Latex Stream Story 1: The HardRock Costume

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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This first story of the latex stream is a continuation of Sanmer's story "Groped on the Grandstand", #148 in this folder, and shows the progress of Hardrock's issues with his costume and the sneaky guy messing with him.

The Hardrock Costume for Sanmer by Draconicon

As Hardrock slammed the lid of the dumpster down, he had a rare moment of forgetting his strength. The dumpster not only bounced, but the whole thing bent in half from the heavy blow, the metal trash container nearly leaving a crater in the ground. The dragon groaned, shaking his head several times before walking off, his hands clenched into fists.

"Fucking fucker fucker fuck!"

It wasn't a usual thing for him to swear so much, but at this point, he couldn't help himself. That was the fifth costume ruined by whatever prankster had gotten him to cum on stage, and this one - like all the others - had somehow gotten caught on camera. The dragon tried to control his temper, not wanting to cause another incident like he'd just done with the dumpster, but it was hard.

Particularly as he needed a new costume now. All he had left was the ratty old thing that he was wearing now, something with enough holes from his fights that it showed off more scales than it hid. It was barely decent, but it at least had his logo across the chest, and it covered him up enough to remain decent.

The dragon glared at his crotch. Five times. Five separate times he'd been molested by his own costume, and his body had betrayed him.

"Extra, extra, read all about it!"

Hardrock turned his head, groaning as he saw the tabloids being waved around by the street vendor. It took everything the dragon had not to go over there and throw the piles of magazines into the city river.

He already knew the titles. "Hardrock or Rock-Hard? Pervert or Superhero?" "Hardrock Rock-Hard under the Crimson Commander!" "Hardrock: Civil Servant or Super Slut?"

Each and every one was a barb in his side, and he growled as he walked on by. He could feel the eyes of some of the citizens watching him, and while he couldn't hear any laughter, the dragon would have been shocked if there wasn't any.

It's not like I want this to keep happening, he thought to himself. The way that the suits kept molesting him always happened at precisely the wrong times, and he swore that there were always photographers around at the worst possible time. He still didn't know how one of them had caught him cumming in his costume during the fight with the Crimson Commander, considering they'd been fighting over four hundred feet up in the air, but it had been done, and it was on the front page of most publications the next day.

I gotta find that guy...but first, I gotta get a new costume, and one that's not going to be ruined after just one...accident.

He hated thinking of it that way, but until he found this guy, he was going to keep losing costumes unless he found one that was more waterproof, or at least kept stuff inside. As a dragon, Hardrock tended to...release...a great deal of stuff when he came. The suits had been absolutely soaked, drenched, and stunk to high heaven of dragon cum. Anything new had to get around that problem.

He had a number of stores in mind that catered to superheroes, but as he rounded a bend, he spotted something new.

"Olly's Original Creations: Nano-Suits for Super Men..."

While the business's sign was interesting enough, Hardrock would have continued on his way if the proprietor hadn't looked so familiar. The olinguito had to be the guy from the award ceremony weeks ago, the guy that he'd found in the back showers...who'd seen the first accident.

"...Your creations better be good..."

The dragon walked across the street and walked into the shop. As soon as he stepped inside, the olinguito looked up and smiled.

"Oh, Hardrock. Good to see you again."

"You...remember me."

"Uh, yes, I, well, it was a little hard to forget."

"Please try."

"So...what can I do for you?"

Hardrock gestured at his costume, pulling at one of the sleeves. He kept from wincing as it ripped further, but only just.

"I need something new."

"Ah, then you're in the right place. I've got hundreds of different suits and designs, from the basic polymers to something that would stop a bullet in its tracks. I have -"

"Do you have anything waterproof?"

"Water - Oh. Uh, I do, yes."

The olinguito bent down. The dragon expected him to come back up with a box or something, but instead, he came up with a ring. It looked no different from the simple wedding bands most people wore, but it actually had a price tag on it.

"What's this?"

"It's part of the nanite costume."

"What the hell is that?"

"Well, it's really complicated, but...well, basically the ring holds thousands, millions of nanites, and when you activate it, they make you a costume. It's watertight, skintight, and basically will keep out anything short of a super-sharp sword."

"'ll keep everything in, too?"

"Of course. It's not like it passes one way and not the other."

"Give it to me. I need to try it on."

"Of course."

The dragon took the ring with him to one of the fitting rooms in the back. There was a surprising amount of security back there, but he supposed that the shop owner wanted to make sure that the superheroes that were his clientele were able to keep their secret identities. Just standing in the middle of the fitting room, he could feel just how thick the walls were, and he imagined that some of them were lined with lead or other materials to keep x-ray vision from getting through.

It didn't take him long to strip out of his costume, throwing the raggedy thing on the floor. He looked at his naked form in the mirror, shaking his head.

"This better work."

