most importantly, how willing you are to fight back. If you can't do anything for yourself, it won't matter how well I can teach you."

The wolf shook his head. He reached out to the nearby water faucet, turning it on so that the cold water was flowing.

"Why are you doing it like this, though? All you've done for the last three days is humiliate me and use me. When are you going to actually teach me magic?"

"When do you plan on actually showing me what you can do?"

"When I know how to freaking do it!"

Crisp shoved his hands under the cold water, rubbing them together to get the last bits of cum out of his fur. His hands felt so hot. Everything burned in him. Why was the dragon being so hard? Why was he making the whole thing so stupid?

"Crisp, you hired me to do this job -"

"Then do what I hired you to do!"

"I can't. Not until I learn what I need to know."

"Then maybe, maybe I need a new teacher."

"Crisp -"


He whipped around, pointing his hand at the dragon. As he lifted it to point, he felt the heat that was surging through him catapult down his arm and out through his finger. A fireball burst into existence and shot from his hand right at the dragon. The wolf stared at it, as time moved in slow motion.

The fireball flared, the air crackling from the heat, and the nearby metal sinks warping, almost melting from it. The walls cracked from the sudden exposure to it, while the dragon slowly lifted his hand.

As the fireball hit the dragon's hand, there was a hiss, a crackle of the fire before the dragon's magic surrounded it, covering it before smothering it. For a second, it looked like the dragon held a little black ball in his hand before his own magic disappeared.

Crisp could hardly believe that had just happened. He looked down at his hands. A fireball. He'd just made a fireball from nothing. How?

"Well, that answers a few questions."

Crisp glared at the dragon. Before the dragon could say anything else, he pointed at the door.

"You're fired."


"I said. You're fired."

"You can't be serious."

"I've never been more. You've done nothing but make my life hell since you got here. If you won't teach me magic, I'll teach myself."

"Just because you made a fireball doesn't mean it's going to get easier."

"And just because you're a dragon doesn't mean you're all that. Now get out or I'll tell the school what you've been doing to me."


The dragon turned to the bathroom door. With a wave of his hand, he unlocked it, but stopped and turned.

"It won't get easier. It only gets harder from here on out."


The dragon left, leaving the wolf to lean over the melted sinks. He looked down at his hands again, panting for breath as he realized what he'd done.

I...I don't need a teacher. I can use magic. I can do this. I can do this without anyone else ruining my life.


Crisp felt much better in his other classes. Yes, the feeling of his mentor's protection was gone, but the presence was gone as well. Those that were intimidated by the dragon or felt threatened by him were mollified, as far as he could tell. Everything seemed better without Draconicon there to muck it up.

Except for Rob, Bob, and Hob. The horse, bull, and panther continued to glare at him in his different classes, and no matter how much he told himself that it was nothing, Crisp couldn't shake the feeling of being in trouble.

It got worse and worse through the day, and by the time he hit gym class, it was at its worst. They played dodgeball, and Crisp - as usual - was one of the first picked by a team captain. And - again, as usual - he was the one that was left standing after the last of his team had been picked off. Facing off against the other team, he usually had a pretty good time dodging as long as he could before he was picked off too.

Not today. Rob, Bob, and Hob were throwing balls like they were being fired out of a cannon, and several times the wolf was nearly forced into the splits to avoid getting hit by them. Several nearly slammed into his head as well, and he only just avoided getting brained by one coming from above just as he jumped over one coming at his feet.

Eventually, they took him down with a ball to his stomach that knocked the wind out of him. He hit the floor afterwards, wheezing for breath, while the coach called for everyone to hit the lockers. Rob, Bob, and Hob laughed as they walked by him, whispers of 'loser' filling his ears as they went by. The coach, a doberman named Mr. Jacobs, leaned down.

"Take a few minutes, then go get changed. You look like you need it."

"Thanks, Mr. Jacobs."

"Don't worry about it. You did good."

Not good enough. He slumped over the ball against his stomach, crossing his arms. He'd been distracted again, thinking about magic. Ever since the fireball, he wanted to try something new, something different. If he could throw fire around, could he do the same with water? Could he fly? Teleport? Turn invisible? Enchant things?

All of those were amazing options, but he couldn't figure out how to do them. He couldn't even figure out how to throw fire again. The wolf had spent all of his lunch break trying to figure it out, throwing his hands out and pointing at targets. He even enraged himself as much as he could, trying to get angry like he had been in the bathroom, but nothing worked.

Maybe I made a mistake. Maybe I'm not ready to learn on my own.

Crisp sighed, slowly getting to his feet. Throwing the ball into the bin where all the others lay, he made his way to the locker room. He had to fight his way through the other students who had already changed and left, but at least he'd have the place to himself at that point.

The wolf had just gotten his shirt off when he was spun around and slammed against his locker. With the air knocked out of his lungs again, Crisp couldn't even speak as the -ob trio surrounded him. The bull held him pinned there, while the other two smirked over the big guy's shoulders.

"Look what we got here, Rob, Hob."

"Nyeee, looks like a little dragon bitch, Rob, Bob."

