Latex Stream Story 3: A Pleasure to Meet You

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Though in the same universe as Sanmer's dragon prison, this isn't by any means tied to it or require one to read the previous stories. Enjoy the tale of a dragon applying for a job.

A Pleasure to Meet You for DrakeHavok by Draconicon

"So, Havok. Just a couple more questions to go. Answer them right, and you'll be a full time guard here at Sanmer's Prison and Rehabilitation Facility for Dragons."

"Heh, I bet you never thought you'd have a dragon signing up to work here."

The white dragon looked across the desk at the white fox interviewing him. Truth be told, Havok wasn't at his most comfortable. A good bit of him wanted to get out of this place, but he needed the money. By all accounts, all number of species staffed the prison, so it should be alright to be a dragon guard in a dragon prison, but he couldn't quite shake a feeling of unease.

As the fox adjusted his papers, Havok glanced behind him. Though the door was shut, he could remember some of the chambers back there. Seeing the perversions going on behind closed doors had been...eye-opening, to say the least. Not to mention how it had affected him below the belt. The dragon blushed slightly, but pushed the thought away.

"Alright. Say that I hire you. How would you describe your work ethic?"

"It depends on how well you pay me."

"Come again?"

"Look, I'll be honest with you. I'm here because I heard that you pay better than anyone else. I'll work hard, but only so long as you pay me well."

The fox arched an eyebrow, and Havok wondered if he was taking the honesty thing a bit too far. It was a bit much to say, after all.

"I see. And you will work hard, if I pay you well?"

"Of course. I'm not going to leave a good employer hanging."

"Good, good. And what would you say your relationship with other dragons is like?"

"As a species, or -"


"Well, okay, I guess. I don't really socialize with many. Maybe one or two, on my off time."

"And what do you do with them?"

"Uh...that's personal."

"Heh, okay. Top or bottom, then?"

"Uh, it's more...underfoot or not. And I'm not at least half the time."

"Oh, very good."

The fox shuffled his papers again, but though he grinned, Havok didn't know if it was a good smile or a worrying one. He hoped for the former, but considering that it was an all dragon prison...and he was being flippant with the Warden...

"Well, I'm liking what I'm seeing, I have to say."


"A bit of an attitude problem, but nothing that a healthy infusion of cash doesn't seem capable of fixing."

Go figure. He didn't think that the fox would really go for him standing his ground like that. Maybe the other employers he'd applied for would have respected him a bit more if he'd actually done that. Havok smiled, getting to his feet.

"Alright, then. When should I start?"

"Right now. Here's your gear."

The fox pulled a box out from under the table - I must have stood a better chance than I thought, if he was holding it already - and passed it over to him. Havok flipped off the lid, and blinked as he looked inside.

"What -"

"It's your uniform and gear."

"Where's the rest of it?"

"That's it."

His cheeks burned red enough to remind him of a dragon he saw bent over and taking it from behind. Inside the box was nothing but a cock sleeve, a chest harness, and a pair of boots for a uniform. It was something that looked utterly outsized for anyone but an orca, too; even if he was at his hardest and biggest, there was no way he could fill anything in there.

"Don't you have smaller sizes?"

"Heh, don't you go worrying about that. Just put it on, Havok; it'll sort itself out."

This better not be some sort of joke, Havok thought. If it was, he was going to come back with a lawyer and sue the hell out of this place. It wasn't like the fox would be able to stop him if he did, and he felt like he was owed something for his time, anyway. Coming down for an interview, dealing with all the lewd sights...

He decided to go for the boots, first. They were a thick latex, shiny and black. They were also for feet at least five times bigger than his, something that wasn't lost on him as he laid them on the floor and took off his shoes. He was about to step into them when Warden Sanmer pressed a hand to his shoulder.

"Ah, perhaps you better get all the way undressed first."


"Trust me, you're going to want that done before you finish getting your uniform on."

He hesitated, but the dragon went with the fox's suggestion. It didn't keep him from blushing when he took his clothes off, of course, but he figured that Sanmer knew what he was talking about. Better to go with what worked, huh?

Covering his crotch as he got his pants and underwear off, he wiggled his shirt over his head with one hand, and then covered his cock with his other hand as he took the shirt the rest of the way off. Despite his embarrassment, he got no sympathy from Sanmer, who just chuckled.

"Okay, now you're ready to put the boots on. Go ahead."

