Foot Fetish Stream Story 7: Beware Bothered Bears

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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The first story of the foot fetish stream involved a bear and a german shepard, with the latter quickly finding himself under the former's feet.

Beware Bothered Bears for SamT by Draconicon

The bear roars echoing through the cave had Max running as fast as he could. Considering that he was a German Shepard and had his species' natural stamina and footwork, that was pretty fast, but he pushed himself to run even faster. The sound of the bear barreling down the tunnel behind him was more than enough encouragement to not rely on his own natural speed.

"I just wanted some food! It's not my fault!"

"You don't come into my territory and start taking things! No excuses!"

He heard a crash behind him and ducked his head as quickly as he could. He was just in time, as well, as a rock went flying through the air just where his head had been. It crashed into the wall, crumbling into dust as he continued running by.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, he's pissed, the canine thought as he rounded a corner. Should have just gone to the store rather than raiding his fridge.

Bruce normally wasn't a bad guy, but normally he was the visitor, not the host. Max had never understood why that was, and just thought he'd pay the big guy a visit and borrow a few things. He never thought it'd end up in a massive chase.

Jumping over a stalagmite and nearly braining himself on a stalactite he didn't see, the German Shepard kept running as fast as he could. The light of the cave exit wasn't much further away now; he just needed to stay ahead for a bit longer. If he could get to the trees outside the cave, he'd be safe.

Using another stalagmite to whip himself around a corner, Max got a look at the bear chasing him. Bruce was over nine feet tall, and he was a heavy-set guy, weighing in at well over five hundred pounds. Considering that he was barely five feet tall, and very skinny for his size, the bear could snap him like a toothpick.

He turned around -


Max's feet kept moving forward even as his head stopped, having slammed into another stalactite that he hadn't seen. He went spinning through the air, hitting the ground a few seconds later and rolling to a halt right at the entrance to Bruce's cave.

He must have been knocked out cold, because when he woke up, the big brown bear was standing above him, hands on his hips and looking pissed.

"Uh...Hey Bru- Owwwwwwww."

Just talking hurt. He must have hit his face harder than he thought. As he rubbed his forehead and nose, the brown bear lifted a foot and brought it down hard on the dog's chest. The impact, combined with the sheer weight of the massive bear, left him feeling like he'd been punched in the chest with a wrecking ball.


He gasped, sucking for air but it was fruitless. One big bear foot was joined by the other, and as the five hundred plus pound bear stood on his chest, Max's lungs just weren't strong enough to inflate under that much pressure.


"I told you, you ain't stealing from me. Now I gotta teach you a lesson."


"Shut it, Max. Besides, you ain't never complained about having my feet in your face before."

That's because I've never had your full weight on me before! The dog groaned, barely getting enough air to stay conscious as the big bear feet slid along his chest. The two of them were wide enough that the outer edges of each foot spilled down his sides, while the arches pressed down into his chest. The heels rested more or less on his collarbone, while the toes reached down to just past his belly button.

In short, they were massive, and they felt like a big, flat, heavy blanket as they rested on his chest.

The German Shepard gasped and groaned, his bones creaking beneath the bear's left foot as the right lifted off of his chest. It felt like his ribs were being compressed, one side forced flatter around his lung while the other was allowed some room to expand. He whimpered, squirming futilely under the great weight that kept him pinned down.

He'd barely moved before the foot came down again, the flat bear pad landing on his crotch and upper legs. Max growled past clenched teeth at the sheer pressure that hit him there, the bear's weight feeling like it was crushing his legs together. Even his balls felt it, trapped between his thighs as they were pushed together by the pressure coming down from above.

Worst of all, his body was pressed down against the stone floor of the cave. The earth would have been bad enough, but having rock at his back and the hundreds of pounds of bear above him made Bruce's weight all the harder to bear. His spine felt like it was being compressed in a vise, crushed between the inexorable force and the immovable object. He couldn't even try and squirm out of the way; any movement only made the weight that much harder to bear, that much harder to deal with.

He gasped as Bruce shifted his weight, the heel grinding and turning into his chest. It had so much pressure behind it that it twisted the skin with it, leaving him hissing from the friction heat before the bear brought his foot down a bit further down.

With both feet crushing his pelvis, Max swore that he would not be getting out of this without some sort of bone injury. He felt like he was being flattened bit by bit, his entire body throbbing in agony from the bear's deliberate application of weight, even as the bear shifted his weight from one foot to the other, spreading it from one side of Max's body to the other with each small movement.

Yet, despite it all, Max could feel some sort of...strange excitement. Every time that the bear lifted his foot up, every time that the Shepard got a good look at the underside of those feet, he felt a small throb of excitement through his groin. The canine groaned, smacking his head against the rocky floor behind him in exasperation.

