Stephan's Steps

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Well, I know there are some of you that have been missing longer stories, so here's one for you right now. Stephan's Steps, a story of a wolf who loves his body being controlled - though he won't admit it - being taken in by Draconicon as a little toy.

Stephan's Steps for Txeptirea by Draconicon

Maybe he shouldn't have been thinking about all the couples holding hands on the way home from school. Or maybe he should have stayed on the opposite side of the road. Or maybe he should have been taking the bus, like everyone else did. Maybe he should have let his mother pick him up from school. Whatever else he might have done, it probably would have saved him from walking towards the creep's house.

Stephan groaned as he grabbed at his legs, his backpack almost forgotten as he kept marching steadily towards the little square house at the end of the block. The wolf knew he looked ridiculous, but it wasn't his fault. His legs walked on their own, no matter his attempts to turn them or move in a different direction. It was all he could do to grab at them and tug on them. Even the occasional pause in a step was a victory, considering how hard it was to achieve, but it was a short lived one, as his legs powered on.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

Stephan whimpered as he tugged on one leg, then the other. He'd given up on trying with the thighs. They were too strong, probably from all the track practice that he'd been getting, and they just pulled free of his hands every time. Instead, he bent down and grabbed at his ankle. It almost knocked him off his feet every time, but it was the only thing that seemed to slow him down.

The wolf looked up from his feet, glancing at the house. It was getting closer and closer. The end of the block was only a few houses down now, rather than the full block it had been when he'd lost control of himself. It wouldn't be much longer now.


He finally pulled one foot off of the ground and kept it aloft. The other leg suddenly froze, as if it realized that it couldn't keep walking without his other foot on the ground. Stephan grinned.

"HA! Got ya!"

That was the thing with any sort of weird magic or psionics or whatever the hell people called it. Even though it was powerful, it always had limitations, and you could always find some way to fight back. Even those weird voodoo dolls that some of the desperate people in high school used could be defended against, at least if you knew what you were doing and who held the doll.

Of course, it helped to know what had happened in the first place. He still didn't know what had caused his legs to start walking on their own. Hell, he barely knew who was doing this to him in the first place.

Stephan glared at the house ahead of him. The sight of it was as unwelcome as the knowledge of the person living within it. Though the dragon dwelling there had never been actively unpleasant to anyone in the neighborhood, the wolf could remember far too many times that he'd seen the dragon staring out a window, or leaning against the fence and looking out at him. Being stared at wasn't as flattering as most people thought.

It didn't help that he knew the guy had some sort of magic. The various magical symbols hanging from the windows and the rooftop were proof enough of that, warding off who knew how many different presences from his life. Only someone that practiced a lot of magic kept that many defenses up.

"Well, whatever you did, you're not getting me this time, dragon. I'm going home. So why don't you let me go, and I'll get out of here?"

He thought he saw a figure in the window for a moment before the magical grip suddenly relaxed. Still a bit mistrustful, Stephan slowly lowered his leg to the ground. He half expected his legs to start moving again on their own, but to his relief, they didn't.

"Right, well, that's fair enough. We'll call it even. See you...creep."

He turned -


  • but his arm didn't turn with him, having gripped the fences along the sidewalk. Stephan glared as his other arm joined the first, gripping the top of the posts.

"You've got to be kidding me..."

His hands pulled him along, dragging him forward with muscles that he didn't know he had. The wolf glared and growled at his hands, even sinking his heels into the sidewalk, but unlike with his legs, there was no way of stopping his hands. They just kept moving, and he had nothing to grab them with to stop them in the middle of a motion.

In fairly short order, he was pulled in front of the dragon's house. His hands even politely shut the gate behind him, when Stephan wanted to do nothing more than slam it shut.

Jerk...But what the heck does he want?

The control reasserted itself over his shoes. The ratty, half torn up pair of black and white tennis shoes pulled him forward, across the short lawn and onto the porch. His hands, still controlled, lifted of their own volition and knocked on the door.

"Yes? Is someone there?"

"You know there is, creep. Let's get this over with."

"Oh, now who could that be? Could it be the bad tempered, shoe loving wolf from across the street?"

"You're thinking of the other guy. I'm Stephan."

"Stephan...Stephan! Oh, right, right. Sorry. I had you confused for someone else for a moment. One second."

Grumbling under his breath, Stephan tried and failed to cross his arms over his chest. All he could do was get a little twitch of his arm muscles, and it left him more annoyed than usual. It wasn't the first time that his body had been under the control of another, but the last time had been in Jr. High, when he was being told the basics of magical protection.

Soon enough, the door opened. The familiar white-eyed black dragon stood there, wearing a bath-robe and little else. He cocked his head to the side.

"No, you're the one I was thinking of. I guess there's two shoe loving wolves in the neighborhood, then; I'll have to check on him later."

"I don't know what the hell you mean by shoe loving, but can you let me go? I don't know why you bothered pulling me over here. I'm just going to -"


The dragon pushed a finger to his lips, and it was all Stephan could do to not bite it.

"You're going to come inside and do what I say. Don't worry, it'll be fun, but I don't think you'd come over here willingly. Come on."

His host stepped to the side, and Stephan felt his body follow the order. Now that he was more resigned to it, he could see a soft blue glow surround his hands and his shoes when they were moving on the dragon's orders. It wasn't much, hardly visible at all, but it was most definitely there.

The dragon guided him through a living room filled with all sorts of magical runes and writings - most of which were so far advanced that he couldn't understand - and down a narrow hallway. They passed a closed bathroom and finally reached the dragon's bedroom. As soon as they entered it, Stephan wrinkled his nose.

