Superhero Stream Story 2: The Big Brawl Bash

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Who do you think got this one? FA: Lupesoule wanted to see a superhero who'd gotten a little overconfident get a little lesson, and this is the result.

The Big Brawl Bash for Idesin by Draconicon

Bash grunted as she was thrown across the ring again, rebounding off of the padded titanium walls before hitting the ground. The latex-clad rhino groaned as she pulled herself back to her feet, shaking her head to get rid of the lingering fuzziness.

"What's the matter, Bash? I thought you were saying you were on my level."

"Put a sock in it, Lupe! Better yet, put my horn in it!"

She charged forward with a shout, both arms pumping as she ran at the werewolf in front of her. He grabbed her by the shoulders, but she had enough momentum and force behind her charge to keep pushing him back, at least a few feet. He held her back after that.

Bash grabbed hold of his arms, pushing them back, but immediately found herself in a grapple with the bigger canine. She glared at him between their hands, and he panted as he pushed back with her.

"Not bad, girl, not bad. But I expected better from the hero that took down the Frein Family."

"I ain't...done...yet..."

The crowd above the ring cheered for the two heroes, and the rhino was happy to hear her name chanted as much as the wolf's. She might have been new to the business, but she was just as good as any of the old hands. She could handle herself, no matter what this overgrown fluff-ball said about her.

They circled each other, each one trying to get a handle on the other. Unfortunately, she was spending more time countering his actions than making any moves of her own, and it cost her. The wolf kicked out and knocked her legs out from under her, and Bash fell forward hard. Her chest hit the ground first, then her hips, but her legs were still up in the air. She realized that her ankles were in Lupe's grip just as he started tugging.

Oh fuck...

"Don't you da-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-are!"

Her shout turned into a scream as the wolf started spinning in a circle, dragging her along with him. Her arms went flying above her head, and her domino mask almost fell off before she grabbed it and pushed it down again. Her breasts were forced nearly up to her chin by the force of the spinning, and all the blood was rushing to her head.

"Go on, you can do it, Bash!"

"Spin that loser into the wall, Lupe!"

"Kick him in the nuts, girl!"

"Send her flying, wolf-man!"

The advice was pretty useless. With the wolf spinning her the way he was, the only thing that could happen was for her to go flying. If she was lucky, it wouldn't be very far. Rather than fighting it, she relaxed and braced herself at the same time.

In seconds the wolf let go, and she was rocketing towards the wall again, this time face first. The padding looked a lot less soft this time around. She closed her eyes -


The impact was hard enough to leave her head spinning, and she groaned as her feet hit the ground. She started to wobble, but groaned as she felt her head get wrenched back in position.

What the hell?

Opening her eyes, Bash stared at the cushion in front of her.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me!"

Her horn was stuck right through the padding, embedded in the wall. Even pulling back a little bit made her head ache, but she couldn't stay there. Bash shoved her hands against the wall, the rhino bending her head back to try and slide it out, but it must have hooked on something because it wasn't sliding free. She punched the wall, but her fists barely made an indentation on the wall, let alone a full dent.

"Come on, come on, come one! Stupid horn!"

"Looks like you're a bit stuck there, Bash."

"Can it, Lupe! I'll kick your ass when I get loose."

"Yeah, no, I don't think that's going to happen. But it works."


"Now that you can't move, this is much easier."


The wolf pulled her hands behind her back and snapped something shut around them. Bash pulled at them, expecting to get loose - those cheap cop cuffs broke all the time - but they held strong. She pulled at them again, and then stomped on the floor, barely missing Lupe's foot.

"We said no gadgets!"

"Would a supervillain agree to that?"

"No, but -"

"You gotta remember how they think, Bash."

Lupe's hands were suddenly right over her breasts, and she gasped as he squeezed them, fondling them through her outfit. Suddenly, the latex felt a lot tighter than it actually was, and she blushed as he found her nipples and squeezed them.

"Think that the villains are just gonna lie down and do what you want all the time?"

