Foot Fetish Stream Story 10: Broken By Bandits
Captured by several bandits, what will hero Dex do to survive?
Broken by Bandits for Estands4me by Draconicon
"Hey! Wake up, you lazy sack of fur."
Dex jerked back from the loud voice and the ring of metal, only to bang the back of his head against something hard. The snow leopard groaned, instinctively trying to reach back and cradle the bruised spot, but his hands refused to move. Nor could his legs, for that matter.
"I said, wake up!"
As the clang of metal filled his ears again, the snow leopard opened his eyes. The bars of a cage before him, combined with the pair of leather clad bandits just beyond the bars, was far from heartening. Dex shook his head, trying to get past the throbbing ache in his skull.
"Who...who are you?"
"Heh, our names don't matter."
"Yeah, soon you'll just be calling us 'master' anyway."
Dex snarled at the idea. He might have been captured, but he wasn't someone that would just roll over for someone else. He wasn't afraid of a fight.
However, neither of the bandits seemed impressed as he growled at them. The black wolf and the lizard only smirked back at him, the latter poking his tail through the bars and jabbing it against the feline's belly.
"Look at him. Unarmed and naked and he still thinks he has a chance."
I always have a...wait...naked?
He wasn't able to move much in the cage - thus why he hadn't been able to move his arms and legs - but he could look around a bit. The feline looked down at his chest, and his eyes went wide as he saw his fur instead of his steel. They must have stripped him down after grabbing him off the road. Dex blushed, trying to curl his tail around his crotch to at least hide that from them, but he barely managed to get the tip of his tail over his sheath.
The bandits laughed anyway. The wolf walked around to the cage door - which was behind him, Dex realized - and poked him in the ass.
"You know, big guy, we've been looking for someone like you."
"Heh, don't be coy. You know what you look like. Fighter like you would bring in a lot of money on the slave markets, either as a bodyguard or a pet."
"I'm no one's slave."
"Not yet, maybe. But when we're done with you, you're going to be a good cock sucking kitty for the pair of us. Maybe for more, if we get the gang a bit bigger."
There was no way that the two criminals were going to turn him into a slut. Sure, they might have captured him, but the snow leopard was a fighter, and he was true to himself. He was ready for their best shot; they better be ready for his.
The door to the cage opened, and two pairs of hands grabbed him. They held him by the wrists and ankles, keeping him from kicking or squirming free. Professionals, he was reluctant to admit. They knew what they were doing. They carried him from the cage to a small indentation in the ground, like someone had dug out the earth there for some reason, and shoved him down into it, positioning him as though he were kneeling before an altar.
Of course, someone kneeling before an altar generally wouldn't have their hands cuffed and their ankles tied together. Dex pulled at them, seeing if he could slip his wrists free of the knots, but they were tied too well.
Now that he was out of the cage, he also got a better look at his two kidnappers. Trying not to blush as they ogled him, he examined the pair of them, something made much easier by the fact that they were taking off their armor already.
The apparent leader of the two was the big black wolf who'd done most of the talking so far. He was almost half a foot taller than the lizard at his side, and his fur was blacker than the darkest night Dex had ever seen. As he stripped down, the snow leopard noticed just how thick the muscles were on the guy, too; he must have had a lot of experience living out here in the woods, and having to rely on himself. And probably didn't lack for company, the feline was forced to admit as he saw the huge lump behind the wolf's loincloth.
The other bandit was less impressive, at least in Dex's eyes. Red scaled save for the yellow running along his belly, the lizard looked like the sort who would sneak up on a drunk and stab him in the back just for a few coins. At least the big wolf had some sort of rakish charm, but this guy? Not in the least. The look in his eyes when the lizard glanced at him wasn't a pleasant one either; it was full of hunger, and one that Dex didn't want to feed.
Most of their armor hit the ground by the time he'd taken in how they looked, but they still wore their loincloths and their boots. Dex wasn't quite sure why, at least in the case of the boots; it seemed it would have been easier to take the armor off by removing those first, but for some reason, they'd left them on.
The bandits circled him, the wolf chuckling under his breath. Their slow pace around him gradually stirred the air, making him smell the stink of their crotches. Even past the loincloths, he could smell just how rank they were. They couldn't have bathed in at least a few days, and he swore that they must have been doing something much...filthier...than robbing people if they were smelling that musky.
"Heh, I see you're smelling it already, kitty."
"Smelling what? Your foulness?"
"Heh, the smell of your masters. Don't worry. Soon, you'll smell just like us, and everybody will know who you belong to."