"Man, you could at least clean this place up a little bit. Good god, what do you do all day? Jerk off?"

"It's dragon musk, Stephan. It's not like it's a weak smell, after all. I'm sure you've smelled it in the locker room whenever your dragon classmates get undressed."

How the hell do you know so much about me? The wolf stared at the dragon as his host sat down at the edge of the bed, feeling a little more nervous. And what were you watching me for so long for?


The dragon's spoken word and a small hand gesture suddenly reduced the pressure on the wolf's feet and hands. He realized that he was free, but he didn't try running. Not yet, at least. It wouldn't be a very good idea, and he was pretty sure that the dragon would be able to stop him if he did.

Instead, he leaned against the doorframe, even as the dragon leaned back on the bed. The wolf kept his eyes upwards rather than glance down, worried about just how loose the dragon's robe looked to be.

"Look, dragon -"


"Whatever your name is. You obviously have been watching me for a while. Why? What the heck do I have that you want?"

"Oh, not so much what you have so much as what you are."

"Uh huh. Really. And what am I?"

"Sexy, mostly."


"Sexy." The dragon shrugged. "I saw you earlier this year, and I figured, hey, he looks cute. Let's make sure he's legal and have some fun."

"You - but - I...WHAT?!"

Stephan's jaw hung down as Draconicon chuckled. This couldn't be happening. He'd read stories about people just being approached for sex like this, but he never thought it actually happened. Even if the dragon had been...well, he wasn't bad looking, but he was definitely older than Stephan was. And he was kidnapped...nicely, yes, but -

"You can't be serious. You seriously can't be serious!"

"Oh, but I am. And you know what? I'm pretty sure that you're going to have just as good a time as I am."

Nuh-uh, nope, not happening, no way. As the dragon opened his robe, Stephan turned on his heel and ran. He wasn't going to be a dragon's sex toy.

He made it about halfway to the living room before his feet suddenly glued themselves to the floor. Or rather, his shoes did. The wolf's socked feet slid right out of them, and he slid down the wooden floors to the end of the hall. Stephan's grip on the wood failed him, however, as he tried to make a turn, and instead stumbled into a huge stack of books. He hit them and fell, half buried in books in the course of three seconds.

He'd just managed to get some of them off when his shirt was yanked hard by a magical hand. Stephan was flipped onto his stomach, and suddenly dragged along the floor that way. His torn up shoes parted like a set of doors as he went by them, and he found himself nose to toe with the dragon again in short order. Glaring up at the dragon, he found himself instead staring at a rather thick, scaly cock hanging down between Draconicon's legs.

"Oh, that's...that's..."

"What? Sexy? Big? Tasty-looking?"

"I was gonna say nasty."

Those too, though, he thought even as he blushed. Though his neighbor was definitely a bit of a creep, he had a cock that looked like something out of the size queen pornos that he looked up online.

He got pulled into the air, this time both by his shirt and his arms. It felt almost like someone was holding him up by his armpits, and the wolf grumbled as he squirmed. There was no getting free from the magical restraints, he already knew that, but it was the principle of the thing. He didn't want the dragon to think that he liked this sort of thing.

With the wolf's head almost brushing the ceiling, Draconicon stood up and waggled his finger back and forth.

"Now now, don't start insulting what you'll be sucking later. I haven't seen you have any boyfriends yet, but trust me, you'll want some experience when you get one. A good blowjob helps you get a lot further into their heart than anything you might get by saving yourself. Chastity; when did it ever help anyone?"

The dragon's ramblings made little sense, particularly as his magic started grabbing hold of Stephan's pants. The wolf blushed as they were suddenly yanked off, hands free. He hoped that they weren't damaged, but he had barely thought about that before his shirt was literally ripped off of his chest. It fell down to the ground in two halves, the back somewhat sweat stained from his walk here.

"Hey! I liked that shirt."

"You shouldn't have run, then."

The same magic removed his backpack, putting it down on the ground near the door. Rather weirdly, the dragon leaned in almost reverently to the wolf's socks before pulling them off, and Stephan swore that he felt a breath of air over his feet before Draconicon pulled back. Nor did he see the dragon throw the socks away.

"So, what are you going to make me do?"

"Well, after a bit, you're going to suck me, like I said. But first, I think I deserve a little show for all the trouble you put me through. Resisting and all that; it's really never a good idea."

"What do you mean, a sho-oooooow?!"

Stephan's voice rose several octaves as the blue glow surrounded his underwear bulge. It seemed to grab hold of his sheath and the cock inside, and started pulling it out. He gasped as his cock was forcefully pulled free of its sheath, his bulge growing almost immediately as it was let free.

"Mmmm, you got a nice bit of cock there. Not enough to tempt me to switch around, but certainly enough to please someone later."

"What are -"

"Tut. No talking."

Stephan's jaws clicked together with another gesture from the dragon, preventing him from saying anything but grunts, whimpers and moans. And he was doing a lot of moaning; he could see his cock dancing around beneath his underwear, his bulge moving from one spot to another under the control of the dragon's magic. Bit by bit, it seemed to grow, until he had a full hard-on in his underwear.

It wasn't until he saw it start to stain that he got really embarrassed. The wolf blushed, even as the dragon chuckled, stroking his cock at the show.

"Now look at that. It seems that someone's got a fetish for being controlled by someone else." evil...evil dragon...

His cock throbbed harder and harder, until the dragon finally pushed it out through the y-front in his underwear. Stephan blushed as his cock was forced out in the open, the tip wet with pre already and dripping with more. It was all the more humiliating that it was just his cock out, not his balls, and that he hadn't had his underwear pulled down. He didn't know why, but it felt worse.

