Mind Control Stream Story 10: Sung Into Servitude

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Our second mind control story was bought and paid for by FA: DrakeHavok , a good guy with a lot of good ideas. He wanted to see him and me hypnotized, and I had the perfect hypnotist in mind. Welcome to the badger bard Thimas.

Sung Into Servitude for Drakehavok by Draconicon

"You know, I never thought you'd actually be the sort that enjoyed these roadside inns."

"I don't. I came here because you suggested it."

Havok blinked at the suggestion, the white dragon arching an eyebrow.

"What are you talking about? I never suggested coming here. You did."

"I'd never do that in a million years. I came here because you sent -"

"A letter? I thought you sent one."

Draconicon, his companion, blinked at him. Slowly, the two dragons - one white and one black - reached into their pockets. Each of them pulled out a folded up letter, the outside of which was written on with a ridiculously stylish bit of calligraphy. It was made all the more ridiculous by the scene around them, a bar full of rowdy men that had just gotten off work or had just pulled in from a long trucking day.

One of them actually went flying over the bar between them, landing with a thud by the bartender. Havok barely spared him a glance before looking back at the black dragon.

"So, you didn't send this?"

"Just like I'm pretty sure you didn't send this. Should've guessed, though; the handwriting's a little too nice."

"I was gonna say the same thing, Mr. Doctor Scrawler."

"Hey, it's not that bad."

"A pharmacist couldn't read your last note."

"...Okay, fair enough."

Havok chuckled, but it didn't quite dispel his nervousness. It wasn't like it was a frequent event, but the white dragon had been kidnapped a time or two in his past. If someone wanted both him and Draconicon here - and the other dragon was hardly a slouch at keeping himself safe - then there was a reason for it. And he didn't think it was a good one.

Another victim of the bar-fight raging behind them went sliding down the bar, and they pulled their drinks off of the wooden plank to avoid it just in time. Rather than staying down, however, the badger stood up and dusted himself off. He even laughed, much to Havok's surprise.

"My my, what a lively sort of crowd."

"Uh, are you okay?"

"Oh, quite. I'm used to the rough guys."

Havok couldn't imagine anyone getting used to this sort of rowdiness. Then again, the badger didn't exactly look like the typical person to be here, either. He wore a multi-colored cape, of all things, over a loose set of pants and a button up shirt. Overall, he looked like someone that had missed his bus to Ye Olde Faire.

The badger looked over Havok's shoulder and grinned.

"Oh, so you did get the message to come here. Splendid."

"Draconicon, do you, uh, know this guy?"

"With mixed feelings, yes. This is -"

"Oh, do let me introduce myself, you closeted lizard. Hello, I'm Thimas."


"Oh, not so much in sexuality, but preference, most definitely." The badger leaned in. "The amount of times he's gone to glory-holes for cock is ridiculous, let me tell you."


"Hey, Dracky, I'm just calling it as I see it."

Havok blinked at the exchange. He looked down at the letter, then at the badger, before holding it up.

"Did you send these to us?"

"Of course. Who else would actually have readable handwriting?"


"Oh, mostly for a bit of fun. And to get the big bag of scales behind you to admit he actually likes it under someone else." The badger suddenly turned his head. "Ah, that's my cue. Talk to you boys in a minute."

As Thimas leaped back into the thick of things, the white dragon was hardpressed to say anything. He looked at the letter, at the disappearing cloak, at Draconicon, and back again, unable to come up with a thing to say.

However, Draconicon obviously had something in mind, and grabbed him by the arm, pulling him towards the exit. Havok blinked, almost falling off his feet as he followed.

"What are you doing?"

"We're leaving."

"Why? We just -"

"Thimas is going to pull one of his little tricks."

"Oh come on, what's he gonna do? Get someone drunk and throw him at you?"

"Oh, trust me, if it was only that."

"But -"


The sound of drums filled the whole room, freezing a surprising number of people in their tracks. Though some kept fighting, at least two thirds of the room had stopped, looking up at the source of the sound. Even Draconicon - despite his hurry - had been frozen in his tracks.

Past the tables and bits of broken furniture that littered the big room of the roadside inn, there was a stage for amateur performances. The karaoke machine was trashed, but evidently the microphones still worked, as the badger sat by them with a set of drums laid out around his waist. Thimas grinned at his audience.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thugs and thugettes, I believe it's time that we had a change of pace. Let's not make war -"

"Oh, don't you say it, Thimas."

