Latex Stream Story 5: Foxie's Enslavement

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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For Bluedude - with accompanying art by FA: Sillyme - we have a story of hypnosis and enslavement. Foxie is such a weak willed but willing creature. How will he fare against the hypno-skunk's wiles?

Foxie's Enslavement for Bluedude by Draconicon

Foxie blushed as he started taking off his clothes, folding them up carefully and putting them down on the far side of the room. It wasn't so much the fact of stripping that embarrassed him, considering he'd done it so many times, but the soft chuckles from his friend on the other side of the room.

"You've done this a hundred times now, Foxie. You don't have to be worried about showing off in front of me."

"I'm not. I'm just a bit...I don't know. I always get a little jittery."

Foxie wasn't the fox's real name, of course. It was just a nickname, something that the skunk over there called him whenever he came over. His real name - what was it, again? - was something that was left at the door, quite literally.

Not that he minded, really. Master Azure was an amazing hypnotist, and when Foxie visited, he was simply Foxie, a naked friend of his master's. When he left, he'd be back to normal, and he'd be able to remember his name and all the other things that mattered to him. He would go back to the real world, with all its stresses, all its joys, and he'd do what he always did. Whatever it was.

For tonight, though, he was Foxie, a naked man that was there to please his master, and nothing else.

As he folded up his underwear and socks, placing them on top of the pile, he heard the master's footsteps approaching him. Foxie blushed, but didn't turn in time to avoid getting hugged from behind. The master's body was furry and strong, and he giggled a bit as the master brought his tail around, rubbing his cheek with it.

"It's been a long week without you here, Foxie."

"I've been away for a week, master?"

"Let's say yes, and not think about it. You don't have to think, Foxie; that's master's job."

"Of course, master."

He dropped it, of course. He always did when the master said something was his job. Perhaps that was another trigger, but he wouldn't really know. Hypnosis was master's job, not his.

In any case, he reached around him and hugged the skunk in return, nuzzling him lightly before lowering his head.

"What will master need today?"

"I had a new idea for Foxie."

"What can I do for master?"

"We're going to play a little game."

A shudder went down the fox's back at the thought of playing a game with his master. They were always so fun, so enjoyable, and he loved getting the chance to try a new one. Last time, they'd played "Hide the Toy", and he'd learned how to keep even the biggest toys hidden away from his master. He wondered what sort of thing he'd learn this time.

Though Foxie was curious, he didn't push his master for an answer. Instead, he went to his place on his hands and knees as master walked over to the bed, sitting down on it and crossing his legs. The posture put the master's bulge on display, the tip of a hardening cock pushing out the front of his briefs.

"Are you ready for a game, Foxie?"

"I am, master, I am."

"Good. Now, go blue."

The simple phrase immediately brought his eyes to the pendant hanging from the master's neck. The blue gem in it, the swirling lights inside, immediately caught and held his eyes. Foxie's smile grew more loose as his jaw went slack, and he even giggled for a second or two before going quiet.

His thoughts, what few were left after taking off his clothes, disappeared into the swirling blue lights. Replacing them was a slow blue flood, a glow that both warmed and soothed him as it went through his mind, filling it up. It was almost like filling up a tank with something, anything, so it wouldn't be empty, and he embraced it, letting more and more of the glow into his head, taking away his thoughts, taking away everything that wasn't something that master had put inside.

"Good boy, good Foxie. Go blue for me."

"Yes master..."

He sunk deeper and deeper, carried along by the blue glow of the pendant. It was a beautiful feeling, this warm submission. Feeling it take him away, and replace him with what his master wanted, was what brought him back again and again. And soon, even that want, that need, was taken away, replaced with the master's soft words, and the pendant's soft glow.

When there was nothing but the glow, he heard the master's words again, and he leaned forward to hear it better, feeling the soft stroke of something plush against his face.

"Good Foxie. We're going to play a game. You like games, and I know you'll like this one."


"We're going to play a game called "Escape the Tail." Do you know that game?"