He tried to reach down and cover his cock, but Draconicon was too good. Somehow, the dragon managed to catch the wolf's hands with his magic, freezing them in place only a few inches away from his throbbing cock.

"What do you think you're doing? You're putting on a show, remember?"

Damn it, what are you doing to me now?

"If you're going to put your hands down there, you're going to use them to show off, not hide things. So let's put them to use."

He blushed as his hands were suffused with the bright blue glow that was around his cock, and they suddenly moved without his control. They grabbed hold of his shaft - well, one did, while the other went behind his head - and started stroking hard and fast. Stephan moaned through his forced closed lips, panting as he arched his back in the dragon's magical grip.

"Heh, you like that, pup? You like it when someone watches you jerk off? Or do you like someone else making you jerk off?"

Stephan whimpered as he felt his cock throb harder and harder, shaking his head from side to side to try and deny what the dragon was saying. He wasn't some sort of pervert, or a toy that the dragon could use. He didn't like this that much. He didn't -

"Or maybe you just like being someone's doll? Maybe that's why you've made it so easy to be controlled. You like to be a doll, posed and played with exactly the way that someone wants. Heh, such a silly pup. And so hard and horny."

That last part was true enough. Stephan could never remember his cock being harder, or leaking this much. It was pulsing beneath his hand, and his fingers were utterly soaked with his pre. It was so hard to think about anything but the feeling of his cock, and the way that his hands stroked up and down it without any help from him. Even when he bunched his muscles to try and stop it, the dragon's magic just kept him going.

It didn't help that Draconicon eyed him like he'd seen people look at strippers on TV shows. He was nothing but a piece of meat, a plaything to the dragon...

And a part of him loved it.

He whimpered as his hips bucked without his control, without his consent, but it was undeniably good. His cock throbbed in need of release, and he looked down at the dragon with a groaning, begging look.

"Does the pup want to cum? Huh? Does the little puppet pup want to cum?"

Stephan nodded. Just to get you to stop. I swear, just to get you to stop, make me cum!

"Fine. Cum for me, pup."

The dragon's gesture sped up Stephan's hand, and in short order, the wolf was cumming hard. His howl of climax was muffled by his clenched jaws, but it was still audible. He panted as he spurted his load onto the floor, cumming what felt like buckets as his cock throbbed and pulsed with orgasm. His balls felt like they were being emptied, and with the dragon's magic, they might well have been.

One moment he was in the air, and the next he was kneeling in his own cum. He barely knew that they'd been a transition, save for the warmth against his legs. Stephan opened his eyes again, and saw the dragon's cock barely a few inches in front of his nose. His first breath through his nose made it sting with the sheer strength of the dragon's musk, but his cock bounced at the same time, something he never thought would actually happen from smelling another male down there.

"I think it's time that you gave me what you came here for, pup. Am I going to have to control you, or will you do it on your own?"

"You seriously think -"

"I guess that's my answer."

It was like a gag had been placed in his mouth, a big, glowing, blue gag. His mouth was forced open at the lips, and held tightly shut everywhere else. The wolf had never actually worn a muzzle before, but it almost felt like that sort of thing.

He blushed as the dragon's hand pressed against the back of his head, lining him up for the impending blowjob. Stephan felt the head of the dragon's cock - thick as three fingers together - press against his lips before slowly sliding past. The flesh was salty, and a bit bitter to the taste, and he groaned as his throat was squeezed by the dragon's magic, forced to swallow to keep his mouth clear.

The dragon's hand was as inexorable a force as Draconicon's magic, gradually pushing him further and further down the dragon's shaft. The thickness was a big problem, stretching out his jaws, but worse than that was the length. Even as the head of the shaft disappeared into his muzzle, he could see more to take in, and the length in total seemed to be more than he could hold in his muzzle. He didn't know how much he could take into his throat, but he had the feeling that he was going to find out.

He had about six inches past his lips when he realized that the tip was prodding against his tonsils. The wolf whimpered, the exercise to his throat almost making him gag a little already. The anticipation was worse, and he looked up at the dragon, wordlessly begging for mercy.

He got a look back that promised none. Though Draconicon's hand came off the back of his head, he felt the same pressure of magic as before, and it shoved him forward. Three more inches popped into his muzzle at once, and he felt his throat get spread wide by the thick scaly shaft. His tongue was saturated with the taste of pre, and he could barely breathe around the thick rod. It swelled inside of his throat, and he coughed, gagging as he tried and failed to pull back from the thick rod.

His eyes were starting to roll back in his head when he was finally able to pull his head back. Gasping for breath, Stephan realized that he still had five inches of cock in his mouth, and that the pressure was coming back.

No, no, I'm not ready, don't -

Even his thoughts couldn't be completed before he was shoved down that thick shaft again, taking it back in his throat. Nine inches, he felt, nine inches with six in his muzzle and three down his throat. He was gagging on that, and there was still more to go, still more to swallow. He whimpered.

It was all he could do to keep breathing as the dragon's magic bobbed him up and down that shaft. The first six inches weren't so bad. The taste left a bit to be desired, but he was starting to like it. Or was starting to tell himself he liked it. Either way, he could take it. It was the length and thickness disappearing down his throat that was so hard to take. He could barely breathe around it, barely swallow, and it felt like the dragon's pre was going right down to his gut. Considering how much there was of it, he almost thought he should be swelling up, gaining weight.

But bit by bit, he was taking it further. He felt the cock sliding further past his lips, measuring it by what was dry and what was wet. The scales were raspy as they slid past his lips at first, but after he soaked them with spit - which happened pretty fast - it slid in faster, deeper, further...and easier.