"Hehehe, a little magician wannabe. But can't do a thing but cream his pants, can he, Bob, Hob?"

"Not a damn thing. Holds himself so high and mighty with those stupid looking clothes and those stupid looking shoes."

"Nyeee, maybe we should take 'em, show him he's no better than the rest of us."

"Hehehe, good idea, Hob. Let's take 'em."

Crisp squirmed against the bull's grip, but it was like he was pinned between two metal beams, rather than a metal block and a bull's arm. He couldn't move his head or chest at all, and every time he managed to get his arms up, he couldn't even budge the big, thick arm against him. It was like trying to shove a building out of the way. It was simply too strong.

Both of his legs were lifted off of the ground, Rob and Hob grabbing hold of his ankles and keeping them suspended. Crisp whimpered.

"Come on, please! Those are my favorite shoes!"

"Hehehehe, that's why we're taking them."

"Nyeeee, you ain't gonna have these anymore. Mr. Stuck Up and - OW!"

The leg that the panther had been holding dropped, the feline gripping his hand and squeezing it. Bob turned his head, glancing at his friend.

"What the fuck's the matter, Hob? Just yank it off."

"I tried, nyeeee. It zapped me."

"What's the freak doing, trying some magic?" Bob slammed the wolf against the locker harder, leaving Crisp barely breathing. "Knock it off, freak."


"Hehehe, pathetic panther. This is how you - WHAT THE FUCK! OW!"

His other leg dropped, and Crisp groaned softly as the shock went up his leg, too, zapping nearly into his crotch. His cock stirred a bit from the energy, leaving him blushing a bit, but also grinning.

" aren't...taking them."

"Ain't we? We'll see about that."

The bull threw him down to the ground, pinning him down with a foot on his crotch. Crisp hissed at the sudden pressure over his cock as the bull grabbed him by the ankle. The hard yank on his leg felt like it was ripping his leg right out of its socket, and he shook his head.

"Let me go!"

"Ain't happening, freak. Now just give up the damn shoes, and we'll all get on our way."

"They're mine!"

"Not anymore, they ain't."

Bob grabbed Crisp's left shoe. As soon as the bull's hand touched it, Crisp felt the energy again, zapping through him. He screamed, even as he felt his cock throb harder, going from barely hard to fully erect in the space of seconds. It bulged out his shorts tremendously, and he swore that the bull would be able to feel it through his shoe.

Or at least, would be able to if it weren't for the fact that Bob was completely focused on his hand being zapped. Looking up, Crisp finally got to see what was going on. The bull's face was twisted in pain, but his hand was being zapped by a black lightning the longer he held onto Crisp's shoe. It got worse and worse - pain for the bull, pleasure and some discomfort for the wolf - the longer that Bob held on, until the bull finally had to let go.

"What the hell is wrong with you? I told you to stop!"

They...they think I'm the one doing it. Maybe I can bluff my way out of here.

Crisp slowly pulled himself to his feet, keeping one hand on a locker as he caught his breath. He tried to stare down the bullies, but he could barely look up at them, let alone actually look down at them.

"G-get out of here before I burn you to a crisp."

"You ain't doing something like that."

"Nyeee, you ain't got any real magic. It's just annoying tricks."

"Heheheh, he's got a boner though. He's definitely got that."


"Look, Bob, he's almost hard enough to get out of his pants, hehehehe."

Crisp didn't dare look down, but he could feel it now that they'd pointed it out. It was even worse, considering that he didn't have underwear on under his shorts; they'd taken them when he was in the nurse's office. Now his bulge was impossible to miss, and it throbbed hard inside of his shorts due to the zapping.

The bullies laughed, pointing at him.

"Good fuck, you got hard from us trying to steal your shoes? What kind of boner-freak are you?"

"Hehehehe, betcha that he liked it when you stepped on him, Bob. Little faggots like him always do."

The wolf backed up a step, blushing as his boner throbbed harder inside of his shorts. Don't start leaking, don't start leaking...

"I swear, I'll burn you. I'm giving you a real warning here. I scorched up the bathroom earlier before I sent the dragon away."

"Hehehe, if you'd burned the bathroom, we'd have heard of that. You're just a wimp. A boner-popping wimp."

"Nyeee, just a little pervert."

"Fuck, guys, I think he's getting more turned on."

It didn't help that they were still advancing on him, that was for damn sure. Crisp could feel his cock rubbing against the insides of his shorts with every step he took, and it was making him throb with more need. The dragon might have made him cum earlier, but that didn't mean that he didn't need to cum again.

He took another step back -


Apparently his shoes were still enchanted beyond simple 'non-removal' spells. No sooner had he taken his step than the laces shot up his legs, wrapping them up together in something harder than a cast. Crisp flailed his arms around before falling to the ground, slamming down hard enough to make him groan.

Though the laces undid themselves as he laid there, it didn't help him get away. Once again the bullies were all around him, and the bull lifted his shoe and brought it down on Crisp's groin. The wolf groaned again, his cock sandwiched between his crotch and the tread of the bull's shoe.

