Mind Control Stream Story 9: Science Project 2.0

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Sorry for the delay in getting the latest mind control stories up, but after some time getting sidetracked by real life, here they are. Let's start with this one, with art and story paid for by FA: Heru , and the art actually created by FA: Rov . Enjoy the story.

Science Project 2.0 for Heru by Draconicon

Professor Lymon smiled at the little research group clustered around the laptop. All four of them - Kyle the horse, Nathan the cat, Roger the bull, and Peter the bear - stared at it with their mouths agape, not one of them aware of his presence, let alone his involvement with stealing away their minds. They looked at the screen as though it would answer any question that popped into their minds. Instead, the spiral was taking away their minds bit by bit, and leaving behind obedient little boy toys.

The lion slowly stood up from his desk, making his way to their table. They didn't look up, but why should they? They were little more than puppets by now. Perhaps if they'd bothered to look away from the spiral earlier, when the computer program was still getting into their heads, or before they'd seen the second half of it boot in, they'd have the mind left to know he was coming. As it was, he'd be surprised if they had the consciousness to talk to each other without instructions.

"My my, look at you four. All of you so attentive, so quiet. And so very obedient."

The teacher walked around them, carefully adjusting his glasses so the mirrored lenses kept him from seeing the spirals. He leaned down, his hands resting on the bull's and the bear's shoulders. Glancing down at the program, he smiled.

"You've been staring at this for so long. Just like the good boys I know you to be."

Or should be. The whole point of the project was to bring them in line. Disobedient boys, loud jocks, disruptive students; they embodied the negatives that every teacher feared to a T. But not anymore.

Squeezing their shoulders, Professor Lymon stood up again, reaching around them to grab the laptop. They continued staring at the screen, even as he carried it further away, setting it down on a desk further away. Even at that distance, their eyes continued to mimic the spirals, desperate to continue staring at the source of their fascination.

Mmm, one day, I'll find out how to project that from my glasses, and I'll be all set. For now, though, he could enjoy the fruits of his labor.

"Roger. Come stand over here."

The bull stood up, walking around his friends and moving to a spot right in front of the laptop. Despite the lack of contact, the other students didn't so much as look away, their eyes looked on the bull where the computer screen would have been if he wasn't in the way.

"Good boy. Now, Roger, how do you feel?"


"That's alright, son. It's all part of the process."


"Yes, part of the process of the project. We're re-programming you to be better, more obedient students."

The bull stared at him blankly, and the teacher supposed he couldn't blame Roger for it. The bull hadn't been the brightest to start with, and having his brain taken away by this program-induced trance probably wasn't helping anything.

Still, the lion was encouraged. It meant the trance was holding, rather than breaking. He patted the bull's shoulder.

"Don't worry, we'll have you right as rain soon."

"Right...as -"

"Don't talk, Roger. You're spoiling it."

The lion smiled as he gently pushed a finger against the bull's lips. His student sucked on it blindly, and he shook his head as he pulled his hand back.

Must note oral deficiencies while in trance...

Glancing back at the other three, the professor debated putting the next part of the re-programming on hold for a short time. Despite the success of the trance inducers, it was clear that more than a little intelligence was lost while in trance. He wanted obedient students, not robots. Not to mention the difficulties in programming in a whole set of behaviors. While he could write code, he wasn't sure that he trusted himself to make a whole new student mind and not overlook something.

As he made a few mental notes, Professor Lymon couldn't help admiring the students a bit. As much trouble as they had caused him, there was a part of the lion that admitted that they were almost worth it just for the eye candy. Not a one of them looked less than good, and some of them - notably Nathan, the cat - were positively gorgeous. Well muscled and trim, they obviously took care of themselves, and would look very good in anything they wore. Or anything they didn't...


Professor Lymon didn't trust himself to create a whole new student. However, if he could create a new 'lifestyle' program, something that could be triggered...yes, that would be interesting.

"Stare at the spiral some more, boys. Professor will be right back," he said as he moved back to his own laptop, opening up the coding module and flipping through a few lines of code.

It didn't take him long to get the new behavior modifiers into the code. After all, applying a set of lustful modifiers and variables wasn't so complicated as a whole personality overhaul, and if they were only active during trance, it made it much simpler to control.

"Alright, that seems to do it. And I must say, you boys are responding brilliantly to the treatment."

Professor Lymon chuckled as the four jocks didn't answer. Not that they could, or even needed to. As the program had been modified, so had their appearance. The boys had taken off their clothes, shirts, shoes, socks, pants, and even underwear falling to the floor as the computer spiral had taken away more and more of their inhibitions. Though they all looked at the laptop screen still, they were at just enough of an angle for Lymon to get a good look at their erections. Throbbing, stiff, and with a lovely variety between cut and uncut, they were a gallery of sexy eye candy.