Draconicon was panting above him when he finally hit the base of the dragon's cock. His throat clamped down hard, and he felt like coughing up a fit, but he felt...accomplished, in a way. A huge cock was something that wasn't easy to take, but he did it. He'd taken it all the way down his throat, and he hadn't lost it.

" learn quick, pup. Now let's see if you've learned enough to make me cum."

Just like that, the invisible hand on the back of his head pulled him back, slowly dragging that thick shaft out of his throat. It was like he imagined a toy coming out of his ass would feel; it was good, but it pulled on him at the same time, some sort of weird vacuum effect keeping it from coming out smoothly. It was both weird and good at the same time.

It popped out of his mouth and he gasped for breath, the simple feeling of having his muzzle and throat free at the same time almost novel and new. Even as he gasped, he could see his spit clinging to the dragon's cock, strands of drool connecting him to the thick, impossible shaft.

And he wanted it.

Even as the dragon's cock was pointed towards his lips again, he was down it once more, sucking and licking and swallowing around it like there was no tomorrow. Bob, lick, suck, bob, lick, suck. Every time he went down, he swallowed down hard, trying to keep the dragon spewing pre, and every time that he came back up, he was squeezing his lips around the shaft as much as he could with the light gag.

Come on, you big scaly creep. Cum for me. Cum down my throat.

Up and down, up and down he went, the taste of dragon pre thick on his tongue. His breath would smell like it for a week, but he didn't care. Stephan sucked that cock as hard as he could, swallowing, licking, slurping it as it went down his throat faster and harder than ever. He kissed at the dragon's crotch, his chin bumping against the dragon's balls again and again.

Cum on! CUM!

Just as he hit the base of the dragon's cock again, Draconicon obliged him. Stephan did gag as the dragon's load shot down his throat, heading all the way to his stomach. It felt like pints of cum were flooding his throat and body, leaving him lightheaded as he swallowed as fast as he could and tried not to breathe it in. He forced it down, not daring to let even a little bit of the dragon's cum leak out of his mouth.

It took almost thirty seconds for the dragon to be done and for him to finally pull back. Strands of spit still connected him with the dragon's shaft, but it was still wonderful. Despite the load he took, Stephan blushed as he realized he still felt...hungry. Eager.

"Heh, you know how to suck a cock, boy. You're a natural."

"I...I didn't want to...I just wanted to -"

"Heh, you didn't want to? Stephan, I stopped pushing you down after I pulled my cock out."

"...What? But I -"

"Yep. You sucked me off. All on your own. Pretty violently, too, considering how much you 'didn't like it.'"

"How? I mean, I don't -"

"All that for a 'nasty' cock, too. My my."

The dragon's chuckles humiliated him all the more, and Stephan couldn't summon the strength to stand up as the dragon got up from the bed. He didn't even more until something soft and clean hit him in the back.


"You're going to want a new shirt after I ripped the last one."

"Oh. Thanks."

"Don't mention it. Now you get dressed, and head along home. And if you ever want to have another round...well, you know where I am."

I'm never...never coming back again...

As Stephan closed the blinds to his bedroom, the wolf looked at the spot where he knew the dragon's house was. The wolf wondered if the magic user was looking at his window tonight, and shook his head.

"Tough luck if he is..."

Magic was a powerful thing, but as he remembered earlier, it had ways of being fought. Except for voodoo and a few other things, almost all body control magics required line of sight. Which meant that if he couldn't be seen, he couldn't be controlled. While he had the feeling that the dragon could make a voodoo doll based off of everything that he had left in the room, Stephan had the feeling that Draconicon wasn't going to do that to him. Why, he wasn't sure. It just...felt below the dragon, in a way.

Heh, below a kidnapper and a...

He wanted to say 'rapist', but despite his best efforts, he couldn't say it and mean it. It was too much of a lie.

The wolf flopped down on his bed, looking down at his pre-soaked underwear. His bulge was still so visible, and just the slightest touch would probably make him fully hard. All from the memories of the day he'd had.

"What am I doing?"

He couldn't help but ask himself that as his hand wandered down to his cock. It wasn't even under the control of someone else. This was all him, now. His touch, his need, and his own will drawing his hand down to his cock.

"Damn that dragon."

It wasn't heartfelt, as his hand squeezed his bulge. It throbbed to life beneath his hand, but it wasn't the same. The feeling of squeezing his cock was too...willing, for lack of a better word. When it had been someone else making him do it, the feeling had been amazing. Now it was so-so; good, but not particularly great.

Being controlled was something even better than he'd imagined. Even with all the fantasies he'd had ever since that first time, he had never imagined that it would feel as good as it had. And it had even happened without his consent, something that had been in his fantasies ever since the start.

So why am I even thinking that this was a bad idea?

Because he didn't want to be the one to admit that he liked it. The dragon had made it so he could enjoy it, but he had never believed that he would need to admit he liked it in order to get it again. Maybe the dragon would take him in without making him admit it?

Probably not. Draconicon didn't seem the sort to do that. Now that the dragon had had his fun, Stephan doubted he'd be back for a second taste, not without some sort of incentive.

And I'm going to have to be the one to entice him...

He pulled his cock out of his underwear, but even then it didn't feel as good. He could feel his orgasm building, but it just didn't feel as good as he hoped. Not compared to what he'd gotten while the dragon was forcing it.


He finally groaned, cumming in his hand. It satisfied, but he knew he'd need more.

" more visit."

The wolf sighed as he stepped up to the dragon's door again. It wasn't so easy as it had been the day before. This time, he wasn't being made to do it, and he had to summon up his own willpower to do what he needed.

" goes nothing."

