Superhero Stream Story 4: Slipping Down Her Slope

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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The last superhero themed story from the stream was picked up by FA: Studley-Destiny and involves his character's past as a hero, as seen through the eyes of someone else.

Slipping Down Her Slope

for Studley

by Draconicon

When will the new heroes learn not to rush in?

Sheena shook her head at the scene playing out in the bank, the snow leopard rather surprised that the wolf fighting the thugs was holding his own as well as he was. He didn't seem to have any particular powers besides the basic regeneration factor that half of the new wave of heroes picked up (a genetic evolution, she supposed) but hadn't been knocked down yet.

Still, it would only be a matter of time. The three thugs he was fighting weren't the common street thugs that the new guys were used to, or even a generic bank team. They were strong, and judging by the craters they were leaving in the ground, were hitting hard enough to test the wolf's healing factor. He'd go down eventually; all the newcomers did.

On the plus side, he had held them back long enough for her to get here, and that was good enough.

Pulling down the reflective goggles that completed her look, Sheena - better known as Ice Princess - thrust her hands forward and blasted two of the criminals in the back with her ice beams. They went flying forward, while the third - a polar bear - was distracted just long enough for the wolf to rush to his feet and resume the fight.

"It seems that I got here just in time, Mr. - oh my."

"What? What's the matter?"

"Well, normally first meetings warrant some decorum."

"What are you -" The wolf ducked a punch and followed up with one of his own as Sheena started freezing her criminals from the ankles up. "What are you talking about?"

"I'll tell you after."

Drawing her hands up the otter and the jaguar, she made sure that only their heads were uncovered. They still needed to breathe, after all, but she preferred them not getting any momentum started. She remembered the Juggernaut-imitator a few months back. He'd barely been able to move his pinkie finger, but he'd managed to get moving again, and when he did...well, the chase hadn't been easy. She doubted that these guys had anything beyond superstrength, but it never hurt to be safe.

With them safely encapsulated, she turned to watch the wolf fight. The feline smiled as he ducked and dodged between the bear's heavy blows, occasionally nodding in approval when he managed to land a good blow. He seemed to be fairly well practiced at fighting. Not yet a master, by her eye, but definitely at least high ranking. He'd do well, if he lived long enough.

As the wolf ducked under a heavy blow, Sheena saw a second punch coming up. She winced as it caught the wolf in the stomach and carried him across the room, across broken glass and shards of wood.

"Ooooh, that looks like it hurt. Do you need a hand?"

"Nah, nah. I got it."

The wolf stood up, his wounds closing over as the glass and wood was pushed back out of his skin. He cracked his neck as the last piece fell out, shaking his head.

"Geez, that hurts..."

"So does getting punched."

The bear growled as he charged again, Sheena watching with crossed arms as the thug tried attacking the wolf one more time. When he moved, though, she doubted that the bear could have followed his actions. This time, the wolf was faster than before, his punches darting below the belt and hitting the bear in the nuts three times in a row. She flinched in sympathy, but didn't say a word.

As the bear collapsed, and she started freezing him, the wolf walked over to stand beside her. He offered his hand.


She looked at him with a raised eyebrow behind her goggles.

"Is that a claim to your bedroom prowess or are you describing your gloves."

"No, uh, that's my name. Studley."

"...What is it with your generation?"

She shook her head, finishing up the process of freeze-imprisoning the bear before turning back to the wolf. She offered her hand in return.

"I'm the Ice Princess."

"Don't I get a name?"

"Heh, you just did. And you might get more, considering the show I just got."

"Really? I thought I was doing pretty darn good with those guys."

"Oh, I wasn't talking about that."

"Then what were you talking about?"

"Remember how I said I'd tell you something later?"

"Well, it is later."

"'re kind of missing your pants right now."

Studley immediately looked down at himself while Sheena chuckled. The slight blush on his face was rather adorable, she had to admit; he obviously hadn't noticed that he was fighting pantsless, despite how much he was swinging around. She imagined that any of the lady tellers - and any men that swung that way - were feeling more than a little interested after seeing that display.

