Mind Control Stream Story 11: Foxy Falindid's Swaying Soles

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A new story commissioner is on the scene! Thanks to Falin for coming up with a great idea for me to play around with. Enjoy a fox bringing down a badger roommate with some sexy soleful hypnosis.

Foxy Falindid's Swaying Soles for Falin by Draconicon

Falindid smiled as his kart rounded the third to last corner on the television. He knew that Greg wasn't far behind, but at this point, his victory was all but assured.

"Heh, still want to keep to that bet, Greg?"

"You bet your ass I do. I'm not letting a fox try and put me under. Who knows what you'd actually do? Probably make me take off my underwear and - oh for fuck's sake!"

The fox chuckled as Greg slammed into a trap, taking advantage of the moment to gain a little more distance between him and the badger. He wanted to win, though not quite for the reasons that Greg suspected. He had no interest in humiliating his friend. He just wanted to take their friendship...a little further. All he needed was a little time to try out hypnotizing Greg, and then he'd be set.

That's why he'd made the bet in the first place. Greg didn't trust him to try it, too afraid of being embarrassed. So he had to win. And he was going to win.

Despite Greg's best efforts, there was no doubt of that now. His kart sped over the finish line with the badger's racer still more than three turns behind, and as he laid down his controller, the fox smirked at his roommate.

"I gave you a chance, man."

"Come on, I had to try. I mean, seriously, getting you to pay for a week's worth of pizza sounded like a good deal at the time."

And if I hadn't been so sure that I'd win, there was no chance I'd have made that bet. The amount of pizza you eat, I'd have spent half a paycheck paying for it.

Still, he'd won, so he didn't have to think about that now. All he had to worry about was getting the hypnosis done right. Greg was already getting up, putting the controllers away and putting away the game system, so Falindid did his part, rolling up his controller and passing it to the badger.

"So, you ready to pay up?"

"Yeah, yeah. Where's the pendant thingy?"

"Heh, we're not doing that this time. I have a different way of putting someone into a trance."

"What, some sort of spiral eyes."

"That'd be SO cool...but no."

"Then what - why are you taking your socks off?"

The fox chuckled as he pulled the second of his socks off, throwing it down on the floor with the first. He lifted his feet up, wiggling his toes a few times before pointing his soles towards the badger. Greg looked at him warily.

"Falindid, what are you doing?"

"What do you think I'm doing?"

"I think that you're waving your feet around for no reason at all. What's gotten into you? Aren't you going to hypnotize me? Or try to. Still don't think you actually can."

"Well, we'll find out. Just look at my feet, and we'll see how long you can stay out of trance, won't we?"

Greg rolled his eyes, but true to his word, the badger watched as Falindid swayed his feet from side to side. He moved them a bit like a metronome, going to one side and then the other. It was a slow tempo, just to keep the badger watching rather than getting tired from turning his head from side to side.

"That's it. Just watch my feet go back and forth, back and forth. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. Such an even tempo, so very easy to keep up with. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. Back and forth, back and forth. Such a simple rhythm, such a simple beat, one that you can slip into without any difficulty. So simple to watch them go back and forth, back and forth, one, two, three, four.

"So easy to watch my feet and count the beat, so easy to watch my feet and bob your head. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. Yes, so easy to count the beat and watch my feet. So simple, so easy, so relaxing.

"Yes, it's so relaxing to watch my feet and count the beat. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. Count the beat and watch my feet, back and forth, back and forth."

The badger was definitely watching his feet, and Falindid smiled as he saw the beginning of a droop in the badger's eyelids. They were definitely getting heavier for his friend, definitely getting harder to hold up. Yet, despite that, the eyes kept moving, following the slow back and forth movement of the fox's feet.

"That's it, it feels so good to keep watching my feet, counting the beat. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. Each time you finish the beat, it starts all over again, but it still feels so good. Another beat. One, two, three, four."

As he said it, he swore that there was a little moan slipping from the badger's lips. Falindid hadn't quite expected the badger to go so deep so fast, but he wasn't complaining. The fox smiled, keeping up the swaying even as his leg muscles started to get a little tired.

"Count the beat and watch my feet, something so easy, something so relaxing, something so good. One, two, three, four."

There was definitely a moan that time, and Greg had a bulge growing between his legs. Just what the fox wanted to see. He smiled, slowing down the waving a bit, even slower than it had been before.

"That's it. Follow the feet, count the beat. One. Getting so very relaxed. Two. So very attentive to my feet. Three. So very attached to the beat. Four. So happy, and so eager to start again. One, so very relaxed. Two, so very attached to my feet. Three, so much love for the beat. Four, so happy and eager to start again. One...two...three...four...one...two...three...four..."