Stephan knocked on the door twice, and was ready to knock a third time when it suddenly pulled open. The black scaled dragon on the other side blinked, then smiled at him.

"Oh, you decided to come back after all."

"I...I couldn't stay away."

"Heh, I didn't think you could. Nice to be right."

"Are you going to let me in?"

"Heh, of course. Just make sure you leave your clothes by the door."

Of course it's something like that...

Yet, he did as he was told. As he walked in, the wolf started taking off his clothes one by one. He folded his shirt - thankful that he was going to get to keep this one - and put it on the ground. His shoes went next to it, followed by his socks. They disappeared, though, shortly after he set them down. He swore he saw the white socks disappearing into the dragon's pockets, too.

"Pants and underwear too."

"Yes, yes."

Stephan's blush returned as he pulled them down, his briefs already tenting as he pulled his pants to his ankles, and brought them down after. His cock bobbed up and down, the shaft already quite hard at the thought of what he was going to be made to do.

"Very nice, little wolf. Come with me."

He followed the dragon naked through the house. The book pile he'd knocked over the day before was put back together, he saw, but he could see no hint of the mess he'd left behind. Apparently the dragon was better at cleaning than he looked.

As Draconicon undid his robe again, Stephan found his eyes drifting down to the older dragon's cock again. It was half hard already; it didn't look like it would need much help to get to full hardness. He started to kneel, but the dragon stopped him with a slight blue burst of magic.

"Something wrong?"

"Heh, not at all. But we're not going to have you sucking me this time."


"We're going a little further. Tell me, have you ever had something under that tail of yours?"

"Uh, well, nothing official. Nothing real."

"Heh. Any makeshift toys?"

"...Kind of."

"It'll do."

Without warning, the wolf found himself lifted off his feet, floating in the air with his back to the dragon. With a wave of his hand, the dragon also brought a clear bottle of goo over to him. Stephan recognized it as a high quality lubricant, and had a big feeling that he was going to need it.

He heard it being splattered over the dragon's cock and rubbed in, more than anything else. It was only when he was lowered down that he could feel the familiar thickness, the heat of it rubbing against his hole. It was the only support that he had, other than the dragon's magic.

"Heh, ready to go cock riding, pup?"

"I...I guess."


The dragon pulled him down hard, and Stephan's eyes went wide as his hole was pushed wide open. His mouth opened in a howl, but it was clamped shut again before he could actually make a sound.

"Ah ah ah. No making a sound. I'm having my fun here."

No shit. Good lord, you're huge.

The dragon's magic held him at the hips, ankles, and wrists, holding the latter two high while his hips were pulled down against the dragon's crotch again and again. Each thrust, each hard pull drove that cock deeper inside of him, and he panted as he was forced further and further open, that cock going deeper and deeper inside of him.

Every hard pump took him further down the dragon's shaft, and he panted as it left him further open than that brush handle ever had. The wolf would have bit his lip were it not for the magic holding his mouth shut. It was enough to hold back the gasps, but not enough to hold back the whimpers and moans.

Despite the discomfort of being filled so hard, and so roughly, the wolf's cock stood up hard, throbbing as much as it had been while he had been made to stroke himself the night before. It felt like he might actually cum from the dragon's cock, sooner rather than later. It was amazing; he'd expected it to hurt much more than it did.

Somehow, the dragon seemed to know it. Stephan felt himself lifted up, up, up, until the cock popped out of his ass. He whimpered at the emptiness, even as the dragon teased his ass with the tip of his cock again.

"Heh, do you like that, you little slut? Do you like having someone force you down like that, use you like the little sex doll you are?"

Yes! It's why I'm here in the first place!

"Heh, why don't we see if you can take it all."

The thought frightened and enticed him at the same time. The wolf nodded, even though he was already moving by the time that he answered the question. The dragon's cock punched back into his ass, the impact feeling like a literal punch to the gut as the thick shaft speared into him, and the dragon's magic pulled him down inexorably towards the base.

It was like taking it down his throat all over again. The initial bit was easy enough, but as it got closer and closer to the base, it was so much harder. This time, however, he didn't have to get past a gag reflex, and he panted as he took it all the way down. His furry ass cheeks pressed solidly against the dragon's crotch, and he felt the dragon's balls pressing lightly against his own as he was held in place.

" have a lot of space inside you. Very good."

Very indeed; I feel like I just ate a buffet's worth of food.

The dragon continued the slow lifting and lowering, and this time the wolf definitely felt his climax coming quickly. He groaned, his ass twitching around the dragon's cock as he was bounced, lifted and lowered, lifted and lowered. His rim burned, but he wanted more. He wanted to be filled with the dragon's cum, and feel it fill him up, just like his stomach had felt all bloated after having Draconicon cum down his throat.

He came first, though. Stephan moaned past the magic gag, his cock spurting his load all over the floor. Even as he came, the dragon kept using him, forcing him up and down like a sex toy, his body lifted and lowered by the dragon's magic. He couldn't move his arms or legs, couldn't reach down to try and speed it up; he was moved by the dragon's whims, and that was all that he could give.

It was degrading and humiliating to be used like a sex toy like that, his body giving in so easily and being used so happily, but he couldn't help but like it. It left him blushing, particularly as his cock went soft and he was still used, but he couldn't shake that needy feeling.

Soon enough, Draconicon came as well. The dragon's load was no less filling than the day before, and this time, he felt himself start leaking before the dragon finished shooting. His ass oozed cum as he sat on the dragon's cock, his limbs suddenly collapsing to his sides and the floor as his body was under his control again.


"Don't mention it, pup."

The dragon smiled, patting his head.

"What do you say I get us something to drink?"

"Can...Can I get dressed?"