Rather than run off or cover himself, though, he grumbled. Like a crotchety old man, she thought, though he didn't look that old. He bowed to her.

"I'm so sorry about that. I'll go see -"

"Maybe later. I have something else I want to see."

"Excuse me?"

She grabbed him by the shoulder, pulling him towards the window. Waving one hand ahead, she created an ice ramp, and after stomping onto it, kicked off with a blast of cold out through her boots. The ramp continued to create itself, pulling her - and her semi-willing wolf friend - out through the window and above the roof.

Sheena looked about for a good place to stop for a chat. There were a number of open rooftops around, but most of them were on top of very short buildings. Skyscrapers, which were her preference, were much further into the city, and there was no way she was getting to one quickly with her cargo in tow.

She settled for a three story high apartment building with what looked like a thick roof, and let the ice dissolve into water behind her. She heard a few loud complaints as she stepped from her ice lane to the building, but she discounted them; considering the hot day, she doubted that most people would really complain of a way to cool off.

"Now, I think -"


Now that's not a typical sound... She turned around, and almost immediately broke out laughing. Studley was covered from head to toe in frost, looking like an arctic wolf rather than a gray wolf, and his mouth was frozen open with icicles sticking to his teeth, and his tongue hanging out with a giant one hanging from it.

"Oh god, I'm sorry. Let me fix that."

Carefully, the snow leopard gradually removed the bits of ice sticking to his fur, patting him off and helping him remove the icicles from his mouth and his tongue. The big one hanging from his tongue had been nearly as large as what had been hanging from his legs earlier, and it took some careful handling from her to get that off. She had to lick his tongue a bit to get enough heat there to start the de-frosting process, and even that was only somewhat effective, leaving her having to wrench it off of him.

"GAH! By bounge!"

"Sorry. You'll be better in a second."

He didn't look too happy, but she knew his sort. They were always healing up, barely all that bothered by the pain. In her day, they'd had to do all their heroing without any of the fancy regenerative abilities. If you got hurt, you stayed hurt until you healed naturally. And they were better for it, she had to say.

In a few seconds, he was back to normal. Enough to talk, at least. Sheena sat down, pulling off her goggles to look him in the eye. He seemed rather surprised that she had taken them off, and she chuckled.

"Well, you don't expect me to wear them when I'm not fighting, do you?"

"Well, I kinda...sorta..."

"We're not always in the habit of keeping secrets from each other. Besides, I have an offer for you."

"An offer? Do you go around doing this all the time or something?"

"No." She patted one of the vents near her. "Sit down."

While he was getting seated, she started taking off more of her uniform, starting with her boots and ending with her hardened leather chest plate. When she was done, she was wearing little more than a bikini, and she stretched as she was free of the stifling costume.

"Mmmph. I swear, wearing that in LA in the middle of summer? It's better suited for ski slopes."

"I see some slopes..."

"Oh ho ho, naughty boy."

She chuckled, turning to face him. She saw his eyes going lower on her body almost right away, which was what she expected. However, they came right back up, something that made her think a bit better of him. After all, not all the boys his age were so quick to come back to a respectable line of sight. With her eyes, rather than her breasts.

"I'm going to make you a deal. I'll teach you some extra moves, help you develop some of your skills. I'll take you on missions against big baddies, so you can try your stuff against them, and show you how to handle the ones that are above you right now.

"In return...I get to have you all to myself after each mission, and after training sessions."

"So...I'm going to be a side-kick booty call?"

"Hmmm, if that's how you want to think of it. But judging by your cock coming up, I think you like the idea."

"I's tempting."

"Well, come here and take a slide down my 'slopes', and tell me what you think after."

As he stood up, she smiled and spread her legs. Whether or not he decided to take her deal, she was still going to have fun. She hoped he would, though; she had a very good feeling about this wolf boy, and she wanted at least one exceptional hero from the new generation.

The End

Superhero Stream Story 3: Groped on the Grandstand

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