"-make love, instead!"

Draconicon's groan was drowned out as the badger started pounding out a beat on his drums, seemingly random but with a surprising amount of rhythm to it. For his part, Havok rather liked the beat. It wasn't anything hummable, but he found himself warming to it pretty quickly.

Warming up in general, actually. As the beat went on, and the badger danced around the stage as he played his drums about the waist, Havok felt a surprising amount of heat building up behind his cheeks. Almost like a blush, but warmer, and deeper, and spreading through him. It was like the sound of the drums had co-opted his heartbeat, and was heating him up from the center outwards.

"D-Draconicon...wh-what is he doing?"

"It's his...music. It's...magical."

He could see that, and feel it, as sweat started to drip down his face. The fighting had completely stopped by now as all eyes followed the dancing badger on the stage. Thimas no longer seemed to need the microphone, as he dropped from the stage and danced among the tables and chairs, spinning, leaping, and generally looking like a jovian, mustachioed, drumming pied piper.

With each beat, the warmth in his head, in his heart, everywhere seemed to increase. It was like a fire burning him up from inside, and as he sweated from it, it felt like his thoughts were being pushed out with the sweat drops. Each little drop took a little more with it. Questions, concerns, thoughts...even inhibitions were sweated out with the heat of the drumbeat, drenching him from head to toe as he was left an empty shell.

Bom-ba-dum-bum. Bom-ba-dum-bum. The beat continued as the badger grew ever closer, the two dragons staring ahead blankly by the time that he stopped in front of them. Thimas smiled, putting the drums away.

"Gets 'em every time. I'd like to see Gus do THAT so easily."

Havok didn't know what he was talking about. He didn't know anything; he just stared ahead, feeling...empty.

"It's so good to see you both relaxed. You're too often stressed out, the two of you. So, let's work on fixing that. I'll be your mentor for the next few days, as you learn how to take it easy. Just let me do all the thinking, and we'll be good. Understand?"




The badger reached into his pockets, pulling out a pair of latex collars. He dropped them into the dragons' hands, and Havok looked at his. He recognized it, and realized what it was for. The smoothness felt nice between his fingers as he slowly pulled it towards his neck, following the little feeling in the back of his head that he was supposed to do that.

As Draconicon did the same sort of thing, Havok realized Thimas was pulling them along to a nearby table. The badger placed him on the top of it, sitting on the edge of the table, and pushed the black dragon to kneel on the floor in front of him. Before he knew it, the badger had also undone his pants, and done the same with Draconicon's, leaving both their cocks - surprisingly erect - sticking out.

"Now that all those pesky little inhibitions are out of the way, why don't we have a little fun? I know you enjoy getting your cock sucked, Havok - don't ask me how - and we both know that Dracky here enjoys having feet on his cock. I'm sure you two can work out what to do from there; take care of each other while I deal with the rest of the crowd."

Havok didn't see any problem with that. After all, it wasn't like he hadn't given Draconicon a footjob before, and it wasn't like he hadn't had the black dragon suck him off in the past. It was under hypnosis, admittedly, but it wasn't something new. He smiled, nodding even as his feet pushed together around his friend's cock.

As the badger walked away, Havok looked down, watching Draconicon lean forward. There was a slight bit of hesitation to the dragon's movements, almost some embarrassment. However, it didn't stop him from taking Havok's cock into his mouth, and the white dragon moaned as he felt his shaft get swallowed up. His toes curled around the base of Draconicon's cock, and he felt a string of pre against his soles.

Strangely, there was none of the urgency that there usually was with their play. No quick thrusts, no pushing one down or up. There wasn't even the need to thrust that he usually felt when he was getting a hypno-blowjob from the other dragon. Everything felt so...relaxed, quiet, and warm. Especially warm; he swore that his shirt was clinging to his chest from having soaked it through, though it wasn't a bad feeling.

As the soft, if lewd, sucking and slurping sounds continued on his cock, Havok watched as the other people were herded out of the room by the badger. Some moved out in pairs, and some moved out as entire groups, but all of them had their pants down at least a little bit, and he could see more cocks than a pornographic pride parade bobbing up and down as they made their way out of the room.

He could feel Draconicon's cock throbbing against his feet when Thimas came back, smiling at them.

"Alright, get down on the floor again, Havok."

The white dragon did just that as the badger slowly unzipped his pants.

"Time for you two to play the piper's flute."

The End

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