"So, you really do like it when people control you, huh?"

"Well...yeah, I guess so."

Stephan blushed as he admitted it again, sitting naked in the dragon's kitchen. Of course, Draconicon was naked too, but that didn't really help relieve the embarrassment. After all, the wolf was the one leaking cum, not his host.

"Well, I gotta admit, I thought you did, but I didn't know for sure. Good to know I didn't guess wrong."

"You...didn't know?"

"Hell, no one knows everything. What do you think this is, divination? I work on more practical magics."


"Hey, you name me one thing that I've done with your body that can't be turned to some practical use."

Stephan opened his mouth, then closed it again.

"Can't, can you?"

"Shut up."


The wolf shook his head, nursing at his soda for a bit before looking around again. Even in the kitchen, it was clear that he was in the home of a full time mage, not just someone that dabbled in the art of magic. It was weird to see so many symbols and drawn runes, so many pages marking off bits of knowledge that he had no way of understanding. The last time he'd seen that was on a visit to the university, and it was no easier to understand now than it was then.

"So...if you don't mind me asking, what is your type?"

"What, in the person I fuck?"

"What? No! No no no. I mean...I mean in the type of magic you cast."

"I'm pretty multi-school."

"Oh, then what's the two?"

"Two? Try ten."

Ten? The wolf's jaw dropped at the dragon's statement. Draconicon looked up from his drink and arched his eyebrow.


"Ten? That's...that's impossible. No one learns more than three."

"No one you know. A lot of upper graduates go at least into the fives."

"But ten?"

"I got a lot of time on my hands."


"A loooooooot of time."

No wonder the dragon was so good at what he did. The most magic that Stephan had ever seen mastered by a single person was two of the twelve divisions of magic. To hear about another person mastering three was common enough, but seeing it was something else. Five seemed...possible, though highly difficult. But ten? That...

He was shaking his head, and he slowly stopped himself as he realized he was doing it.


"Eh, it's a hobby."

"Can you teach me?"

"Maybe, but that'd require a pretty good payment on your part. And no, offering your ass again isn't going to cut it."

Stephan groaned at that. Not so much because the dragon assumed, but because he had just about been ready to do it. The wolf thought for a moment, trying to figure out something to change the topic to, but the dragon beat him to it.

"So, you love being controlled. Any other desires in that little fuzzy head of yours?"


"Anything related to shoes, for example?"

"Will you stop with the blush-questions?!"

"Heh, only when you stop reacting to them."

He groaned, shaking his head even as the dragon nudged him.

"So, how about it? Shoe fantasies?"

"...I got a few."


"Well...kind of like a pair of...enchanted sneakers."

"Are these the dancing kind or stimulating, can't remove kind?"

"The stimul - how did you know?"

"Like I said, I have a lot of time on my hands."

"...Do I even want to know what goes through your head all the time?"

"Probably not."

"...Right. So...yeah, stimulating shoes. I can't take them off without them 'punishing' me with an orgasm, or, or not being able to walk around without feeling pleasure. You know what I mean."

"Yep. So you got a pair of shoes in mind?"

"Yeah, I -"

"Hold that thought."

The dragon pressed his hand to Stephan's forehead, and the wolf blinked as he felt a touch of...something inside of his skull. It felt rather strange, like he'd just been filled and emptied of something in less than a second.

"Whoo, expensive tastes there."


"Only through touch."



"You ain't sticking that dick anywhere near me until I get my thoughts in order."

The dragon collapsed with laughter at that, and Stephan slowly leaned over to look at the twitching, giggling mage. He arched an eyebrow at the dragon's behavior, and even when Draconicon stood up, he couldn't help but stare a bit.

"Uh, are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, it just...heh, that was funny."

"Yeah,, why did you ask me that?"

"Oh, because I wanted to give something back."

Before Stephan could inquire further, the dragon waved his hands around. Blue and white light coalesced between his palms, and with a flash of both lights, a pair of shoes poofed into existence. The wolf stared at them as the dragon put them on the counter, tracing his claws over them.

"Now let's see..."

He kept staring as the dragon muttered. They were the perfect pair. A soft, fuzzy opening that would go up past his ankle, with a dark blue interior and a shining white outside. High topped, beautifully shined, long laced, black striped sneakers. He'd been begging for those for months, and he'd never be able to afford them himself.

And now, the dragon was just giving them to him. Literally, as they were held out to him.

"Gonna put them on, wolfy?"


"Obviously you need a little help. That's okay."

The dragon knelt down, and Stephan watched as the dragon put the shoes on him. They slipped on pretty easily - of course they did, sized to his feet - and they laced up all on their own. Draconicon stepped back, smiling at the white shoes on the dark wolf.

"Heh, that's not a bad look on you. Why don't you try standing up?"

"Uh, okay..."

Stephan got to his feet, and gasped at the sudden feeling. As soon as his shoes hit the ground, it felt like a pair of hands were stroking his cock, two strokes per step. It started making it stir to life almost immediately.

"Wow...this is amazing."

"Isn't it, though?"

Draconicon was laughing, but Stephan could still barely believe what he'd gotten out of this. The feeling of the shoes over his feet was perhaps one of the most comfortable fittings that he'd ever had, but it was the feeling he got when he took a step that was the best ever. Just one step was almost exactly like getting a handjob, and he could feel his pleasure rapidly growing just by taking a couple of steps around the room.

He stopped when he felt his cock reach full erection, particularly considering that he wasn't actually dressed. The wolf looked towards the dragon, his face a little red, but his smile bigger than any he'd felt before.

"I...I don't have words for this."

"Then don't say anything. Just enjoy it."