Shaking his head, Havok did as he was told. As soon as his foot slipped past the mouth of the boot, though, he felt a tingle running up his scales. He started to pull back, but the fox grabbed him first.

"It's part of the process. Let it happen."

"What, my feet ballooning up?"

"You said you'd do what I said for money. Stay still and let it happen, and there'll be five thousand dollars in your account by the end of the day."

Five thousand...That was a lot of money, and he could really use it. And bigger feet...well, it wasn't that big of a deal.

Havok nodded, slowly lifting his other foot and putting it in the other boot. It was a strange feeling, he had to admit. As he watched, his legs thickened, and he could feel the smooth interior of the boot pressing against the sides of his foot when it hadn't before. He wobbled back and forth as the changes continued, having to reach out and grab hold of the fox's desk to keep himself from falling over.

It got really weird, however, when his feet were full sized. When his toes pressed against the front of the shoes, and his legs were thick enough to fill the boot's opening from side to side, his leg scales started to change. From white they turned to black, with only a few places remaining white. The black flesh was as shimmery as the boots, and as Havok reached down to touch it, he realized that it felt as smooth, and wet, as it looked.


"Nanites are such wonderful things. Now the sleeve. Come on, come on, there's not a lot of time."

Not a lot of time until what? Havok thought as he blindly reached for the cock sleeve. It wasn't just that, of course, as it did wrap around his ass, but it was such a blatant feature that he couldn't just ignore it. The dragon - or at least, dragon hybrid - looked down at the changes to his legs as he pulled the cock sleeve up, and couldn't help but wonder what would happen with this piece of equipment.

As soon as he pulled it up, he felt his ass grow. Not much, but enough that he felt his ass cheeks grow hard with muscle, straining at the back of the strap behind the cock sleeve. It seemed to make it all the tighter, and he wondered if it was tugging the sleeve down his cock further than it should.

Then he realized that his cock was growing as well. Havok stared at it with widening eyes as the latex sleeve around his cock swelled, then swelled again, each time adding more than two inches of length and a full inch of width to his cock. It grew outwards, pulled and milked by the sleeve in rapid tugs and pulses, and the dragon panted as he leaned over the desk, his cock throbbing with need and dripping into the sleeve.

"This is...this is impossible."

"No, this is science. SCIENCE!"

The fox laughed while handing him the harness, and Havok put it on without thinking about it. It was a massive thing for his thin torso, but he imagined it would create the same changes that had already spread through his lower body.

And he was right. As soon as he put it on, his white scales - save for a strip down his chest - turned black, and the muscle beneath them started bulking up rapidly. The weight of the harness was forgotten as he surged to not only a greater height, but a greater width, his skin becoming slick and shiny, smooth and powerful, as though a measure of the latex in the materials had been put into his skin.

As his chest burst outwards, Havok noticed a few other changes happening. In addition to the new skin tone - and it was skin, not scales - his body was changing in other ways. His face was fattening, widening, and his tail was growing thicker at the base, and fluked at the end. The same features...the same features as the orca guards he saw.

So this is how he keeps control...make every guard as strong as the other...and as horny as the other, Havok thought as his cock throbbed particularly hard. He groaned, his entire body starting to feel the need that the sleeve was forcing through his cock, and his entire body covered in a strange smoothness that was so new to him compared to his scales.

He turned to the fox, panting.

"What...what do I do..."

"Looks like you're not quite acclimated to your body yet. I'll have to deal with that; first time trying this sort of thing on a dragon, you know."

" translation, please."

"It works differently on a dragon, and you're not used to the constant horniness yet."

"Why couldn't you just say that?"

"It's more fun to say it my way." The fox chuckled. "Besides, I can help you with this anyway."


"Oh, you'll just have to bend over, and we'll fix it now."

"Bend -"

He fell over as the fox gave him a push from behind, not used to his new body. As he did, a variety of toys were thrown over his head, dildos of all sizes and vibrators that ranged from barely visible to nearly belonging on a horse falling around him. Havok's eyes went wider and wider at the display.

"Equipment 45b, open rear hatch."

The new orca gasped as he felt the back of...well, uniform, open up and expose his ass. No sooner had it slipped open than he felt several different vibrators - one a shaft, one an egg - rubbing against his hole.

"Decisions, decisions..."

Oh god...he better have a lot of money to make this worth it...

The End

Latex Stream Story 4: Paralyzing Payback

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Latex Stream Story 2: Conditioned by the Costume

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Latex Stream Story 1: The HardRock Costume

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