When he went through it another three times, his roommate was barely conscious at all, leaning forward with his eyes barely open. One more time through, and Greg slumped flat on his chest, laying on his stomach as he watched Falindid's feet swaying back and forth, ever so slowly. The fox smiled, slowly stopping the swaying. With the badger under such deep hypnosis, the trancing mechanism was no longer needed.

"Such a good badger, so very deep in trance. It's so easy to listen right now, isn't it? So easy to listen to the only voice around. One, two, three, four. So very deep, so very empty. One, two, three, four. So very eager to listen, and fill that emptiness."

The fox pushed his feet out towards the badger, running his toes along Greg's cheeks. The badger had never been particularly fond of feet before, but after this, Falindid believed that the badger would probably want to play with them quite a bit. Even now, without anything deeply embedded in his psyche, the badger was grinning at the toes running down his cheeks. The fox smiled, rubbing one slightly sweaty toe against Greg's nose.

"It feels so good to be at the fox's feet, doesn't it? One, two, three, four. So good to be obeying the fox. One, two, three, four. It feels so good to be in your place at the fox's feet. One, two, three, four. It feels good to obey the fox at his feet."

Maybe he was overdoing the beat, but it was clear that the badger liked it. His eyes, though barely open, were rolled back in his head. The air was thick with the smell of Greg's musk, the badger probably pre-ing his pants at this point. All the better to cement the commands in his mind, Falindid thought.

"One, two, three, four. You love to serve the fox and his feet. One, two, three, four. You love to serve the fox, your master. One, two, three, four. You so utterly enjoy your place at his feet. One, two, three, four. Your master is the fox, and you are the slave."

The badger nodded his head. Maybe it was more of a swallow, as it was barely a movement at all, but the head did move up and down a bit. It was enough for the fox, who smiled and dragged his feet over the badger's face. The fur flattened beneath his soles, and he had to stifle a giggle as it tickled him a bit.

It looked like the commands were settling in very well, but he needed something to hold it as a firm setting. Something unbreakable. Particularly if he changed his mind later.

And I have just the thing.

Reaching into a bag next to him, Falindid pulled out a small ring. It wasn't a particularly bright thing, and looking at it, one would never expect to wear it on a regular finger. It was too big for anything but one's thumb, and that was if one had very meaty thumbs. But for a toe, particularly a big toe...

"One, two, three, four. Slave, roll over and present your feet to me."

Greg was slow to respond, but he did as he was ordered. Falindid was so excited for what he was about to do that he could hardly wait, but he forced himself to be still, not daring to mess this up now. He had to get this right.

Holding the toe-ring between his big and second toe, he held it up in the air. Though it wasn't a bright ring, it had enough of a shine to catch the light, and it caught Greg's attention immediately.

"One, two, three, four. Look at the shiny thing. See it shine? See it shimmer? One, two, three, four. This is the ring of the slave. One, two, three four. This is the ring that brings out the slave. One, two, three, four. Every time you feel this on you, every time that you put it on, you will become the fox's slave. One, two, three four.

"You like the feeling of the ring." He brought his foot back, dropping the ring in his palm. All the while, Greg watched it. "You like to be slave, under the feet of the fox, under the feet of master. To be slave is to be happy, so you won't want to take off the ring."

He hovered over the badger's feet. The toes were simple, needing a bit of grooming, but appealing. He smiled, holding the ring over the big toe of the left foot.

"One, two, three, four. You want to wear the ring until foxy takes it off. One, two, three, four. You want to wear the ring until master makes you free."

With that, he pushed down, the ring sliding over the badger's toe. It seemed to send a shock through Greg's body, and to Falindid's surprise, the badger came on the spot. At least, the fox assumed it was cum making that stain in Greg's pants. It sure smelled like it.

Chuckling, the fox sat back on the couch again.

"Four, three, two, one. Wake up. Four, three, two, one. Wake up. Four, three, two, one."

He clapped his feet together.

"Wake up."

The badger jerked, as if he had been falling and just hit the floor. He looked around, as if lost, before locking his eyes with the fox. As Falindid hoped, the confusion turned to worship, and Greg crawled over to him, nuzzling his feet.


"Mmm, yes, slave?"

"It's just so good to see you. May slave serve you?"

"Yes. Why don't you start licking my feet? They need some attention."

"Yes, master, right away."

The badger leaned his head down, licking away over the fox's soles. Falindid smiled, the warmth and slickness of the badger's tongue a lovely feeling, leaving him slick and feeling...rather powerful. He smiled at the thought as he leaned back; this was going to make their living arrangements much more fun, he thought as the badger went to town on his feet.

The End

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