"Are they going to feel like this forever?"

"Well, pretty much. I might need to enchant them again in a few years, but no more than that."

"You are a wizard."

"Tell me something I don't know."

Heh, that was a little stupid, wasn't it? He rubbed the back of his head, looking down at his new shoes. They were just...spectacular. He never imagined he'd have something like this, and now he did. He felt like he owed the dragon a lot for all this, even having given up his virginity and who knew what else.

But...but there was a part of him that craved more. The power that the dragon had was astounding, and while he knew that he could never reach that power level now - considering he'd not taken any extra magic classes in high school or junior high - he wanted to have some measure of it. And he did have an accomplished mage with too much time on his hands right in front of him...

"So, uh...about those lessons."

"I told you -"

"What if we made a little bet on that?"

Draconicon arched an eyebrow.

"I'm listening."

"So far, you've gotten me to cum once already. How about you try and make me cum again? If you can't get me to cum in less than three minutes, then you give magic lessons."

"You know how easy it is for me to make you squirt."

"Ah! But you have to do it without controlling my body."

"Oh, that would be a bit more of a challenge. But what do I get if I win?"

"I'll do anything that you want me to do."

"Stephan, I can get you to do that right now."

"Without calling the police?"

"...Good point."

The wolf nodded. Despite all the things going on in the dragon's house, nothing had gone far enough for him to want to call in the cops. Technically, he could; the dragon had violated him without his consent, and had gone so far as to kidnap him that first day. It wouldn't be an easy case, but it would stick if he actually pushed it. And it was clear that the dragon had more fantasies that he hadn't done yet that he was a little concerned about pushing.

Draconicon seemed to consider his offer for a few minutes before nodding.

"Alright, it's a deal. You ready to blow another load, pup?"

"Heh, I bet you can't do it that fast."

"You bet wrong."

The dragon's fingers glowed blue, and Stephan set himself, wondering what the dragon would use. Some sort of electric stimulation? Some sort of toy in the kitchen? Or was there some other magic that he hadn't thought of?

As the glow settled on his shoes, however, Stephan realized just how screwed he was. The wolf looked down as the blue faded from the white of his shoes and it started to lift off of the floor.

"Oh, no fair!"

"Hey, you never said I couldn't control your shoes."

"But -"

The dragon stomped his shoe down, and the wolf whimpered as a shock of pleasure went straight through his cock. His cock bobbed up and down from the stimulation, even as his other shoe lifted off the ground.

"This is cheating!"

"Nope, this is playing smart. Something you gotta do with magic, too."

That shoe came down almost harder than the other one, and the wolf's cock throbbed again, like it was getting several hard, short strokes at once. His hips bucked on their own, even as he went bright red from humiliation at the dragon's use of him. It was more than he expected, and he honestly wasn't sure that he could take much more.

Draconicon controlled him with little twitches of his fingers, the two blue points on the dragon's scales making Stephan's shoes bounce and slide along with them. The steps were frustratingly pleasurable enough, but when the dragon made him slide, made him moonwalk -


Stephan was almost howling as his shoes slid along the linoleum floor of the kitchen, dragging constantly along the surface. It felt like a pair of lips were latched around his cock, bobbing up and down for as long as he slid his shoe along the floor. His cock twitched and bounced, throbbing with need and starting to drip on the floor.

"I hope you realize that you're going to clean that up."

"Y-you're making me d-do it!"

"But I cleaned up the last mess. You're cleaning up this one."

"But -"

The wolf groaned as the dragon had him kick off the ground and then click his heels together. The strange combination was like the blowjob had gone down to the base of his cock and had swallowed around the tip. His cock dripped even more pre from that, and he shuddered as he realized how close he was already.

He looked up at the nearest clock. It had barely been forty five seconds, and he was already on the edge of climax. Stephan could hardly believe it. How could he make it?

As he slid along again, the wolf squeezed at the base of his cock. It wasn't much, but it set back the urge a little bit.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"If you can control my shoes, then I get to try and slow down my cock."

"I guess that's fair enough. But then, I get to use every part of your fantasy, then."


The dancing and sliding suddenly changed. Controlled by the dragon, his shoes slid along the floor all the way to the edge of the kitchen. It didn't take him over the edge, but it did get him pretty darn close. A glance at the clock showed another thirty seconds had passed. Just a minute forty five to go.

He was turned around, the heels of the shoes on carpet, the toes in the kitchen. He groaned a bit, the former actually tickling at his cock a little.

"What do you mean, all the parts of my fantasy?"

"Remember what happens if you take the shoes off?"

"Wha- Oh, you cheating bastard!"

"Hey, you started it."

The clock was at a minute twenty as he lifted one shoe off of the floor, and at a minute twenty five when the shoe was put at the heel of its brother. The pressure was just the sort he'd used to kick off his shoes without reaching down and untying them back at home, and it was just what the dragon meant for him to do now.

"Come on, instant orgasm? That's so cheating."

"I never said that I was going to play fair. Say goodbye to the lessons for now, Stephan."

And with that, the dragon pushed upwards with the trapped shoe. Stephan felt his foot scraping along the interior, and he clenched his toes to try and hold them inside, try and slow it down. A minute thirty, a minute thirty one -

And then it came loose. His heel slid up the back of his shoe, and so sooner had it cleared it than the enchantment went off. The wolf howled as his cock suddenly twitched, bouncing as he came hard, squirting even more cum over the dragon's floor. Stephan moaned, having to grab the doorframe to avoid falling over as he squirted his load all over the floor, leaving white lines along the black and gold tiles.

His cock squirted for nearly twenty seconds before he pushed his foot back into the shoe. Only when it was back on did it stop, and even then he felt like he was going to cum again if he so much as moved.

