Foot Fetish Story Stream 11: Hot Salt Springs

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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The last story of the stream, bought by Necross, shows just what a demon is capable of when he's gotten the word of a dragon to follow his orders after losing a bet.

Hot Salt Springs for Necross by Draconicon

It was difficult to know what to expect as Draconicon entered the Hot Salt Springs beneath Mt. Sost. The steam billowing down the entry tunnel was something he barely felt - though admittedly, as a dragon, he'd be hard pressed to feel most heat below forge fires - but he sweated anyway as he walked down the rocky hallway. The rock was smooth under his feet, and burned with the heat of the volcano that the establishment was built into.

After rounding several bends in the tunnel, he found the demon gatekeeper. The gray and red skinned behemoth stood several feet taller than his own admittedly sizeable height, and wore nothing but a loincloth over his bulging body. The dragon paused as the demon looked down at him.


"Draconicon. I was invited here by Greydrone."

"Hmm hmm. Yes, that one." The demon smiled, perhaps a bit too knowingly for the dragon's tastes. "He'll be in the back room, at the very end of the hall."

"Thank you."

The demon stepped aside from the flap covering the hallway, more steam pouring out from around it making it look like the entrance to another realm. From what the dragon had heard of the reputation of this place, it might as well be.

He took several quick steps towards the hall before the demon grabbed him by the arm. The dragon turned his head, glancing up at the smirking hellspawn.

"You don't need to hurry. Master Greydrone's here all day. If you feel the need to stop at some of the other rooms, don't think you have to be at his side right away."

"What are you implying?"

"Just that you don't need to hurry on if you see something - or somebody - that catches your eye. There's a lot of demons that enjoy dragons, if you get my drift."

Draconicon suppressed a flinch as the big gray and red demon slapped a hand against his ass, shaking his head as he pushed past the flap into the hallway. A blast of fresh steam shot out as soon as he stepped inside, making his robes billow around him and half-drenching them as the steam rapidly cooled against the enchanted cloth. The black dragon shook his head, running one hand down his robes to pull the water from the cloth and leave it in a small puddle. It would evaporate and form more steam soon enough.

To his surprise, the establishment was little more than a very long hallway, split into a number of...well, they weren't private rooms, as every doorway was left open. Several had the option of curtains, but none of them had doors. And from what he could hear, the splashes and moans coming from the various rooms didn't sound like anyone was actually relaxing and using the springs for actual relaxation.

Despite his serious demeanor, the dragon couldn't resist looking through a few of the open doors as he made his way down the hall. He walked past the first one without any real worries, but after that, the sounds and the scents rising above the hot steam started to get to him.

Though the Hot Salt Springs were demon owned, the place had a number of clients that came in. A couple of other dragons could be seen in a few rooms, including a couple of other graduates from the Academia Arcanum that he remembered. Though he didn't remember seeing the dragons being so eager to be...well, that.

He blushed as he walked past the demons rimming his former classmates, hurrying on through the hallway and adjusting his robes to keep his reaction from being seen. Draconicon didn't need to be seen by them, not here of all places.

Passing by a couple of other rooms before he got his composure back, the black dragon risked looking into another chamber. Filled with steam, it was so dark that he could barely see anything but silhouettes, but what they were doing was clear enough. The dragon lingered at the door as a large shadow - perhaps a big wolf, or a shark - was pinned to the edge of a hot tub by a fox's foot, one keeping pressure on the big guy's chest while the other was definitely rubbing at something further down.

The fox - and it was most definitely a fox, with those ears and that tail - seemed to know someone was watching. The head turned towards Draconicon, and the figure lifted a hand, curling a finger in invitation. Despite his erection at the sight, the dragon shook his head, hurrying down the hall with a blush.

They were far from the worst. Each room had a demon of some form in it, either as an attendant or as a client, and they always were engaged in some sex act or another. The dragon saw cocks aplenty, from the red and black shafts of powerful demons to the animal shafts of anthro-kind. He even saw a few humans here and there, which was surprising. They must have had some sort of deal with the demons here, or already given up something pretty valuable to be in attendance; the powers that ruled this place did not allow for free or easy entry.

Eventually he reached the end of the hallway - after lingering around a doorway where a red-skinned demon had a mongoose riding his cock - and found that this was the one chamber with a door on it. He hadn't realized it from the other end of the hallway, mostly due to the amount of steam in the air, but this was probably the only private place in the entire establishment.

He hesitated at the door, his hand held over it.

I just know this is going to get embarrassing, he thought. Greydrone still hadn't named the terms to the bet he'd won, only told the dragon to come here and pay up. Considering everything that Draconicon had seen so far, he knew that it wasn't going to be easy paying off the demon.

Just as he was about to knock, he heard a splash from the other side.

"Come in, Draconicon. I know you're out there."

Yeah, of course you do. Just like you - oh for fuck's sake!

The dragon blushed as he opened the door, turning his head away from the sight before him. Greydrone, a powerful, six armed demon, was reclining in a tub. His dark grey skin looked wet and slightly oiled up, shimmering beneath the torches hanging on the walls, and from the red tattoos that ran along the grey flesh.