"Lupe! Just fight me, damn it!"

"But I am fighting you. Just a different part of - you!"

He punctuated his sentence by pulling her out of the wall. It left her with an enormous ache in the horn, but at least it was still in one piece; she'd been too worried about breaking it to pull it out herself.

He threw her to the floor, on her back. Her shoulders ached, but before she could try and get free, he was on top of her. The wolf's furry body pinned her handily, and his hands were right back at her breasts. The rhino grimaced at the way he fondled her, but she couldn't help her body's reaction, something that she could tell he could smell.

The crowd's mood had changed, too. She blushed as she realized that they were starting to cheer more for Lupe, and much less for her.

I did not come this far to get my ass handed to me...or to hand it over to a wolf!

"Heh, I think you're enjoying this, Bash."


Finding an opening, she kicked upwards with both legs at once. The kick to the gut wouldn't really put the werewolf out of action - despite sending any normal guy to the emergency room with broken ribs - but it gave her the chance to stand up again. She gasped, her thighs pressed together to hide her reaction to his fondling.

She was still panting for breath as Lupe stood up again. This time, he was flexing his claws, and smirking.

"Heh, well, if you can take it, I might as well go all out."


"I was taking it easy on you. Didn't think you could take that much. But if you can, no reason to hold back."

He was faster than she expected. Much faster. He darted forward and hit her in the arm and stomach with several quick punches, but it was the soft raking of his claws that came after that shocked her. The rhino backed up, waving her head and keeping her horn lowered, but it did nothing to keep the wolf away. He just kept coming, darting under her defenses and moving faster than she could keep up with.

She finally got him with a kick, but the motion made her costume slip. It was as the latex pulled along her ass that she realized that there were holes in it. Lots and lots of holes, over lots and lots of embarrassing places. Her face turned bright red.

"LUPE! I'm going to -"

He hit her from behind, knocking her off her feet and sending her flying to the floor. She hit the ground hard, her horn ploughing right through the floor this time. She could already feel it without even opening her eyes.


"Giving up, Bash?"



"...Fuck you, man..."

"Heh, no, I think in this case, it's fuck you."

Bash's eyes went wide as she felt something that wasn't a hand or anything like it pressed against her rump. She couldn't look back, but as it started dripping on her, she had a pretty good idea of what she was feeling.

"You wouldn' fucking wouldn't..."

"You know I would."

"Lupe, I swear, if you - OH FUCK!"

Closing her eyes tight, the rhino bit her lips to keep from moaning as the werewolf stuffed his cock into her pussy. Her hands clenched into fists, and she imagined wrapping them around Lupe's neck for humiliating her like this, for showing her up in front of all these people. Hell, his cock in her wasn't that bad, but doing it in front of everyone after beating her in a fight? Low fucking blow.

She blushed, though, as he started plunging into her, each thrust taking him balls deep in her pussy. The holes were widespread enough for her to feel her juices starting to leak down her legs, and Lupe laughed as he rubbed the backs of her legs.

"Looks like you needed this pretty bad, Bash. Didn't need to go throwing the fight to let me fuck you, though."

"Screw you! You know this was an accident."

"Heh, if you say so. From here, it looks like you wanted me just as much as I wanted you."

I hate it when he's right, she thought, even though it wasn't a conscious decision to lose. She couldn't even say that it was subconscious. But she had thrown her all into the fight.

A referee walked out into the arena, standing at their sides. True, Bash could only see his shoes and calves, but she could recognize a referee when she saw one. The feline seemed to look at them before chuckling.

"Well, I think we can declare Lupe the winn-"

"Don't you dare, ref!"

"But, uh, Bash, he's kind know he's -"

"Let him finish! I'll beat the stuffing out of him as soon as I'm out of the floor."

"Uh...Lupe, do you -"

"Let the lady try. I got more than enough energy to go another few all the meanings of the word."

I bet you do, wolf boy. And I'm gonna make you prove it.

The End

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