"You'll never break me as a slave. I am a warrior."
"A piss poor warrior, letting us capture you."
Dex whipped his head around to the lizard, but the bandit only laughed. His scaly tail whipped around, smacking the feline on the ass, and Dex had to bite his lips to avoid snapping back at the bandit.
Suddenly they stopped circling him. For a second, Dex thought that they were going to punish him for his confidence, but instead, the wolf reached down for his boots.
"Heh, starting with that, huh, Shade?"
"The kitten's pretty cocky. I want to show him just how low he is, compared to us."
"Mind if I start his shower in a bit?"
"Be my guest, Skrill. But if you get anything on me, I'll rip your cock off."
The threat was said with such quiet confidence that even the snow leopard shivered, and it wasn't even directed at him. Something about the wolf told him that the threat wasn't an idle one, either. This was something that the wolf would do if he was splashed, even though it involved his partner.
Skrill - the lizard - seemed to know that too. He ducked out of sight, behind the snow leopard, as the wolf finished taking his shoes off. Shade's toes looked positively drenched in sweat, the fur around them hanging limp and slick, while the underside positively shone in the light of the nearby fire, reflecting it off of the damp soles.
"So, you think that you're strong, kitty? You think that you won't break?"
Dex knew what was about to happen a second before it occurred. He shook his head, trying to lean back, but the wolf's feet pressed against his face before he could pull away. The sweat drenched his fur immediately, flattening it against his cheeks and leaving him soaked to the skin.
"Let's see how long you can last against my smell."
The musk coming off of the smelly pair of feet was amazingly powerful. The sheer stench had his head swimming in seconds, and the wolf's feet were too strong for him to pull away from. They pushed against the sides of his head, pinning it in place as the wolf rubbed his cheeks, stroking his face with toes and soles, using him almost like one might use a doormat.
But it was the smell that overwhelmed him more than the humiliation. It was like having his nose stuffed inside of a bottle where someone had wrung out a dozen sweat-cloths and three dozen loincloths, utterly reeking of masculine bodies. He groaned, clenching his eyes shut as he tried to marshal his thoughts, tried to think clearly through the musk that was forced down his nose, but it was so hard, so very, very hard.
It didn't help when he felt something warm splashing along his back. His fur flattened out over his spine as the hot liquid ran over him, and a new scent slipped through the rank foot odor that filled his nose. The smell of piss. you can' serious...
"I know you feel that, kitty. That's Skrill, showing you just how low you are. You are nothing more than a slave, someone barely fit to lick our feet, and maybe allowed to lick other places when we can't find a good whore for us. Do you understand now, kitty? Do you understand where your place is?"
The wolf shoved a toe into Dex's mouth before he could answer, and the powerful taste of sweat washed over his tongue. It overwhelmed even the smell of piss and sweat coming into his nose, and Dex's eyes rolled back in his head. The foulness and the depravity of the bandits was something that would be condemned anywhere civilized, and it was too strong for his mind to resist.
The piss stream reached the back of his head, running down his neck and over his chest. Shade - master wolf - adjusted his feet to avoid getting splashed, and even added a second toe to the feline's mouth. Dex groaned, his hands squeezing into fists as he tried to hold onto something, anything besides the mind-numbing scents and tastes that filled his senses.
"Let it go, kitten. You're ours, and there's no escape."
No...have to fight...have to...
Have to...what? It was so hard to think. It almost hurt to think, particularly as he felt his body get pulled, positioned differently. He was almost looking at the ground now, his head pointed at it, his face nearly against the ground, only cushioned by the sweaty, dripping feet below him. What was...he didn't understand. What was going -
He shrieked in his head as something pushed in under his tail, still moist with piss, and started thrusting in and out of him. Each thrust pushed more of his thoughts away, forcing him further down on the sweaty toes presented to him.
And with that, he snapped. Dex felt himself fading away, his tongue slowly pushing out and lapping at the toes presented to him, slowly sucking away the sweat that lay on them, rather than merely tasting it as they slid along his tongue. He barely even blushed as Shade chuckled from above.
"I knew you would break quickly. Prideful ones like you always do when they realize what they're losing. What they've already lost."
"Hey, gonna start fucking him? He's got a good ass."
"In a bit. I want to see if he can actually get my feet clean. Been weeks since someone did it right."
Weeks... was the last fading, whimpering thought that the snow leopard had as he lowered his head to the sole proper, licking at the sweat drops that lay there. After it faded away, there were no more thoughts for him. After all, thoughts were for free men, not slaves.
The End