Latex Stream Story 7: A Symbiote Hybrid

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A rare human-only story, this explores a simple transformation by latex symbiote of a human.

A Symbiote Hybrid for Hynden85 by Draconicon

Claire never should have explored the cave. It was something deep, undiscovered, beyond the reach of most humans. And just because she could reach it, didn't mean that she should have.

It had all started with the fall, her collapse from the upper levels when the ground had given out underneath her. The lights of her expedition had faded away quickly, leaving her with only her flashlight as she tumbled further and further into the darkness. Down slopes, swept away by underground rivers, before finally being dropped into a room filled with bioluminescent moss, Claire had been pulled so far away from her group that she held little hope of finding them, let alone of escaping her chamber.

But that was a far-away fear, particularly considering what she had found in the chamber. Through a crack in the wall, something dark and strange oozed in, but rather than falling in the water and being diluted, it...moved. It was like watching something inanimate come to life, scooting across the floor like a carpet on a children's cartoon. But what turned it from strange to terrifying was the way it chased her about the room.

Claire ran across the room, climbing over stalagmites until she found one that was flat enough to balance on. Standing on it, she felt safe. Safer, at least, than when she was standing on the ground. The strange goo couldn't climb the stalagmite, nor stretch high enough to reach her. At least, she didn't think so.

But it was only a matter of time. More of the goo was pushing through the crack, and each time it joined with the bit on the ground, it got larger. Each time it reached up, it came a little closer to her boots, a little closer to touching her. What it wanted, she didn't know, nor did she want to find out.

She glanced around the room, trying to find something, anything that would keep her safe. The water hadn't stopped the creature; it had floated on it as it chased her. There was no escape but to try the river, and she already knew she couldn't swim against the current. The stalagmite she stood on was the only one big enough and flat enough to bear her weight.

She was trapped.

Claire had braced herself for the first touch of the creature, but it was nothing like what she expected. The thing's touch melted her boot from her foot in the first contact, swiping it off with the ease of a whiteboard eraser on markers. As soon as her toes were exposed, it grabbed hold, pulling itself up onto her foot and sliding up her body.

She gasped for breath as it slid beneath her clothing, somehow finding every nook and cranny that it could slide over. It at once burned and froze her, leaving her in goose bumps and sweating at the same time. She almost lost her balance, but even as she spun, her arms windmilling to keep her balance, the creature snapped out. It broke her shoe apart as it fused her now-black foot with the stalagmite, almost glueing her to it. Claire managed to recover her balance, but shuddered at the feeling of it.

Despite her brief slip, the creature had already made its way up to her thighs. Her boots and most of her pants were gone, leaving her legs and feet exposed. Her toes were pushed together by the strange creature, and as it covered them, it felt like her heel was being pushed up. Almost a high heeled shoe.

"What in the world are you?"

The creature didn't answer, only pushing itself further and further up her body. Her underwear and her pants melted away at its touch, leaving her completely exposed. And the feeling of the creature around her sex was both terrifying and enticing, rubbing her with the strange heat and ice that made it up.

And then it slid in.

Claire's eyes nearly rolled into the back of her head at the sudden, forceful penetrations between her legs. Her sex and her ass were pushed open hard, the creature flooding inside. She would have collapsed, were it not for the way that the creature had fused her to the stalagmite. As it was, she fell forward, bent at the waist as she hugged her stomach, her body invaded and attacked by the strange thing.

It felt like it was changing her inside. Her stomach, formerly aching for food, was suddenly out of her awareness. Not full, not empty, not even content; just...not there. Her pounding heart began to calm, though it felt like a fist was squeezing it, forcing it to beat in a slower pattern, keeping it from speeding up the way it wanted. It ached, but even as she tried to get used to it, she knew it was impossible.

The feeling of breathing was even different, like she didn't need to breathe as much.

What is happening to me?

You are becoming my host.

The other voice was no voice. It was in her head, 'talking' to her brain. Claire's eyes went wide, even as the goo from the creature suddenly spilled from her mouth, dripping from her nose as it spread over her face and neck. The droplets melted through her shirt and bra in no less time than the creature had burned through her pants and shoes, and it spread across her breasts in record time, leaving them a gray black, just like the rest of her exposed skin.