Despite all his muscles and his incredible physique, he would be the laughingstock of the city if he kept losing all his costumes like this. Even if he had an erection while fighting, if this thing worked properly, he wouldn't look as much like a pervert if he didn't look like he was cumming.

Assuming that he just needed to put the ring on and will the nanites to activate, Hardrock slid the ring down his ring finger. As soon as it hit the bottom, it seemed to tighten, and the costume began to spread.

"Okay...this is stranger than I expected."

The dragon leaned back as his fingers were rapidly covered in a layer of shimmery black latex. It wasn't something he'd worn before, but he recognized it from a few other costumes he'd seen through the city. It glimmered under the light, like sunlight flashing over the water. It spread quickly, too, running down his fingers like a slime before crawling up his arm. Everything it touched looked like it had been painted black, keeping all his muscles in full display.

He kind of liked that, even if it did feel rather weird. Hot too, as it started to hold in his body heat. His palm felt sweaty, but even as he touched it with his uncovered hand, it seemed to be perfectly fine, his grip unchanged.

"Now that's a nice feature."

The nanites spread over his other fingers as he pulled his hand back, both of his hands soon completely black with the rest of it spreading up his arms. The left half of his torso was covered with the slime before the right, and it spread along his back while it waited for the other half to catch up. Hardrock grunted as his wings were suddenly pulled upwards, the latex tightening around them in a protective feeling layer. It would be harder to fly, he realized, but it would still be possible. Just....harder.

As the latex spread down his body, over his waist and down his tail, he was greeted with the strange feeling of it swallowing his cock. It started at the base, pulling on it until it was pressed against his crotch, pinning it down. However, rather than forming a simple layer over it, the costume seemed to make a sleeve around his cock, a shimmering, tight, squeezing sleeve that quickly brought him to erection. Hardrock groaned, shaking his head in disapproval at the new 'feature' of the costume.

Before he could complain about it, however, it was covered up with another layer of latex, giving him a bulge, but no actual sign of his cock. The slimy latex ran down over his ass, sliding between the cheeks before running down his legs. He expected it to form boots over his feet, but instead it just covered his soles and his toes, leaving them looking like his bare feet, though a bit bigger.

With it complete, the dragon looked over his new costume. It wasn't bad; a little plain, perhaps, considering the lack of logo. However, even as he thought of it, it covered his chest, growing out of the latex.


But there was still something he needed to test. If the olinguito was right, then this was waterproof. He needed to see if it was dragonproof. For that, he needed to expose -

No sooner had he thought about it than the second layer around his groin pulled back, allowing his cock to flop out. It was still covered in the same layer, but as he gripped it, Hardrock couldn't help but moan. Despite the layer between him and his cock, it was an amazing feeling, more like a sex toy than a sleeve for his cock. He started stroking himself hard, squeezing his cock as it throbbed beneath the latex, bubbling with pre already. He could feel it making his cock all slimy as he stroked, and blushed to himself as he realized what he was doing.

It's just a test. I have to make sure that it works. There's nothing perverted about it. I haven't changed. It's just. A. Test.

Still, he stroked faster and harder, his cock feeling slimier and wetter with his own pre, but nothing seemed to leak from the sleeve. He bucked his cock into his fist, fucking his own hand, until -


The dragon had to lean against the wall as he came, squirting his load into the latex. He panted hard, feeling it balloon around his shaft. It looked like his cock was growing beneath the latex as he shot his load, and Hardrock blushed harder.

Can't have it like that...gotta get rid of -

Again, no sooner had he thought of it than the latex seemed to swallow it up. The flood of it disappeared, the latex around his cock skintight once more, and squeezing enough to show every detail of his shaft.

"Well're definitely a keeper..."

He pushed his cock back into place, and let the second layer cover it before stepping out of the dressing room. He walked over to the register.

"Can you charge that to the city's account for me?"

"Of course, sir. I hope you enjoy your purchase."

"It's amazing. I've never seen the like."

"Well, thank you. I'll make sure our suppliers hear your compliments."

"Be sure they do."

Hardrock walked out of the business with a smile on his face. He might not have found his enemy yet, but at least he had something that would keep him from looking like such a fool during the hunt.

The End

Latex Stream Story 2: Conditioned by the Costume

Conditioned by the Costume for Sanmer by Draconicon As Hardrock opened the door to his apartment, the dragon smiled for the first time in a long time. His suit slowly pulled back from his scales as he shut the door behind him, and as it slipped...

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Superhero Stream Story 4: Slipping Down Her Slope

Slipping Down Her Slope for Studley by Draconicon _When will the new heroes learn not to rush in?_ Sheena shook her head at the scene playing out in the bank, the snow leopard rather surprised that the wolf fighting the thugs was holding his...

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Superhero Stream Story 3: Groped on the Grandstand

Groped on the Grandstand For Sanmer by Draconicon Waiting for an award wasn't something that Hardrock usually had to put up with. Normally, the dragon superhero did his job, delivered the criminals - or victims, in the case of natural disasters...

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