However, it wasn't so much the pose of the demon as the fact that he wasn't entirely in the tub. His crotch was pressed out of the water, revealing a most abnormal looking canine sheath that didn't belong on someone looking so human, as well as quite a bit of cock for someone that was supposed to be relaxing in a spa. More than that, his feet were still hanging over the edge of the tub, and considering the droplets of sweat coming off of them, and the slight waves of musk that he could already smell, Draconicon was getting a pretty good idea of why the demon had decided that they'd meet here.

"Alright, I'm here, I'm here."

"Finally. I was starting to think that you might have stayed home with your toys again. Aren't you getting tired of staying in that lonesome cave, hiding in the dark as you bounce on those pitiful shafts you collect?"

"I didn't come here to talk about that."

"Considering that's how you lost your bet, I'm not surprised. Not even able to take that horse cock I gave you. Tsk tsk, and you call yourself trained."

The dragon's cheeks burned at the demon's teasing, and he shook his head to try and keep focused. He couldn't let Greydrone push too many of his buttons; the last time that happened, he'd ended up 'borrowed' in Hell for a week.

"Yes, yes, you won that bet. So what the hell do you want for winning?"

"Why don't you come in and close the door before I answer? You don't want the other people out there hearing, do you?"

No, no he didn't. Just being here would need enough of an explanation without having to deal with all the other headaches he had coming. The dragon stepped inside, shutting the door behind him. Almost immediately, the steamy room seemed to get hotter, actually getting him to sweat beneath his robe. He kept it on, though; no need to encourage the demon any further than he already had.

"Alright, I'm in. Now what do you want?"

"Pretty simple, Draconicon. And I'm pretty sure it's something you've wanted to do for a while."

"I doubt it."

"Oh? You mean that you've never thought of leaning in and licking my sweaty, musky feet?"

The dragon's eyes widened, even as they were dragged back to the demon's feet. The sweat droplets running down the soles tempted him more than he wanted to admit, and the fact that he might very well be forced into it only made it worse.

"So that's your angle. Making me submit here."

"Come on. You'd be doing it anyway if you just pulled your head out of your scaly ass and admitted you liked it."

"Yeah right."

Nevertheless, it had been a bet, and the dragon had to honor it. Draconicon walked over to the far end of the tub, leaning forward and taking a small sniff. The salty, powerful, heady musk of the demon made him shiver, and he had to really work to convince himself that it was from disgust and not a deep, perverted need.

"Go on, Draconicon. Give them a good licking. Just be a good dragon and follow orders for once."

"Like a dragon...would ever follow orders from a demon."

Strange. Already it was so hard to think, just after one sniff. Still, he had to fulfill the order of the bet. He leaned forward, his cheeks slightly red as he pushed out his tongue, dragging the slender length up the soft soles of the demon.

Immediately his tongue was on fire from the saltiness of the demon's sweat, but more than that, he tasted the demon's musk. It was overwhelmingly powerful, leaving him gasping at the first taste, and his cock throbbing shamefully as well.

"Mmm, that's it, dragon. Keep licking that up. Did you know that demon sweat is an aphrodisiac? No? Well, it doesn't matter that much. Go on, keep licking it up like the good dragon you are."

Despite himself, the dragon couldn't stop licking. Even knowing what he was getting into, it was like his body wasn't quite in control of itself anymore, as his tongue continued gliding up and down the demon's soles. Each lick brought another mouthful of sweat and musk into his snout, and he groaned as his cock started pushing past his robes.

He moved to the other foot as Greydrone shifted position, blushing worse and worse as he saw the demon's cock rise, and felt more of the sweat fill his mouth.

"Such a good dragon. You know, I've known what you wanted ever since we first met. I'd like to say that it was because I'm part incubus, but we both know how obvious your slutty nature is. The fact that anyone misses it is surprising, wouldn't you say?"

He blushed even worse, even as he dragged his tongue between the demon's toes, sucking away the musk and the sweat left there. Still, the demon was...right, in a way. He had been wanting this, needing this. The need to serve was there with almost any male, and the thought of being so obvious...well, it both embarrassed and enticed him.

The dragon was sucking on Greydrone's big toe for a second time when he was pushed back. He looked up, confused.

"That's enough toe-sucking, dragon. I have something else for you to enjoy. Get in the tub, and start sucking this."

As Greydrone pointed to his cock, the dragon nodded, dumbly getting into the tub and leaning down, mouth wide open...

The End

Foot Fetish Stream Story 10: Broken By Bandits

Broken by Bandits for Estands4me by Draconicon _CLANG!_ "Hey! Wake up, you lazy sack of fur." Dex jerked back from the loud voice and the ring of metal, only to bang the back of his head against something hard. The snow leopard groaned,...

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Foot Fetish Stream Story 9: Fine Feet vs Hard Hooves

Fine Feet vs Hard Hooves for Falin by Draconicon _CLANG! CLACK! WHOOSH!_ Falindid went flying backwards from the latest clash of weapons and arms, his dagger chipped along the edge, and several hairs falling from his tail as he avoided the...

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Foot Fetish Stream Story 8: Summer's Heat in Summerset

**Summer's Heat in Summerset for Mishanti and Dexter by Draconicon** Though the magical lights of the Altmer shone throughout the Isles, there was always a point where night would no longer be denied. With the air hot and still, and the lights...

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