As it rushed down her belly to join with the strange shimmers along her lower body, the goo from her mouth spread down along her shoulders. She felt them changing, spikes growing out of them like alien appendages, and as it spread down her back, more changes felt about to happen, bulges growing beneath her new goo-skin.

What do you mean? Host for what?

For me. I I need...body.

You can't need mine! I'm still using it.

Don't worry. It won't be bad. You'll fade, and I'll live.

Claire felt the creature moving through her mind. She'd never felt this much pressure inside her skull before, and it felt as though her head would explode. Her arms refused her commands to press against her head, even as she screamed from the growing pressure inside of her.

Suddenly the pressure was relieved, as pop after pop was heard, horns sprouting one by one from her head. Each one carried some of the pressure away from her, and as she looked at the water, she saw it was like a crown, a crown of spikes upon her head.

Get out...get out of my body!

Too late. As soon as I entered you, you had no chance. If I left, you would die, and so would I.

Then -

You are mine. And will stay mine. Forever.

Claire gasped, or would have, if she had control of her mouth. The creature's presence down below felt much stronger all of a sudden, the goo inside of her sex and her ass suddenly warming. Her hips bucked on their own as the goo pushed and pulled at itself, stretching around inside of her. The strange feeling was almost like sex, like she was having something pushed inside of her.

It got stronger the more she focused on it. Even as tentacle things sprouted from her back, carrying the same pressure relieving qualities as the crown of spikes on her head, it was all Claire could think about. The push-pull-warmth between her legs left her panting, groaning even as her mind was swallowed up in that same pressure again.

That's it. Give in, and let me take over. I will use your body to its fullest potential.


This could rule. It WILL rule, under me.

Rule...the thought was an enticing one. The more she saw her body change, the more that Claire liked it. The thought of having someone else under her control, the thought of having them appreciate her, appreciate how she looked and what she could a woman in a man's world, it was more than a little exciting. Her already wet pussy started to gush, and she panted as she was filled with...something. It was like the creature had suddenly solidified itself in some way, making some sort of toy.


I am in your head. I can read your mind. I know everything you know.

It...I won't...

Won't what, human?

I won't let you take what's mine!

The idea of having someone else walk off with her body was bad enough. The thought that she had been changed beyond recognition was worse, but she might recover in time. The thought that she had been changed, and would never be able to take advantage of what she'd learned and been given was unacceptable.

The creature suddenly ceased its push at her as Claire...reached out. She couldn't control her body, but her mind was still her own, if surrounded. Rather than pushing the creature away, she grabbed for it, pulling it in.

What are you doing? Stop that!

You might have changed me, but you aren't keeping me!

No. No, this is impossible!

I am Claire Durham, and I am not letting you take anything else. You took my body. Now I'm going to take YOU!

The creature shrieked in her head, but Claire didn't give up. She pulled the creature into her head, holding it there. Realizing that the creature had been planning on smothering her, covering her with pleasure and itself, she turned it around. She grabbed the creature and pulled it into her, submerging it beneath her own thoughts, underneath her own control. The creature's shrieks gradually quieted before going completely silent.

Claire finally opened her eyes again, panting for breath. Her chest heaved, and she could feel herself...stronger. More powerful than usual. The new appendages along her back moved at her thoughts, reaching out and pushing against the ground, even lifting her up for a bit.

The changes hadn't stopped there. Her entire body was covered, from head to toe, with the strange gray-black material that had touched her. Her 'boots' had formed into high heeled things that ran up past her knee, leaving a spoke that jutted forward. What little 'clothing' the thing provided was skintight, and showed her assets off more than it hid them. In all reality, she looked like an alien mixed with a pornographic dominatrix.

Earlier, it might have embarrassed her. Now, whether it was from her transformation, the creature still inside her, or a new outlook on life, it almost made her smile.

"A human mind behind an alien body...this should be interesting."

The End

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