"A pity I can't teach all my classes like this. Now, line up, boys. We're going to do some individual re-programming."

He lined them up quickly. Peter the bear stood in front, followed by Kyle the horse. Nathan was after him, and Roger stood in the back. The lion admired the view of the bull's round, large ass before he turned back to the computer, adjusting the spiral's programming for Peter.

It didn't take long to see the bear respond. The thick shouldered quarterback groaned, leaning forward over the desk. One arm twitched, reaching back a bit for his ass before falling weakly back to his side. Despite the bunched up muscles, the pose was one of a weak man, stumbling, surrendering.

As the bear slipped to the side, falling to all fours with his ass in the air, Professor Lymon changed the code again. The horse looked down at it, and the lion smiled as the horse's cock throbbed, somehow looking like it was growing harder, veinier, and more aroused the more that he looked at the image. Every so often, Kyle would look down at the bear, and the lion licked his lips as the sight of the hunger in the stallion's eyes.

Leaving the horse with a command - and a little hidden information - Lymon watched the stallion walk away and Nathan step up. He changed the codes again, and waited.

The feline reacted more than the others, his tongue hanging out almost like a dog's as his mouth started to drool, and his thin, twitching tail went up almost immediately. Unlike the others, the cat's body was slimmer, trimmer, and his ass cheeks didn't hide nearly as much. Lymon smiled as he saw that pucker relax, flexing lightly but looking eager for use.

He left a command in the code for the feline to approach him after the programming was done, and it was only when Nathan took a step in his direction that he started the last programming for Roger. Pushing his laptop to the side, Professor Lymon patted his desk.

"Come up here, Nathan. Let Professor see you up close."


I'll have to do something about the robot speech, too.

Though he could see Roger leaning forward over the screen out of the corner of his eye, and see Kyle returning with the big dildo for Peter's ass, none of it captured his attention so much as the soft, round rump thrust up in front of him. The lion smiled at Nathan's backside, rubbing his hands down the feline's ass, spreading the cheeks further and further to look at the hole between.

"Magnificent...and so utterly ready for attention."

His programming had definitely done its job. If Nathan had been female, he would have been dripping all over the professor's desk. As it was, the cat was twitching, his hole constantly flexing and begging for attention. The lion smiled, and gave it to him.

Darting his head forward, Professor Lymon dragged his tongue over the boy's hole, feeling the soft, slightly sweaty skin pull and follow his laps. He dragged his tongue over the boy's rim again and again, each lick filling his mouth with the tastes of flesh and sweat. A soft, natural musk covered the boy's rear, and the lion growled as he felt his own needs rising.

Lick, lap, lick went his tongue over that hole, each one making the already relaxed hole more stretched, more open, more willing. The professor grinned at each soft moan he forced from the boy's mouth, each wordless sound another cry for attention. It was beautiful to him.

As he slowly dragged his tongue back from the boy's hole, after sliding it in twice, he felt Nathan shiver beneath him. Recognizing the muscle tremors as an impending climax, Professor Lymon pulled his tongue back, leaving the boy untouched. The cat shivered, gasping and groaning, but he didn't go over the edge.

He had, however, left quite a mess on the lion's desk. Shaking his head, Lymon pointed to the ground, and the cat followed his unstated instruction like a good pet. Tempted as he was to allow the cat to lick up the mess - or rather, instruct him too - the professor put the thought out of his mind. He had other things to deal with, anyway, including -

"Oh, damn it..."

He hurried over to the spiral, but it was clear that the damage had already been done. Roger was slumped over the table, staring limply at the spirals running across the screen, his cock dripping constantly as though he were being steadily milked.

"Not what I had in mind..."

He knew it was reversible, but if it hadn't been, Roger would have been in deep trouble. He'd have to remember to keep his mind on the task at hand in the future.

For now, though..

The professor turned his attention to Peter and Kyle. The bear was still on all fours, his ass up in the air. Amusingly, Kyle was pounding it hard with the knotted dildo that the professor had told him to get, and Peter was grunting like one of his feral cousins as he took it again and again.

"They'll be fine, at least."

He looked back at Nathan. With a smile, he gestured for the cat to come over to him, and the boy did, crawling across the classroom on all fours. Nathan sat down just behind Roger's big ass, and the professor chuckled.

"Time for a new lesson, you two. Nathan, try to copy what I just did."

No sooner had he told the cat what to do than Nathan was doing it, sticking his little, small muzzle between the bull's ass cheeks. Roger had enough wakefulness to respond to that, if barely; he reached around, grabbing hold of one ass cheek to spread it further, allowing Nathan to get in nice and deep.

And now...for me... he thought as he stepped around the pair. He spread the cat's cheeks, looking at that spit slick hole. After pulling down his zipper, he pushed Nathan's head harder against Roger's ass, as he slowly lined himself up.

It's not like they should have all the fun...

The End

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