"Heh, I should have felt that the first time. Man, this pervert gets off on having us bully him? What sort of pathetic freak does that?"

"Nyeee, the worst. Look at that bulge. I bet if we took off his shoes, he'd be begging for them back. Just so he could keep playing with 'em."

"Hehehe, shoe lover, shoe lover."

"Fucking pervert. Look at this little boner-popping loser. He's just oozing all over the bottom of my shoe now."

I don't want to! Damn it, I don't want to be this!

They grabbed his legs again, pulling them up so that only his back was on the floor. They were pretty careful not to touch the shoes, though; they had learned that lesson. Instead, they pulled on him, forcing him to be pushed hard against the bull's shoe.

"Heh, gonna cum in your pants, you pathetic little pervert? Gonna make another mess like you did in math class?"

"Hehehehe, go on, pervert. Cum in your pants."

"Nyeee, cum on, freak. Cum, boner-boy."

Crisp covered his face, trying to look away as his cock throbbed harder and harder, begging for relief even as the bull's harsh shoe put down so much pressure. They weren't even that good a pair of shoes; he could have found better ones in his closet. But it didn't matter. They were going to force him to cum.

"Cum, freak."

"Cum, pervert."

"Fucking cum, boner boy!"

The wolf gasped, panting. He reached for his magic, reaching for that same fire as in the classroom. He could touch it, but he couldn't use it. Even as it left him feeling burning hot, he could feel the same heat of his arousal burning underneath it, and over it, submerging it and leaving it out of his reach. Crisp grunted, starting to arch his back.

"Hehehe, look at him, boys. He's almost there."

"Nyeee, betcha he's gonna make a mess."

"Heh, I'll have to get my boot washed after this."

I can't stop it! I can't do anything! I'm a -

I think that is quite enough.

The room suddenly went dark, the lights turned off on their own. The door flew open, and a blast of wind followed it, sending the bullies flying across the room and slamming against the wall.

Crisp panted as he stood up, his balls hurting like hell as he was stopped just before going over the edge, but he felt enough relief from being saved that he didn't care. He looked up at the door -

  • Just in time to see Draconicon step through. The barefoot dragon walked in, his robe swirling around him, looking like something out of a fantasy movie. He lifted his hand, forming a ball of fire over his palm, and then reached down to help Crisp to his feet. The wolf took it, noticing a few char marks along the dragon's hand. He looked up, questioningly, and the dragon chuckled.

"Your fireball was surprisingly strong. I underestimated it."

"You mean...I hurt you? I didn't mean -"

"At the time, you did. Don't worry."

The dragon looked past him, glancing at the three bullies that were still stunned.

"Now, what to do with them?"

"What do you mean, what to do? We tell -"


"...Yes, sir?"

"I don't believe you quite understand." The dragon tossed the fireball in the air, where it hung like a light-bulb. "I am your mentor. I am your magical teacher. And that means a great deal. That means that I take care of the things that you can't. That means that I take care of you in addition to your schooling. And that means that these indescribable wastes of space need to learn a lesson from me."

" aren't going to hurt them, are you?"

"Not permanently." The dragon looked down at him, smiling. "Do you want to watch?"



When they walked out of the locker room, Crisp was wearing even less than when he walked in. He wore a towel around his waist, and the dragon had been forced to conjure a small robe for him to wear as well. The wolf blushed.

"Sorry about that. I got a little...carried away."

"Everyone does at their first attempt to control their natural powers. Though I didn't expect your penis to burn a hole in your shorts."

"Hey, I was trying to make a bit of fire!"

"I suppose we're lucky that I included some fire-retardant spells in your shoes; I noticed several blasts trying to shoot through the holes in them."

Crisp looked down at his feet. It was clear that something had happened; his stockings were burned away, and some of the fur on his legs were singed as well. Those would take a little while to grow back, though he wondered if he could get the dragon to help him with that. Hopefully Draconicon knew a few growth spells in addition to all the controlling ones that he'd used so far.


Crisp looked down for a moment before meeting his teacher's eyes as they walked towards the parking lot.

"Why did you come back?"

"Your lessons weren't over."

"But I fired you."

"You didn't read the contracts properly. You can't fire me."


"You are stuck with me until you pass the final tests."

"'re joking..."

"Nope. And after saving you, I think I've earned a great deal of gratitude for tonight. And by gratitude -"

"Yes, yes, I know what you mean."

Crisp groaned. He had thought that there was going to be some difference between them. He hoped that something would change.

Then again, perhaps it had. He felt closer to Draconicon, and definitely safer. Perhaps all of his dangers were being rounded up and placed into a single person, but it was better than what he had to deal with before.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, Crisp."

A sudden burst of wind slipped between the wolf's legs, and he realized that his towel was now in the dragon's hand. A second burst took the robe away, as Draconicon floated off towards the limo with both of them in his hands.

"Speed test. How quickly can you keep up?"

"Draconicon! I'm going to kill you!" the wolf shouted, chasing after the dragon, slowed down by his heels constantly clicking together with each step.

The End

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