"Well, master's tail is a special tail. You can feel it now, so warm, so soft...wrapping around you and cushioning you, making you want to stick around...making you want to stay in its grip."

It really was. The skunk's tail wrapped around him felt so wonderful, so calming, so warm, that he never wanted to leave. He smiled, leaning against it.

"But it is sticky, dripping. You can feel it, running down your back...rubbing against your cheek...something soft, something smooth, something slick..."

He did. It was new, different. The master's tail still felt good, but what was the new thing.

"It's something dark, something gray. Something smooth, something wet, and it's spreading all over you. It's spreading all over you, like the goo over a hero, like an ooze over your fur."

His breath started to speed up, his heart starting to beat faster. He could feel it indeed, dripping over his back, and spreading along his spine. He moaned, his arms weakly pushing against the tail, but it was so big, so warm...he couldn't just get away.

"It will take you if you stay in master's tail. You can get away, if you really want. But if you stay, you will be enslaved...enslaved by the goo...enslaved by the ooze..."

He could get away. He panted, slowly opening his eyes.

Already one eye was covered, the goo spreading along his face and running down over his chin, along his jaw. He could feel it smothering his fur, covering it up as it ran over him. Foxie gasped, even as he felt the strange ooze try and push towards his mouth. He closed it, just in time, as the gray flood moved up his lips, over them, trying to force them open.

A glance down his body - such a hard thing to do - left him looking at his gray-clad body. The ooze bubbled around him, slowly settling into a suit around his middle, around his stomach and chest. It writhed and bubbled towards the edges as it continued to spread down his arms and legs, slowly encasing them within its strange confines. It felt warm inside, almost hot, right at the edge of what was comfortable and what wasn't. He panted for breath, his hands slowly rising up and pushing against the tail, but it was so hard to move.

"The ooze is spreading, Foxie. It's already covering you from neck to thighs, and spreading further. If you want to be free, you have to fight. If you want to be free, you have to escape the tail."

He pushed gently at the tail, as gently was the most he could do. He panted, even as the goo flooded over his crotch, covering his cock, covering his balls. It was sealed away behind the ooze, even as it seemed to warm more than it ever had before. Foxie panted, his hips swaying as he tried to squirm away, but the tail was so strong, so big, so hard to escape. He panted for breath, his mouth opening.

It was a mistake, as the ooze flowed inside, running over his tongue and leaving it shimmery as the rest of him. His tail rose up as the base of it was caught, and it was pulled back to leave his rump exposed. Foxie moaned, leaning forward in the tail's grip, and supported by it and his master.

Master lifted him up, holding him so that they were eye to eye. The goo continued to flood down him, even as master lifted something up that he hadn't seen before. Foxie stared at it, barely knowing what he was looking at. Master had to push it right up to his eye - the one not covered yet - to show him what it was.

It was a collar. A red collar with a black band to tie it together, and it looked like it had his name on it.

"Foxie is almost trapped...Foxie has to fight, if he wants to get away...or Foxie can lose...and be enslaved."

He pushed, he pushed so hard - gently - but it was for naught. The goo continued to cover him, from his feet to his lips. His tail was up high, and his body was too weak to fight on. Foxie slumped against the tail, giving up the fight against the goo. It had won, and he would be the slave it wanted.

The goo rushed over his head, forming a seal between the suit that he wore and the new hood that covered him. His eyes were covered, leaving him blind for a moment before it formed holes in the proper place. His mouth, his teeth, covered in the goo, felt strange, smoother than before and more like a toy. He panted, looking up at his master, momentarily begging for answers before it simply turned into a stare.

He was blank and empty as the collar slipped around his neck, tied just tight enough for him to feel it before even that feeling disappeared. He was empty. He was void. He was there merely to be filled, and he was nothing unless he was filled.

The master disappeared, and Slave fell forward. He only knew there was a bed ahead when he touched it, his cheek rubbing against it. He only knew there was a hand behind him when it touched his rump, rubbing it.

And he was only filled again when master's cock slid in, reminding him what he was. Foxie. A Slave Foxie. A Toy Foxie.

The End

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