Damn foot fetish...please don't be mad, please don't be mad, please don't be mad. The last thing he needed was for the bear to actually see him getting all hard and excited from this. If he did, then this could get a whole lot worse in very short order.

The bear turned, and Max looked up, worried that he'd been caught out in his excitement. Instead, he just saw the same angry face that he'd seen ever since he'd gotten caught, no more and no less angry than earlier.

"You feeling sorry yet, Max?"

"Yes! Yes, I'm really sorry. Just let me go, and I'll -"

"I ain't letting you go nowhere. You're still learning your lesson, and you ain't leaving until I know you've learned it."

The bear's feet moved again, and Max coughed as they settled back on his chest. He swore that his ribs were collapsing as they came down, and it was only through a great mercy that the bear wasn't stomping down on him. That would have collapsed his ribs in short order, he knew; he'd seen Bruce do just that to someone that had tried to mug them years back. To have it done now...ugh, he'd be little more than a red stain left on the stone if that happened, and the bear would be picking his ribs out from between his toes.

Even so, the pressure from the bear's weight was bad enough. Max couldn't breathe, his air coming in strangled half-gasps that he managed to sneak in whenever the bear shifted his weight slightly. Max groaned under his breath, what little he had, his fingers clawing at the stone beneath him for some sort of purchase. Nothing he did could pull him free, though, even if he got purchase on the rock. It was an exercise in futility, instinct to survive trying to assert itself as he was crushed.

Bruce's toes rubbed against his chin, the warm scent coming off of them scant comfort when he could barely breathe it in. Max looked up just as Bruce pushed down, the last of the air leaving his lungs.

"Feel that, boy? Feel how you can't breathe?"

Yesssss, he thought, unable to speak.

"I could just hold my foot right here. Let you just feel all that air wheeze on out, never to come back. You're just a little pain in my ass right now. Not even a bug underfoot. All I gotta do is hold it here, and you'd never come back."

And he really wouldn't. He could feel his lungs withering already, his body trembling as his air was completely removed. There was nothing left for him to suck down, nothing left to fuel his body. Even as he tried to breathe, the weight on his chest and along his ribs kept anything from getting in. All he could do was lay there.

"Look at you. Already losing it. Just a few more seconds, and you'd be gone."


His eyes were rolling back in his head when the foot finally shifted position. Max barely got any air with that breath that came after, but it was enough to wake him up. He coughed, but his mouth was soon silenced, one big foot pressed against the end of his muzzle. The weight was already intense, heavy enough that he felt like his muzzle was starting to bend the wrong way, and he knew that Bruce wasn't even putting his full weight down with it.

"Now, you're gonna start licking this foot of mine, and you ain't gonna stop. I feel that tongue stop licking, then I'm gonna start pushing harder. I don't think you want that. Do you, boy?"


"Then get licking. Do good, and I'll let you go without having to lick the other one."

He had to squelch the idea of wanting to lick the other one, even though it was a tempting thought. His cock was harder at the thought of it, at least. Max blushed, sticking out his tongue and dragging it along the big, black underside of the bear's foot. The long, continuous pad was easy to lick, smooth, if a bit sweaty, and he licked it as fast as he could, wanting to make sure that Bruce never had the need to push down harder.

Of course, even going at his best, he could feel the weight of that foot pressing down on him. As his tongue was coated with the salty taste of the bear's sweat and the warm, if bland taste of another's flesh, he was all too aware of the weight on his nose and muzzle.

It was heavy and painful, and each time that he had the slightest hesitation between licks, each time that he had even a millisecond more between licks than he'd had before, he felt the pressure on his nose increase. It felt like it was going to get pushed back into his skull, his jaws aching as much as his face as the bear pushed down harder and harder, bit by bit, adding more and more pounds to the fiery aches burning throughout the canine's face.

All he could do was lick, and lick he did. Lick from the heel to the toes. Lick from side to side. Lick all over that black, wet, huge, looming foot that dominated his vision. He had to lick, and lick, and lick, sucking down sweat and sucking down the musky taste of the bear's foot.

Suddenly, there was no more to lick. The foot was pulled back. Max gasped, and then yelped as Bruce's foot came down on his cock.

"You fucking slut. You DO like this."

"Bruce, I, I can explain. I -"

"No. You'll lick, boy. You'll lick my other foot clean, and don't you dare cum."

As that other foot pressed down on his face, bringing back the aches, Max groaned. The scary thing was, he might just cum at this rate. He was already close, and if he did...Well, he didn't think Bruce would be so nice anymore.

The End

Foot Fetish Stream Story 8: Summer's Heat in Summerset

**Summer's Heat in Summerset for Mishanti and Dexter by Draconicon** Though the magical lights of the Altmer shone throughout the Isles, there was always a point where night would no longer be denied. With the air hot and still, and the lights...

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Mind Control Stream Story 14: Enjoying the Party

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Mind Control Stream Story 13: Cat Gone Clubbing

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