Draconicon clapped, and the wolf looked up as he panted for breath.

"Looks like you handled yourself pretty well. I don't know if I'd have gotten you to cum if I hadn't used that part of the enchantment."

"Yeah...I should have won."

"But you didn't. So, now I'm going to have my fun."

"Fine, fine. What do you want?"

" may have noticed that I've been stealing your socks."

"Really? I never would have guessed."

Draconicon glared at him, but the wolf shrugged.

"What? You were pretty obviously holding them back, and I never got them when I left yesterday."

"Okay, fair enough. So, you probably guessed I have a foot fetish."

"So...what, you want a footjob?"


"And that means...I have to take the shoes off, doesn't it?"

"Oh yeah."

"So I'll be -"

"Yep. The whole time."

He facepalmed. The pleasure of having the shoe almost come off before had nearly brought him to his knees. Somehow, he doubted that staying on his back while giving a footjob was going to be much better. He just hoped that the dragon had a bit of a hair trigger.


"I won't have to make you?"

"No, you won. And it's not...that bad."

"Hehehe, thanks. Lay down; I'll get them off."

This could get really bad, really quick, he thought as he laid on the carpet. His feet remained in the air, the dragon's magic pressing against them again as Draconicon walked over. He could already feel the anticipation building, a mix of anxiety and hopefulness.

The dragon's cock was already hard when he stood over the wolf, and Stephan took a deep breath as the dragon gripped the shoes.


"One second...Yeah."

"Okay. Three. Two. One. Now."

The dragon ripped off Stephan's shoes, and instantly he was cumming again. The wolf arched his back, even as he pressed his feet to the dragon's cock. His seed squirted all over his chest and down his stomach, his cock perpetually twitching in need as his shoes came off. It was like the best orgasm in his life multiplied by ten, and spread out over ten seconds already, and it still wasn't slowing down.

He pushed his feet against the dragon's cock, sandwiching it between his soles, but even then he could barely move. Stephan's cock continued to dance and spew his cum, though in less and less amounts as the seconds went by. The feeling of orgasm, however, never went down, even as his balls felt like they were unable to give anything else, and he started shooting blanks.

It took less than a minute for him to go slack, his body limp as the dragon grabbed hold of his ankles, dragging his feet up and down that thick cock like they were sex toys. Then again, to the mage, they probably were.

His mouth went slack as the pleasure continued, his mind overwhelmed with the sheer potency of his own perpetual orgasm. Rather than getting used to it, it only got stronger, overwhelming him. What thought he had left drifted away on a cloud of sheer pleasure, interrupted only occasionally by pangs of discomfort from his empty balls and little bits of slick warmth along his soles.

Drifting away on the pleasure, Stephan felt himself go blank, his mind empty. The feeling of constant orgasm was mind-numbing, in its own way. He'd heard of boredom doing it, but pleasure did it far more efficiently. It brought the mind down and broke it down, leaving it with nothing but pleasure, nothing but pleasure, and one could become bored of even that, numb to it, and numb to everything else.

Somewhere during that time, he fell unconscious, and he only knew that it had happened when he woke up, finding himself on the dragon's couch as Draconicon scribbled on something further away. Stephan groaned, pulling himself upright, and his new - friend? Neighbor? Partner? - turned at the sound.

"Ah, you're awake. I was starting to wonder if you would come around today."

"How long was I out?"

"About a week."

"A WEEK?!"

He bolted to his feet, and immediately groaned, collapsing to the ground as he cupped his crotch. It ached and felt good at the same time, but one thing was for damn sure. His balls HURT.

"Well, you had been orgasming for about twenty minutes straight by the time I finally finished on your feet. You should be very clean, by the way; I've been casting sanitation spells on you and your clothes every day while you've been sleeping."


"Orgasming for twenty minutes. I'm not exaggerating. I think you fell unconscious somewhere around the eleven minute mark, but I wasn't paying that much attention."

"But still. A week?"

"If it helps, I did get in touch with your family and your teachers. They accepted that it was a magical mishap, and you can make up your missed time later. Nobody's worried."

"I...I guess that helps. Thanks."

"Don't mention it."

Stephan barely managed to get to his feet without falling over. He could already tell that walking was going to be pretty hard, and considering he'd been knocked over with just one step, and there were a good hundred to his house...

"Do you mind if I, uh, stay overnight again?"

"Sure. There's a phone in the kitchen if you want to call and let your family know."

"Can you get it?"

The dragon looked at him with a raised eyebrow, and Stephan sighed.

"Right. Crawling it is."

He got down on all fours, wondering how he was going to explain this one...and how he was going to get the dragon to bet lessons again. At this point, he wanted them more than ever.

The End

Foot Fetish Story Stream 11: Hot Salt Springs

Hot Salt Springs for Necross by Draconicon It was difficult to know what to expect as Draconicon entered the Hot Salt Springs beneath Mt. Sost. The steam billowing down the entry tunnel was something he barely felt - though admittedly, as a...

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Foot Fetish Stream Story 10: Broken By Bandits

Broken by Bandits for Estands4me by Draconicon _CLANG!_ "Hey! Wake up, you lazy sack of fur." Dex jerked back from the loud voice and the ring of metal, only to bang the back of his head against something hard. The snow leopard groaned,...

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Foot Fetish Stream Story 9: Fine Feet vs Hard Hooves

Fine Feet vs Hard Hooves for Falin by Draconicon _CLANG! CLACK! WHOOSH!_ Falindid went flying backwards from the latest clash of weapons and arms, his dagger chipped along the edge, and several hairs falling from his tail as he avoided the...

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